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1、大学英语语法,College English Grammar,英语语法构成示意图,英语句子五个层次的变化,简单的简单句复杂的简单句非简单句复杂结构充当句子成分从句套从句的结构,简单的简单句六个最基本句型,以及其中包含的六种句子成分(主谓宾系表补)。SV(主谓)SVO(主谓宾)SVP(主系表)SVOOC(主谓宾宾补)SVIODO(主谓双宾语)There be+O(There be),复杂的简单句在六大句型基础上加三大修饰成分(定语、状语、同位语)后句子变得更加复杂了,但仍属于简单句(即句号前只有一个主谓结构)。如:I left the beautiful city Beijing yesterd

2、ay.主 谓 定 宾 同位 状,非简单句当一个句号前出现两个、甚至更多个主谓结构时,简单句就变成了并列句或复合句。并列句(并列连词连接)复合句(从句引导词引导),复杂结构充当句子成分简单句子中的成分一般由简单的词或词组充当,而随着句子变长变难,句中的一个成分可能就会由长而且复杂的结构充当,如从句、非谓语动词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语等等。如:Feeling upset and not wanting to try,I left the city which I loved.(分词短语作状语、从句作定语),从句套从句的结构一个复杂的句子中,可以有两个以上的从句,这些从句相互之间可以是平

3、行关系,也可以是从属关系(即从句套从句),这种情况理解难度较大。,目录,(一)语气(虚拟语气)(二)情态动词(三)形容词、副词及比较级、最高级(四)代词及其指代一致(五)主谓一致(六)倒装结构(七)省略问题(八)否定句及其惯常用法(九)独立主格结构(十)名词性从句,第一讲 语气,Mood,Please sit down!I am a teacher./I am not a teacher./Are you a teacher?If I were you,I would do better.,英语中有三种语气:祈使语气(Imperative mood)直陈语气(Indicative mood)虚

4、拟语气(Subjunctive mood),If he had driven(drive)more carefully,he would not have had(have)the car accident yesterday.,虚拟语气,Subjunctive Mood,虚拟语气是一种表示假设、意愿、建议、请求、命令、猜测、可能或主观打算的一种语气。,近两年虚拟语气在英语四六级中的考查情况:体现在翻译题型中,【CET-4:2006.6】The professor required that we hand in our research report(s).(我们交研究报告)。【CET-6:

5、2007.6】It is absolutely unfair that these children(should)be deprived of the right to receive education.(被剥夺了受教育的权利).,Its time something was done/some measures were taken(采取措施)about the traffic problem downtown.,【CET-4:2006.12】The victim would have survived(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital

6、 in time.【CET-6:2007.12】But for mobile phone,our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient.(我们的通讯就不可能如此迅速和方便),【CET-6:2007】If you had followed my advice/suggestion,you would not have been in trouble.(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).,虚拟语气的考点归纳如下:(should)+动词原形的情形wish,if only,it is time的用法if或but f

7、or等引导的条件句,Summary,1.1 虚拟语气的类别,从虚拟语气的形式和内容两方面着眼,可将其分为三大类:be型虚拟语气Were型虚拟语气条件虚拟语气,1.2 be型虚拟语气,Be型虚拟语气指在任何情况下,不分时态、人称,句子谓语动词统统使用原形动词的虚拟形式,be型虚拟语气主要有两种用途,1)用于含有命令、建议、要求等意义的结构中含有上述意义的动词后的宾语从句含有上述意义的名词后的同位语从句或表语从句含有上述意义的某些It is+过去分词+that 或it is+形容词+that 的结构中 在英国英语中,这一类的虚拟语气也可以用should+原形动词的形式,The teacher in

8、sisted that we be in his office at 5 oclock.老师坚持让我们五点钟到他的办公室去。The general ordered that his troops retreat from the frontline.将军命令部队从前线撤退。,All I request of you is that you be punctual.我只要你准时到。It is essential that the new technique be introduced.引进新工艺很重要。It is imperative that you present yourself at t

9、he meeting.你务必亲自出席会议。,Instructions are issued that the war prisoners be released.释放所有战犯的命令已经下达。It is the committees decision that the meeting be put off until next Friday.委员会决定会议延至下星期五举行。,常与be型虚拟语气连用的动词主要有:advise,agree,decide,demand,insist,move,order,prefer,propose,request,require,suggest等名词主要有:deci


11、一般可为直陈语气所取代。,如:If that be the case,we have to give up our original plan.倘若情况果真如此,我们将不得不放弃原定计划。Whatever be your reason,you have no right to be rude to your elders.无论你有什么理由,你都无权对长辈们粗鲁无礼。,They evacuated the building lest the wall collapse.他们撤出了大楼,以防墙壁倒塌。Though he slay me,will I trust in him?即使他要杀我,我也要信

12、赖他吗?Long live our motherland!祖国万岁!,God save his soul.上帝保佑他的灵魂得到安息。Far be it from me to accept his advice blindly.我决不会盲目接受他的意见。Home is home,be it ever so homely.家纵简陋,总归是家。We can always lend you a helping hand if need be.倘有必要,我们随时可以援一引手。,1.3 were型虚拟语气,Were 型虚拟语气主要指be动词在某些表示与事实相反的语境里使用固定的were形式其他动词在类似的

13、语境里使用过去时或过去完成体形式的虚拟语气。,Were型虚拟语气主要用于表示与事实相反的愿望、假设、印象、看法等意义的结构中Wish一类动词后的宾语从句If only,as if,would rather/sooner,it is time 等短语后边的句子,如与现在情况相反,虚拟语气用动词的过去时(be动词用were),与过去情况相反,则用过去完成体形式,We earnestly wish he were here with us sharing our happiness.我真希望他此刻正与我们在一起分享我们的快乐。I do wish the frightful calamity had

14、not befallen us.我真希望那场可怕的灾难没有降临到我们头上。,If only his advice had been acted upon.当时要是采纳了他的意见该有多好。How dare you come in as if you owned the place?你怎么敢象是这地方的主人似的随意进来?I would rather we had dinner now.我倒愿意现在就吃饭。,I would sooner he stayed at home.我倒宁愿他现在呆在家里。It is high time you turned over a new leaf.现在该是你改过自新

15、重新做人的时候了。,1.4 条件虚拟语气,从总体上说,条件虚拟语气基本上可理解为是在直陈语气的基础上将时间点朝过去的方向推移了一步。条件虚拟语气中与各时间情况相反的虚拟动词形式如下表:,1.4.1与各时间基准相反条件虚拟语气例示注意虚拟句中隐含的真实情况和作者、说话人的情感、意愿意义,如:If his suggestions had been acted upon,circumstances would have been entirely different.倘若早将他的建议付诸实施,情况早就完全不同了。,If it hadnt rained so heavily I would surel

16、y have come to your meeting on Friday afternoon.倘若不是天下大雨,我肯定会来出席你们星期五下午召开的会议。If he knew you are here,he would certainly come to see you.如果他知道你在这里,他肯定会来看你。,If she dyed her hair a little darker,she would look much younger.如果她把头发染一点,她看起来会显得年轻很多。If the sun should rise in the west,I would not change my m

17、ind.就是太阳从西边出来,我也不会改变主意。,1.4.2省略if的条件虚拟语气条件虚拟语气的条件从句中如有助动词、动词be或动词have时,可以将if省略,将以上这些词与主语位置倒置,这些用法往往见于比较正式的语体中,如:,Were it not for the heavy fog,the plane would have taken off on schedule.要不是因为浓雾弥漫,飞机就会按预定时间起飞。Were he allowed to exercise a choice,which would he choose of the three?倘若让他们使选择权,三者之中他将挑选哪一

18、个?,Should there be a misfortune,how could its loss be lightened?如果发生不幸,怎样才能减轻损失?Had I known of your difficulties I would have helped you.要是我当时知道你的窘境,我就会帮你了。,1.4.3 错综条件虚拟语气有时条件从句对应的时间基准与结果主句对应的时间基准可能会出现错位,如从句表示与过去事实相反的意义,主句表示与现在情况相反等,这时应该针对情况对动词形式予以调整,如:,If it had not been for the prolonged drought i

19、n May,we should reap a bumper harvest this year.要不是五月那场持续的干旱,我们今年可能夺得大丰收。(条件从句与过去事实相反,主句与将来可能情况相反),Had he not turned a deaf ear to my warning,he would not be in such a difficult situation.倘若他对我的告诫不置若罔闻的话,他就不会陷入目前的困境了。(条件从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在情况相反),Had he enough courage he would certainly take your challeng

20、e.假如他有足够的勇气,他肯定会勇敢地接受你的挑战。(条件从句与现在事实相反,主句与将来情况相反),Had you worked a bit harder,you would not have to be so extremely worried about the coming examination now.如果你过去学习用功一点,现在也不必象这样为即将来临的考试忧心如焚了。(条件从句与过去事实相反,结果主句与现在情况相反),1.4.4 含蓄条件虚拟语气有时条件虚拟语气的条件不是由从句表达的,而是由介词词组或上下文等表达的,这样的虚拟语气称为含蓄条件虚拟语气,如:,We could not

21、 have achieved such brilliant achievement in the war without the selfless support from the allied forces.要不是盟军的无私援助,我们不可能取得如此辉煌的成绩。,The plan would have turned out to be quite effective under other circumstances.换个环境,该计划完全可能非常有效。,He would have got much higher scores in the final examination,but he wa

22、s so lazy.他本来在期末考试中得分会高得多的,只是他太懒惰了。,It was snowing heavily or we could have got there on time.那天正值天降大雪,不然我们本来可以按时到达的。With more capital,I would have succeeded.假如有更多的资本,我可能会取得成功。The same thing,happening in a crowded place,would have brought a great disaster.假如相同的事件发生在人群拥挤的地方,一定会引起一场大灾难。,But for the do

23、ctors skill,he would have died.要不是医生医术高明,他早就死了。Five minutes earlier,and we could have caught the last train.如果早到五分钟,我们就可以赶上一班火车了。To hear him speak English,youd take him for an American.假如你听他说英语,你会以为他是美国人。,Exercise One,1.If the earth suddenly _ spinning,we would all fly off it.(1990 年6月四级题)A.stopped

24、B.had stopped C.has stopped D.would stop,2.“How should the city be run?”“If I _ a mayor,I would make the streets cleaner and hire more policemen.”(托福题)A.would B.were C.would be D.should,3.If the whole operation _ beforehand,a great deal of time and money would have been lost.(1999年6月四级题)A.was not pl

25、anned B.has not been planned C.had not been planned D.were not planned,4.Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she _ a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often.(1996年1月四级题)A.has to get B.were to get C.had got D.could have got,5.If I hadnt stood under th

26、e ladder to catch you when you fell,you _ now.(1999年1月四级题)A.wouldnt be smiling B.couldnt have smiled C.wont smile D.didnt smile,6.I apologize if I _ you,but I assure you it was unintentional.(1998年考研题)A.offend B.had offended C.should have offended D.might have offended,7.It is of the utmost importan

27、ce that you _ here on time.(1995年6月六级题) B.shall be C.are to be D.must be,8.It is recommended that the project _ until all the preparations have been made.(1995年6月四级题) not started B.will not be started C.not be started not to be started,9.Who would you rather his daughter _ in the same o

28、ffice.(2002年6月四级题)A.going go C.have gone D.went,10.Church as we use the word refers to all religious institutions,_ they Christina,Islamic,Buddhist,Jewish,and so on.(2001考研题) B.being C.were D.are,Translation,1.要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都没有问题了。If my brother were here,everything would be all right.2.昨晚如果有时间

29、,我就回来看你的。If I had had time last night,I would have come to see you.,3.You would be much better now if you had taken my advice.假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好得多。4.As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces,I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.作为陆海空三军的总司令,我已下令采取一切防御措施。,Listening Practice,Enjoy

30、the following english songs and practice the subjunctive mood.Because I love you Shoulda woulda coulda,Oral Practice,Suppose tomorrow was Teachers Day.You wanted very much to celebrate it for your middle school teacher,but you would be very busy then.What would you do then?Talk over your planning wi

31、th your partners.Whenever you have difficulties with grammar,do consult with your partners.,Writing Practice,First,write a short Passage with the title“If I were Bill Gates”in15 minutes.Then,exchange your work with your partner and point out the grammatical errors in the writing for each other.Final

32、ly,corret the errors in your own writing.Pay attention to the usage of the subjunctive mood in it.,第二讲 情态动词,Modal Verb,Olympics:He believes rowers could have done better.,A gold and two bronze is an amazing achievement but I think all of us would agree that if everything went our way we could have g

33、one better,he said.,情态动词的特征 情态动词(modal verb)表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词本身虽有词义,但不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,只能和不带to的动词不定式连用,一起构成谓语动词。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。,2.1 情态动词的现在完成式的用法 情态动词现在完成式主要有两个功能:表已经发生的情况和表示虚拟语气。,在这两个方面must/mustnt;can/cant;need/neednt;may/maynt;might/mightnt;should/shouldnt;ought to等情态动词完成式表示的意思是有一定区别的,2.1.1表示已经发生的情况。1)must have+过去分词,表示对已发生情况的肯定推测,译为“(昨天)一定”。,如:My pain_ apparent the moment I walked into the room,for th

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