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Coco寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本 42页之欧阳史创编Word格式.docx

1、25-Then her grandkids got roped in.后来她的孙辈也进入了这个行当 26-As her family grew, so did the business.在她的家族壮大的同时 生意也越做越大 27-Music have torn her family apart.音乐曾使她的家族分崩离析 28-But shoes held them all together.而鞋子又将他们凝聚在一起 29-You see that woman.这个女人 30-was my great-great-grandmother.便是我的曾曾祖母 31-Mam Imelda.伊梅尔达 3

2、2-She died way before I was born.她在我出生之前很久就去世了 33-But my family still tells her story.但每年亡灵节的时候 34-every year on Da de los Muertos - the Day of the Dead.我的家族还会传颂她的故事 35-And her little girl? Shes my great-grandmother, Mam Coco.而照片中的小女孩便是我的曾祖母可可 36-Hola, Mam Coco.早上好 曾祖母 37-How are you, Julio?你好吗 胡里奥

3、38-Actually, my name is Miguel.其实 我叫米格尔 39-Mam Coco has trouble remembering things.曾祖母的记忆力不太好 40-But its good to talk to her, anyway.但是跟她说话还是很愉快 41-So, I tell her pretty much everything.所以我总是找她倾诉 42-I used to run like this.之前我是这样跑的 43-But now I run like this, its just way faster.但现在我这样跑 跑得快多了 44-The

4、 winner is. luchadora Coco!获胜者是 女角斗士可可 45-I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side.我脸这边又一个酒窝 但另一边没有 46-Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple.有酒窝 没酒窝 有酒窝 没酒窝 47-Miguel, eat your food.米格尔 好好吃饭 48-My abuelita, shes Mam Cocos daughter.这是我祖母 我曾祖母的女儿 49-Aw, youre a twig, mijo. Have some more.看看你

5、都瘦成猴了 多吃点 50-No, gracias.不了 谢谢 51-I asked if you would like more tamales.我问你要不要多来点玉米粉蒸肉呢 52-S-Si?好 好吧 53-Thats what I thought you said!我就知道你会这么说 54-Abuelita runs the house just as Mam Imelda did.祖母掌管家庭的方式和曾曾祖母伊梅尔达一样 55-No music!不要音乐 56-No music!57-No music!58-I think were the only family in Mexico w

6、ho hates music.我们家可能是墨西哥唯一一个憎恶音乐的家庭 59-And my familys fine with that.家里的其他人都习以为常 60-But me.但我 61-Be back by lunch, mijo.午饭前回来哦 孩子 62-Love you, Mam!好的 妈妈 63-Im not like the rest of my family.我和我的家人不一样 64- Hola, Miguel. - Hola.-早啊 米格尔 -早上好 65- Muchas gracias! - De nada, Miguel!-我拿一个 谢谢 -不客气 米格尔 66-He-

7、hey, Dante!嗨 丹丹 67-Sit.坐 68-Down.趴下 69-Roll over.滚一圈 70-Shake.甩一甩 71-Fist bump.碰拳 72-Good boy, Dante!好孩子 丹丹 73-I know, Im not supposed to love music.我知道 我不应该爱音乐 74-But its not my fault.但这不是我的错 75-Its his.这全都怪他 76-Ernesto de la Cruz.厄内斯托德拉库斯 77-The greatest musician of all time.有史以来最伟大的音乐家 78-Here in

8、 this very plaza, the young Ernesto de la Cruz 就在这个广场上 年轻的厄内斯托德 拉库斯 79-took his first steps toward becoming 完成了他的第一次表演 80-the most beloved singer in Mexican history.就此成为了墨西哥历史上最受人爱戴的歌手 81-He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me.最初他只是圣塞西利亚的一个无名小卒就像我一样 82-But when he played music,但只要

9、他开始演奏音乐 83-he made people fall in love with him.所有人都会不由自主地爱上他 84-He starred in movies.他出演了很多部电影 85-He had the coolest guitar.他有世界上最酷炫的吉他 86-He could fly!他还能飞 87-And he wrote the best songs.而且他写出了世界上最好的歌 88-But my all-time favorite is.而我的最爱是 89-# Remember me #请记住我# 90-# Though I have to say goodbye #

10、虽然我终将离开# 91-# Remember me #请记住我# 92-# Dont let it make you cry #莫要因此而哭泣# 93-# For even if Im far away #尽管我身在天边# 94-# I hold you in my heart #你仍会在我心里# 95-# I sing a secret song to you # # I hold you in my heart #每个分离的夜晚#你仍会在我心里 96-# I sing a secret song to you #每个分离的夜晚# 97-# Each night we are apart R

11、emember me #我为你唱这首歌 记住我# 98-# Though I have to travel far #虽然我终将离开# 99-# Remember me #请记住我# 100-# Each time you hear a sad guitar #每次耳闻吉他曲# 101-# Know that Im with you the only way that I can be. #记得我常伴你身 就让歌声陪伴你 # 102-# Until youre in my arms again #直到你我再相拥# 103-He lived the kind of life you dream

12、about. # Until youre in my arms again #他过着人们梦 寐以求的生活 #直到你我再相拥# 104-He lived the kind of life you dream about.他过着人们梦寐以求的生活 105-# Remember me #请记住我# 106-Until 1942.直到 1942 年 107-When he was crushed by a giant bell.他被一口巨大的钟砸死了 108-I wanna be just like him.我想要成为他那样的人 109-Sometimes, I look at de la Cruz.

13、有时候 当我注视着歌神 110-and I get this feeling.我会觉得 111-Like were connected somehow.我们之中有一种联系 112-Like if he could play music.他能成为伟大的音乐家 113-maybe someday, I could too!或许有一天 我也能 114-If it wasnt for my family.如果我的家庭不反对的话 115-Ay, ay, ay, muchacho!唉 你这小子 116-Huh?咋了 117-I asked for a shoe shine, not your life s

14、tory.我让你擦鞋 又不是让你讲你的人生故事 118-Oh, yeah, sorry.哦 好吧 抱歉 119-I just cant really talk about any of this at home, so.只是我在家里的时候 没法跟任何人倾述 120-Look, if I were you,听着 如果我是你 121-Id march right up to my family and say,我就会走到家人面前 大声跟他们说 122-Hey, Im a musician. Deal with it!嘿 我就是要当音乐家 你们看着办 123-I could never say th

15、at.我可不敢那么说 124-You are a musician, no?但你歌唱得不错 对吧 125-I-I-I dont know.我 我不知道 126-I mean, I only really play for myself.我一般都只唱给自己听 127-Ah! Did de la Cruz become the worlds best musician 难道德拉库斯是靠藏着他的唱歌技巧 128-by hiding his sweet, sweet skills?而成为世界上最伟大的音乐家的梦吗 129-No!不是 130-He walked out onto that plaza

16、他走上了那个广场 131-and he played out loud!放声歌唱 132-Mira, Mira, theyre setting up for tonight.你看那边 133-The music competition for Da de Muertos.他们在布置今晚亡灵节的歌唱比赛呢 134-You wanna be like your hero? You should sign up!你想成为像你偶像那样的人的话 就应该去报名 135-Unh-unh. My family would freak!还是算了 我的家人会气坏的 136-Look, if youre too s

17、cared, then, well, have fun making shoes.听着如果你害怕的话就乖乖的做鞋子 137-Come on, what did de la Cruz always say?好好想想 德拉库斯是怎么说的 138-Seize your moment?抓住你的机会 139-Show me what you got, muchacho.让我看看你的才艺 孩子 140-Ill be your first audience.把我当作你的第一个观众 141-Miguel!米格尔 142-Ah!啊 143-Abuelita!祖母 144-What are you doing h

18、ere?你在这里干什么 145-Um. oh. uh.额 我 146-You leave my grandson alone!你离我孙子远点 147-Dona, please! I was just getting a shine.婆婆 我只是让他给我擦鞋而已 148-I know your tricks, mariachi.我知道你的把戏 流浪歌手 149-What did he say to you?他跟你说什么了 150-He was just showing me his guitar.他只是给我看了看他的吉他 151-Shame on you!真不要脸 152-My grandson

19、 is a is a sweet little 我的孙子是一个 153-angelito, perrito, cielito!可爱的小天使 154-He wants no part of your music, mariachi.别用邪恶的音乐侵染他 155-You keep away from him.你离他远点 156-Ay, pobrecito!哦 我可怜的宝贝 157-Estas bien, mijo.我真是担心坏了 158-You know better than to be here in this place.你知道你不应该来这种地方啊 159-You will come hom

20、e. Now.你现在就跟我回家 160-How many times have we told you?要我跟你说多少次 161-That plaza is crawling with mariachis.那个广场上全都是落魄的音乐家 162-Yes, To Berto.知道了 叔叔贝托 163-No, no, no, no, no.不 不 不 不 不 164-Hey, go away, you. Go!嘿 走开 165-Its just Dante.别打丹丹 166-Never name a street dog.永远别给流浪狗起名 167-Theyll follow you forever

21、.他们会死缠着你的 168-Now, go get my shoe.现在去把我的鞋子捡回来 169-I found your son in Mariachi Plaza.我又在广场上找到你儿子了 170-Ay, Miguel?是吗 米格尔 171-You know how abuelita feels about the plaza.你也知道祖母多不喜欢那个广场的啊 172-I was just shining shoes.我只是去擦鞋而已 173-A musicians shoes.擦音乐家们的鞋子 174-But the plazas where the foot traffic is.但

22、是那里要擦的鞋子多啊 175-If abuelita says, No more plaza, then no more plaza.如果祖母说别去广场 就别去广场 176-But what about tonight?那今晚呢 177-Whats tonight?今晚怎么了 178-Well, theyre having this talent show.今晚在广场上有一个才艺表演 179- A-and I thought I might. - Sign up?-我想我可以 -报名? 180-Well, maybe?我想去试试 181-You have to have talent to b

23、e in a talent show.你得有才艺才能参加才艺表演啊 182-What are you gonna do? Shine shoes? Oh!你要表演什么 擦鞋吗 183-Its Da de los Muertos. No ones going any where.今晚是亡灵节 你哪都别想去 184-Tonight is about family.今晚 我们要一家团聚 185-Ofrenda room. Vmonos.你跟我来 去祭坛室 186-Dont give me that look.别这样看着我 187-Da de los Muertos is the one night

24、of the year 亡灵节是每年 188-our ancestors can come visit us.我们的祖先回来看望我们的时候 189-We put their photos on the ofrenda 我们将他们的照片放在祭坛上 190-so their spirits can cross over.这样他们的灵魂才得以返乡 191-That is very important.这非常重要 192-If we dont put them up, they cant come.如果我们不摆放他们的照片 他们就回不来了 193-We made all this food.我们烹制精

25、致的食物 194-Set out the things they loved in life, mijo.摆出他们生前喜爱的东西 195-All this work to bring the family together.就是为了将家庭凝聚在一起 196-I dont want you sneaking off to who-knows-where.我不希望你偷偷去什么鬼地方 197-Huh! Where are you going?嘿 你想去哪 198- I thought we were done. - Ay, Dios mo.-我以为你说完了 -过来 孩子 199-Being part

26、 of this family means being here for this family.我们是一家人 就应该在一起 200-I dont want to see you end up like.我不想让你成为像 201-Like Mams pap?像曾祖母的爸爸那样的人 202-Never mention that man!永远不要提起那个人 203-Hes better off forgotten.最好把他给忘了 204- But youre the one who. - Eh, thchhsss!-但是你先提 -嘘 205- I was just. - Tchsshh!-我只是 -嘘 206- But. - Tchshh.-但是 -嘘 207- I. - Shhh.-我 -嘘 208-Pap爸爸 209-Pap is home?爸爸要回家了 210-Mam, clmese, clmese.妈妈 冷静 冷静 211-Pap is coming home?212-No, Mam, its okay. Im here.不 妈妈 没事的 我在这呢 213-Who are you?你是谁 214-Ay. rest, Mam.唉 休息吧 妈妈 215-Im hard on you be

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