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1、动词第6讲 动词(上)Part I 4-year-old Begin and his cousin scrambled (争抢) for toys. His mum told him: “ You are older brother because youre older than your (cousin) sister. You should give ground to her.(让着她) ” Begin thought a little but maintained(坚持) : “ My sister must give ground to me when she grows olde

2、r than I.” His uncle around overheard and said : “Such a thing hardly occurs(发生).” Part II :定义:表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 动词五种形态:原形、第三人称单数形式、过去式、过去分词、现在分词。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。注意:基本助动词只有三个:be, do, have, 他们没有词汇意义,只有语法作用,如协助构成进行体,完成体,被动态,否定句,疑问句等。例如: He is giving a lecture. 他在作报告。 He has made a pla

3、n. 他已经订了计划。 The small animals are kept in the cages. 小动物都关在笼子里。还可以根据其后是否带有宾语分为两类:及物动词和不及物动词。缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.英语的动词从是否独立用作谓语来看,可以分为谓语动词和非谓语动词两种。所谓谓语动词,其实就是动词独立用作谓语时的形式;非谓语动词就是动词不独立用作谓语时的形式。前者由动词的各种时态形式来表示,后者则由不定式、分词和动名词来表示。英语谓语动词的八种时态、语态和几种变化形式如下: 八种时态 主动语态 被动语态 一般现在时 do; does am; is; are done 一般过去时 di

4、d; -ed was; were done 一般将来时 will do will be done 现在进行时 am; is; are doing am; is; are being done 过去进行时 was; were doing was; were being done 现在完成时 have; has done have; has been done 过去完成时 had done had been done 过去将来时 would do would be done 情态动词 情态动词+do 情态动词+be done一、一般现在时:1. 一般现在时的构成:一般现在时是由动词的现在式来表示的

5、,所谓动词的现在式,是指动词原形和-s形式,后者用于第三人称单数的主语。例如: I study in a school near here. 我在附近的一所学校读书。 My father often works far into the night. 父亲常常工作到深夜。实义动词的否定式和疑问式要由助动词do / does来构成,例如: They dont like living in the city. 他们不喜欢住在城里。 She doesnt speak German very well. 她德语说得不太好。 Do you watch TV on Sundays? 你每个星期天都看电视吗

6、? Where does he work? 他在哪里工作?2. 一般现在时的基本用法: 表示经常性或习惯性的动作,常与always, usually, sometimes, often, every day等时间状语连用。 We have an English class every day except Thursday. 除了星期四,我们每天都上英语课。 It often rains here in spring. 这里春天经常下雨。 They always go to Italy for their holidays. 他们总是去意大利度假。 Sometimes I come by tr

7、ain, but usually I come by car. 有时我乘火车来,但是通常我乘汽车来。 表示现在的特征和状态,通常不带时间状语。例如: She likes bread, but she doesnt like pizza. 她爱吃面包,而不爱吃比萨饼。 Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? 表示客观真理、科学事实、格言等。例如: The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起。 Twice three makes six. 2乘3等于6。 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中表示将来的动作或状态。例如: I will dis

8、cuss this with you when we meet. 我们见面的时候,我会和你讨论这件事。 We will not leave until we are asked to. 直到我们被要求离开,我们才会离开。 If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go on a field trip. 如果明天天晴,我们就去考察旅行。 They will stand by you even if you dont succeed. 即便你不成功,他们也会支持你。二、一般过去时:1. 一般过去时的构成: 一般过去时是由动词的过去式来表示的,而动词的过去式

9、是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去式变化如下:(1)一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed ,如:worked played wanted acted (2)以不发音的e结尾动词,动词词尾加-d,如:lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped(3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把y变为i 再加-ed,如:studied tried copied justified cried carried 注意:以元音字母 + y结尾的动词,直接加-ed,如:played(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音

10、节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stopped begged fretted (5)不规则动词的过去式(过去分词)变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。 原形动词 中文意思 过去式 过去分词awake 唤醒 awoke / awaked awoke / awakedbear 忍受 出生 bore born / bornebeat 击打 beat beatenbecome 变得 成为 became becomebegin 开始 began begunbite 咬 bit bit / bittenblow 吹 blew blown2. 一般过去时的基本用法: 表示过去某时或某时段内发生的动作或情况

11、,常常带有表示过去时间的状语,如:yesterday, two days ago, last month, just now, a moment ago, the other day, in 2000等。例如: It was Tuesday yesterday. 昨天是星期二。 When did you meet him? Ten minutes ago. 你什么时候遇见他的? 10分钟以前。 We lived in a small town for about five years. 我们在一个小城里住了大约5年。 表示过去的习惯性动作,通常带有表示频度的状语。例如: He always c

12、arried an umbrella with him. 他总是带着一把伞。 He was often late for school last term. 上个学期他常常上学迟到。 She went out shopping once a week, in the evenings.她每周一次晚上出去采购。三、一般将来时:1. 一般将来时的构成: 一般将来时由“助动词shall / will动词原形”构成,shall用于第一人称,will用于第二、第三人称。美国英语在陈述句中不论什么人称一律使用will,英国英语现在也有这种趋势。shall / will在口语中可以略作ll,如:Ill, Y

13、oull, Hell, Shell, Itll, Theyll等等。2. 一般将来时的用法:.一般将来时的基本用法:表示将来要发生的动作或情况,常常带有表示将来时间的状语,如:tomorrow, next week, in two days, from now on, soon, in 2050等。例如: He will come back soon. 他很快就会回来的。 It will be Tuesday tomorrow. 明天是星期二。 We shall / will not be there till eleven. 我们要到11点钟才会到那里。 When will the trai

14、n arrive? 火车什么时候到?注意:shall有时在疑问句中,用来有礼貌地征询对方的意见。例如: Shall I open the window? Yes, please. (= Would you like me to?) 我把窗户打开好吗?好,请吧。.一般将来时的其他用法:. “be going to+动词原形”注意:be going to 与 will 的区别:a. be going to 表示近期,眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book o

15、ne day. b. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will 表示客观上将来势必发生的事情. He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old. c. be going to 含有计划,准备的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如: She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour. d.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用 will, 如: If any beasts

16、 comes at you, Ill stay with you and help you. .go,come,start,move,sail,leave,arrive,stay,live, fly,等可用进行时态表示按计划即将发生的动作,例如: Im leaving for Beijing. 我要去北京。.“be to+动词原形”表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。例如: Are we to go on with this work? 我们继续干吗? The boy is to go to school tomorrow. 这个男孩明天要去上学。 .“be about to+动词原形”表示即

17、将发生的动作,意为:很快,马上。后面一般不跟时间状语。例如: We are about to leave.我们马上就走。.某些词,如come,go,leave,arrive,start,get,stay,live, 等的一般现在时也可表示将来。例如: The meeting starts at five oclock.会议五点开始 He gets off at the next stop.他下一站下车。四、过去将来时:1. 过去将来时的构成: 过去将来时有两种基本形式:“助动词would 动词原形”和“was / were going to 动词原形”。2. 过去将来时的基本用法: 一般将来时

18、是以现在时间为基点来看将来。如果说话人以过去某时为基点来看将来,这就需要使用过去将来时。 过去将来时多用于宾语从句(包括间接引语),表示从句动作发生在主句动作之后。例如:. “would+动词原形”。常表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。例如: He said he would come to see me.他说他要来看我。 He told me he would go to Beijing.他告诉我他将去北京。. “was/ were + going to+动词原形”。常可用来表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。例如: She said she was going to start off at onc

19、e.她说她将立即出发。 I was told that he was going to return home.有人告诉我他准备回家。此结构还可表示根据当时情况判断有可能但不一定会发生某事。例如: It seemed as if it was going to rain. 看来好像要下雨。. come, go, leave, arrive, start等动词可用过去进行时代替过去将来时。例如: He said the train was leaving at six the next morning.他说火车将于第二天早晨六点离开。.条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时。例

20、如: I didnt know when she would come,but when she came I would let you know. 我不知道她什么时候来,但她来了我会告诉你。 The teacher said that it would be very difficult to make progress if I didnt work hard. 老师说,如果我不努力学习的话,就很难取得进步。 一、用所给动词的正确时态填空: 1. Please dont get off the bus until it _ (stop). 2. Mr. Brown will go fis

21、hing if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. 3. Bill is strict with himself. He never (leave) todays work for tomorrow. 4. About 400 years ago, Galileo(伽利略) proved that the earth _ (go) around the sun. 5. You may go fishing if your work _ (finish). 6. Everyone in our class _ (worry) about the coming exam. 7. N

22、anjing is one of the most beautiful cities in China. It _ (attract) large numbers of tourists. 8. My brother likes English very much. He _ (practice) reading every day. 9. Young people usually _ (prefer) pop music to traditional one. 10. Someone _ (call) you this morning when you _ (be) out. 11. The

23、y _ (not leave) until you come back. 12. Lets hurry up. It _ (rain) very soon. 13. Mr. Smith told me that there _ (be) a talk on American history tonight. _ you _ (come)? 14. Nobody could tell exactly how far light _ (travel) in a year. 15. _ we _ (go) to the party together this afternoon? 16. How l

24、ong ago _ dinosaurs _ (disappear) from the earth? 17. The little boy is playing in the street. Who _ (take) him here? 18. It seemed that those people _ (start) repairing the road. 19. We _ just _ (step) out when the telephone _ (ring). 20. In about 600 years time, each person _ (have) only one half

25、to one square meter of space to live in.二、选择填空: 1. Frank last _ to the doctor about six months ago. A. goes B. has gone C. gone D. went 2. I like my new bike. It_ very well. A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden 3. I dont know if his uncle _. I think he _ if it doesnt rain. A. will come,

26、comes B. will come, will come C. comes, comes D. comes, will come 4. They usually _ to town on Saturdays. A. were driving B. drive C. have driven D. will drive 5. At Susans office _ at nine oclock. A. starts work B. work starts C. works start D. starts the work 6. I beg your pardon? I _ quite catch

27、it. A. didnt B. wouldnt C. dont D. cant 7. It _ my sisters birthday the day after tomorrow. She _ a party. A. is going to be, will have B. will be, is having C. will be, is going to have D. will have, is going to be 8. We _ to the zoo if it _ tomorrow. A. will go, snow B. wont go, snows C. dont go,

28、snows D. didnt go, snowed 9. I _ along the river when I _ someone _ for help. A. walked, heard, calling B. was walking, heard, called C. was walking, heard, calling D. am walking, hear, calling 10. When will they be back? They _ back until the work _ finished. A. arent, is B. wont be, will be C. are

29、nt, will be D. wont be, is 11. I _ a meal when you _ me. A. cooked, were ringing B. was cooking, rang C. was cooking, were ringing D. cooked, rang 12. What book _ you _ when I _ you at four yesterday afternoon? A. did, read, was seeing B. did, read, saw C. were, reading, saw D. were, reading, was se

30、eing 13. He said he _ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time. A. tries B. tried C. was trying D. will try 14. It was Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Green _ ready to fly to England. A. are getting B. get C. were getting D. got 15. While she _ TV, she _ a very strange sound outside the room. A. was watching, was hearing B. watched, was hearing C. watched, heard D. was watching, heard 16. His parents wanted to know how he _ on with h

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