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1、公共英语三级阅读练习题15套2019年公共英语三级阅读练习题(15套)2019年公共英语三级阅读练习题一Human civilization has truly come a long way.From using animals for transport to the super fast automobiles that we have today.From using flint to making fire to using one touch lighters.But there are some things that we will never let go of.Some a

2、ncient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today. Groundhog Day(土拔鼠节),falls on the 2nd of February every year.It is observed in the United States and Canada.While this day may be a public holiday and a bank holiday,it is not a compulsory holiday declared by the

3、 government.But this is not so for all the states.State-wise holidays may vary.Ever heard of Punxsutawney Phil? Groundhog Day is observed because of this groundhog.The day is indeed about a groundhog.Punxsutawney is the name of an apparently weather forecasting groundhog.He lives in his burrow(洞穴)on

4、 Goblers Knob,Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania,for a short period before the 2nd of February every year.On the 2nd of February,Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow.If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow,then America will have an extended winter of six weeks,But if he cann

5、ot see his shadow,and he remains outside.It means winter will soon end and spring will arrive very shortly .Phil has beenpredictingthe length of winter in this manner for almost a century and they have always been almost 100% accurate.Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada.T

6、he largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania.People come in scores to visit Punxsutawney Phil.They wait eagerly, camping days in advance,to see the small groundhog appear from his burrow,check for his shadow and either go back in or stay out.People cheer when they hear it is time for

7、winter to end and celebrate by eating sweets and singing and dancing.Today.the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event.小题1:People celebrate Groundhog Day because _.A.some sweets are provided on Groundhog DayB.more and more people love groundhogsC.the groundhog predicts the begi

8、nning of springD.Punxsutawney Phil is worth respecting小题2:What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?A.Human civilization has a long history.B.Some old traditions should be carried on.C.Human civilization develops very fast.D.Some old traditions have disappeared.小题3: We learn from the pas

9、sage that Punxsutawney Phil _.A.forecasts the weather based on his shadowB.witnesses the history of human developmentC.organizes celebrations on Groundhog performances on Groundhog Day小题4:We may infer from the passage that _.A.groundhogs will replace TV weathermen soonB.groundhogs can for

10、ecast the weather accuratelyC.Groundhog Day is becoming popular in the US and CanadaD.a longer shadow of a groundhog indicates a longer winter小题5:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Winter will end if the groundhog goes back into the burrow.B.Groundhog Day is a compu

11、lsoryholiday in the US and Canada.C.A groundhog will remain outside if he sees his shadows on 2nd,Feb.D.The celebration in Punxsutawney attracts large numbers of visitors.参考答案及解析小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C小题5:D人类文明经历了漫长的发展过程,一些古老的传统得以传承。作者介绍了在美国和加拿大部分地区盛行的土拔鼠节。人们为什么对土拔鼠节感兴趣?小题1: C【试题解析】推理归纳题 从第二段以及最后一段“Gro

12、undhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada”,“People cheer when they hear it is time for winter to end”等信息推理得知,人们把它当节日庆祝的原因就是因为它预示着春天的开始。故C正确。小题2:B【试题解析】细节理解题 从最后一句“Some ancient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today”得知,从而引出下文土拨鼠节的历史和传承。B正确。

13、小题3: A【试题解析】 细节理解题 从文章第二段“Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow. If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow, then America will have an extended winter of six weeks”得知他是根据自己的影子来判断天气情况的。故A正确。小题4:C【试题解析】推理判断题 从最后一段“Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Cana

14、da.”及“Today, the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event”判断得知Groundhog Day这个节日在美国和加拿大很受欢迎。故C正确。小题5:D【试题解析】细节理解题 从第四段“The largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania”得知在宾夕法尼亚的Punxsutawney这个节日最受欢迎,也就说在这里这个节日能够吸引最多的游客。故D正确。【长难句解析】They wait eagerly, camping days in ad

15、vance,to see the small groundhog appear from his burrow,check for his shadow and either go back in or stay out.【翻译】他们焦急地等待,提前安营,就是为了看见土拨鼠从洞穴里出现,检查它的影子要么进去后面待在外面。【分析】本句中对非谓语动词的考察较多,不定式to see the small groundhog在句中做目的状语。另外句中的eitheror要么要么在句中表示选择关系。2019年公共英语三级阅读练习题二Sometime in the next century, the fami

16、liar early-newspaper on the front porch (门廊) will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you. Youll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects

17、 the type of news you want. Youll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want more information on this brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal computer if you like. These are among the predictions from communication experts working on th

18、e newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers will unite print and broadcast reporting, and offer news and analysis with video images of news events.Most of the technology is available now, but convincing more people that they

19、 dont need to read a newspaper is the next step. But resistance to computer newspapers may be stronger from within journalism. Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realizes that the new

20、spaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 t0 40 years to complete the changeover because people need to buy c

21、omputers and because newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry.小题1: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer newspapers? A.They are cheaper than traditional newspapers.B.They are more convenient to read.C.You can choose the kind of voice you want to hear.D.Y

22、ou can easily save information for future use.小题2:Which of the following is a reason why it will take a long time to complete the changeover? A.The technology is impossible now.B. Computer newspaper s are too expensive.C.The popularization of computers needs a long time.D.Traditional newspapers are

23、easier to read.小题3: It can be inferred that journalists are against computer newspapers because _ . A.they dont know how to use computersB.they think computer newspapers take too much time to readC.they think the new technology is badD.they have been trained to write For traditional newspapers小题4: W

24、e can infer from the passage that A.all technological changes are technologies dont always replace old technologies will eventually replace old onesD.traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century小题5: What is the best title of the passage? A.Computer newspapers are w

25、ell liked.B.Newspapers of the future will be on the computer.C.Newspapers are out of fashion.D.New communications technology.参考答案及解析小题1:A小题2:C小题3:D小题4:C小题5:B本文主要叙述的是下个世纪的报纸的变化,由现在的纸质变成了未来的电脑屏幕。以及人们对于这一技术的态度。小题1:A【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第二句And instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you.可知未来的电脑报纸很方便

26、。所以B正确。根据第4行Youll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear.可知C正确;根据5,6行Save it in your own personal computer if you like.可知D项正确。只有A项在文章里没有提及。小题2:C【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后一段Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. 和because people need to b

27、uy computers and because newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry.可知完成这个转变的主要困难是电脑的流行需要较长的时间。故C正确。小题3:D【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第二段Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation

28、 realizes that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable可知来自记者的抵制是因为现在的记者习惯于传统的报纸,对于新技术有抵触。故D正确。小题4:C【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第二段最后一句Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable可知技术的革命是无法避免的。也就是说新技术最终将取代就技术

29、。故C正确。小题5:B【试题解析】主旨大意题。本文主要叙述的是下个世纪的报纸的变化,由现在的纸质变成了未来的电脑屏幕。以及人们对于这一技术的态度。故B正确。【长难句解析】Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers will unite print and broadcast reporting, and offer news and analysis with video images of news events.【翻译】作为家庭媒体娱乐系统的一部分,计

30、算机报纸将把印刷和广播结合在一起使用视频图像来显示新闻和分析。【分析】本句中的动词picture与主句主语computer newspapers构成逻辑上的被动关系,所以使用过去分词短语作定语。如果动词和名词构成主动关系就使用现在分词做定语。2019年公共英语三级阅读练习题三Caffeine not only gives us a daily jump start, but new research suggests it also can strengthen long-term memory.According to the US Food and Drug Administration,

31、 nearly 90 percent of people worldwide consume about 200 milligrams of caffeine each day. That s equivalent to about one strong cup of coffee a day. Writing in Nature Neuroscience , Johns Hopkins University researchers say their findings show that caffeine strengthens certain memories for up t0 24 hours after being taken in. Weve always known that caffeine has cognitive-enhancing effects (促智效果) , but its ,particular effects on strengthening memories and making them resistant to forgetting has never been examined in detail in humans, said seni

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