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英语Unit 5《Do you have a soccer ball》教案和练习人教版七年级上.docx

1、英语Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball教案和练习人教版七年级上英语:Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball教案和练习(人教版七年级上)一、学习目标:1. Do you/ they have a soccer ball? Yes, we/they do. /No, we/they dont. 2. Does she/he have a tennis racket? Yes, she/he does. / No, she/he doesnt. 3. Lets play volleyball!4. That sounds good/ interes

2、ting /fun/ boring!能力目标Talk about ownership. 谈论物主关系 Make suggestions. 提出建议二、重点、难点 重点1. 单词:play, sound , good, interesting, boring, difficult, fun, many, much, some 2. 句型:Have Lets 难点一般现在时三、知能提升:(一)【重点单词】单词学习1. play plei 与不同的词搭配表示不同的意思。【用法1】vt. 玩(游戏);打(球);踢(球)【考点】 与play 搭配使用时,球类名词前不加冠词 【例句】play footba

3、ll 踢足球 play basketball/ table tennis 打篮球/乒乓球【用法2】vt. 演奏【考点】 与play 搭配使用时,乐器类名词前加定冠词the,表示“弹奏”【例句】play the piano 弹钢琴play the guitar 弹吉他【考题链接】1. I like music. I play _ violin after school. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Lets play _ basketball together.A. a B. an C. the D. / 答案:1. C 2. D 解题思路:1. 与play 搭配使用时,乐

4、器类名词前加定冠词the,表示“弹奏”2. 与play 搭配使用时,球类名词前不加冠词。2. sound saund 【用法1】n. 声音,响声 【例句】 I like the sound of piano. 我喜欢钢琴的声音。 【用法2】v. 听起来连系动词,其后接名词,形容词或介词短语作表语。【例句1】 A: Lets go to the park. B: That sounds interesting. 那听起来很有趣。 【解析】 that指上句所提的建议,英语中指代前面所述的内容或事情,通常用that而不用this。that属第三人称单数,故谓语动词sound后应加s。【例句2】 A:

5、 Do you like Marys story? 你喜欢玛丽(所讲)的故事吗?B: No, I dont like it. The story sounds boring. 不,我不喜欢。这个故事听起来很乏味。【辨析】 hear vt. 听见 指听到的结果I cant hear your voice. 我听不见你的声音。listen lisn vi. 听 指听的动作Shes listening to the radio. 她在听广播。 【考题链接】A: I want to play volleyball with my friends. Do you want to come with me

6、?B: Sure. That _ interesting. A. sound B. sounds C. hear D. hears 答案:B 解题思路:根据语境含义:那听起来很有趣,可知选B项。3. good, interesting, boring, difficult, fun【用法】这些形容词主要用在名词前作定语或在系动词后作表语。She is a good teacher. 她是一个好老师。This is an interesting book. 这是一本有趣的书。Playing with Jack is very boring. 和杰克玩很无聊。Its a difficult que

7、stion. I cant answer it. 这是一个很难的问题。我答不出来。 I had a fun weekend. 我过了一个有趣的周末。 这些形容词前还可以用副词来修饰。This is a very interesting book. 这是一本很有趣的书。Its too difficult. 它太难了。【交际口语】That sounds形容词。“那听起来”(用来表达个人观点)褒义的评价可选用:interesting, fun, relaxing, good, wonderful贬义的评价可选用:boring, terrible, bad【例句1】 A: Lets watch TV.

8、 B: That sounds bad. I want to play video games. 【解析】 sound在这里是连系动词,作“听起来”讲,其后接一个形容词作表语。【例句2】 Your idea doesnt sound good. 你的主意听起来好像不行。【拓展】 与sound类似的连系动词还有:look(看起来,显得),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来)。【例句】 The song sounds beautiful. 这首歌听起来很优美。That story sounds very interesting. 这个故事听起来很有趣。Your watch looks ver

9、y nice. 你的手表很好看。【拓展】 类似的表达法:look happy看上去很高兴sound like听起来像look like看起来像4. many, much, some many adj. 大量的,许多的【用法】修饰可数名词。【例句】 I have many friends. 我有许多朋友。 much adj. 很多的,大量的【用法】修饰不可数名词。【例句】 There is much water in the bottle. 瓶子里有许多水。 some adj. 一些【用法】既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词 【例句】 She has some apples and I ha

10、ve some milk. 她有一些苹果,我有一些牛奶。【考题链接】用 many , much 填空A: Look! There are _ toy cars in the shop. B: They are so cool. But I dont have _ money. We cant buy them. 答案:many; much 解题思路:toy car 玩具汽车可数名词,可用many修饰。money 钱不可数名词,可用much修饰。5. good, well 辨析good adj. 好的【用法】 可用在名词前修饰名词,充当定语也可用于连系动词后,作表语。【例句】 Linda is

11、a good girl. 琳达是个好女孩。 This restaurant is very good. 这家饭店很好。 well adv. 很好地;满意地 【用法】 作副词时,用来修饰形容词,副词或动词,在句子中作状语。【例句】 Do the boys eat well at school? 孩子们在学校吃得好吗? He plays soccer well. 他踢球踢得很好。即学即练1. A: Do you want to play _ after school?B: Yes, I do. A. basketball B. a basketball C. the basketball D. s

12、ome basketballs 2. I am hungry. I want to eat _ rice.A. many B. some C. any D. a lot 3. That _ a good idea.A. listen to B. sounds C. hear D. listen答案:1. A. 2. B 3. B(二)【重点句型与表达】句型学习1. Do you have?【用法1】vt. 拥有,占有。其主语可以指人,也可以指物,其第三人称单数形式为has。【例句】I have a friend here. 我这儿有个朋友。She has three dictionaries.

13、 她有三本词典。This coat has no pockets. 这件衣服没有口袋。【结构】I have a pen. I dont have a pen. Do you have a pen?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. He has a pen. He doesnt have a pen. Does he have a pen?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 【拓展】I have a book. Its my book.You have a dog. Its your dog. She has a pen. Its her pen. He

14、 has a bike. Its his bike. We have a TV. Its our TV. They have a ball. Its their ball. 【考点】Jim and Tom have a computer. 吉姆和汤姆有一台电脑。(两人共有,主语是复数)Jim has a computer. 吉姆有一台电脑。【难点】have 有there be 某地有某物、某人 have强调的是拥有或占有,主语一般是名词或代词,其与主语是所属关系。There is/ are .表示某处有某物或某人,强调的是一种客观存在。【例句】I have two brothers and o

15、ne sister. 我有两个兄弟,一个姐姐。My sister has two toys but I have one. 我妹妹有两个玩具,而我只有一个。有时there be结构和have可互换。There are twenty classes in our school. We have twenty classes in our school.我们学校有二十个班级。【用法2】have vt. 吃,喝 【例句】 We have lunch at school. 我们在学校吃午饭。He wants to have a cup of tea. 他想喝杯茶。【考题链接】用there is , t

16、here are, have, has填空。(1) Does she _ a brother? No, she doesnt. (2) Look! _ a cat under the chair. (3) Mike _ a ping-pong ball. But he doesnt have a ping-pong bat. (4) _ many interesting books at school. 答案:1. have 2. There is 3. has 4. There are 2. Lets play ping-pong. 让我们打乒乓球吧。【用法1】let sb. do sth.

17、 “让某人做某事”表示说话人的建议【例句】Its too late. I want to go home. Let me go. 太晚了。我想回家。让我走吧。I have an interesting picture. Let Lucy look at the picture. 我有一幅有趣的画。让露西看看这幅画。【用法2】letslet us 表示“让我们吧”,用于提出建议或征求别人意见。【例句】Lets go! 让我们走吧!Lets go to the park! 让我们去公园吧!肯定回答:OK. /All right. /Yes, lets/That sounds 否定回答:Sorry,

18、 I 即学即练根据语境的含义,把单词填在正确的位置。doesnt Lets sounds ask have A: Do you _ a ping-pong ball? B: Yes, I do. A: _ play ping-pong!B: But I dont have a ping-pong bat. A: That _ too bad. Lets ask Peter. B: He _ like sports. He doesnt have one. Lets go and _my father. A: OK. Lets go. 答案:have Lets sounds doesnt ask

19、(三)【重点语法】语法学习 【概念】时态英语中不同的时间发生的动作或状态要用谓语动词的不同形式来表示。动词的时态可以分为现在时、过去时和将来时,每种时态中含有一般,进行,完成和完成进行等形式。1. 我正在看电视。 I am watching TV now. 2. 昨天我在家看电视。 I watched TV at home yesterday. 3. 明天我要看电视。 I will watch TV tomorrow. 4. 我每天都看电视。 I watch TV every day. 【解析】一般现在时的含义1. 表示现在的状态。They are at table. 他们在用餐。Jack i

20、s twelve. 杰克12岁了。2. 表示经常的或习惯性的动作。I go to school at seven in the morning. 我早晨7点去上学。I watch TV every day. 我每天都看电视。3. 表示主语具备的性格和能力。She likes fish very much. 她很喜欢吃鱼。We speak Chinese. 我们讲汉语。【结构】谓语动词的构成形式1. 谓语动词是be动词。I am twelve. I am not twelve. You are twelve. You are not twelve. She/ He/ It is She /He/

21、It is not They/ We are They/ We are not 一般疑问句:Are you ? 简略回答:Yes, I am/ we are. /No, Im not /we arent.Is he/ she/ it? Yes, he/she/ it is. /No, he /she/ it isnt. Are they /we? Yes, they/ we are. /No, they/ we arent. 2. 谓语动词是实义动词do。 I /We/ You/ They like apples. I /We /You /They dont like apples. He/

22、She/ It likes apples. He /She/ It doesnt like apples. Do you /we/ they like apples? 简略回答:Yes, I /we /they/ you do. /No, I /we /they /you dont. Does she/ he/ it like apples? Yes, she/ he/ it does. /No, she/ he/ it doesnt. 即学即练按要求完成下列句子1. I have a volleyball. (改为否定句)I _ _ a volleyball. 2. His brother

23、has a baseball. (改为一般疑问句)_ his brother _ a baseball? 3. Do your parents have a computer? (作出肯定回答)Yes, _ _. 4. Does Mary have a tennis racket? (作出否定回答)_, _ _. 5. Lucy has two brothers. (改为否定句)Lucy _ _ two brothers. 答案:1. dont have 2. Does, have3. they do4. No, she doesnt5. doesnt have 预习导学Unit 6 Do y

24、ou like bananas?一、预习新知1. 单词: orange, salad, ice cream, broccoli 等与食物有关的单词 2. 句型: Do you like ? 你喜欢吗? 二、预习点拨思考问题1:你能借助字典查出多少水果的英文名称? 思考问题2: 你能用英语调查出在你们家最受欢迎的水果是什么吗? 同步练习(答题时间:45分钟)一、根据句意及汉语提示,用单词或短语的正确形式填空。1. The class _(听起来有趣). 2. My cousin _(有)an English-Chinese dictionary. 3. Mike _(没有)a sister. 4

25、. Lets _(玩)computer games. 5. I _(做运动)every day. 6. She _(看电视)every evening. 二、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. Tom _ (do not ) go to school today. 2. My uncle _ (have) a cat. 3. Lets _ (play) football. 4. I can play basketball, but I cant play it _ (good). 5. Jack _ (watch) TV in the evening. 三、单项选择1. She _ a s

26、mall toy collection. A. have B. do have C. has D. does have 2. Does your brother _ a toy car? A. has B. is C. have D. are 3. _ you have a big house? A. Is B. Does C. Are D. Do 4. Mary _ have a soccer ball. A. dont B. doesnt C. do D. hasnt 5. Lets _ ping-pong. A. do play B. playing C. play D. plays 6

27、. That _ boring. I dont like it. A. sounds B. sound C. sounding D. is sound 7. Do you play _ volleyball? A. the B. a C. / D. an 8. Lets play computer games. _. A. Thank you B. Thats all right C. That sounds interesting D. Im sorry 9. _do you want? I want a basketball. A. Where B. What C. Who D. What

28、s 10. Ed Smith watches sports _ TV every day. A. in B. on C. for D. to 四、按要求完成下列句子。1. We have two basketballs. (对划线部分提问)_ _ we _? 2. They have many questions to ask. (改为单数句)_ _ _ _ to ask. 3. My cousin has some friends. (改为否定句)My cousin _ _ _ friends. 4. Does Tom have a soccer ball? (作肯定回答)_, he _. 5. I have a volleyball. I dont have a soccer ball. (用but 连成一句)_. 五、完形填空S

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