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1、名词冠词 一、名词的数单数名词变为复数名词的常用法则:(1)一般情况下,在词尾直接加s,如:books,caps,trees。(2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,在词尾加es。如:glasses, boxes,watches,brushes。(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,把y改为i,再加es。如:stories,countries。(4)以o结尾的名词变为复数时,常在词尾加s,但是下列名词要加es,它们是:黑人英雄爱在火山上吃土豆西红柿,即Negroes,heroes,volcanoes,potatoes,tomatoes。(注:volcanos也正确)(5)以f或fe结尾的名词变为复数时

2、,一般直接加s,但下列以f或fe结尾的名词需把f或fe去掉,加ves,它们是:为了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿着刀子和一片树叶站在架子上,把狼劈成两半,即selves,lives,thieves,wives,knives,loaves,leaves,shelves,wolves,halves。(6)“man/womann.”变复数时,作定语的man/woman和中心词都要变复数。men teachers男老师women engineers女工程师(7)不规则复数形式变内部元音footfeet脚manmen男人womanwomen女人toothteeth牙mousemice老鼠goosegee

3、se鹅gentlemangentlemen绅士单复数同形的名词sheep绵羊deer鹿Chinese中国人Japanese日本人means方法crossroads十字路口series连续species种类works工厂head头(量词)外来名词的复数形式criterioncriteria标准 phenomenonphenomena现象analysisanalyses分析 basisbases 基础crisiscrises 危机bacteriumbacteria细菌mediummedia媒体fish表示鱼的种类时复数形式为fishes,表示条数时复数形式为fish。There are many

4、different fishes in this river.这条河中有很多不同种类的鱼。I bought five fish today.今天我买了五条鱼。people指“人们”时其单复数形式相同,指“民族”时其复数形式为peoples。people人two people两个人a people一个民族two peoples两个民族二、词性转换1动词变名词的后缀后缀 例词al approveapproval赞成;批准arrivearrival 到来;到达survivesurvival 幸存proposeproposal 提议;建议anceence appearappearance 出现;外貌g

5、uideguidance 指引;指导performperformance 表演;节目existexistence 存在;生存preferpreference 偏爱referreference 参考;查阅iontionation attractattraction 吸引inviteinvitation邀请;请柬graduategraduation 毕业expectexpectation 期待;期望competecompetition 比赛;竞争explainexplanation解释(ss)ion discussdiscussion 讨论;辩论decidedecision 决定admitadmi

6、ssion 接纳;准许入学ing hearhearing 听力;听觉begin beginning 开始ment achieveachievement功绩;成就argueargument 辩论;论据treattreatment对待;治疗ureture failfailure 失败;没做到presspressure 压力mixmixture 混合;混合物departdeparture 离开;出发y recoverrecovery 恢复;痊愈discoverdiscovery 发现其他 choosechoice选择varyvariety多样化;种类tendtendency趋向;趋势2.形容词变名词

7、的后缀后缀 例词age shortshortage不足;短缺cy efficientefficiency效率;功效fluentfluency 流利;流畅accurateaccuracy准确性privateprivacy隐私;私密dom freefreedom 自由;自主wisewisdom 明智;智慧ence differentdifference差异silentsilence沉默ness weakweakness 虚弱;弱点kindkindness仁慈;好意carelesscarelessness 粗心大意th growgrowth成长;发展strongstrength 力气;强项warmw

8、armth温暖;热情ytyity difficultdifficulty 困难cruelcruelty 残酷;残暴safesafety 安全disabledisability 无能;伤残responsibleresponsibility责任三、名词的固定搭配1动词have,take,make,pay,play,put,give,keep,lend等加名词构成的短语have a good reputation 有个好名声have an idea of 了解have a sense of 有意识have a feeling of 有感觉have access to 可以获得take advanta

9、ge of 利用,趁之机make fun of 取笑,嘲弄make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理get relief 得到缓解give a solution 给出解决方案lend a hand帮忙The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very good reputation.这位医生在治疗心脏病上技术高超而且从来不收病人任何礼物,因此享有较高声誉。The system has been designed to

10、give students quick and easy access to the digital resources of the library.设计这个系统的目的是让学生能够迅速、便捷地使用图书馆的数字资源。2介词后加名词构成的短语in great demand需求量很大in quantity 大量,大批in progress 在进行中in production在产量方面out of ones reach手不能及out of touch 与无联系out of sight 看不见beyond recognition辨认不出来The Harry Potter books are quite

11、 popular;they are in great demand in this city.哈利波特系列图书很受欢迎,在这座城市的需求量很大。Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of childrens reach.记住把像刀子之类的危险的东西放在孩子够不着的地方。四、抽象名词具体化1. 表示具有某种特性、状态、情感的抽象名词在表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,常考到的词见下表单词 抽象名词 具体化名词意义success 成功 成功的人或事pleasure 乐趣 令人高兴的事attraction 吸引 有吸

12、引力的人或事物beauty 美;美丽 美丽的人或事物comfort 安慰;慰藉 令人感到安慰的人或事物danger 危险 危险的人或因素delight 高兴 令人高兴的事failure 失败 失败的人或事物surprise 惊奇 令人惊奇的事情shock 震惊 令人震惊的事情pride 骄傲 令人骄傲的事情Its a good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure.对于人们来说,欣赏带给他们快乐的上海世博会是一种美好的感觉。What do you think of the ma

13、nager of your company?Oh,he is a manager whos pleasant to work with.Its a pleasure to work with him.你认为你公司的经理怎么样?噢,他是一位与其共事非常令人高兴的经理,与他共事是一件愉快的事情。2有些物质名词可个体化为可数名词物质名词 可数名词 物质名词 可数名词drink 饮料 two drinks两杯饮料 sugar 糖 a sugar 一块糖coffee 咖啡 a coffee一杯咖啡 paper 纸 a paper一张报纸;一篇论文tea 茶 two teas两杯茶 hair 头发 a h

14、air 一根头发I knocked over the tea cup and it fell on the mobile phone.You should never put drinks near a phone.我把茶杯碰倒了,它落在了手机上。你从来都不应该把饮料放到手机附近。 .单句语法改错1(2014辽宁卷短文改错)Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking.答案:timetimes2(2015陕西一联短文改错)I am Li Hua.This is my last year of high school,and

15、 Ill graduate this summer.Im eighteen year old.答案:第二个yearyears3(2015长春调研短文改错) If you go to the party,it is polite to arrive on time.It is good manners to shake hand with your host.答案:handhands4(2014河南南阳三次联考短文改错)Finally we climbed Mount Hua.It is very high and steep.We had to be careful in case we mi

16、ght fall off the cliff.It took us six hour to get to the sun mit.答案:hourhours5(2013新课标卷短文改错)When tea got popular in Britain,there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits.答案:cupcups6(2013浙江卷短文改错) His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate,my school and just ever

17、ything else I love in the world.答案:classmateclassmates.用括号内词的适当形式填空1(2015东北三校一模语法填空)The father,who was angry and bothered,began tearing the magazine cover into small_(piece)答案:pieces2(2015太原一模语法填空)She did it with a lot of help from a lot of friends and_(volunteer)答案:volunteers3It is reported that th

18、e floods have left about two thousand_(people) homeless.答案:people4As far as I know,two_(thief) have been caught in our community.答案:thieves5(2013江西卷)Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with_(patient)答案:patience6(2015石家庄一模语法填空)While waiting for my flights,I watch people passing by a

19、nd start my _(imagine)答案:imagination7(2015河北衡水中学第二次调研语法填空)Peoples_(choose) of colors is also influenced by their bodies reactions toward them.答案:choice8I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond_(recognize)答案:recognition9Ordinary woman though she is,she tries every mea

20、ns to raise peoples_(aware) of the environment protection.答案:awareness10(2013天津卷)If you are in trouble,Mike is always willing to lend a_.答案:hand11(2014江西部分重点中学3月联考)Teachers _(devote) to education should receive great respect from everyone because it benefits the development of society.答案:devotation1

21、2(2015西安质检)When asked to try on new coats of different colours and styles many times,few men have_(patient) with this treatment.答案:patience13(2014辽宁卷写作)All the_(collect) will be on show from June 16 to 18 in the gym.答案:collections14(2014浙江卷写作)In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and_

22、(inspire)答案:inspiration15(2015安徽江南十校模拟)The_(conclude),I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.答案:conclusion16(2015江西重点中学盟校一联)Mr Li has some trouble sleeping,so drinking a glass of milk before going to bed every night is his common_(practical)答案:practice17(2014襄阳3月调研)He sank into

23、_(depress) when both his parents left him and went to the south in search of a betterpaid job.答案:depression18(2015浙江百校联盟考试)The_(express) on his face told me that he failed in the exam.答案:expression19(2014山东青岛三模)How can I take the medicine,sir?Just follow the_(direct) on the bottle.答案:directions20(20

24、15安徽黄山二次质检)Are you prepared for the coming interview?Of course.After all,some questions can be beyond_(expect) and difficult to answer.答案:expection.课文缩写用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空programme;soap operas;portable;remote control;in your hand;turn on;switch on;switch off;lifestyle;at your feetA Couch PotatoWhen I wa

25、ke up,I 1._ the television and watch the childrens 2._ and old movies until about halfpast ten.Then,I get up,go downstairs and 3._ the TV in the living room.During lunch,I watch the news.In the afternoon,I watch some good old films.In the evenings,I often watch 4._.At nine thirty,if there is a good

26、play on BBC 2,I switch over and watch it.I usually 5._ the TV at about two oclock.When I take Tina,the dog,for a walk every afternoon,I always take my 6._ TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.My wife makes it possible for me to live this 7._.We dont have much money,bu

27、t were happy.Sit down and watch TV.Here is the 8._.Youve got the world 9._.And 10._.Great!【答案】1.turn on2.programmes3.switch on4soap operas5.switch off6.portable7.lifestyle8.remote your your hand 冠词一、定冠词的用法1用在表示某世纪、年代、时期或朝代的名词前。(2013陕西卷)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the P

28、acific Ocean on his way to Java in the thirteenth century.据说,在十三世纪马可波罗去爪哇岛途中曾航行经过太平洋。2用在世界上独一无二的人或物、自然现象、表示方位或表示发明物等的名词前。(2014山西部分重点高中高三联考)I dont know who invented the iPhone,but I think it is a useful invention.我不知道是谁发明了iPhone,但是我认为它是一个有用的发明。As is known to us,the sun rises in the east and sets in t

29、he west.众所周知,太阳东方升起西方落下。注意:有些物体虽然也是独一无二的,但习惯上却不用冠词。如space太空, nature自然,man人类等。(2013江西高考)Animals are obviously the lower form of life than man.动物显然是一种比人类低级的生命形式。3特指某人、某事或某个地方。(2014陕西高考)The village where I was born has grown into a town.我出生的那个村庄已经变成一个城镇了。(2013重庆高考)The parents were shocked by the news that their son needed an operation on his knee.这对父母被他们的儿子需要做膝部手术的消息震惊了。4by表示具体单位的名词前要用定冠词。Its said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.Right,he will also get paid by the week.据说约翰将拥有一份年收入超过60 000美元的工作。是的,而且会按周获得报酬。5用于序数词和形容词或副词最高级以及形容词only,very,same等之前。Yang Li

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