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1、下半年教师资格证初中英语真题及解析初中英语学科知识与教学能力2020年下半年真;注意事项:1.考试时间为120分钟,満分为150分。2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效不予评分。一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.Which of the following shows the correct stress of the word MpedeslrianM ?A./padestrin/ B./padeslrin/CJpadestrin/ DJpadestriQn/【答案】D【解析】本题考査语音学。Petrol和gasoline是汽油的两种同义表达,petr

2、ol英式英语,gasoline为美式英语, 即为同义词。故本題选C。2.Which of the following words has a different stress pattern?A.Facility B. CaterpillarC. Community D. Accompany【答案】B【解析】本题考査语音学。题干为以卜哪个单词的重音与其他不同.facility fasilati community kamjuzn mti、accompany 1/kAmpani的重音均在第二音节上,而 caterpillarE kanapilr 的 重音在第一音节上。故本题选&3.Because

3、 of the strong sun the new drawing-room curtains have from dark blue togrey.A. fade B. paledC. fainted D. blurred【答案】A【解析】本题考査动词。题干为由于太阳光照强烈.新上色的窗帘从深蓝色褪色成了灰色。表达褪色用fade。pale 意为发白,变白:faint意为“衰落,变得微弱:blur意为“模糊故本题选A。4.Which of the following pairs of words arc synonyms?A. Red-color B. Tall-shortC. Petrol

4、-gasoline D. Father-father【答案】Ct解析】本题考査语义学。Petrol和gasoline是汽油的两种同义表达,petrol英式英语,gasoline为美式英语, 即为同义词。故本題选C。5.We dont know what experiment those researchers would on females to test this hypothesis.A. apply B. carryC. deliver D. perform【答案】B【解析】本题考查动词。carry on意为“进行,开展”,句意为我们不知道研究人员会在女性身上做什么实验来 验证这一假设

5、。”故本题选B。6.Tom said he would go to Hong Kong for winter vacation and he go.A. did B. hadC. does D. will【答案】A【解析】本题考查强调句。题干为汤姆说他要去香港过寒假,他确实去了。英语中对谓语动词进行强调固定用助动 词do, does或did。句子是过去时态.所以用did。故本题选A。7.It is forbidden faster than 60 mph on (his highway.A. to driving B. to driveC. being driven D. to be driv

6、en【答案】B【解析】本题考査动词不定式。此句中H为形式主语,且题干中没有表达被动的含义。故本题选B。8.In the sentence Its no use crying over the spilt milk”, the italicized part is .A. an object B. an adveibialC. a subject D. a complement【答案】Ct解析】本题考查动词ing形式。本句是it做形式主语.頁正的主语是crying over the spilt milk. It is no use doing sth.故本题选 C。9.Which of die

7、fbllowing describes the function of the sentence It is a nice day. isnt it ?A. Informative B. PhaticC. Directive D. Performative【答案】B【解析】本题考查语言学中i吾言的主要功能。A选项为信息功能,B选项为寒暄功能,C选项为指使功能D选项为,施为 功能题干为谈论天气体现了i吾言的什么功能?谈论天气属干人们日常生活中的寒暄。故 本题选B。10.Which of the following describes the process in which ones langu

8、age ability is developed in natural and everyday situation?A. Performance B. CompetenceC. Learning D. Acquisition【答案】D【解析】本题考查应用语言学。下列哪一项描述了一个人的i吾言能力是在自然和日常环境自然地获得?语言习得指的是是在潜意识的情形下自然地获得语言知识和言语技能。与题干中描述的 概念一致。考生要注意“习得AcqiusitioiT与“学习Learning”的概念区分,Learning指在课堂 中有意识的学习。故本题选D。11.What role does he/she p

9、lay when a teacher explains the purpose of a task, the steps to do it and its time limit?A. An organizer. B. An obserxerC. An evaluator D. A prompter【答案】A【解析】本题考查教师角色。A选项,组织者,B选项,观察者,C选项,评价者,D选项,促进者当教师在课堂上布置任务.阐述任务步骤及时间限制,该教师是在组织课堂活动,所以 体现的是组织者的角色。故本题选A。12.What does he/she intend to do when a teache

10、r writes the following sentences She gets up early. She wears a iinifbmi. She works very hard, on the blackboard ar the presentation stage?A.Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.B.Check if students can pronounce the sentences.C.Monitor whether students can accurately express their ideas.

11、D Draw sludents* attention to the form of a new language item.【答案】D【解析】本题考查语法教学。当老师任知识呈现阶段写下三个句子,均含有一般现在时.同时将gets up. wears, works 划线,目的是要让学生注意到新的语言项目,一般现在时态。故本题选Du13.What skill does he/she use when a student uses language knowledge and contextual clues to figure out the meaning of a new word?A. Con

12、trasting. B. SummarizingC. Deducing D. Predicting【答案】c【解析】本题考査词汇教学。当学生结合所学知识与上下文推测新单词的意思,用到了推理的策略。故本题选C。14.Supplementing, deleting, simplifying and reordering are often used in .A.adapting teaching materialsB.delivering teaching materialsC.evaluating teaching materialsD presenting teaching materials

13、【答案】A【解析】本题考查教学设计。根据义务教育课程标准,教师可以根据学生情况和自己教学需要对教材做出适当调整. 具体包括:补充、删滅、简化和调整顺序等.故本题选A。15.Which of the following is least recommended at the lead-in stage in a reading class?A.Activating students schema of the topic.B.Giving advice on how to use reading strategies.C.Sharing background infonnalion about

14、the text.D Correcting language mistakes students have made.【答案】D【解析】本题考查导入。在课程导入阶段.要以激活学生背景知识.熟悉话题为主.同时为了帮助学生更好地学 习可以适当介绍一些阅读策略,但是不能过分关注语言纠错,会挫伤学生的学习积极性. 故本题选D.16.Which of the following best describes the phenomenon dial learners apply the skills acquired in one field to another?A.Transfer B. Deduct

15、ionC. Contextualization D. Induction【答案】A【解析】本题考査课堂教学技能。将语言学习技能从一个领域转移到另一个领域属于知 识的迁移。故本题选A。17.If the focus is placed on students are supposed lo go through the stages of drafting, receiving feedback, and revising before submitting the final version of their writing.A.Product B. processC. genre D. fo

16、rmat【答案】B【解析】本题考查中学写作教学。如果写作时将重点放在起草稿、反愤、修改等步骤上,那这是重过程的写作模式。故本 题选Bo18.What would hc/shc do in a reading class if a teacher wants to develop students* inferential comprehension?A.Ask them to retell the slory.B.Ask them lo underline difficult sentences.C.Ask them to read the text sentence by sentence.

17、D.Ask them to read the text for implied meaning.【答案】D【解析】本题考查阅读教学。如果教师想要发展学生的推理能力,那可以让学生阅读文章找出文本的隐含意义。其他 三项都没有关注到“推理”。故本题选De19.Which of the following activities can be used if the focus is on developing studcnts, oral fluency in English?A. Blank-filling. B. Story-telling.C. Transformation. D. Transl

18、ation.【答案】B【解析】本题考査口语教学。讲故事着重在于练习口语交际,属于锻炼语言流畅性的活动,而其他三种活动都在关注 语言的准确性。故本题选B。20.Whal is the focus when a teacher says to the class” Rewrite each of the following sentences using the passive voice.A. Skill B. MeaningC. Structure D. Function【答案】c【解析】本题考査中学语法教学。当教师要求学生“用被动语态重新写以下句子”时,教师在关注学生使用被动语态这个语 法知

19、识的使用情况,所以在关注语言结构,而不是意义、功能或是技巧.故本题选C.请阅读Passage 1,完成第212S小题.Passage 1In a traditional classroom, much, if not most, of class lime is spent with the teacher presenting content -Idling, showing, explaining and lecturing. Whether its a first-grade teacher reading to students, a high school government te

20、acher lecturing on the Articles of Confederation, or a math teacher demonstrating how to solve an equation, class time is when the teacher delivers information and the students receive it.Ideally, lessons involve a mixture of delivery and discussion, supplemented by activities that engage students t

21、o support their comprehension. But in reality; just gening the coment across can take most of the class period, especially when lessons arc interrupted by student questions, discipline problems, and distractions like fire drills, assemblies, and other disruptions.There arc lots of good reasons for t

22、his model and its durability in education. It is an efficient way to assure that all sludents have access to the same course content, and it provides a way for teachers to transmit their expertise in a subject and enthusiasm for it, to their students. Most teachers love being the Msagc on the stage1

23、*, and many arc very good at it.Nevertheless, many teachers also feel frustrated by the limitations of this model especially when lecture and presentation take up the lions share of the class period, leaving little time for the good stuff of teachinggetting into students*, helping them make njeaning

24、 out of information, drawing out their evolving understanding, encouraging and sparkling their excitement and comprehension. In todays environment of high-stakes testing, with multiple standards一and now with the Common Core, new standardshere never seems to be enough time for all the things teachers

25、 wish they could do with their students: project-based activities, individual or group learning challenges. Deep discussions and inquiry activities.So its not surprising that, when teachers are asked what they believe is the greatest value of flipping instruction, the answer is almost always. It giv

26、es me more time to work directly with students during class. Teachers at Miclugans Clintondale High School claim that, since they have flipped lheir classrooms, the amount of time they spend with students has increased by a factor of four. That is substantial gainand it makes a real difference in st

27、udents believing that the teacher is there for them when help is needed.21.According lo the passage, what differentiates a flipped classroom from a traditional one?A.The amount of time that teachers spend with individual students.B.The amount of knowledge that teachers impart to students.C.The conte

28、nt of the teaching materials used by teachers.D The variety of activities organized by teachers.22.According to the passage, which of the following features typically characterizes a traditional classroom?A. Inquiry B. DeliveryD. DiscussionC. Exemplification23.Which of lhe following best explains th

29、e underlined expression Hsage on the stage?*1 inParagraph 3?A. Demanding B. LiberalC. Imaginative D. Authoritative24.According to Paragraph 4. what should have been incorporated in traditional classrooms?A.Preparing students for high-stakes tests.B.Developing sludcnts analytical thinking skills.C.As

30、sisting students to attain the Common Core standards.D Enhancing students* ability to cope with learning pressures.25.Which of the following reflects the author s view on a flipped classroom?A. Radical B. OpposedC. Supportive D. Paradoxical21.【答案】A【解析】本題考査细卄理解题。由第一段可知,传统课堂与新型课堂最大的区别在于教 师花费在每个学生身上的时间

31、变了传统课堂中教师主要关注知识传授,因此没有时间与学 生互动、讨论等;而新型课堂正好可以弥补这个缺陷.故本题选A。22.【答案】B【解析】本题考査细节理解题。从文章第一二段可以看岀,传统课堂的教学模式主要为 教师传送知识,而学生被动接受知识。故本題选23.【答案】D【解析】本题考查词义猜测题。Sage on the stage意为“讲台上的圣人”,即权城。结合 划线部分前一句中的“expertise即可推断出.故本题选D.24.【答案】B【解析】本题考查推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,在当今高风险的考试环境中,有 多种标准现在有了共同核心,新标准似乎从来没有足够的时间来做教师希望与学生一起 做的所有事情:基于项目的活动,个人或小组的学习挑战,深入的讨论和探究活动由此 推知,作者认为,应该在传统课堂中培养学生的批判分析能力.故本題选C.25.【答案】Ct解析】本题考査观点态度题。从文章最后一段可以看岀,新型课堂让老师有大量时间 与学生直接互动,一对一帮助学生等,可见让教师和学生都受益匪浅.作者及其支持。故本 题选C。请阅读Passage!,完成第2630小题。Passage 2First there were hammers banging. Then paint brushes. Then carpet. Soon we had a

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