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选修6 Module 3 International Relationships.docx

1、选修6 Module 3 International Relationships选修6 Module 3 International Relationships Friendship测试题第一部分 听力(两节, 满分30 分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. He kept putting his dream to the test even though it meant _ with uncertainty and fear of failure.A. l

2、iving B. to liveC. to be living D. having been lived22. Although he was _ three times in the first round, he won the match at last.A. knocked down B. knocked overC. knocked in D. knocked at23. As it turned out to be a very boring film, we _ so much money on the tickets.A. neednt spend B. didnt have

3、to spendC. oughtnt to spend D. neednt have spent24. _ around Tiananmen Square, the tourists were taken to visit the Summer Palace.A. Having shown B. Being shown C. Having been shown D. Showing25. One of the advantages of the Internet is that you can find whatever you want _ the websites.A. to B. at

4、C. of D. through26. We were talking happily when he _ tears.A. burst out B. burst intoC. burst in D. burst on27. _ he didnt attend the meeting.A. To my surprise B. What surprised me mostC. It was surprised that D. It was surprising that28. Being treated like a child, _.A. his parents did not allow h

5、im to touch the vaseB. Toms friends didnt want to talk with himC. he was not allowed to touch the vaseD. his classmates made fun of him29. The _ boy was last seen _ near the West Lake.A. missing; playing B. missing; playC. missed; played D. missed; to play30. I cannot imagine _ in a foreign country

6、who I have not seen for years.A. what is like to meet a friendB. what is it like to meet a friend C. what it is like to meet a friendD. what it likes to meet a friend31. I dont mind _ his birthday party.A. being not invited to B. not to be invited toC. not inviting to D. not being invited to32. This

7、 is my telephone number and let us _.A. keep in touch B. lose touchC. out of touch D. keep in touch with33. _ by the teacher, he didnt make such mistakes again.A. Having been warned B. Having warned C. To warn D. He was warned34. We know that everybody feels shy and lonely at _ in their life.A. some

8、time B. sometimesC. some time D. some times35. The teacher helped the two girls make _ three days after their quarrel.A. of B. up C. for D. into第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. Do you wonder

9、 36 some people have more friends than others? Such people may or may not be 37 ; they may or may not have 38 intelligence or higher education. But within them is an attitude causing them to be respected and admired. It is their ability to 39 friends and also keep them. Friends are a basic source of

10、 40 . Making friends does not require too much effort, except those that are 41 to talk to people. And 42 the shy ones sometimes have a handful of friends because of their attitude towards keeping friends. But the problem is to know 43 to keep your friend when you have one. Friends are the reasons w

11、e 44 . Have you ever wondered what your life would be like without friends? So, no matter how busy your 45 is, to keep your friends, you have to develop a lifestyle and a way of dispensing time that allows several profound relationships with other people. True happiness 46 not in the multitude of fr

12、iends you have, 47 in the worth and choice. Openness is a common characteristic of people that have 48 and good friendship. Most people often hide behind 49 . They long both to be known and to remain hidden! Everyone has their shadow side and is quite reluctant to 50 this side to another person. But

13、 telling someone else, a friend, about the dark 51 creates a chemistry. Because we have told another person our deepest secrets, we begin to understand 52 better, especially when the friend is more 53 . When we reveal ourselves to someone else, we learn how to 54 contact with our real self, and may

14、then be able to direct our destiny on the 55 of this self-knowledge.36. A. which B. what C. why D. that37. A. wealthy B. healthy C. tall D. wise38. A. much B. average C. lower D. higher39. A. make B. have C. get D. possess40. A. money B. wisdom C. life D. happiness41. A. terrified B. shyC. determine

15、d D. outgoing42. A. only B. just C. even D. ever43. A. where B. what C. why D. how44. A. work B. smile C. live D. study45. A. time B. night C. schedule D. day46. A. has B. belongs C. includes D. consists47. A. but B. however C. or D. and48. A. unworthy B. stressful C. deep D. short49. A. masks B. fa

16、ces C. bodies D. sides50. A. open B. reveal C. let D. give51. A. face B. side C. line D. aside52. A. him B. them C. ourselves D. others53. A. careful B. interestingC. important D. experienced54. A. lose B. do C. increase D. come55. A. hope B. basis C. belief D. trust第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列

17、短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。A person who fails at a relationship is someone who neglects the needs of their partner. So the first step to establish a successful relationship is to determine what needs the other person has. It is also vital to understand your own needs so that you can help the o

18、ther person in the relationship to meet your needs. Unfortunately, not only do many people fail to see or to understand their partners needs, but also they do not understand their own. Children will have wonderful relationships with their parents as long as their needs are being satisfied. When the

19、needs are unfulfilled, the relationship changes and problems arise. As the child grows, needs change; it is necessary that parents recognize these changes. As it is with the child to the parent, so it is with the parent to the child. The way to recognize other peoples needs is by their responses to

20、you. When you do or say something and you get a positive response, you are well on the way to being recognized. As it is in others, so it is in you. What is it that you respond to in a positive manner? What do you feel good about getting and about doing? What are you totally guiltless about? What ca

21、n you do with complete confidence and fearlessness? What emotional scene can you control without fear or guilt? Look in these areas for your needs and you will in all probability find your answers. Our own needs are often hidden by fear, guilt, and past programming. The techniques and exercises cove

22、red in will allow you to identify your needs and show you who you are in regard to interpersonal relationships. Your effectiveness in influencing and dealing with other people will greatly increase with . 56. The purpose of writing this article is to _.A. tell you how to deal with interpersonal rela

23、tionshipsB. show you the techniques of dealing with people C. arise your interest in reading a bookD. tell you the exercises of dealing with people57. What is the most important factor in dealing with people?A. Being kind to others. B. Thinking of your own needs first.C. Finding out other peoples ne

24、eds and your needs as well.D. Using some interpersonal techniques.58. How does the author tell us to deal with the relationship between parents and children?A. To play together and learn together.B. Parents should know that their childrens needs change.C. Children should know that their parents need

25、s change.D. Parents and children should know that each others needs change.59. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Once you recognize a persons needs, you may gain his friendship as well.B. It is necessary to consider your needs when dealing with other people.C.

26、 We can find out our own needs if we work hard.D. You can know what others need by how they act towards you.Years after throwing a note in a bottle into a lake for a class project and just one year after his death, a mans childhood message was found and returned to his mother. Eleven years ago, a 10

27、-year-old boy, Joshua Baker, wrote the message, folded it and put it in an empty bottle, his mother, Maggie Holbrook said. He died last February in a motor vehicle accident in California. He had recently returned after services in the Middle East as a US soldier. “I think he was just letting us know

28、 he was OK and keep doing what we are doing,” Holbrook said. The message surfaced in White Lake in late April, just days after the 11th anniversary of being thrown into the lake. It was found by one of Bakers closest friends, Steve Lieder. Lieder and two friends were chatting near the lake when Lied

29、er looked down and saw the bottle. He broke it open and found the note inside. “My name is Joshua Baker. I am 10. If you find this, put it in the news. The date is 4/16/95.” They immediately took it to Holbrook, who said she was having the note preserved and would display it in her home. She can rem

30、ember when her son wrote the message for the school project. She said she always wondered why he didnt put it in the nearby Wolf River, which has a much stronger current. “I still remember the day when he wrote it,” Holbrook said. “I couldnt understand why he threw it into the lake. No one would eve

31、r see it again. Now I know.”60. Who found the bottle according to the passage?A. Joshua Bakers mother.B. A fisherman.C. Joshua Bakers friend.D. Joshua Bakers mothers friend.61. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. The mother believes her son is still living with her in the house. B. The mother thinks her son will come to see her one day.C. The mother thinks its foolish to throw the note into the lake.D. The mother thinks the bottle is her sons gift to her after his death.62. Which of the following statements

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