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人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil 单元测试题2套及答案.docx

1、人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil 单元测试题2套及答案Unit 3 单元测试题(1)Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. I found _ eraser. _ eraser is yellow.A. an; An B. the; An C. an; The D. the; The( )17. You can call Tom _ 202-4693.A. at B. in C. to D. of( )18. That is a _. My

2、 ruler and pens are in it.A. pencil B. bookC. watch D. box( )19. This picture is Graces. That picture is _, too.A. her B. hers C. my D. mine( )20. Look! Five _ and a set of _ are in the black bag.A. photo; key B. photos; keysC. photos; key D. photo; keys( )21. _ these Ginas sisters?_. They are her f

3、riends.A. Are; No B. Is; NoC. Are; Yes D. Is; Yes( )22. How do you _ your name?_.A. say; Jim B. say; J-I-MC. spell; Jim D. spell; J-I-M( )23. Alice, is that your baseball?_. Its Lindas.A. Yes, that is B. No, that isntC. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt( )24. _ this jacket, Anna?Its good. I like it.A. What

4、about B. WhatsC. Whos D. What color( )25. _, are you Sonia?No. Im Gina.A. Im OK B. Thank youC. Excuse me D. Goodbye.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Hello! Im Mr. Smith. Here26some lost things (东西).27in the lost and found box. This is a schoolbag.28is red and yellow. Davi

5、d found it this morning. Is this29 schoolbag? That is a pencil box. Mike found it in his30this afternoon. There are (有)31pens in it. One is blue. The other two are green. By the way, Jenny lost her32. Its a white jacket. Can you33Jenny?Boys and girls, if (如果) you lose your things, you can ask me34he

6、lp. Call me. My35number is 687-9532.( )26. A. am B. is C. are D. be( )27. A. Its B. Theyre C. Youre D. Im( )28. A. That B. This C. One D. It( )29. A. you B. your C. he D. his( )30. A. bag B. family C. picture D. classroom( )31. A. two B. three C. four D. five( )32. A. pen B. pens C. jackets D. jacke

7、t( )33. A. help B. ask C. see D. thank( )34. A. at B. about C. for D. of( )35. A. car B. school C. card D. phone.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hello, Ms. Brown!(36)Is it here?B:(37)A: It is red.B: Oh, there are two red cups.(38)A: No, it isnt.B:(39)A: Oh, its mine. Thank you, Ms.

8、Brown.B:(40)A. Youre welcome.B. I lost my cup.C. What about that one?D. Whats your name?E. Is this one yours?F. Have a good day!G. What color is it?.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ALeo: Hi, Julia. Is that your red cup?Julia: No, it is Davids.Leo: Is this his white bag?Julia: No, it isnt. The yellow bag is his.Leo:

9、 What about that English dictionary?Julia: Its Marys. And the three blue pencils are hers, too.Leo: What about the map? Is it yours?Julia: Yes, it is.根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )41. The red cup is Julias.( )42. Davids bag is white.( )43. That English dictionary is Marys.( )44. Marys three pencils are white.

10、( )45. The map is Julias.BI found a baseball in the playground (操场). Is it yours? Call me at 878-9964.FrankTwo English books are in the school library. Are they yours? E-mail me atmike.MikeA bag is in the classroom. Some keys, some notebooks and someotherthings are in it. My phone number is 665-3346

11、. Call me. HelenI lost my watch. Its from my mom. I must find it. Call Grace at 689-8832.GraceI lost my bag. Its red. Two keys, three notebooks, a dictionary and a pen are in it. Call me at 878-6654. Thank you. AnnaI lost my computer game. I must find it. E-mail me atdale. Thanks.Dale根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(

12、)46. Lucy lost a baseball, and she can _.A. call 878-6654 B. call 878-9964C. find it in the classroomD. e-mailmike( )47.划线单词“other”的中文意思是“_”。A.别人的 B.缺乏的C.多余的 D.其他的( )48. Graces watch is _.A. red B. blueC. from her momD. from her dad( )49. Anna can _ for her bag.A. call Helen B. call FrankC. call Gra

13、ce D. e-mail Dale( )50.下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Dale lost a computer game.B. Graces phone number is 665-3346.C. Two keys and three pens are in Annas bag.D. Mike found two books in the classroom.词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)A)根据句意及所给图片提示,写出句中所缺单词。51.Look! This is my English _.52.Jane and her sister are in the _ now.53.Paul

14、s father is a(n) _.54.Lucys cousin has a good _.55.This _ is not expensive (昂贵的).B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。56. Mary has two _(notebook).57. Give that book to _(I).58. Anna must _(find) her dog.59. I like these green _(bag).60. This ID card isnt _(he).完成句子(每小题2分,共20分)A)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。61.她是约翰(John

15、)的女儿吗?Is _ _ daughter?62.那是一箱棒球。Thats a(n) _ of _.63.你最喜欢的游戏是什么?_ your favorite _ ?64.你可以找我哥哥要那张光盘。You can _ my brother _ that CD.65.请给他发电子邮件到jim351。Please _ him _ jim351.B)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。66. That is his schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ his schoolbag?67. Is this an orange quilt? (补全肯定答语)Yes, _ _.

16、68. Are those your books? (补全否定答语)No, _ _.69. Those are Helens watches. (改为同义句)Those watches _ _.70. These arerulers. (对划线部分提问)_ _ these?.书面表达(10分)假如你是萨莉(Sally),你在学校图书馆捡到了一个手机(mobile phone)。请你用英语写一则失物招领启事,寻找手机的主人。你的电话是877-8032。要求不少于4句话。_附加题(共10分)English people like drinking tea. But they are differe

17、nt from Chinese. They usually have tea in the afternoon at about four or five oclock.1They like to put something into tea, such as milk and sugar (糖).2If friends come to visit, English people like to treat (招待) them with tea. They usually have a tea party at home.3At the party, they drink tea and ta

18、lk with friends happily.根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:将A、B、C三个句子填入文中空缺处。A. Sometimes they have a tea party in the park at weekends.B. They call the time teatime.C. Sometimes they put juice into tea.1. _ 2. _ 3. _任务二:选择最佳答案。( )4. When do English people usually have tea in the afternoon?A. At about 1:00.B. At abou

19、t 2:00.C. At about 3:00.D. At about 4:00.( )5. Whats the best title for the passage?A. English peopleB. Why English people like teaC. Some kinds of teaD. How English people drink tea参考答案. 16-20 CADBB 21-25 ADDAC. 26-30 CBDBD 31-35 BDACD. 36-40 BGECA. 41-45 FFTFT 46-50 BDCAA. 51. dictionary 52. libra

20、ry 53. teacher 54. ring 55. computer 56. notebooks 57. me 58. find 59. bags 60. his. 61. she Johns 62. box; baseballs 63. Whats; game 64. ask; for 65. e-mail; at 66. Is that 67. it is 68. they arent 69. are Helens 70. What are. One possible version:Found:I found a mobile phone in the school library

21、this morning. It is black. Is it yours? My telephone number is 877-8032. Call me.Sally附加题1-5 BCADDUnit 3 单元测试题(2)Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Bill found _ eraser. _ eraser is black and white.A. a; A B. an; AnC. a; The D. an; The( )17. You can call Mr. Gr

22、een _ 748-5562.A. of B. atC. in D. to( )18. This is our _. You can read in it.A. library B. photo C. box D. map( )19. Here is _. Some books and a pencil box _ in it.A. a schoolbag; areB. schoolbags; isC. schoolbags; areD. a schoolbag; is( )20. This is my pen. And that ruler is _, too.A. I B. myC. mi

23、ne D. me( )21. Please _ me at zhangchi.A. call B. meet C. e-mail D. ask( )22. This is _ jacket. _ do you spell “jacket”? J-A-C-K-E-T.A. his; What B. he; WhatC. he; How D. his; How( )23. Are these your cousins? _. They are my brothers.A. Yes, these are B. No, these arentC. Yes, they are D. No, they a

24、rent( )24. _ this book? It is good. I like it.A. Whats B. WhosC. What about D. What color is( )25. You help me find my CD. _. Youre welcome.A. I see B. Thank youC. Fine, thanks D. Excuse me.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Hello, everyone! Im Kate. Im in Class 1. Jenny is my friend.26i

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