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1、安徽省皖北联盟学年高二上学期期末联考英语“皖北名校”联盟2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试卷高二英语参考答案第一部分:1-5 CABCA 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ACCAB 16-20 BACBB第二部分:第一节: 21-25 BBCDC 26-30 CBACD 31-35 AAADD 第二节: 36-40 FGACD第三部分:第一节: 41-45 CDCAB 46-50 DABDB 51-55 CDACD 56-60 CBABA 第二节:61. him 62. famously 63. has remained/remains 64. to win 65. Though/Alt

2、hough/While 66. else 67. being 68. of 69. a 70. that/which 第四部分:第一节:“Smartphone blindness” happens when people lie on their side at night, with one eye that against the pillowand the other stare at the smartphone screen. While one eye adjusts to the dark, the other gets accustomed thestaring tobrigh

3、t light of the screen. Therefore, when they roll over and open their eyes, the eye that has been fixing on theHowever fixedscreen cannot deal with the darkness of the room. Afterwards, with all eyes uncovered in the dark, the light-adaptedboth eye was sensed to be “blind”. It usually takes the while

4、 for the eyes to adjust. It leads people to hold the view which is a thatthey are suffering from a severely problem. severe第二节:Possible versionWhat Makes a Good TeacherA good teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. And from my stand, a magic teacher is supposed to be h

5、umorous, well-informed and patient.Firstly, humor is to class what water is to fish. With humor, a teacher can create a lively class for students. Additionally, the teacher himself will become a magnet to grab the students eyes.Equally, a capable teacher should have a great command of his subject. A

6、s the saying goes, he who stays near vermilion gets stained red. From this aspect, students near him will be unconsciously impacted and will squeeze their brains to strive more for perfection.Finally, patience is significant. Great haste is not always good speed. Therefore, when a student encounters

7、 a few obstacles, a competent teacher should carefully do him a favor.Provided that a teacher can achieve this, he can firmly say without guilt I teach therefore I am.阅读理解21. B【解析】主旨大意题。文章讲述了印度一位用烛火剪发的理发师。22. B【解析】词义猜测题。理发师用火来修剪头发,所以要“小心、谨慎”,故选B。23. C【解析】细节理解题。从第2段power went offthe flames of the can

8、dle that night inspired me to think of using a new technique for trimming hair可知。24. D【解析】推理判断题。从第1段has made him the most demanded barber以及后两段的相关描述可知。25. C【解析】推理判断题。文中多次出现medical, drug等词语,招聘要求中也提到了相关信息。26. C【解析】细节理解题。从第4部分the ideal candidate will have后面的相关描述可知。27. B【解析】细节理解题。从倒数第2段的please send a CV,

9、 current salary, a brief covering letter., and a 600-word news story可知。28. A【解析】推理判断题。本则广告所招聘的职位涉及到“医学”,所以选择A。29. C【解析】写作意图题。文章主要介绍了读书的意义,旨在劝说人们读书。30. D【解析】文章结构题。根据该段前面的Many children say this from time to time(这些孩子不明白为什么要读书,说明他们缺少读书的动机).Many of the 12 million adults in Britain with reading difficult

10、ies also repeat it to themselves on a daily basis可知。31. A【解析】主旨大意题。该段主要介绍读书的意义,故选A。32. A【解析】观点态度题。从该段及最后一句If we, in the future, are no longer connected to personal reflection and creative thought, we will be done. 如果未来我们不再与这些个人反思和创造性的思维相联系(即:不再读书),我们就完了。33. A【解析】推理判断题。根据该研究的结果及文中leading some to beli

11、eve that theres no boundary to how long people can live及the rate of improvement was slower for the very old, those over 100 years old等处信息可知:人的寿命是有限的。34. D【解析】细节理解题。根据第6段lifestyle choices play a bigger role than genetics in their longevity可知。35. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第5段David Sinclair的话可知。3640 FGACD完形填空41. C【

12、解析】从文中的相关描述可知当天很冷,故使用barely above freezing:低于零度(不在零度以上)42. D【解析】“为了让自己暖和一些,大家都不停的跳着。”43. C【解析】从后文的homeless可知那名男子“裹着一条毯子”。coat: 包上, 罩上; crowd:拥挤;affect:影响;fill:填充。44. A【解析】“(碰上流浪汉,)许多人照例装作视而不见。”as usual:照例,像往常一样; on average:平均来说;on contrary:相反地;as a whole:总的来说。45. B【解析】“而我却走过去和他攀谈。”come out: 出来(版),结果

13、是;pull through:度过,熬过;stand up:站起来; go over (to):转向(去)。46. D【解析】“希望能挣点钱”从后文的theres no work for him可知。47. A【解析】“一说到热腾腾的火鸡,他的眼睛亮了起来。”shine:闪亮;open:开着;close:闭着;narrow:收缩。48. B【解析】“遗憾的是,没有他的工作所有的事都让志愿者们做了。”49. D【解析】见上。Runner:参加赛跑者; player:运动员,选手;judge:裁判;volunteer:志愿者。依据常识可知:运动员及裁判一般不负责其它的事情,所以选择voluntee

14、rs。50. B【解析】“比赛时间到了,于是我跟他说比赛结束后再和他多聊聊。”51. C【解析】“他会在那儿等着看我跨过终点线。”cross: 穿越,越过。52. D【解析】“比赛的多数时间里我都惦记着那个人。”53. A【解析】“看到一个退役军人生活如此艰难着实让人感到心痛。”54. C【解析】见上。Fantastic:奇怪的,美好的;ambiguous:模糊的,不确定的;rough:艰难的, 不幸的;opposite:相反的。55. D【解析】“他没向我讨要任何东西,但我却迫切地想为他做点什么。” be desperate to do sth.: 迫切地想做某事。 56. C【解析】“比赛

15、结束后,我又走回去,挨着他坐在草丛里。”sit in the grass与前文相呼应。57. B【解析】“(我和流浪汉坐在一起)招来不少奇怪的眼神。”ordinary:平淡的,平常的;strange:奇怪的,费解的;admiring:钦佩的,赞赏的;respectable:可敬的, 可观的。58. A【解析】“我不是什么大人物,但我真的希望这点钱能多帮你一些。”59. B【解析】见上。Special/extraordinary:非凡的,特殊的;extra:额外的;valuable:有价值的,贵重的。60. A【解析】“非常感谢,但我不能接受你的钱”accept:接受;afford:负担得起;b

16、urden:负担;reject:拒绝。语法填空61. him 62. famously 63. has remained/remains 64. to win 65. Though/Although/While 66. else 67. being 68. of 69. a 70. that/which 短文改错1. 第1句删除that 2. 第1句starestaring 3. 第2句accustomed后加to 4. 第3句ThereforeHowever 5. 第3句fixingfixed 6. 第4句allboth 7. 第4句wasis 8. 第5句thea 9. 第5句whicht

17、hat 10. 第5句severelysevere附:听力录音稿Text 1M: Id like to send some flowers to my friend for her birthday.W: Im sure she will be happier if you include a nice card with them.Text 2W: Mary is fond of camping, isnt she?M: Yes, she usually goes for weeks at a time.Text 3W: OK. Ill see you at the taxi stand.

18、How will I recognize you?M: Lets see. I wear glasses. Black glasses.W: There may be a lot of people with glasses by taxi.M: OK. Ill wear a yellow shirt. You cant miss a yellow shirt.Text 4W: Can I help you?M: Im looking for some books to help me make up an English play.W: About short English stories

19、? We have just introduced some new books, which sell well.M: Thats right.Text 5M: Thats a lovely painting in your living room.W: Im glad you like it. Its a Christmas gift from my son.M: Well, its beautiful. Your son has very good taste.Text 6M: Id like to see you off, but I cant get to the airport u

20、ntil five.W: Im afraid Ill have left by then. My plane takes off at 4:30.M: Thats bad. Youre going straight to Washington, arent you?W: No, Ill stay with my sister in New York for a couple of weeks and then go to Washington. Classes will have started by then.M: Well, I wish you good luck.Text 7M: Mo

21、rning, Sue. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country?W: Yes. We had a great time.M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?W: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals over an open fire.M: Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good?W: The sun shone nearly every day and it didnt rain

22、 at all.M: Did you like the people there?W: Yes. They were great. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.Text 8W: English Language Center. May I help you?M: Yes. Im calling to find out more information about what kind of courses you offer.W: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is

23、 to provide language learning opportunities, whether a students goal is to master basic language skills for his or her job, or to study to enter a US college or university.M: OK. I am actually calling for my niece who is interested in attending a US university.W: Oh, good. We provide all kinds of in

24、struction to prepare students to go abroad, from basic courses to specialized classes such as computers and business English.M: Great. What is your deadline for signing up for the next term?W: No later than two months before the term begins.M: OK, and what is the charge for a full-time student?W: Tw

25、o thousand five hundred dollars.M: And how does one apply?W: Its best to fill out a form on our website. The first 50 applicants will get a 10 % discount.M: Great. Thank you for your help.Text 9W: How did you become an artist, David?M: Well, as a kid, I loved to draw. I was born and educated in Manc

26、hester. My uncle was a school art teacher there, and he often took me to art museums in the city. I guess I was influenced by all those artists. By the time I was ten, I knew I wanted to be an artist.W: Did you like any artist in particular?M: I used to be a big fan of Andy Wells. But when I develop

27、ed my own style, I then discovered that Tom Jackson spoke most deeply to me.W: But your style is nothing like Jacksons.M: I know, but after I studied his work for some time, I learned that his sense of freedom was key. This inspired me to create my own style.W: Well, youve certainly succeeded in doi

28、ng that. Whats next for you, David?M: I have been in New York for nearly six years, and I need a change. So I am planning to spend some time in East Asia.W: Why is that?M: The art scene there is very exciting. I will visit Beijing and see traditional Chinese paintings, such as the ones done by Qi Ba

29、ishi. But Ill go to Japan first and stay there for a month.W: Have you decided when you will leave?M: Not exactly, but I think I will leave in early November.Text 10Today all the students in my school had a heated discussion about whether we students should wear school uniforms or not. There were th

30、ree clear opinions on this question.80 % of the students think school uniforms are a bad idea. They think all school uniforms are of the same style and the same color, which will prevent students from expressing their individual personalities. Besides, some school uniforms are of poor quality, which

31、 makes it uncomfortable to wear. However, 15% of the students think wearing school uniforms is necessary for students. They say it can help schools and teachers to manage the students better, and it can also help some students stop focusing showing off with their clothes. The rest, about 5 %, dont t

32、ake the issue seriously. They are only concerned whether they can get high grades or not.As for me, Im part of the 15%, for the following reasons. First of all, as students, we should obey school rules, which currently require us to wear school uniforms on weekdays. In addition, school uniforms help students

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