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1、英语学科练案英语学科练案 unit 2 Book 5课时作业(一)限时40分钟Part I Warming up, Pre-reading ,Reading & ComprehendingI 单项填空(10题)1. (2009年高考安徽卷)China has got a good _ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.Areputation BinfluenceCimpression Dknowledge2As for the accident,he only told us the ma

2、in facts,_most of the details.Aputting out Btaking outCbringing out Dleaving out3Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? Aroyal BconsistentChandy Dconvenient4He is rewarded by his boss for his _task ahead of time perfectly.Aaccomplishing BfinishingCending Dacqu

3、iring5 _,Nathan gave back the enormous amount of money he found.ATo his credit BTo his joyCTo his surprise DTo his sorrow6In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the _ in personality.Aconflict BcurrencyCcollection Dconvenience7To _ the puzzlement of the students,the t

4、eacher explained it once again to them.Aexplain BinstructCclarify Dclassify8He _ estimated the cost of the product and found that it might cost 10,000 dollars or so.Aaccurately BroughlyCcorrectly Dgenerally9Those people were quarreling with each other because the loot(赃物) were not _ equal shares.Adi

5、vided from Bdivided intoCseparated into Dseparated from10She performed very well except that she_3 words when she recited this poem.Aleft out Bleft overCleft behind Dleft aloneII 完成句子(10题)1England is the largest of the four countries,and _ into three zones .(convenience)在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它大致可以划分

6、为三个地区2_ the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. (pity)令人遗憾的是这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不能吸引游客。3. Please state _ and how it is constructed. (consist)请说明它的组成和结构。4. Nowadays many farmers want to _ and make a living in cities. (break)现在许多农民都不愿务农,想到城里谋生。5Now when people refer to

7、 England you_ .(include)如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。6You must_ if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.(keep)如果你想使你的英国之旅不虚此行又有意义,你就必须留心观察。7.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism_ in London.(should)这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。8.

8、_ ,please come to my office at four. (convenient)如果你方便的话,请在四点来我的办公室。9. Bill _ to come whenever needed. (arrange)Bill 安排这人不论什么时候需要就过来。10. I did not expect that he _ .(delight)我没想到他竟会欣然允诺。III 完形填空In the depths of my memory,many things I did with my father still live.These things have come to represent

9、,in fact,what I call_1_and love.I dont remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool.But he did_2_the water.Any kind of_3_ride seemed to give him pleasure._4_he loved to fish;sometimes he took me along.But I never really liked being on the water,the way my father_5_.I liked being at the water

10、,moving through it,_6_it all around me.I was not a strong_7_,or one who learned to swim early,for I had my_8_.But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my fathers office and_9_those summer days with my father,who_10_come by on a break.I needed him to see what I could do.My father would stand t

11、here in his suit,the_11_person not in swimsuit. After swimming,I would go_12_his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk,where he let me_13_anything I found in his top desk drawer.Sometimes,if I was left alone at his desk_14_he worked in the lab,an assistant or a student might co

12、me in and tell me perhaps I shouldnt be playing with his_15_.But my father always_16_and said easily,“Oh,no,its_17_.”Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get_18_an ice cream.A poet once said,“We look at life once,in childhood;the rest is_19_.”And I think it is not only what we “look at once,i

13、n childhood” that determines our memories,_20_who,in that childhood,looks at us?1A.desire Bjoy Canger Dworry2A.avoid Brefuse Cpraise Dlove3A.boat Bbus Ctrain Dbike4A.But BThen CAnd DStill5A.expected Bdesired Cwished Ddid6A.having Bleaving Cmaking Dgetting7A.swimmer Brider Cwalker Drunner8A.hopes Bfa

14、iths Crights Dfears9A.spending Bsaving Cwasting Druining10A.shoul Bwould Chad to Dought Bonly Cother Dlast12.A.away from Bout of Cby Dinside13A.put up Bbreak down Cplay with Dwork out14A.the moment Bthe first time Cwhile net Boffice things Cwooden chair Dlab equipment16

15、A.stood up Bset out Cshowed up Dturned out17A.fine Bstrange Cterrible Dfunny18A.the student Bthe assistant Cmyself Dhimself19A.memory Bwealth Cexperience Bbut Cor DandIV 阅读理解To the west and off the European Continent,there are several thousands of islands on the Continental shelf(大陆架

16、)They are generally called the British Isles. Of all these isles,the largest one is called Great Britain. For the conveniences sake,it is often shortened to Britain.Britain is the second largest island known as Ireland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(UK) is made up of Great

17、 Britain,Northern Ireland,and a number of smaller islands around them. The total area of the country is some 240,000 square kilometers with a population of about 57 million. Great Britain runs nearly 1,000 kilometers from south to north and extends,at the widest part,about 500 kilometers from west t

18、o east. Its area is about 230,000 square kilometers. Great Britain is traditionally divided into three parts,or countries: England in the south,Scotland in the north,and Wales in the southwest. There are discernible(可辨别的) differences between them even now.England is the largest and most developed of

19、 all the three. Its area,about 130,000 square kilometers,takes up nearly 60% of the whole island. Its population is more than 46 million which makes up 85% of the countrys whole population. The importance of England is so great in Britain that some foreigners just say “England” when they mean Britai

20、n. The same is true of the custom of speaking of the British people as the English who are the majority in the United Kingdom.Scotland is the second largest both in area and population. It has an area of about 78,760 square kilometers,less than 30% of the whole island,with a population of 5 million,

21、less than onetenth of the whole population. Wales is the smallest of the three both in area and population. In area,20,700 square kilometers,it makes up less than 9% of the total area while its population,2.7 million,does not exceed(超过)5% of the whole.1The British Isles is made up of_.Athe European

22、Continent and Great BritainBthe UK and the Republic of IrelandCEngland,Scotland and WalesDseveral thousands of islands to the west and off the European Continent2Which of the following figures shows the correct position of Great Britain? 3From the third paragraph we can infer that Great Britain has

23、a population of about _ million.A54 B46C60 D574Which of the following statement is TRUE? AEngland is five times larger than Wales in area.BEngland is six times larger than Scotland in area.CScotland is six times larger than Wales in area.DGreat Britain is six times larger than Wales in area.课时作业(二)限

24、时20分钟Part II Learning about LanguageI 填空(10题)选词填空take the place of; arrange for sb. to do; break down; look alike; much to ones delight; consist of; in memory of; be thrilled at; royal; splendid1They _ as two grains of wheat on the same stalk.2My father has_ to fetch me from the airport.3My car _ an

25、d consequently I was late.4Mr. Smith fell ill and George _his position.5The medical team _ ten doctors and fifteen nurses set off on a trip to Sichuan last night.6We _the good news that our team won the first.7We set up a monument _ the heroes.8_, his son has been admitted to Beijing University.9You

26、 have _ blood flowing through your veins.10The fireworks looked very _ against the dark sky.II 完成句子 (10题)1. You look different today . _ ? (cut)你今天看上去不一样,是不是剪头发了。2. Jill and Eric _ while they were on holiday. (get)3. (2013湖北)When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always _ to a tree on the riv

27、erbank. (keep)白天干农活的时候,我总是把羊拴在河边的树上。4. (2012四川卷) I looked up and noticed a snake _ up the tree to catch its breakfast. (wind) 抬头看时,我注意到了一条蛇在爬上树找自己的早餐。5.(2012辽宁卷) The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park_. (with)这对老年夫妇晚饭后经常带着他们的宠物狗在公园散步。6She told me she always _(proud)她告诉我她总是为我所做的事感到

28、自豪7The solid stone,square tower _ for one thousand years.(remain)这座石砌的方形塔持续竖着达一千年了。8Pingyu _ standing on either side of the square. (take)站在广场的任何一隅,Pingyu让别人给照了一张相。9Who will _ when he retires?(place)布莱克先生退休后谁会代替他?10._ to those who had worked the hardest. (credit)那些工作最努力的人几乎没有受到什么表扬。课时作业(三)限时30分钟Part

29、 III Using LanguageI 单项填空(10小题)1. When you have finished a piece of writing ,read it through to yourself carefully; Check that it makes sense, that the tenses are _ and that the spelling is correct.A. consistent B. comfortable C. convenient D. communist2. Westminster Abbey contained statues _ dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare.A. in place of B. in search of C. in memory of D. in need of 3. On hearing the

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