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1、安徽对口高考试题2014年安徽对口高考试题篇一:2014年安徽计算机职对口高考真题 信息技术类专业(综合)课试题 (本卷满分300分,考试时间150分钟) 第一部分 计算机组成与工作原理 一、 填空题(请将答案填在下面相应的答题位置。每空3分,共30分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 微型计算机主机箱内主板所使用的的类型直接影响主板甚 至整机的性能。 2. 典型的I/O接口通常具有控制、状态、转换、整理、程 序中断功能。 3. 在4种输入/输出信息传送控制方式中, 方式适用于键盘随 机输入信息。 1 4. 已知X显示器的灰度级为16位,Y显示器的灰度级为2

2、4位,则 显示器能表示的颜色种类更多。 5. 十进制数97D对应的8421BCD码为B。 6. 已知某8位有效信息代码为11010101 B,且校验位置于最低位的后面, 则该信息的偶校验码为B。 7. 是微程序控制器的核心部件,用来存放微程序。 8. 高速缓冲存储器(Cache)常用的替换算法有近期最少使用算法和 算法。 9. 独立磁盘冗余阵列的英文缩写为。 10. 是指多台计算机之间,或计算机系统与其他系统之间互连 的总线,也称通信总线。 二、 单项选择题(请在下列各题选项中选出最符合题意的一项,将代表该选项的字母填在下面相应的答题位置,每题3分,共30分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

3、. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 下列4个不同进制表示的数中数值最大的数是( )。 2 A.100D B.66QC. 01100011B D. 65H 2. 系统总线中地址线的功能是( )。 A.只选择I/O接口中的端口 B.只选择内存单元 C.选择内存单元或I/O接口中的端口D.选择外部设备 3. 浮点数的精度和表示范围取决于( )。 A.阶码的编码和尾数的编码 B.阶码的位数和尾数的编 码 C.阶码的位数和尾数的位数 D.阶码的编码和尾数的位 数 4. 下列字符中ASCII码值最小的字符是( )。 A. AB. 9C. a D. b 5. 已知一条指令的取指令时间为30ns,分析取数时间

4、为30ns,执行完该指 令时间为20ns,则该条指令的指令周期为( )。 A.20ns B.80ns C.30ns D.50ns 6. 在主存中获得大量使用,但需要刷新电路的存储器是()。 A.SRAM B.DRAM C.EPROMD.ROM 7. 一台计算机中,存储容量最大的是()。 A. 虚拟存储器 B.主存储器 C.高速缓冲存储器(Cache)D.磁盘存储器 8. 信息传送使用多根数据线,即每一个数据位用一根传输3 线传送,且采用 电位传送方式的信息传送方式是( )。 A.并行传送B.串行传送 C.并串行传送 D.分时传送 9. 算法的表示方法不可以采用( )。 ( A.文字描述B.流程

5、图 C.伪代码 D.逻辑电路图 10. 下列软件中属于应用软件的是()。 A.操作系统(OS)B.基本输入输出系统(BIOS) C.文字处理软件D.网卡驱动程序 三、综合应用题(共15分) 1. 已知机器的字长为8位,根据条件回答以下问题。(9分) (1)若X=+45D,Y=,58D,求X原和Y补,结果用二进制数表示。(3 分) (2)若X补=10000010B,求真值X,结果用十进制数表示。(3分) (3)若X补=95H,Y补=59H,则可以推断出真值X大于真值Y,该 结论正确吗,写出判断理由。(3分) 2. 现要组织一个64K8的存储器,使用8K8的SRAM芯片。问:(6分) (1)共需要

6、多少片这样的SRAM芯片,一片该SRAM芯片4 的地址线有多少 根,(3分) (2)已知该存储器的地址是16位,且A15A14A13=001时选中第二片SRAM芯 片,请写出存储器中第二片SRAM芯片的最低地址和最高地址。(3分) 第二部分 计算机应用基础 四、填空题(请将答案填在下面相应的答题位置。 每空3分, 共36分) 1.2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10. 11. 12. 1(电子计算机发展至今,已经经历了四代,其中第四代计算机使用的电子 器件是 。 2(计算机在工作时突然断电,内存 中的信息将会丢失。 3(资源管理器是Windows系统下提供的资源管理工具,它提供 结

7、 构使用户能更清楚、更直观地认识计算机中的文件和文件夹。 4(Windows XP中查找文件时,如果想查找所有的doc文件,应该在“全部 5 或部分文件名”框中输入 。 5(当程序因某种原因陷入死循环,能较好地结束该程序的方法是按 组合键,然后选择结束任务。 6(在Word 2003中如果要用某段文字的字符格式去设置另一段文字的字符 格式,而不是复制其文字内容,可使用常用工具栏中的 按钮。 7(Word 2003的字数统计功能在 菜单中可以实现。 8(在Excel 2003中,工作表的D7单元格内存在公式:“=A7+$B$4”,若 在第3行处插入一新行,则插入后原单元格中的内容为 。 9(在E

8、xcel 2003某一单元格中输入=2014=2012,确认后此单元格显示的内容为 。 10(在PowerPoint 2003中,可以最方便地移动幻灯片的视图是 。 11(在放映幻灯片过程中,默认状态下单击鼠标左键可以切换到下一张幻灯 片,要转到上一张幻灯片,可以按键盘上 键。 12(网址中的http中文是指 。 五、单项选择题(请在下列各题选项中选出最符合题意的一6 项, 将代表该选项的字母填在下面相应的答题位置,每题3分,共45分) 1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1(淘宝网的网上购物属于现代计算机应用领域中的()。 A.电子

9、政务B.电子商务C.办公自动化D.计算机辅助系统 2(在多媒体系统中,扩展名为.WAV的文件类型是( )。 A.音频文件B.图像文件C.文本文件 D.可执行文件 3(下列各组设备中,全部属于输入设备的一组是()。 A.键盘、磁盘和打印机B.键盘、扫描仪和鼠标 C.键盘、鼠标和显示器D.硬盘、打印机和键盘 4(以下文件中,()是应用程序。 A.notepad.exe B.word.doc D.setup.bmp 5(如果要彻底删除系统中已安装的应用软件,正确的方法是()。 A.直接找到该文件或文件夹进行删除操作 B.删除该文件及快捷图标 C.对磁盘进行碎片整理操作 D

10、.利用控制面板中“添加/删除程序”进行操作 7 6(在Word2003中,要求在打印文档时每一页上都有页码,()。 A.已经由Word根据纸张大小分页时自动加上 B.应当由用户执行“插入”菜单中的“页码” C.应当由用户执行“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”中的命令加以设定 D.应当由用户在每一页的文字中自行输入 7(在Word 2003的编辑中,若把当前文档进行“另存为”操作,当输入文 件名并确定之后,则()。 A.原文档被当前文档覆盖B.当前文档被原文档覆盖 C.当前文档与原文档互相影响 D.当前文档与原文档互不影响 8(在Word 2003中,用户可以使用()很直观地设定段落缩进、调 节页边距

11、和改变表格的列宽。 篇二:2015安徽对口高考真题与答案 2015年安徽省对口招生联合考试 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节 行业通用专业词汇释义 (每小题1分,共5分) 从B栏所给的5个中文选项中选出A栏中行业专业通用8 英语专业词汇的正确释义。 第二节 单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个符合题意的最佳选项。 6. -_? - Fine. Thank you. A. May I have your name, please B. How do you do C. How are you getting on with your new job D.

12、How long have you been here 7. - Mom, could you please pass me my dictionary? - All right. Where is _? A. it B. one C. its 8. December is the _ month of a year, but its not the coldest month. D. ones 9. - How do you like your English teacher? - He is very popular _ us. A. to B. for C. with D. by 10.

13、 - What would you like to order now? - _. A. I want to buy a T-shirt for my son B. Id like a beef steak and a glass of beer 9 C. Id like to play basketball D. I plan to exchange some money 11. - Can you speak English? - Yes, I can,_ I cant speak it very well. A. or B. and C. soD. but 12. - We can ge

14、t knowledge _ from books _ from life. - Yes, I cant agree more. A. neither; or B. neither; norC. both; andD. not; but 英语试题 第1页(共6页) 13. - Youd better eat less and exercise more to lose your weight. - Its too difficult, though your advice is_. A. helpfulB. harmfulC. careful D. thankful 14. - Do you l

15、ike the film we saw yesterday? - Perfect. Ive never seen a _ one before. A. goodB. better C. bad D. worse 15. _ enough time, I am sure I can finish the work on time. A. GiveB. Given C. To giveD. Giving 16. - What would you like to do? - Id like to _ for a position of sales manager. A. find B. assign

16、 C. apply D. select 10 17. In the past few years great changes _ in my hometown. A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. took place D. were taken place 18. - How far is it from your home to your school? - Riding a bike _ me ten minutes. A. spendsB. costs C. takesD. pays 19. _ Great Wall is o

17、ne of _ greatest wonders in the world. A. /; theB. The; / C. /; / D. The; the 20. - Jack, lets play football. - _ . A. Not at all B. Thats all right C. You are welcome D. Good idea 21. - What kind of teacher do you prefer? - I prefer the teacher _ class is interesting. A. which B. whose C. who D. wh

18、at 22. - Would you like to go shopping on Sunday? - Sorry, I have quite a lot of _ to do. A. job B. housework C. thing D. activity 23. - _ will your father come back? - Sorry, I have no idea. 11 A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 24. - What about the cake? - It _. A. is tasted delicious

19、 B. is tasted deliciously C. tastes delicious D. tastes deliciously 25. - _? - It starts at 7:00 pm. A. What time is it B. What can I do for you C. When does the meeting start D. How do you usually arrive at school 第三节 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面文章,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 China has seen the use of cr

20、edit cards spread quickly and reshape its peoples shopping habits in few years. cash is still the main form of payment, most credit card holders prefer their credit cards for payment as a convenient substitute(替代) piles of 英语试题 第2页(共6页) banknotes(支票) around, a report on Sunday. The report said ten X

21、iamen consumers(消费者) now credit card. income in their credit card account. Of course, 12 consumers will also increasingly intense (激烈的)competition among local and who are trying to get their credit cards into the wallets of the millions of Chinese big spenders. 26. A. last 27. A. When 28. A. use 29.

22、 A. carry 30. A. due to 31. A. out of 32. A. at last 33. A. monthly 34. A. by 35. A. schools B. most B. While B. used B. carried B. owing to B. away from B. at once B. week B. from B. factories C. least C. As C. than using C. carrying C. according to C. next to C. at least C. month C. to C. companie

23、s D. next D. What D. to use D. carries D. thanks to D. in front of D. at home D. day D. with D. banks 第二部分阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后完成相应的任务,其中36-40题为判断正误,正确的请写R,错误的写W(注:用其他符号表13 示对错的一律不得分);41-55题是选择题,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) Passage 1 It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at a supermarket

24、 with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were leaving, we saw that an elderly woman falling over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. Her husband was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. Fortunately a lot of people stopped to help

25、out. Tenyson became very worried about what had happened to the elderly couple. He said to me, “Mom, its not much fun falling over in front of everyone. Why shouldnt we buy the lady a flower? It will make her feel better.” I was amazed that hed come up with this idea. So we went over and told the fl

26、ower seller what we wanted. “Just take it,” she replied, “I cant take your money for such a wonderful deed.” We went there and gave the flower to the womans husband. I told him it was from my son. The old man said, “Thank you very much.” He then turned to me, “You have a wonderful son. Happy Mothers

27、 Day to you.” 14 The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. Regardless of being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smile. 36. The story happened on Christmas Day. 37. The elderly couple fell on the floor. 38. Th

28、e flower seller didnt take their money for the flower. 英语试题 第3页(共6页) 39. The mother and her son bought the woman a bunch of flowers. 40. From the story, we can know the little boy was very kind. Passage 2 It was a week after Christmas. After breakfast, Mrs. Lawson started to sort all the gifts in he

29、r sons room. She suddenly noticed that almost all the gifts were made in China. “Ah, thats interesting!”, thought Mrs. Lawson. After lunch, she drove to a shopping center to buy a pair of new shoes for her son and candles for her daughters birthday cake. She was surprised to find that all the shoes

30、there were from China and all the candles were also from 15 China. “Well, thats surprising!”, said Mrs. Lawson to herself. In the afternoon she drove back home. As she sat on the sofa in the living room for a good rest, she looked around and was even more surprised. The label “made in China” is ever

31、ywhere. It is seen on the screen of the TV, in the pile of tennis shoes by the door, in the colorful lights on the Christmas tree, on the lovely dress of the doll. At dinnertime the doorbell rang. It was Mr. Lawson. “Honey, I just bought a new CD. The band has a very funny name! Look!” Mrs. Lawson was mo

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