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Eyes Wide Shut《大开眼戒1999》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、Eyes Wide Shut大开眼戒1999完整中英文对照剧本片名: 大开眼界亲爱的 我的皮夹呢?Honey, have you seen my wallet?不是在床头桌上吗?Isnt it on the bedside table?你看 我们就快迟到了Now listen, were running a little late.我知道I know.我看起来怎么样?How do I look?美极了Perfect.我的发型还行吗?Is my hair okay?挺好Its great.你看都没看一眼Youre not even looking at it.真的很漂亮Its beautiful

2、.你总是这么漂亮You always look beautiful.你把电♥话♥和寻呼号♥码给罗丝了吗?Did you give Roz the phone and pager numbers?是的 贴在冰箱上了 走吧Yeah, I put it on the fridge. Lets go.就来Coming.好了All right.我收拾好了Im ready.那个保姆叫什么?Whats the babysitters name?罗丝Roz.好的 罗丝 我们走了Okay, Roz, were going now.你真是太美了 哈佛太太You look

3、amazing, Mrs.Harford.谢谢 海莲娜 可以睡觉了吗?Thank you. Helena, are you ready for bed?是的 妈妈 我能先看完胡桃夹子吗?Yes, Mommy. Can I stay up and watch The Nutcracker?- 几点开始? - 9:00- What times it on? - 9:00.- 好的 你看吧 - 我能等你们回家再睡吗?- You can watch that. - Can I stay up until you get home?- 不行 亲爱的 - 那可要到很晚才行- No, darling. -

4、Itll be a little late for that.电♥话♥号♥码在冰箱上.The phone number is on the fridge.冰箱里有吃的 你随意好了.and theres food in there, so help yourself.我们应该不会超过1:00We shouldnt be later than 1:00.- 我会留住计程车好送你回家 - 谢谢 哈佛医生- Ill hold our cab to take you home. - Thanks, Dr.Harford.乖乖听话 宝贝You be good, b

5、aby.- 晚安 宝贝 - 早上见- Good night, sweetheart. - See you in the morning.- 维克多 艾诺娜 - 比尔 爱丽丝- Victor, Illona. - Bill, Alice.- 圣诞快乐 - 谢谢赏光- Merry Christmas. - Thank you for coming.- 真感谢你们能来 - 我们怎么都不会错过这样的聚会- Thanks so much for coming. - We wouldnt miss it for the world.爱丽丝 老天 你真让人目眩神迷Alice, look at you. Go

6、d, youre absolutely stunning!我可不是对谁都这么说 是吧?I dont say that to all the women. Do I?- 确实如此 - 是吗?- Yes, he does. - He does?记得你为我介绍的那个骨科医生吗?That osteopath you sent me to, the guy that worked on my arm?- 你该看看我现在的发球 - 他是纽约的头一号♥- You ought to see my serve now. - Hes the top man in New York.看他的帐单就知道你

7、说的没错I could have told you that, looking at his bill.进去喝点东西轻松一下吧Go inside, have a drink, enjoy the party.我们呆会见 谢谢赏光Ill see you in a little bit. Thanks for coming.这有你认识的人吗?Do you know anyone here?一个都没有Not a soul.为什么齐格勒 每年都邀请我们参加这类聚会?Why do you think Ziegler invites us to these things every year?这就是作为私

8、人医生能得到的待遇This is what you get for making house calls.看到那个钢琴师没有?You see that guy at the piano?是我上医学院时的同学I went to medical school with him.是吗?Really?作为医生来说他弹得确实不错He plays pretty good for a doctor.他不是医生 中途就辍学了Hes not a doctor. He dropped out.女士们先生们 祝你们玩得开心Ladies and gentlemen, I hope youre enjoying you

9、rselves.乐队现在休息片刻 10分钟后就回来The bands going to take a break. Well be back in 10 minutes.谢谢Thank you.我们过去打个招呼Lets go over and say hello.亲爱的 我急着上洗手间I desperately need to go to the bathroom.你自己去吧 呆会在哪见? 吧台好吗?You go and say hello, and Ill meet you where? At the bar?好的Good.南丁格尔Nightingale.尼克- 南丁格尔Nick Night

10、ingale!哦 我的天 比尔Oh, my God! Bill.比尔-哈佛 你怎么样 伙计?Bill Harford! How the hell are you, buddy?- 多久不见了? - 不知道 有10年吗?- How long has it been? - I dont know. 10 years?恐怕不止And a couple.- 有时间喝一杯吗? - 当然- Do you have time for a drink? - Sure.你一点都没变You havent changed a bit.谢谢 但愿如此 你怎么样?Thanks, I think. So how you

11、doing?还行 不算太糟Not too bad, you know. Not too bad.看来你改行做钢琴家了I see youve become a pianist.没错 朋友都这么叫我Oh, yes, well, my friends call me that.你呢? 还在从医吗?How about you? You still in the doctor business?要知道有句老话说: 一日从医 终生从医You know what they say: Once a doctor, always a doctor.没错 但我的情形却是: 从未从医 永不从医Yes, or in

12、my case: Never a doctor, never a doctor.我无法理解你为什么要放弃I never did understand why you walked away.因为感觉很好 我喜欢放弃Its a nice feeling. I do it a lot.干杯Cheers.打搅 尼克 得请你过去了Excuse me. Nick, I need you a minute.马上就来Be right with you.我得去忙了 如果回头找不到你.I gotta go do something. If I dont catch you later.我这两周都会呆在 维吉区的

13、奏鸣曲咖啡酒吧.Ill be down at the Village for two weeks at the Sonata Cafe.- 有机会的话可以来找我 - 我会去的- Stop by if you get a chance. - Ill be there.- 见到你真高兴 - 我也是 伙计- Its great seeing you. - Good seeing you too, man.我想那是我的杯子I think thats my glass.我绝不怀疑这一点Im absolutely certain of it.我是桑多- 萨乌斯 匈牙利人My name is Sandor

14、Szavost. Im Hungarian.我是爱丽丝-哈佛My name is Alice Harford.美国人Im American.很高兴认识你 爱丽丝Delighted to meet you, Alice.你看过拉丁诗人奥维德的爱的艺术吗?Did you ever read the Latin poet Ovid on The Art of Love?他最终不还是形单影只.Didnt he wind up all by himself.痛哭流涕.crying his eyes out.呆在一个气候极其恶劣的地方吗?.in some place with a very bad cli

15、mate?但起初他也有过一段美好时光But he also had a good time first.一段非常美好的时光A very good time.今晚是有人陪你来的吗 爱丽丝?Are you here with anyone tonight, Alice?是和我丈夫一起来的With my husband.太遗憾了Oh, how sad.但我确信他不是那种 会因为我们跳舞而介意的人But then Im sure hes the sort of man who wouldnt mind if we danced.你是干哪一行的 爱丽丝?What do you do, Alice?这个嘛

16、.眼下.Well, at the moment.我正要找份工作.Im looking for a job.我曾在休南区经营一家艺术画廊I used to manage an art gallery in SoHo.但已经关闭了But it went broke.真可惜What a shame.我在艺术界有些朋友I have some friends in the art game.也许我能帮点忙Perhaps I can be of some help.谢谢Thank you.是熟人吗?Someone you know?是我.My.丈夫.husband.你不觉得婚姻的魅力之一.Dont you

17、 think one of the charms of marriage.就是有必要为了对方而编造谎言吗?.is that it makes deception a necessity for both parties?恕我冒昧 为什么一个能得到.May I ask why a beautiful woman.这屋子里任何男人的 美丽女人会想结婚呢?.who could have any man in this room, wants to be married?她为什么不呢?Why wouldnt she?有那么糟吗?Is it as bad as that?是有那么好才对As good a

18、s that.你认识卢娜-温莎吗?Do you know Nuala Windsor?不 但很高兴认识你们No, and its very lovely to meet you both.卢娜该怎么拼?How do you spell Nuala?N-U-A-L-A啊N-U-A-L-A.你不记得我了 对吧?You dont remember me, do you?有一次你对我很温柔You were very kind to me once.只有一次? 听起来象是一个美妙的夜晚Only once? That sounds like a terrible oversight!当时我正在洛克菲勒广场

19、拍一组照片.I was doing a photo session in Rockefeller Plaza.那天风非常大.?.on a very windy day.?- 有东西吹进了你眼睛里 - 不过是半条第五大街而已- And you got something in your eye. - Just about half of Fifth Avenue.你当时真有绅士风度 把你的手帕递给了我.You were such a gentleman! You gave me your handkerchief.很干净的手帕.which was also clean.我偶尔也能来一回英雄救美T

20、hat is the kind of hero I can be sometimes.你知道女人为什么习惯于结婚吗?You know why women used to get married, dont you?为什么不说说看?Why dont you tell me?那是她们能失去童贞 然后.It was the only way they could lose their virginity.和其他男人尽情作乐的唯一方法.and be free to do what they wanted with other men.和她们真正想要的男人The ones they really wan

21、ted.太有趣了Fascinating.你知道做医生的好处是什么吗?Do you know whats so nice about doctors?通常远不如人们想象的那样好Usually a lot less than people imagine.他们似乎总是那么.They always seem so.见多识广.knowledgeable.他们确实见识很广.Oh, they are very knowledgeable.不管在哪方面.about all sorts of things.但我打赌他们工作一定很辛苦But I bet they work too hard.想想他们错过的一切就

22、能知道Just think of all they miss.也许你是对的Youre probably right.女士们 我们到底要去哪?Ladies, where exactly are we going?到底去哪?Exactly?彩虹的尽头Where the rainbow ends.彩虹的尽头?Where the rainbow ends?你不想去彩虹的尽头吗?Dont you want to go where the rainbow ends?那得看是什么地方了Now that depends where that is.我们不妨找找看Well, lets find out.打扰一下

23、 女士们 对不起 哈佛医生Excuse me, ladies. Sorry, Dr.Harford.请跟我来一下好吗? 齐格勒先生有事找您Could you come with me for a moment? Something for Mr.Ziegler.好的Fine.稍后再聊好吗?To be continued?比尔 你能来太好了Bill, thanks for coming.我们这有点小小的意外We had a little accident here.怎么回事?What happened?她.Well, she was.她打了一针但是反应不太妙She was shooting up

24、 and she had a bad reaction.注射的是什么?What did she take?快球或是雪球 天知道他们管这叫什么A speedball or a snowball or whatever the hell they call it.是海♥洛♥因♥加古♥柯♥碱Its heroin and coke.海♥洛♥因♥加古♥柯♥碱?Heroin and coke?还有别的吗?Anything else?我们喝了几杯 是香槟 就这些We h

25、ad a couple of drinks, some champagne. That was it.她这样子多久了?How long has she been like this?大概5分钟 6分钟的样子Maybe five minutes, six minutes, something like that.她叫什么?Whats her name?曼蒂Mandy.曼蒂Mandy.曼蒂Mandy.听到我说话吗? 曼蒂?Can you hear me, Mandy?能听到吗? 能听到的话就摇摇头Can you hear me? Move your head if you can hear me.

26、如果能听到就摇摇头 曼蒂 很好Move your head if you can hear me, Mandy. There you go.你能听到You can hear me.能睁开眼睛吗? 曼蒂 能行吗?Can you open your eyes for me? Mandy, can you do that?睁开眼睛 你行的 来吧Let me see you open your eyes. There you go, come on.来吧 看着我 看着我Come on, look at me. Look at me.看着我 看着我Look at me. Look at me.看着我 看

27、着我 曼蒂Look at me. Look at me, Mandy.很好Good.很好Good.我喜欢维克多的艺术收藏 你呢?I love Victors art collection, dont you?是的 非常漂亮Its wonderful.你看过他的雕塑艺廊吗?Have you ever seen his sculpture gallery?没有I havent.他有一批很精美的 文艺复兴时期的青铜藏品He has a wonderful collection of Renaissance bronzes.你喜欢那个时期吗?Do you like the period?是的I do.

28、我非常喜欢I adore it.雕塑艺廊就在楼上The sculpture gallery is upstairs.你想去看看吗?Would you like to see it?我可以做你的导游I can show it to you.用不了多长时间We wont be gone long.也许.Maybe.还是.not just.下次吧.now.你真把我们给吓死了 大姐That was really one hell of a scare you gave us, kiddo.对不起Sorry.你现在感觉怎样? 曼蒂How are you feeling now, Mandy?好多了Bet

29、ter.你是个非常非常幸运的女孩You are a very, very lucky girl.懂我意思吧?You know that?是的I know.这次你会平安无事Youre gonna be okay this time.但你不能继续那样做But you cant keep doing this.懂吗?You understand?你应该去康复中心 你知道那是什么地方 对吧?Youre going to need some rehab. You know that, dont you?知道I know.维克多.Well, Victor.剩下的就交给你了.Ill leave the rest to you.现在让她穿上衣服离开不会有事吧?Is it okay if I dress her and get her out of here?不行 得让她再休息一个小时No, Id keep her here for another hour.一个小时?Another hour?然后再找人送她回家Then Id have someone take her hom

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