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本文(内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校学年高二英语下学期教学质量调研试题三.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校学年高二英语下学期教学质量调研试题三内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校2020学年高二英语下学期教学质量调研试题三分值:120分 时间:100分钟)注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。2. 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第I卷(选择题,共70分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节: (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ATo most of us, medicine comes from a drugstore. But or

2、iginally, much of the medicine developed in the last century came from natural sources: plants or bacteria. Now, a group of scientists in Great Britain are hoping to develop a medicine from poisonous insects. They are researching whether the deadly venom(毒液)of some insects can work against bacteria.

3、Venom tech laboratoryAbout 400 insects live in plastic containers in the Venomtech laboratory. Each container has an image of a skull and crossbones. The images warn that a bite from the insects inside can be anything from painful to deadly.The venom from these insects contains hundreds of chemical

4、components. Each component has a different target and effect. Medical researchers separate the venom into its component parts. Then they create a library of those components, looking for the ones that could be turned into new drugs.“Some of them we found can kill bacteria, like E Coli, so theyre ver

5、y relevant at the moment where modern medicines are failing. And were also finding venom that is changing and killing cancer cells.”Finding new ways to kill bacteria is important to researchers. One reason is that people have used antibiotics (抗生素)so much that some bacteria can now resist it. For ex

6、ample, tuberculosis used to be curable with antibiotics. Now it is not.How do they get the venom out? To get as much venom as possible, researchers feed the insects well and then put them to sleep temporarily. Steven Trim of Venomtech says researchers anaesthetize the insects to make removing the ve

7、nom safer. After all, an immobile insect cannot bite. Researchers then electrically stimulate the insect to contract(收缩)the muscle and squeeze the gland(腺). The pressure produces a small amount of venom.Researchers separate the venom into hundreds of proteins. Each protein contains between one and f

8、ive different molecules (分子). Someday, those tiny molecules might be turned into powerful new drugs.1. The skull and crossbones images in plastic containers are used to_.A. warn people B. comfort peopleC. frighten people D. encourage people2. What does the underlined word “anaesthetize” probably mea

9、n?A. To kill something dangerous. B. To remove something harmful.C. To protect something beneficial. D. To make something unconscious.3. What can we learn from the research?A. Tuberculosis is curable with antibiotics.B. The venom from the insects can cure cancer diseases.C. Some of the components fr

10、om venom can kill bacteria.D. The chemical components from venom can be turned into new drugs.4. The researchers get venom from poisonous insects by _.A. making them sleep for some time B. squeezing the gland containing antibioticsC. separating the venom into proteins D. stimulating the insects to r

11、elax the muscleBA woman was walking her dog along a beach in New Zealand in late June when she saw something that looked like a white ball in the sand. It turned out to be a young Emperor Penguin that was lost. At his age,he should have been close to the Antarctic,swimming for fish and playing on th

12、e ice floes(冰川)But this penguin started swimming north and just kept going.The penguin attracted a lot of attention in New Zealand. It has been 40 years since an Emperor Penguin was last seen there. Researchers at the Department of Conservation were called in. They decided to watch the penguin close

13、ly,but not to disturb it in any way. Many New Zealanders came to Peka Peka Beach to look at the elegant penguin. They were careful to keep their dogs away from him so he wouldnt be frightened.The public nicknamed the animal Happy Feet. Researchers started to notice that Happy Feet didnt seem well. I

14、t turned out that he had been eating the sand from the beach,likely thinking it was snow.The public raised more than 11,000 pounds for an operation to get the sand out of his stomach. The operation was a success,and Happy Feet was taken to a zoo in Wellington,NZ.A group of experts met to decide how

15、to help Happy Feet return to the wild.Last Sunday,they put him on a boat called the Tangaroa,in a specially built icefilled box and took him out into the Southern Ocean,southeast of New Zealand. There,they released him into the ocean,which is his natural habitat. He took one last look at his human h

16、elpers and then dived into the ocean.“Emperor Penguins spend their first five years at sea,” said Peter Simpson of New Zealands Department of Conservation.“What happens now is up to the penguin.”Happy Feet was fitted with a satellite transmitter(发射机) so they can monitor his progress using the Intern

17、et. So far,the trackers show that he swam northeast for a little while before getting his bearings and heading south.5.Where is the young penguin supposed to appear?A On the sunny beach. B Inside the hole in the ice.C Near the Antarctic. D In the depths of the ocean.6.How was the penguin treated aft

18、er he was found in New Zealand?A He was protected well and taken good care of.B He was sent to the local zoo and attracted much attention.C He was taken to the lab by researchers for study.D He was disturbed by many curious New Zealanders.7.The public collected some money to.A do some research on th

19、e penguin B build a home for the penguinC get the sand out of the penguins belly D return the penguin to his habitat8.What happened to the penguin in the end according to the passage?A He was put in a specially built icefilled box on a boat.B He was brought to the Southern Ocean and released.C He re

20、ached his homeThe Antarctic.D He swam northeast from the Southern Ocean.CThe TV sciencefiction seriesStarTrekno longer looked farfetched(牵强的) as four men and four women in black spacesuits locked themselves into a giant hitech greenhouse,known as a “biosphere”,in the Arizona desert yesterday for a t

21、woyear study of the environment.As dawn broke over the Santa Catalina mountains,the eight waved goodbye to television cameras. Edward Ross,their multibillionaire sponsor from a Texas oil family,closed the door of the $150 million structure,with its miniocean,marsh,desert,savanna,rainforest and 3,800

22、 plant and animal species designed to allow the team to recreate the Earth and its ecosystems.The socalled Biosphere 2 is the latest one of a dozen environmental projects started by the selftitled “ecopreneur”The projects main aim is to set up a selfsustaining community for possible use in a spacesh

23、ip or on another planet. The crew members must plant,harvest and process their food on a halfacre farm in the sevenstorey glass and metal structure,while conducting a series of experiments.“We will be custodians(监护人) of our new little world,” said Abigail Mayer,aged 31,a US marine biologist on the t

24、eam,her voice choking with emotion.“It is a brave new step.” Many scientists,however,are more than skeptical. They point out that the largest closed ecosystem which survived more than a few days was smaller than a football. It was developed at the University of Miami and contained only shrimp,algae

25、and other microorganisms.Critics have also accused Mr Ross of being more interested in producing a profitable theme park than in carrying out serious scientific research. Hundreds of tourists visited the site daily in summer before it was occupied by the team. They paid $9.95 to enter and all stoppe

26、d at the souvenir shop.9.Whats the location of the project?A Texas. B University of Miami. C Arizona desert. D The space.10.What can we infer from the passage?A There is a scene in StarTrek where four men and four women locked themselves into a giant greenhouse.B All the species of plants and animal

27、s on the Earth were brought into the greenhouse.C Mr. Ross made tourists stop at the souvenir shop to gain profits.D Many scientists are doubtful whether this system can last long enough.11.Whats the authors attitude towards the project?A Critical. B Neutral. C Skeptical. D Supportive.DAn Israeli la

28、w banning too skinny models went into effect with the start of 2020. The law, approved last March in Israel, requires models to prove they have maintained a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 18.5 for three months before a fashion show. That means a woman who is 68 inches tall can weigh no less than

29、119 pounds.“This law is another step in the war against eating disorders,” said physician Adatto. “Underweight models,” he explained, “can no longer serve as role models for innocent young people who copy their false image of being skinny.”But some critics in this country say it is misguided, focusi

30、ng on weight instead of health. They also say the Israeli ban is bound to fail because of the strong power of the fashion industry. “I think its an approach that isnt going to work.” said eating disorder expert Susan Ice, who worked with an organization which creates a healthy working environment fo

31、r models.But Adatto told the reporter that he began to concern the issue after meeting an ambitious model who looked like she needed to be hospitalized. He said. “I realized that only legislation(立法) can change the situation. There was no time to waste; so many girls were dieting to death.”However,

32、the efforts to regulate models weight in Spain and Italy have not resulted in significant changes in part because of difficulties in determining reliable methods of measuring weight and health.Still, folks including Ice say theres no denying that images from Hollywood and the fashion industry can be difficult for young women to deal with. “Certainly I dont believe the modeling industry has caused the rise in eating disorders, but it makes it har

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