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1、湖北省荆门市高三调研考试英语2017年湖北省荆门市高三1月调研考试英语本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共10页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。第 I 卷(选择题,满分100分)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。ATwo years ago I fell off the steps of a bus while climbing down and twisted my ankle. What followed was the usual way tha

2、t is common in the US. A few hours later I was treated and discharged. What was uncommon was that I received extra care while going to ER(emergency room) and while I was in the hospital.People were kind to me, men and women alike. They wheeled me into a private room instead of making me wait in the

3、crowded waiting room. Someone came and asked me if the temperature is OK. When I said I was cold, he brought me a blanket and some magazines, in case I got bored. The nurses stopped by, making pleasant chats with me. People always came to ask me if I was in too much pain and if I needed anythingTher

4、e were other people who were brought in while I was waiting. Patients groaning in pain were given the care they needed and then ignored. My injury was not the priority, so while I was not pushed to the front of the line, my several hours stay in the hospital was made as pleasant as possible. Why wou

5、ld people do that? They gave others care, while I got kindness.Like any other good looking, healthy, independent person, man or woman, it looks as if the world is nicer to rich people, and the world is nicer to attractive people. Im not in the dating world. Its not about free drinks and gifts. Its a

6、bout people being nice.Im grateful for any positive behavior because I know this is temporary. Eventually I will join the groups of the elderly, the weak and the seemingly unattractive. One thing I refuse to do is to make excuses for being attractive. I know its temporary. I know its the luck of the

7、 draw and I know that Im just one of the many. Does it matter to my husband, my mother and my kids what I look like? No. And I wouldnt have it any other way.21. What caused the author into deep thought?A. She was given less care in the hospital.B. Patients were only given physical care in the hospit

8、al.C. She didnt get treatment immediately in the hospital.D. Other patients in the hospital didnt get the same kindness as her.解析:推理判断题。根据第二、三段的描述可知作者受到了非常好的关心和照顾,而其他的病人却没有,这让她陷入思考。选D。答案:D22. What can we know about the author?A. She is an attractive lady.B. She shows great pity to old patients.C. Sh

9、e doesnt like free drink s or gifts.D. She was treated unequally in the hospital.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段it looks as if the world is nicer to rich people, and the world is nicer to attractive people.再结合作者是坐公交车,肯定不是有钱人,故选另外一种情况,长得好看,选A。答案:A23. Which of the following does the author agree with?A. The hospital

10、 should treat attractive patients in preference to others.B. The positive behavior that being attractive brings can last long.C. Old patients should get much more care from the hospital.D. Being attractive means nothing to the people truly important to you.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的描述,结合最后一句Does it matter to

11、my husband, my mother and my kids what I look like? No. And I wouldnt have it any other way.可知作者认为长得好看对重要的人来说没有任何意 义。选D。答案:DBMost penguins died after a huge iceberg grounded near their habitat in Antarctica, forcing them to make a long way to find food, scientists say in a newly published study. The

12、 B09B iceberg, measuring about 100 square kilometers, grounded in Commonwealth Bay in East Antarctica in December 2010, the researchers from Australia and New Zealand wrote in the “Antarctic Science” journal.The Adelie penguin population at the bays Cape Denison was measured to be about 160,000 in F

13、ebruary 2011 but by December 2013 it had decreased to about 10,000, they said. The icebergs grounding meant the penguins had to walk more than 60 kilometers to find food, preventing their breeding attempts, said the researchers from the University of New South Wales ( UNSW) Climate Change Research C

14、entre and New Zealands West Penguin Trust.“The Cape Denison population could disappear completely within 20 years unless B09B relocates or the fast ice within the bay breaks out,” they wrote in the research published in. Fast ice is sea ice which forms and stays along the coast. During their survey

15、in December 2013 , the researchers said “hundreds of abandoned eggs were noted, and the freeze-dried dead bodies of previous seasons little penguins lay everywhere on the ground.”“Its strangely silent,” UNSWs Chris Turney, who led the 2013 exploration , told the“ Sydney Morning Herald Friday”.“The o

16、nes that we saw at Cape Denison were terribly low-spirited, almost unaware of your existence. The ones that are surviving are clearly struggling. They can hardly survive themselves , let alone give birth to the next generation. We saw lots of dead birds on the ground.”In contrast, penguins living on

17、 the eastern edge of the bay just 8 kilometers from the fast ice edge were full of vigour, the scientists said. The researchers said the study had important influence on the wider East Antarctic if the current situation of increasing sea ice continued. Sea ice around Antarctica is increasing, in con

18、trast to the Arctic where global warming is causing ice to melt and icebergs to decrease. Scientists believe the growth in Antarctic sea ice is likely to be driven by changes in wind and local conditions before long. 24. Whats the main reason why the Adelie penguin population decreased?A. Many Adeli

19、e penguins died from the cold weather in Antanctic.B. They didnt have enough time to give birth to and raise babies.C. The icebergs grounding killed a number of Adelie penguins.D. Adelie penguins lost their habitats so they couldnt breed.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段The icebergs grounding meant the penguins had to

20、 walk more than 60 kilometers to find food, preventing their breeding attempts,可知企鹅得花更多的时间去觅食,因而没有时间去繁衍后代,故选B。答案:B25. Which statement is correct according to the passage?A. The life of penguins in Cape Denison was very hard.B. Penguins in Cape Denison were afraid of humans.C. The sea ice in Antarcti

21、ca is decreasing faster than before.D. Human activities caused much damage to Cape Denison.解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段 The ones that we saw at Cape Denison were terribly low-spirited, almost unaware of your existence . The ones that are surviving are clearly struggling. They can hardly survive themselves , let

22、 alone give birth to the next generation.可知企鹅的生存很艰难,选 A。26. What does the underlined word “vigour” in the last paragraph mean?A. Trouble.B. Food.C. Energy.D. Joy.解析:词义猜测题。根据In contrast是把两个不同地方的企鹅进行对比,后者生活好,因而企鹅们充满活力,energy,精力,活力,故选C。答案:C27. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Global warming caused

23、 penguins death.B. Iceberg harmed penguins life.C. Penguins need more habitats.D. Antarctic extreme weather caused penguins death.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要是讲述冰山给企鹅带来的负面作用,选B。答案:BCIn one study, college students who had important and reality-based conversations were more content than their peers who changed mere

24、amusing remarks. But dont deny small talks just yet.Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is important to well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under investigation. In one study, researchers overheard(偷听)undergraduates for four days, and then cataloged each over

25、heard conversation as either ”small talks”(“What do you have done? Popcorn? Yummy!”) or “substantive”(实质性的交流)(“So did they get divorced soon after?”). They found that the second type correlated(相关)with happiness the happiest students had roughly twice as many substantive talks as the unhappiest ones

26、. Small talks, meanwhile, made up only 10 percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of their conversation among the least content students.But dont deny small talks just yet. Scientists believe that small talks could promote bonding. Researchers found that a small talk maintains closen

27、ess with loved ones after studying ring-tailed lemurs(环尾弧猴)call-and-response conversations, similar to human small talks. Still, joking with strangers could brighten your morning. In a series of experiments, those bus-takers told to chat with others are reported a more pleasant journey than those to

28、ld to “enjoy your solitude” or to do whatever they normally would. Small talks can also help us feel connected to our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with, and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas(咖啡师)reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the

29、 transaction.Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talks into something bigger. All the differences come to what researchers call “a curious mindset”.So go ahead to talk and inquire. Small talks neednt be idle. And being curious about others business isnt all bad.28. Accordin

30、g to the second paragraph, we can know that_.A. we can deny small talks because substantive talks are more important.B. People who make more small talks are much happier than those making substantive talks.C. the well-being is built largely due to the percentage of our substantive talks.D. the least

31、 content students have twice the amount of small talks than those content students.解析:细书理解题。根据第二段第一句Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is important to well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under investigation. 以及They found that the second type correlated(相关)w

32、ith happiness the happiest students had roughly twice as many substantive talks as the unhappiest ones.可知实质性的交流程虔对健康的影响很大。故选C。答案:C29. The benefits of small talks are the following EXCEPT_.A. It can make the bonding between people much closerB. It can shorten the distance between strangers and make the journey pleasantC. It makes us feel connected with the surroundingsD. You can get more free cups of coffee from Starbucks baristas解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的描述可知,只有D项是错误的,故选D。答案

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