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Unit 6 Section Ⅱ 课时跟踪检测.docx

1、Unit 6 Section 课时跟踪检测Section Great Buildings & Chinese Paper Art.单词拼写1The _(屋顶) of the houses were covered with leaves.来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K答案:roof2Heavy rains are a_(特色) of the weather near the equator (赤道)答案:feature3The _(雕像) of Liberty is in New York Bay.答案:Statue4To the children in the school, she is

2、a real _(天使)答案:angel5We read about these creatures from_(童话)答案:fairytale6Mao Yisheng was a great _(建筑家)答案:architect7The house is very large with a wide_(阳台)答案:balcony8The _(城堡) stood on a hill.答案:castle9How many _(朝代) do you know?答案:dynasties10The biggest _(庙宇) in the country was built in about 206

3、BC.答案:temple.单项填空1He came to China _ the purpose of doing business.Ain BonCat Dfor解析:句意:他来中国的目的是做生意。for the purpose of为固定搭配,意为“为了的目的”。答案:D2Does_ matter if he cant finish the job on time?Athis BthatChe Dit解析:Does it matter if .?“如果有关系吗?”这是常用句型,it为形式主语。答案:D3In the desert stands a temple _ about 800 ye

4、ars.Adates from Bdating back toCwas dated back to Dwas dating from解析:date back to date from“始于;源于”,不能用于被动形式。dating back to为现在分词作后置定语,相当于后置定语从句:which dates back to .。答案:B4This piece of cloth has a_of stars and stripes,which looks quite like the American flag.Apattern BdesignCmodel Dsample解析:考查名词用法辨析。

5、句意:这块布上的星条图案看起来很像美国国旗。 pattern 表示“图案、花样、式样”,为可数名词。design 表示“设计图案、样式”,强调设计式样;model 强调“式样、型号”;sample 强调“货样、样品”。根据句意,pattern为最佳答案。答案:A5He should _ several types of cars before he decides to buy one.Aset out Btry outCtake out Dpick out解析:句意:他应该在做决定之前多试用几款车。set out“开始”;try out“试用,试验”;take out“取出,扣除”;pick

6、 out“挑选出,辨认出”,根据句意选B项。答案:B6How could you have criticized me in the presence of my students? That was _ embarrassing.Away of Blots ofClack of Dsort of解析:句意:你怎么能在我的学生面前批评我?那有点令人尴尬。sort of “有几分地”。答案:D7Most of the people working in the US government departments are civil servants_ jobs do not depend on

7、political influence.Awhere BwhoseCand Dwhich解析:句意:大多数在美国政府部门工作的人都是公务员,他们的工作并不受政治影响。先行词civil servants和jobs之间构成所属关系,用whose引导,故选B。答案:B8Look out for names and expressions_to British or American culture.Arelating Bwhich relatedCrelated Drelatives解析:related to “与有关的”,与前面名词为被动关系,此处用过去分词作后置定语。来源:1答案:C9Im in

8、terested in _ you have said.Aall that Ball what来源:1ZXXKCthat Dwhich解析:句意:我对你说的所有话都感兴趣。all是不定代词,所以引导词用that。答案:A10(2009陕西高考)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up解析:考查动词短语辨析。send up“使上升”;give up“放弃”;set up“竖立,创立”;put up“挂起,张贴”。句意:为了提醒

9、学生变更的演讲时间,一个通知被张贴了出来。答案:D.完形填空The Great Wall of ChinaDo you have a dream? Have you ever given up your dream just because someone _1_it? If so, you may learn something _2_ this story.There was once an elephant who _3_ to be a photographer. All his friends laughed when they heard him talk about it.“Ho

10、w _4_! There arent any cameras for elephants!” said some.“What a waste of time!Theres _5_ to photograph here anyway .” others said.But the elephant kept _6_ his dream, and, piece by piece, he managed to put together some old bits of junk and some spare parts, and ended up with a _7_ of sorts. During

11、 the course, the elephant had to _8_ everything himself, from a button he would press with the end of his trunk to a lens (镜头) made to fit an elephants_9_When they were all _10_, he could finally take his first photos. _11_, the camera was so big and strangelooking that it seemed like a huge funny m

12、ask. So many animals laughed as he _12_. The elephant began to think of _13_ his dream. Even worse, it was beginning to look as if those who had said there was nothing to photograph here were _14_But things worked out _15_. The sight of the elephant walking with the camera on his head was so _16_ th

13、at no one could help but laugh when they saw him. And, using a great deal of good humor, the elephant managed to take some really funny, _17_ pictures of all the animals. In his photos they _18_ looked joyful. So the elephant managed to _19_ the official photographer of the state in which he lived,

14、and animals came from every _20_to have some nice photos taken.语篇解读:一只大象梦想成为一名摄影师,但别的动物都嘲笑它。大象通过自己的努力,终于实现了梦想。1.A.laughed at Breferred toCtalked about Dlooked at解析:根据后文的故事,可知别的动物都嘲笑大象的梦想,故可知这里是问你曾经是不是因为别人的“嘲笑”而放弃了自己的梦想。答案:A2A.for BaboutCwith Dfrom解析:这里是指从这个故事中学到一些东西,故选D。答案:D3A.asked BcontinuedCwante

15、d Dpretended解析:根据后文可知这头大象“想”成为一名摄影师。答案:C4A.exciting BsillyCsimple Dboring解析:根据There arent any cameras for elephants! 以及别的动物嘲笑大象的语境,可知这里是指(这个想法)多么“愚蠢”。答案:B5A.everything BanythingCsomething Dnothing解析:根据What a waste of time!可知那里并没有什么可以拍的东西,故选D。答案:D6A.showing BcheckingCfollowing Dmaking解析:根据But以及大象努力做照

16、相机的语境,可知大象继续“追随”自己的梦想,故选C。答案 BtoolCbox Dmachine解析:大象想成为摄影师,那么它应该做一个“照相机”。答案 Bdesign来源:学,科,网Csteal Dbuy解析:根据from a button he would press with the end of his trunk to a lens可知从按钮到镜头,每一样都得大象自己“设计”。答案:B9A.leg BbodyCeye Dhead解析:根据a lens可知应选C,这里是指适合大象的“眼睛”的镜头。来源:1答案:C10A.replaced Bb

17、orrowedCpassed Dfinished解析:根据he could finally take his first photos 可知这一切都“做好”了。答案:D11A.However BTherefore来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.KCStill DAlso解析:根据was so big and strangelooking that it seemed like some huge funny mask可知做出来的照相机看起来很古怪,故选A,表示转折。答案:A12A.came in Blooked upCwent by Dturned around解析:这里是指当大象扛着照相机“经过

18、”的时候,别的动物都笑。答案:C13A.making up Bgiving upClooking for Dshowing off解析:总是被别人嘲笑,大象有了“放弃”梦想的想法。答案:B14A.right BhatefulChelpful Dinteresting解析:根据Even worse可知这里是指以前有些动物说那是没什么可拍的这种说法似乎也是“对的”。答案:A15A.worriedly BsadlyCdifferently Dstrangely解析:根据But的语境,可知事情有了变化,结果“不同”。答案:C16A.big Bfrequent来源:1Cnew Dfunny解析:根据no

19、 one could help but laugh可知大象扛着照相机的样子很“可笑”。答案:D17A.wonderful BnormalClarge Dexpensive解析:这里是指那些照片很有趣、“很好”。答案:A18A.never BsometimesChardly Dalways解析:因为那些动物看到大象就笑,故它们在相片里看起来“总是”很快乐。答案:D19A.become BrespectCmeet Dadvise来源:学*科*网解析:因为拍了那么多好的照片,大象“成为”了它们那个州正式的摄影师。答案:A20A.roof BdirectionCspace Dtime解析:这里是指动物

20、们从四面八方赶来请大象帮它们拍照,故选B。答案:B.阅读理解Papercutting is a very special visual art of Chinese handicrafts.One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony of offerings.The ancient people cut papers into animals or people.They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals, wishing

21、that things that paper stands for could be with the dead.After hundreds of years development, now they have become a very popular means of decoration among country folk, especially women.It is easy to learn about cutting a piece of paper but very difficult to master it with perfection.Beginners need

22、 only a knife and paper.For craftsman, they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated (复杂的) patterns.For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work

23、 would fail.Papercutting covers nearly all topics, from flowers, birds, animals, legendary people, figures in classic novels, to types of facial makeup in Beijing Opera.Papercutting has various styles in different parts of China.In the past, women living in the countryside gathered in their free tim

24、e to make papercutting, which is a way to judge their skillfulness.As society develops, fewer and fewer still regard it as a profession.At present, there are factories and associations for papercutting in China.Exhibitions and exchanges are held regularly and books of this kind are published.Papercu

25、tting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time, papercutting also appears in cartoons, on stage, in magazines or in TV series.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了中国剪纸的起源、种类和发展史。1What is the passage mainly about?AAncient religious ceremonies.BA special kind of art form in China.CDecoration of festivals

26、in ancient China.DAnimals made of paper.解析:主旨大意题。纵观全文,文章围绕剪纸介绍了其起源、种类、发展等内容。故答案为B项。答案:B2Why did ancient people burn paper animals or people on the funerals?AThey wanted to give them warmth.BThey wanted the dead to have enough food.CThey wanted them to go with the dead.DThey wanted the dead to use th

27、em as decoration.解析:细节理解题。由第一段第四句可知,人们这样做的目的是希望剪纸所代表的事物和人能够陪伴去世的人。答案:C3If a mistake is made during the process,_Ayou have to correct it after you finish the workByoud better use some kind of knife to correct itCall your work will be wastedDit doesnt affect the result解析:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句可知,剪纸过程中不能出错,否则将

28、前功尽弃,故答案为C项。答案:C来源:学,科,网4What can we learn from the last paragraph?AMore and more people regard papercutting as a profession.BPapercutting is in danger of disappearing in the future.来源:Zxxk.ComCPapercutting is a way to judge a womans skill.DAs a kind of art, papercutting is still popular today.解析:推理判断题。由短文最后两句可知,剪纸已经发展成为一种艺术,并出现在动画、舞台、杂志和电视剧里,故答案为D项。答案:D

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