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1、C. At a restaurant. 3. What can we know about the price of meat?A. It has risen everywhere. B. It is lower in other stores. C. It is even higher in other stores. 4. How do the cat and the dog get along?A. In a friendly way. B. They often fight against each other. C. They dont seem to like each other

2、. 5. What is the woman doing?A. Asking for a favor. B. Offering help. C. Giving advice. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. How often will the girl attend African M

3、usic?A. Once a week. B. Three times a week. C. Twice a week. 7. What basic requirement course is the girl going to take this term?A. Spanish Composition. B. Business classes. C. Basic Spanish. 听第7段材料, 回答第810题。8. Why does the woman want to see the manager?A. Because her room is in bad condition. B. B

4、ecause her room doesnt face the sea. C. Because it is not the room she has reserved. 9. What excuse does the man make?A. He didnt do his work well. B. The housekeeper is careless. C. Theyve been quite busy recently. 10. What does the man promise to do?A. Make an apology. B. Change the room. C. Charg

5、e her for half price. 听第8段材料, 回答第1113题。11. What attracts Mary most when she first met John?A. His nice figure and appearance. B. His job and family. C. His cleverness and humor. 12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Employee and boss. C. Good frien

6、ds. 13. Why does the girl feel a bit nervous?A. Because she is afraid John doesnt call her. B. Because she doesnt want to give out the secret to Steve. C. Because she is sure that John will call her tomorrow. 听第9段材料, 回答第1417题。14. What are the speakers talking about?A. Programs on TV. B. A football g

7、ame. C. A play. 15. Who watched the football game last night?A. Charles. B. Laura. C. Both Charles and Laura. 16. What TV program did Charles watch?A. An old film. B. A football game. 17. What did Charles wife finally do?A. She enjoyed the film very much. B. She did nothing but go to sleep. C. She r

8、ead a book. 听第10段材料, 回答第1820题。18. Why was the 27-year-old man arrested?A. Because he stole a police car. B. Because he wanted to buy a car in cash. C. Because he was thought to have robbed a bank. 19. What is the speed of the new electric car?A. 100 kilometers an hour. B. 500 kilometers an hour. C.

9、1, 000 kilometers an hour. 20. Why was the Desert Road closed?A. Because of a car accident. B. Because of heavy snow. C. Because people were trapped on the road. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)21. (2013杭州高一检测)Lucy, certain Mr. White visited you when you were out, so I asked him to

10、 leave youmessage. Thank you. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; a22. Ive been working all day long. you look tired. Youd better have a rest. A. No problem B. No wonderC. No hurry D. No matter23. One of the top touristin this city brings in a million dollars each year. A. attractions B. amusement

11、sC. souvenirs D. admissions24. (2013温州高一检测)Those who buy flight tickets onlinecan have a discount of 30%. A. in the distance B. in troubleC. in debt D. in advance25. Please dontthe river. It is very deep and dangerous. A. get close to B. be connected withC. get used to D. be good for26. Beijing is f

12、amousits long history anda capital city. A. as; for B. for; asC. for; for D. as;27. Of course, the problems discussed here are notto a certain person. A. special B. alone C. central D. unique28. Those new settlers stilltheir own customs in their new settlement. A. preserve B. swingC. greet D. advanc

13、e29. (2013太原高一检测)Autumn is here and you can see lots of fruitsin the wind, ready to be picked. A. to swing B. swingingC. swung D. being swung30. The buildings of this film base isafter the life in the days of Tang Dynasty. A. modelled B. lookedC. run D. hunted31. in the mountains, he had to find a s

14、afe place to stay for the night. A. Having lost B. LostC. Being lost D. Losing32. Similar to traditionalparks, theme parks often offer visitors pleasure except something to learn. A. agency B. airlineC. altitude D. amusement33. For various reasons, girl students who study science subjects are in the

15、, while boys are in the majority. A. majority B. nationalityC. minority D. similarity34. There areflowers on display in the flower fair andpeople go to have a look. A. various; many B. varieties of; various ofC. a plenty of; many D. quite a few; quite a little35. Not onlyinterested in designing shoe

16、s, but she has begun to do it. A the girl is B. the girl wasC. is the girl D. was the girl第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)I believe that taking a minute, an hour, a day, or more to help others can lead to a great friendship and the feeling of joy. My family was36by car one day when we were caught in

17、a terrible storm. The roads to the scenic spots in that part of Africa were getting37by floods. The car soon stopped when the water38above the engine. My mother tried to keep us children39in the car while my father40to get the car started again. Just when it seemed that there was no hope41, several

18、local people came running to42. The people helped to push our car to43ground. I remember thanking them a hundred times. Although we were44of the river that almost washed us away, we still couldnt move because the45was filled with water. After sitting hopelessly along the roadside in the46for quite s

19、ome time, a large SUV pulled off. They were the first Europeans we had seen since we were stuck. They47to pull our car to a repair shop. 48we waited for our car to be repaired, the family that helped us49to make sure we got out of there alright. After talking to them, my parents50that they had met a

20、 few years before through mutual(共同的)friends. I remember the feeling of51because when we were in trouble, some52friends of my fathers just happened to be53and gave us a hand. This was the first real life54I ever had in what it meant to help others. We remained in55with them over the years. It showed

21、 me that friendships can form through giving a helping hand. 36. A. playing B. moving C. sleeping D. traveling37. A. made out B. washed outC. brought up D. cleared up38. A. turned B. fell C. rose D. floated39. A. awake B. excitedC. surprised D. calm40. A. managed B. attemptedC. persuaded D. pretende

22、d41. A. in sight B. in factC. in time D. in return42. A. stare B. rescue C. practice D. insist43. A. lower B. cleaner C. higher D. flatter44. A. afraid B. tired C. ashamed D. free45. A. engine B. pool C. road D. truck46. A. shop B. river C. rain D. forest47. A. afforded B. desiredC. refused D. offer

23、ed48. A. Before B. Although C. When D. Since49. A. fought B. stayed C. left D. scolded50. A. feared B. provedC. doubted D. realized51. A. regret B. respect C. joy D. worry52. A. rich B. familiar C. new D. old53. A. jumping in B. driving byC. watching out D. looking on54. A. information B. successC.

24、exhibition D. lesson55. A. touch B. companionC. trust D. line第三部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)AKew Gardens lies on the banks of the River Thames in southwest London. It covers an area of 120 hectares(公顷)and has lots of plants. The distance from the main gate to the Pagoda in the south is

25、around one and a half kilometers. There is a visitor centre near the gate where you can pick up a guidebook for the garden. Then you can decide what you want to see. Near the entrance is the Palm House, which was completed in 1848. In this house there are huge banana trees, as well as other plants f

26、rom the hot and wet parts of Africa and Asia. Close to the Palm House is a museum showing how people have used plants throughout history to make different things from paper to boats. Your next stop might be the Pagoda. This is a seven-storeyed(七层的)building built in 1761, which looks like a tradition

27、al Chinese temple building. There is a bamboo garden with many Chinese bamboo plants and Chinese palms in it. The Rose Garden is beautiful in summer and the Woodland is an area full of huge redwood trees from California. A visit to Kew Gardens is not complete without seeing Kew Palace. The Palace wa

28、s built more than 300 years ago. It has a wonderful garden at the back. Information boards tell visitors how a lot of common plants are used as medicines. Kew Gardens is an enjoyable and educational experience throughout the year for people of all ages. Make sure you go to these gardens if you visit London. 56. The text tells us that Kew Gardens. A. is famous for old garden buildingsB. has a lot of wonderful viewsC. has many different kinds of plantsD.

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