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1、09年高考被动语态试题09年高考被动语态试题 原创人:北大附中河南分校高一英语组王萍点击被动语态“一般将时”篇 温故知新 在初中时我们已经学习了一般将时,这一单元我们学习一般将时的被动语态。那么其基本结构是什么呢?先观察下面的例句(有汉语翻译的句子都是名言哦),尝试总结一下吧! 例句呈现 1 If u shut ur dr t all errrs, truth ill be shutut当你把所有的错误都关在门外时,真理也要被关在门外面了。2 n and the dr shall be pened只要敲门,就会有人开。3 A friend ithut faults ill never be f

2、und没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。4 ill he be ased t help u? hen and here ill the eeting be held?6 hih tpi is ging t be taled abut?7 Nthing in life is t be feared It is nl t beunderstd生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。 小结归纳 从上面的例句我们可以总结出:1 一般将时的被动语态的肯定式为: ill / shall + be + dne。如:句1、2;2 一般将时的被动语态的否定式为: ill / shall + nt / neve

3、r + be +dne。如:句3;3 一般将时的被动语态的一般疑问式为: ill / Shall + 主语 + be + dne? 如:句4;4 一般将时的被动语态的特殊疑问式为: 疑问词 + ill / shall + 主语 + be + dne?如:句; be ging t + be + dne和be t + be + dne这两个句式也可以表示“将要被”。如:句6、7。注意:在时间、条状语从句中,常用一般现在时的被动语态代替一般将时的被动语态表将。如:If he is given enugh tie, he ill finish all his her 即学即用 1 Hundreds f

4、 bs _ if the fatr lses(北京2001春)AlseB ill be lst arelst D illlse2 In a r abve the stre, here a part _, serers ere busil setting the table (湖南 2006)A as t be held B hasbeen held ill be heldD is being held3 usters are ased t ae sure that the _ the righthange befre leaving the shp (重庆2006)A ill give B h

5、ave been given have given D ill begiven4 The ater ill be further plluted unless se easures_(上海1992)A ill be taen B are taen ere taenD had been taen以下为综合性试题 His sister left he in 1998, and_ sine(09全国1)A had nt heardfB has nt been heard f had nt heardfD has nt heard f6 Prgress _ s far ver gd and e are

6、 sure that ther ill be finished n tie(全国2,9)AasB hadbeen hasbeenD ill be7 Fr breafast he nl drins uie fresh fruit_n his nfar(09北京24) AgrnB being grn t be grn D t gr8 uld u please eep silent? The eaher reprt_ and Iant t listen(09湖南,27) A isbradastB is beingbradast has beenbradastD had been bradast9 -

7、 h des the lae sell terrible?(09福建22)- Beause large quantities f ater_ A haveplluted B isbeing plluted has beenplluted Dhave been plluted10 The pla_ next nth ais ainl t reflet the laluture(09安徽28) AprduedB beingprdued t beprduedD having been prdued11 -Hi Trr,an I use ur puter fr a hile thisafternn?-

8、Srr_(09江苏2) A ItsrepairedB It has been repaired Its beingrepairedD It had been repaired12 -h dnt e hse that rad t save tie? -The bridge tit_(09四川1) A hasrepairedB is repaired is beingrepairedD ill be repaired13 _ an ties, he finall understd it(09四川。10) ATldB Telling HavingtldD Having been tld*被动语态高考

9、篇英语的语态分为主动语态和被动语态两种。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态由“助动词be+过去分词”构成。在这里重点复习已经学习过的一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将时、现在完成时和过去完成时五种被动语态。其时态构成如下表:时态被动语态的构成主语谓语状语助动词be过去分词一般现在时The risdneever da一般过去时asesterda现在完成时has beensine u left过去完成时had beenbefre u ae一般将时ill benext nth注意:被动语态有时可用“get+过去分词”结构表示,强调动作的结果。如:He gt inured hile plaing ftball他在踢球时受了伤。被动语态的使用场合: ①动作谁做的不知道;②说出谁做的没必要;③动作承受者需强调。另外,除上述之外,还有现在/过去进行时、过去将时、将完成时和其它特殊形式的被动语态,我们将在以后的模块中学习。

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