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1、最新版人教版九年级英语全册Unit3单元同步巩固题及答案精编试题Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第1课时(Section A 1a3b)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.r_洗手间;公共厕所 2s_邮票;印章 3b_书店 4p_明信片 5w_洗手间;厕所 6b_浴室;洗手间7s_管理人员;职工 动词:s_建议;提议副词:n_通常;正常情况下介词:b_在旁边;在附近兼类词:1.p_ v原谅 interj.请再说一遍 2r_ v& n仓促;急促二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1go _

2、沿着走 2._ ones right在某人右边3_ left/right向左拐/右拐 4._.and.在和之间5_ there在那边 6._ first首先7_ ones way _在去的路上 8pass _路过;经过三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1Im _ _ try the rides!要尝试些乘骑项目,我好兴奋呀!2If you are _, just shout or hold my hand.如果你害怕,请大声叫或者抓住我的手。3Do you know _ we can get some good food quickly?你知道我们在哪儿能快速得到一些食物吗? 4

3、I _ Water City Restaurant in Water World.在水城,我建议去水城餐馆。5On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei _ _ Uncle Bobs.在去水城餐馆的路上,艾丽斯和何伟走过鲍勃叔叔之家。6Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts _ this evening?请问,你能告诉我们今晚乐队何时开始表演吗?单项填空。()1.Peter doesnt mind lending you his camera.He _.Ive alr

4、eady borrowed one.Aneednt Bcant Cmustnt Dshouldnt()2.You _ any help, do you?Adont need Bneednt Cneed Ddoesnt need()3.Must I stay at the office this afternoon?No, you _.Adont Bneednt Cdont need Dcant()4.He suggested _ home.Agoing Bwent Cgoes Dgo一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1Do you like collecting _ (邮票)?2I want t

5、o go to the _ (书店) to buy some books.3I got some _ (明信片) on my birthday.4I_ (建议) seeing a doctor.5The thief _ (仓促) to run away.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Could you tell me where the restrooms _ (be)?2I am _ (excite) to go swimming.3You dont need _ (go) to school.4If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we _ (have) a party

6、.5The restaurant is always busy, so come a little _ (early) to get a table.三、单项填空。()1.Mom, must I finish my homework now?No, you _.You may have supper first.Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dcouldnt()2.Have you decided when _ for London ?Awill you leave Byou will leave Care you going Dyou are going()3.He sugge

7、sted _ shopping.Agoing Bwent Cgoes Dgo()4.Would you please show me the way _ the bank?Yes, go straight ahead. Its opposite a school.Ain Bfor Cwith Dto()5.The Internet is very useful.We can get a lot of _ from it.Athing Bmessage Cinformations Dinformation()6.Do you know if we will go for a picnic thi

8、s Saturday?I think we will if we _ any classes.Awont have Bdidnt have Cdont have D. aren t having()7._ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year.AThousands of BTwo thousands CThousand of DThousand()8._ nice dress it is !Thank you!AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a()9.A woman with two childre

9、n _ along the street at the moment.Ais walking Bare walking Cwalk Dwalks ()10.Can I walk across the road now, mum?No, you _.You have to wait until the light turns green.Acouldnt Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt四、完形填空。Once there were several scientists in a forest. They were trying to _1_ the rarest animal

10、in the world. No one had seen it, so everyone was _2_ and wanted to be the first one to photograph and study it.The animal only came out at night, _3_ the scientists did some other studies in the day._4_ them, there was a famous scientist named Walter. Every day, he would spend an hour sitting at th

11、e desk and putting all his equipment (设备) in the _5_ place. He did this carefully. But other scientists laughed at him because they thought Walter was just wasting _6_.One night, the animal appeared _7_.The scientists heard its call. But the call didnt last long. The animal was frightened by the _8_

12、 made by the scientists while they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) for their cameras and notebooks.On the next morning, the scientists _9_ their finding. Some had tried to record its call, others had noted down how it moved, and the luckiest one had even photographed parts of its tail and legs. They all cong

13、ratulated each other on what they had found. However, when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised._10_ had taken several complete (完整的) photos, the record of the animals cry and notes about the animal.They ran to congratulate Walter. They now understood the importance of keeping things i

14、n order. Because of that, Walter could find everything quickly in the dark.()1.A.feed Bstudy Ccatch Dkill()2.A.relaxed Btired Cexcited D. surprised()3.A.but Bor Cand Dso()4.A.Among BBeside CAgainst D. Except()5.A.clean Bright Csafe Dpublic() Bmoney Cfood Dtime()7.A.angrily Bimmediately Csud

15、denly D. quickly()8.A.plans Bnoises Crecords D. mistakes()9.A.compared B. counted Csorted Dkept()10.A.They BIt CHe DYou 难句搜索:They now understood the importance of keeping things in order.Because of that, Walter could find everything quickly in the dark.现在他们明白了保持东西整齐的重要性。由于这个,沃尔特在黑暗中能很快地找到一切。第2课时(Sec

16、tion A Grammar Focus4c)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:g_葡萄 形容词:c_中心的;中央的 兼词类1.n_ adj.附近的;邻近的 adv.在附近;附近2m_ v邮寄;发电子邮件 n邮件;信件3e_ adj.东方的;东部的 adv.向东;朝东 n东;东方 二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1_ me抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍2_ a letter邮寄信件3the shopping_购物中心4go _向东走三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1Where can I buy some_ _ other fruit?在哪里我能买

17、到一些葡萄和其他的水果?2Excuse me, can you tell me _ I can get _ a nearby restaurant?请问,你能告诉我怎么样到达附近的餐馆吗?3Sally needs to _ a letter.萨利需要邮寄一封信。4Excuse me, could you please tell me where the _ bank is?请问,你能告诉我最近的银行在哪儿吗?单项填空。()1.Nobody knows _ to visit our school.Awhen will he come Bwhen does he comeCwhen he will

18、 come Dwhen he does come()2.These animals are in danger. We should think _ to protect them.Awhat can we do Bwhat we can do Chow can we do Dhow we can do()3.Excuse me. Do you know _ to buy some apples?Sure, theres a supermarket next to the bank.Awhere I can go Bwho will help meCwhat I should take Dwh

19、en is the right time一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1It is a _ (中心的 ) city.2We _ (邮寄) an email yesterday.3I live in the _ (东方) of China.4We pick up _ (葡萄) in the garden.5There is a beautiful river _ (在附近) my house.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Could you tell me how _ (go) home? 2Would you mind _ (open) the door?3I need to _ (mai

20、l) my bag.4I would like _ (make) a postcard.5He is _ (wonder) if he will go to the Summer Place.三、单项填空。()1.Its too hot. Would you mind my _ the window?_.Do it as you like, please.Ato open; OK Bopening; Certainly not Copening; Of course Dopen; Good idea()2.We havent discussed yet _.Awhere we are goin

21、g to put our new tableBwhere are we going to put our new tableCwhat we are going to put our new tableDwhat are we going to put our new table()3.My friend, Henry was born _ June 10, 1997.Ain Bon Cat Dfor()4.Where can I buy some books, Simon?Go to the _ in the shopping mall in Old Street. You will fin

22、d many books there.Arestaurant Bbookstore Ccinema Dlibrary()5.Could you please tell me _?Theyre over there.AWhere are the restroom Bwhere were the restrooms Cwhere the restrooms are Dwhere the restrooms were ()6.Did you enjoy the party last night?Very much._ wonderful the party was!AWhat BHow CWhat

23、a DHow a()7.Judy with her brother _ computer games when their mother came back.Awere playing Bare playing Cwas playing Dis playing()8.Everybody _ drive after he or she drinks wine.Acouldnt Bneednt Cmay not Dmustnt ()9.Do you know _ Amy came to school this morning?Her bike was broken, so she had to w

24、alk. Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhere()10.We will go for a picnic if it_ tomorrow.Adoesnt rain Bwasnt rainy Cwont rain Dwasnt raining四、信息归纳。A boy and his father went walking in the mountains. Suddenly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried, “AAAhhhhhhhh!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating, somewher

25、e in the mountain, “AAAhhhhhhhh!” Then the boy shouted, “Who are you?” He received the answer, “Who are you?” He got angry at the answer, so he shouted, “Foolish!” He received the answer, “Foolish!”He looked at his father and asked, “Whats going on?” The father smiled and said, “My son, listen,” And

26、 then he shouted to mountain, “I love you!” The voice answered, “I love you!” Again the man cried, “You are the best!” The voice answered, “You are the best!”The boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained (解释), “People call this Echo, but really this is life. It gives you b

27、ack everything you say or do. Our life is just a reflection (反映) of what we have done. If you want more love in the world, have more love in your heart. If you want to be successful, work hard. This can be used in everything in life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”Information CardWhat the boy and his father did in the mountainThey 1._ in it.How the boy felt when he heard the answerHe was 2._.How many times the father shouted to the mountain3._ times.What people call the phenomenon (现象)4._.What can we get from the passage?Life will give back everything you 5._

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