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届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit3Travel journal单元学案18页word版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit3Travel journal单元学案18页word版2019届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit3Travel journal单元学案单元基础知识过关复习.多项选择1(2014荆州质检)We use passwords (密码) to keep our personal information secret and safe, but some passwords we use may not be as _ as we think.Aaccurate BappropriateCcomplex Dreliable2(2014襄阳四中综合测试)The missile t

2、estout date had been announced earlier this month, but North Korea launched it _ ahead of schedule.Aaccidentally BsurprisinglyCstubbornly Dfortunately3(2014湖北十堰四校高三联考)_ your present bad mood, youd better put off the work till next week, when you may be in higher spirits.AIn spite of BIn terms ofCIn

3、view of DIn place of4(2014湖北重点中学联考)In order to protect the environment, people are greatly encouraged to travel by public _.Atransport BserviceCmeans Dtransfer5Maria _ the interviewers with her knowledge and experience, and as a result she was offered the job.Aprovided BinspiredCpersuaded Dimpressed

4、6As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be _ in a stadium.Aput away Bput outCput up Dput off7He placed his bike in front of their building _, but when he came out, he found it missing.Ain general Bas a matter of factCas a result Das usual8(2014仙桃沔州中学测试)Th

5、e professor _ his thoughts before giving his lecture, so that he could make himself understood well.Aorganized Brecognized Crealized Dadvertised9(2014湖北八校联考)Many rich Americans have long _ money to charities rather than to their children, to which many Chinese are in contrast.Agiven up Bgiven offCgi

6、ven out Dgiven away10I think hes determined that he wont give in you may try your luck and see if you can persuade that old _ fellow.Astubborn BuneducatedCfriendly Dresponsible.完成句子1_ his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, “Wanted, an English teacher for a tenyearold girl.”(de

7、termine)决定培训他女儿的英语,他在报纸上登了一则广告:招聘英文老师一名,教授十岁女孩英语。2With _ the computer game, he even didnt notice his father enter the room.(fix)由于集中精力玩电脑游戏,他甚至没有注意到父亲进屋。3(2014湖北八校联考)Jane is wearing a satisfied smile. She _ her father to change his mind. (persuade)简面带满意的笑容,她一定说服了父亲改变主意。4So hurriedly _ that she left

8、her passport in the hotel.(go)她匆匆忙忙赶往飞机场,结果将她的护照忘在宾馆里了。5The armchair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable _.(sit)这扶手椅看上去很硬,但坐上去很舒服。6(2014黄石调研)The young mother is very strict with her son. It is the first time that _ his unreasonable demand.(give)这位年轻的妈妈对儿子很严格。这是她第一次对儿子的无理要求妥协。7We sh

9、ould accept that offer, for we have had such bad luck up till now and time _.(run)我们应该接受这份援助,因为我们一直运气不好,而且时间紧迫。8When we got to the river, we _.(could)我们一到河边就迫不及待地要过去。9Once _ Chinese, the book became very popular with Chinese teenagers.(translate)这本书一翻译成汉语,就在青少年当中广泛传开了。10The manager insisted that _ t

10、he companies who had done something that hurt our feelings.(break)经理坚持要求我们与那些做了伤害我们感情的事的公司决裂。答 案.1.选D考查形容词辨析。句意:我们使用密码来保证我们个人信息的隐秘和安全,但我们所使用的一些密码并不像我们认为的那样可靠(reliable)。accurate“精确的”;appropriate“适当的”;complex“复杂的;合成的”。根据语境可知,答案选D。2选B考查副词辨析。句意:朝鲜在本月初宣布了导弹试验日期,但是朝鲜出人意料地提前进行了发射。B项意为“出人意料地;不可思议地”,符合语境。A项意

11、为“偶然地”;C项意为“倔强地”;D项意为“幸运地”。3选C考查介词短语辨析。句意:考虑到你现在的情绪不好,你最好把工作推迟到下周,到时你可能会情绪高点。in view of“考虑到;鉴于”,符合句意。in spite of“尽管;不管”;in terms of“就而言”;in place of“代替;顶替”。4选A句意:为了保护环境,人们被鼓励乘公交车。transport“交通;运输”,public transport“公共交通”,是固定搭配。service“服务”;means“方法;方式”;transfer“转移;调动”。5选D考查动词辨析。句意:玛丽亚用知识和经验给面试官们留下了深刻的印

12、象,因此她得到了这份工作。impress sb.with sth.“用某物给某人留下深刻的印象”,符合题意。provide“提供”;inspire“鼓励;激励”;persuade“说服”。6选C句意:由于地震后大部分房屋严重被毁,许多人不得不住在体育馆。put up可以表示“供给住宿”,符合句意。put away“把收好”;put out“扑灭”;put off“拖延;推迟”。7选D句意:他像往常一样把自行车放在了楼前,但是当他出来时发现自行车不见了。as usual“像往常”,符合句意。in general“总体来说”;as a matter of fact“事实上”;as a result

13、“结果”。8选A考查动词辨析。句意:教授在演讲之前组织他的思想,以便于别人能很好地理解他的意思。organize“组织”,其宾语常常是“会议、活动”等;当以ones idea, ones thoughts, oneself作宾语时,其意思是“使思想条理化、打腹稿”。recognize“辨认;辨别”;realize“实现”;advertise“做广告”。9选D句意:许多美国的富人很早就开始把钱捐给慈善机构,而不是给他们的子女,这和许多中国人形成了对照。give away“捐赠”。give up“放弃”;give off“发出;放出”;give out“用完;分发”。10选A考查形容词辨析。语境中

14、说这个老人不会让步的,因此用stubborn表示“固执的;倔强的;顽固的”。.1.Determined to train2his mind fixed on3must have persuaded4did she go to the airport5to sit in6she has given in to7is running out8could hardly/not wait to pass9(it was) translated into10we (should) break away from单元能力提升训练.阅读理解(2018湖南省衡阳市联考)Beaches are not only

15、 great for lying on and doing water sports, and in fact one of the best ways of enjoying them is a classic beach walk. Here at iWantSun. Co. UK, weve been searching the globe to find you the worlds best and most glorious beach walks, and heres our pick of the top.The Footpath of the Gods, Amalfi Coa

16、st, ItalyThe name says it all really and you truly do feel up there to walking along this wonderful mountain coastal path, which offers some of the most striking views on the planet. The path begins at town of Bomerano to charming Positano along the UNESCO World Heritage area of the Amalfi Coast. Th

17、e whole walk will take you approximately four and a half hours to complete and pass over narrow rocky paths, past sheer cliffs and shining blue bays.Sydneys Great Coastal Walk, AustraliaSydneys coastline is one of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. Here you have national parks, historic si

18、tes, steep cliffs, sparkling beaches and quiet bays all in one place. Sydneys Great Walk runs all the way from Barrenjoey in the north to Royal National Park in the south and takes an incredible seven days to complete. However, if youre not up to doing the full walk, then there are many different pa

19、rts of the walk that you can do right in the city. Walking from the citys famous Bondi Beach to the sweeping curve of Bronte Beach takes just an hour, which takes in some top scenery.Great Ocean Walk, AustraliaThe Great Ocean Walk stretches 104 km along Victorias famous Great Ocean Road, located on

20、the southern coast of Australia, from the resort town Apollo Bay to the magnificent Twelve Apostles. The Twelve Apostles are the areas famous stone landmarks which stand out like giants from the sea. The walk passes through a range of landscapes and sights, from national parks, famous surfing spots

21、and deserted beaches, to wild coastlines, cascading waterfalls, lush forests, historic lighthouses and ghostly shipwrecks. Day walks and shorter threehour walks such as the Wreck Beach Walk or the Lighthouse Cemetery and Lookout Walk can also be enjoyed.So next time when youre looking for a beach ho

22、liday dont just think about the resorts and the sand, but consider a more active sun holiday, discovering some of the best beaches in the world.1The author intends to tell us _.Athe worlds best places for beach walks Bthe wonderful beaches in the worldCthe ideal tourism resort for health Dthe beauti

23、ful beaches in Australia2When you arrive at the Amalfi Coast _.Ayou must be fed up with the footpathByou will be fascinated by the sceneryCyou can start walking from Positano Dyou may be trapped in narrow rocky paths3What is the distinct characteristic of Sydneys Great Coastal Walk?AIt takes about m

24、ore than five hours to complete.BIt starts from Royal National Park in the south.CIt provides visitors a variety of great landscapes.DIt really has the longest coastline in the world.4According to the fourth paragraph we can know that _.AApollo Bay is at the end of the Great Ocean WalkBthe Twelve Ap

25、ostles exists below the surface of the seaCthe Wreck Beach Walk can also give visitors pleasureDmost visitors can finish the 104 km walk in three hours答案与解析本文介绍了世界上最适合海滩散步的几个地方。1A写作意图题。根据文章第一段的句子“weve been searching the globe to find you the worlds best and most glorious beach walks, and heres our p

26、ick of the top.”可知作者想告诉我们世界上最适合海滩散步的地方。故选A。2B细节理解题。根据文章“The Footpath of the Gods, Amalfi Coast, Italy”下面的句子“The name says it all really and you truly do feel up there to walking along this wonderful mountain coastal path, which offers some of the most striking views on the planet.”可知当你到the Amalfi Co

27、ast的时候,你会被美景吸引。故选B。3C细节理解题。根据文章“Sydneys Great Coastal Walk, Australia”下面的句子“Here you have national parks, historic sites, steep cliffs, sparkling beaches and quiet bays all in one place.”可知Sydneys Great Coastal Walk的独特的特点是它给游客各种各样的美丽风景。故选C。4C细节理解题。根据文章第四段的句子“Day walks and shorter threehour walks suc

28、h as the Wreck Beach Walk or the Lighthouse Cemetery and Lookout Walk can also be enjoyed.”可知the Wreck Beach Walk可以给游客快乐。故选C。.完形填空(2016全国卷)Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk. And theyve never actually _1_ you. Everything they know about you

29、 _2_ through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. _3_ they feel they can know you _4_ from the sound of your voice. Thats how powerful the _5_ is.Powerful, yes, but not always _6_. For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom Id never met _7_, got

30、 me rockbottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really _8_ me. I sometimes wished to _9_ another agent.One morning, I had to _10_ an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Ranis office _11_. The woman sitting at the desk, _12_ my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a _13_ smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the _14_ immediately. “What a wonderful lady!” I thought.Rushing out _15_ I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, whats your name?”“Im Rani,” she said. I

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