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本文(阅读理解之细节理解题题型突破+过关特训解析版寒假自学课高三英语寒假精品课新高考.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、阅读理解之细节理解题题型突破+过关特训解析版寒假自学课高三英语寒假精品课新高考第01讲 阅读理解之细节理解题题型突破+过关特训【解题策略】细节理解题考查考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节的理解,特点是题干针对原文提到的某事物、现象或理论进行发问。有些问题考生可以直接从文中找到明确的答案,有些则需要我们在理解的基础上将有关信息进行处理,如计算、排序、判断、比较等。细节理解类题在高考试卷中占很大的比例,特别是在应用文、说明文和记叙文中,更是侧重对细节理解题的考查。1. 掌握技巧,灵活运用(1)细心审题,直接就题找答案提取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性尚(题眼),然后以此为线索运用

2、略读及查读的技巧快速:得在文章中寻找与此问题相关的段落、语句, 仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。(2)变通理解,间接转述找答案细节理解题通常采用词语和句型转换的形式来取代原文中的表述,命题者在出这类题时惯用“偷梁换柱、张冠李戴”的手法来迷惑考生,即对原句细微处做改动,摘取原文词语或结构进行改造,因果倒置,把A的观点说成B的观点等。(3)多点归纳,综合事实找答案细节理解题有时考查的并不是单一的信息,而是多处信息的整合。解答此类“综合”信息细节题时,一定要全面捕捉相关信息,进行综合分析、归纳,切忌根据“一面之词”草率地得出结论。2. 明确干扰,破除陷阱(1)扩大或缩小范围文章为了表达准确严密,经常通

3、过加上相应的词语限制如涉及数量时常用many,almost all,nearly, more than, over, only afew,normally等限制。有些干扰项改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小语言范围。(2)偷换概念命题者设计试题时往往把原文的概念偷换成另一个不同的概念。望文生义是造成错误的主要原因。(3)正误并存在干扰项中,某个句子或词语是正确的,其他分句或词语是错误的或表达不全面,正误并存,命题者常会借此以假乱真。【解题技巧】一、直接信息题-原文定位法【例】(2021新高考全国卷I) Romecan be pricey for travelers, which is why

4、 many choose to stay in a hostel(旅社).The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that,youll often get to stay in a central location(位置)with security and comfort.21. What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?A.Comfort. B. Securit

5、y. C. Price. D. Location. 答案C第一步 题干关键词:what,concern,stayin ahostel第二步 原文定位点:Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel(旅社).第三步 直接得答案:根据pricey可知“罗马对旅行的人来说可能很昂贵”,故选C项。二、综合信息题-同义转化法、概念解析法、归纳事实法、数字计算法【例】 (2021全国卷甲)Paul Beer,head of rhino section at Port Lympne,said:Ob

6、viously were all absolutely delighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family. Sheshealthy,strong and already eager to play and explore. Her mother, Solio, is a first-time mum and she is doing a fantastic job. Its still a little too cold for them to go out into the open, but as soon as the

7、 weather warms up,I have no doubt that the little one will be out and about exploring and playing every day.”25.What does Paul Beer say about the new-born rhino?A. She loves staying with her mother. B. She dislikes outdoor activities. C. She is in good condition. D. She is sensitive to heat.第一步 题干关键

8、词:What,Paul Beer say,the new born rhino第二步 原文定位点:定位到原文第二段中引号中的第二句话第三步 归纳事实法:Sheshealthy,strong and already eager to playandexplore.她很健康,很强壮,已经渴望玩耍和探索了。由此可知PaulBeer认为新生的犀牛身体状况很好。故选C项。【过关特训】A The British Library is holding a new exhibition named Harry Potter: A History of Magic. The show coincides wit

9、h the 20th anniversary of the publication of J.K. Rowlings first book. The exhibit opened last Friday. It includes Rowlings outline for the book. It also includes her personal drawings of characters and a map of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.It also looks at magic and the nature of beli

10、ef. It reveals that many of the things Harry Potter fans thought were imaginary were actually based in fact. Or they were based in folklore(民间传说). It includes rare books and manuscripts from around the world. It includes broomsticks and crystal balls. These offer insight into Rowlings inspiration an

11、d how the books came to be.Ive taken liberties with folklore. Thats what Rowling says in a video that opens the show.The show is divided into rooms based on the subjects studied at Hogwarts. Hogwarts was the setting for Rowlings novels following the adventures of Harry. He is the orphan who learns a

12、t age 11 that he is a wizard. Each section touches on the legends and beliefs that Rowling wove into her stories. Being hosted at the British Library meant the exhibition featured some amazing books. Their topics include palmistry(手相术) and tea leaf reading. And, of course, witches. Tanya Kirk, a cur

13、ator, said working on the exhibit gave her a whole new appreciation of witches.I think all of the things I learned about witches is that they get quite a bad rap through history, and it was quite hard to find positive accounts, she said with a laugh. The Harry Potter books have done a lot to change

14、that.The exhibition runs from Oct. 20 to Feb. 28, 2018 and has already sold some 30,000 tickets. The highest amount of advance tickets ever sold for a British Library exhibition. It will then travel to New York to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

15、” That is the books title in the United States. 1J.K. Rowlings first book of Harry Potter was published in _A1996 B1997 C1998 D19992Many things in Harry Potter stories are based in _Aimagination Bfacts and rare booksClegends and myth Dall above3The sections are categorized by _Adifferent subjects in

16、 magic school Bdifferent beliefsCdifferent books of Harry potters stories Ddifferent characters4The image of witches used to be _Aa mystery BnegativeCjust like the character in Harry Potters stories Dappreciated by many【答案】1C 2D 3A 4B【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要对大英图书馆正在举办一场名为“哈利波特:魔法史”的新展览进行了相关介绍。1推理判断题。根据本文第一

17、段“The British Library is holding a new exhibition named Harry Potter: A History of Magic. The show coincides with the 20th anniversary of the publication of J.K. Rowlings first book.(大英图书馆正在举办一场名为“哈利波特:魔法史”的新展览。这部剧适逢J.K.罗琳的第一本书出版20周年。)”以及最后一段第一句“The exhibition runs from Oct. 20 to Feb. 28, 2018(该展览将

18、于2018年10月20日至2月28日举行,目前已售出约3万张门票。)”可推知,J.K.罗琳的第一本书出版于1998年。故选C项。2细节理解题。根据第三段二、三句“It reveals that many of the things Harry Potter fans thought were imaginary were actually based in fact. Or they were based in folklore . It includes rare books and manuscripts from around the world.(它揭示了许多哈利波特粉丝认为是虚构的东

19、西其实都是基于事实的。或者是民间传说。它包括来自世界各地的珍贵书籍和手稿。)”以及倒数第三句“These offer insight into Rowlings inspiration and how the books came to be.(这些都能让我们深入了解罗琳的灵感来源以及这些书是如何写成的。)”可知,A. imagination(想象);B. facts and rare books(事实和罕见书籍);C. legends and 均正确,故选D项。3细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“The show is divided into rooms based on the subjec

20、ts studied at Hogwarts.(这部剧根据在霍格沃茨学习的科目被分成了几个房间。)”可知,A选项“different subjects in magic school(魔法学校的不同科目)是分类依据。故选A项。4细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段倒数第二句“I think all of the things I learned about witches is that they get quite a bad rap through history, and it was quite hard to find positive accounts(我对女巫的了解是,她们在历史上有很

21、坏的名声,很难找到正面的描述。)”可知,女巫通常被认为是不好的形象,B选项“negative(负面的)”符合题意。故选B项。B Germany is the leader of the worlds waste-recycling race. The country has quite a detailed way of sorting their waste-down to the color of glass waste, the type of paper, the separate bin for metals, etc.Here below are what you should k

22、now about Germanys waste sorting system:You are expected to gather your waste in your apartment/housing areas local public garbage bins.There are commonly several types of public garbage bins available in the Germans apartment/housing area: Blue bin-for paper and cardboardGreen and white bin-for gla

23、ss, different bins for differently colored glass, not available for holiday decorations and lightsYellow/orange bin - for plastic and metalsGray/black bin- for everything else that cant be recycled such as used cat litter and animal waste Brown bin - for goods that can be changed naturally by bacter

24、ia into substances that dont harm the environment, like leftovers, fruit and vegetablesSome items dont belong in these public garbage bins. Items like used batteries, electronics, unused paints, and lights must be returned to the special agents/locations so they can be properly recycled. Other items

25、 such as clothes, shoes, and oversized rubbish and furniture are advised to be donated or sold.Theres this thing called Pfand in Germany, a certain part of the price for a bottled drink that you get back if you send back the bottle to certified shops. German law requires shops over a certain size se

26、lling bottled drinks have a Pfandrckgabestelle, or place for bottles with deposits(押金). These bottles usually made of glass or plastic will be refilled. Of course, therere strict health regulations.5Which bin should abandoned pet food be put into?AThe blue bin. BThe gray/black bin.CThe brown bin. DT

27、he green and white bin.6How can Germans deal with a large old sofa?ABy giving it away.BBy putting it in a specific location.CBy returning it to special agents.DBy selling it to a Pfandrckgabestelle.7What is the function of Pfand?AEnsuring the cleanliness of refilled bottles.BEncouraging consumers to

28、 return bottles.CReducing the use of non-recyclable bottles.DHaving shops reuse plastic or glass bottles.【答案】5C 6A 7B【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了德国的详细的废物分类方法。5细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Brown bin - for goods that can be changed naturally by bacteria into substances that dont harm the environment, like leftovers, fruit and

29、vegetables”(棕色垃圾桶用来存放那些可以被细菌自然转化为对环境无害的物质的物品,比如残羹剩饭、水果和蔬菜)可知,棕色的垃圾桶可以用来放那些剩菜等可以被细菌自然转化为对环境无害的物质的物品,所以废弃的宠物食品作为宠物吃过的剩余物,自然是要放置到棕色的垃圾桶里。选项C与文意相符,故选C。6细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Other items such as clothes, shoes, and oversized rubbish and furniture are advised to be donated or sold.”(其他物品,如衣服、鞋子、大型垃圾和家具等,建议捐赠或

30、出售)可知,家具这些大型的物品建议捐赠或出售。旧的沙发属于家具,所以可以捐赠。选项A与文意相符,故选A。7推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Theres this thing called Pfand in Germany, a certain part of the price for a bottled drink that you get back if you send back the bottle to certified shops.”(在德国有一种叫 Pfand 的东西,即如果你把瓶子送回认证商店,那么这个瓶子可以抵消你拿回的瓶装饮料的部分价格)可知,通过设置Pfand,顾客把用

31、过的瓶子还回来可以抵消原来瓶装饮料的部分价格,可推知,Pfand可以鼓励顾客还回瓶子。选项B与文意相符,故选B。C When Allison Barnes left school she trained as a teacher. Back in those days, teaching was what girls from the country did: teaching or nursing.When she graduated, in the early 80s, there were no jobs for teachers at all. She worked in a bank

32、, cleaned houses, did screen printing at a factory, sold photographs in Kings Cross, worked in catering and as a security guard. Then finally she got a job at the Office of the Status of Women and she worked there for about eight years. That was, for her, a very big break. Following that she worked in policy and research for all of her career, in a whole lot of differe

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