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1、山东省聊城市届高三一模英语试题山东省聊城市2018届高三一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读选择 Strongest Female Literary Characters of All TimeThere are some of historys most inspiring and great females who can be found on the pages of these novels.Elizabeth BennetCalled “Lizzie” or “Eliza” by her family and friends, Elizabeth Bennet is

2、 the stubborn and clever heroine from the 1813 Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice. Shes the second eldest of five daughters in the Bennet family and, like the rest of her sisters, she is expected to marry for status and money, not for love. To remain true to herself, she would rather remain singl

3、e, a concept that was unheard at the time.Nancy DrewShe first appeared in the 1930s but remains one of the most iconic female characters in all of literature. Created by Edward Stratemeyer, Nancy Drew wasnt simply a pretty girl. Instead, the bold, physically strong, and fiercely intelligent Nancy us

4、ed her superior intelligencenot her looksto solve a series of mysteries.Josephine MarchJo March is the second eldest daughter in the March family and is a central focus in the novel Little Women, published by Louisa May Alcott in 1868. At 15, she is strong- willed, confident, and literary and unlike

5、 her sisters, she is outspoken and uninterested in marriage. Jo both struggles with and challenges societys expectations of how women in the 19th century should carry themselves, making her one of literatures most daring female characters.Hester PrynneRecognized by some critics as one of the most im

6、portant characters in female literature, Hester Prynne is the leading character in Nathaniel Hawthornes 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter. Married but separated by distance from her husband, Hester has an affair with a minister and becomes pregnant.1Why would Elizabeth Bennet rather remain single?AShe

7、is too stubborn.BShe doesnt want to cheat herself.CShe doesnt want to marry for love.DShe was the eldest daughter of the family.2What is Nancy Drew like?AKind. BOutspoken.CClever. DProud.3Who created Josephine March?AJane Austen. BEdward Stratemeyer.CLouisa May Alcott. DNathaniel Hawthorne.4What is

8、the right order of the time these females appeared in novels?a. Elizabeth Bennet b. Nancy Drewc. Josephine March d. Hester PrynneAdcab BadbcCcdba Dadcb With golden sunshine and a gentle breeze(微风), autumn is the most beautiful seasons in the year. This is a great time to go outside and have fun. Go

9、to a valley to see red maple trees,go and pick fruit in an orchard or find an open field to fly your kite in.However, for many high school students, these great activities may be just a dream. With plenty of work to do, they spend all their hours indoors, struggling for a high mark in their exams. O

10、f course, study is one of the most important things for teenagers. But life is definitely much more than that.Sometimes we spend so much time studying that we forget how to make life wonderful. In doing so, we lose the real purpose of life to be a valuable and happy person. To enjoy just how great i

11、t is to be alive, we have to put down our books and pens and look around us. Students, take some exercise to improve your health, talk with your parents and friends for understanding and walk around outside to refresh(振作)our body and mind.Going out and enjoying the beautiful countryside often helps

12、our creativity in our work. Chinese craftsman, Lu Ban created a saw to help woodworkers. But if he hadnt walked outside, he would not have been inspired by a kind of toothed(锯齿状的)grass. We could also suppose if Newton hadnt rested under that apple tree, then he wouldnt have been hit by an apple, and

13、 his classic(经典的)theories would not have come out.Going out is not only a break from hard work, but a chance to add to life experience. So come on, give your brain a good rest. Step out of the books and get your bag ready for an autumn outing. We are sure you will get much more than knowledge from t

14、he exciting journey.5In which paragraph does the writer make a summary about his opinion?AParagraph 1. BParagraph 2.CParagraph 4. DParagraph 5.6Why is going out a dream for many high school students?AThey are unhappy to do so.BThey have too much work to do for getting high marks in the exams.CTheir

15、parents dont allow them to do so.DThey think study is the most important thing for them.7The passage is developed mainly by_.Adescribing the beautiful scenery in AutumnBpointing out the present situation of high school studentsCmaking predictionsDreasoning and giving examples8What message can you le

16、arn from the passage?AGoing out can make high school students get more.BNature is power.CAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.DThe author isnt happy with our education at all. If some parts of a body are very sick or damaged, then doctors might need to remove them. Another way doctors can help

17、 is to grow new tissue to replace what is sick or damaged. This is called regenerative medicine (再生医学).Regenerative medicine sounds like something from a science fiction movie but it is not a new idea. Inside our bones, we have something called marrow, which makes our blood and keeps us healthy. Doc

18、tors have been giving sick people the bone marrow from other healthy people for the last 30 or 40 years, and this is a kind of regenerative medicine.Newer developments in regenerative medicine include growing new skin in a laboratory and using it to help people who have been hurt in fires or acciden

19、ts. Another example of regenerative medicine is a technique developed from studying frogs and mice. When cells are old, like in adults, they cant change what they do in our bodies. For example, a skin cell cant change into an eye cell. But when cells are very young, they can become any cell type. Th

20、ese young cells are called stem cells, and doctors can use them to grow any type of tissue, such as skin, heart or eye. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the 2012 Nobel Prize for their studies in this area.Professor Fiona Watt, from the Centre of Regenerative Medicine at Kings College, London, bel

21、ieves that regenerative medicine is so exciting because many different kinds of experts need to work together. 3D printers may be used to print new bones by experts, who need to work closely with university scientists and the surgeons who do the operations in hospitals.We can not yet grow new arms o

22、r legs for people, but the science fiction dream of regenerative medicine may be closer than we think. Perhaps in the future, doctors will be able to grow whole new bodies for us.9Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow to help very sick or damaged people.BRegenerative medicine and science fiction.C

23、We can grow our new bodies in the future.DRegenerative medicine and its development.10Which of the following is right according to this passage?AMarrow can help grow new bones.BStem cell can be used to grow any type of tissue.CSurgeons now use 3D printers to print new bones.DRegenerative medicine is

24、 a new science in medicine.11Whats the writers attitude to the development in regenerative medicine?APessimistic. BOptimistic.CDoubtful. DIndifferent.二、七选五 Many cosplay activities are being organized in China, making the subculture popular among some youths. Cosplay means costume play, in which part

25、icipants wear costumes and fashion accessories(配饰) to represent a specific character. Whats the reason why youths are interested in cosplay? 12 Cosplay participants often interact with each other to dress up as characters from animes(动漫), cartoons, comic books, films, TV programs and video games. Yo

26、uths who love cosplay have their own sets of jokes, which “outsiders” rarely understand.13Cosplayers are almost always young, most of them under 25, and as they grow older, they tend to give up the practice.14 Instead, they should treat such youngsters as normal youths, but at the same time warn the

27、m never to cross the social and moral boundaries.The cosplay subculture is a kind of performing arts. Cosplayers usually get the costumes in these ways. First, through some companies that make and sell packaged suits for cosplay. Second, through some individuals that make costumes and accessories.15

28、With capital flowing into the ACG industry, more specific and mature business models help the industry develop further.16 Since then the domestic animation and game industry has been developing healthily with a stronger sense of using legal products. Chinas ACG industry is likely to see higher growt

29、h in 2019.AAnd besides, by making them themselves.BIts a way for youths to express virtual(虚拟的) love.CPerhaps thats why people are prejudiced against them.DBased on a research, 2015 proved to be a turning point.E.The cosplay industry is expected to witness more success.F.Therefore, there is no need

30、for parents to overreact to cosplay.G.So regulators should strictly monitor such events to prevent improper behaviors.三、完形填空One evening I was walking down a dimly (昏暗地) lit street. Just then I heard 17 coming from behind some bushes only yards from where I stood. 18 , I slowed down to listen, and pa

31、nicked when I 19 that they were the sounds from a girl being 20 .Should I get involved?I was frightened for my own 21 , and cursed (咒骂) myself for having suddenly decided to take a(n) 22 route home that night. What if I became another 23 ? Shouldnt I just run to the nearest phone and call the police

32、?I knew I had to 24 fast. I could not turn my back on the fate of this unknown girl, even if it meant 25 my own life. I am not a(n) 26 man, nor am I athletic. But 27 I had finally decided to offer help, I became strangely transformed.I ran behind the bushes and 28 the attacker off the girl. We fell to the ground, where we fought for a few minutes until th

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