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1、牛津译林版第九讲8AU8同步讲义教师版 8A U8 Natural disasters(教师版) 【单词拓展】1loud adj 响亮的,大声的 loudly adv 大声地2shake vi& vt 摇动,震动 shake n 摇动,震动 shaking n 摇动,震动3silent adj 寂静的 silence n 寂静,沉默4trapped adj 困住的 trap vt 使陷入困境 trap n 陷阱5safe adj 安全的 safety n安全6asleep adj 睡着的 sleep vi 睡觉” 睡眠 sleepy adj 困倦的 sleeping adj 睡着的7burn

2、n 烧伤,烫伤 burn vt& vi 燃烧,烧毁 burning adj 燃烧的8clear vt 清除,清理 clear adj 清楚的,清澈的【短语归纳】1mop up the water 擦干水2thousands of people 成千上万的人3wash away the village 冲走村庄4catch fire 着火5in fear 在恐惧中6run in all directions 四处逃散7come down 坍塌8be trapped in a dark place 被困在黑暗的地方9go through my mind 在我的头脑中闪过10calm down 冷静

3、下来11shout for help 喊救命12find ones way out 找到出路13run out of the building 跑出大楼14break down 损坏,出故障15as soon as possible尽快16protect oneself from traffic accident 保护自己免受交通事故17follow traffic rules 遵守交通规则18stay away from a window 远离窗户19keep ourselves safe from fires 面临火灾时,保护自己安全20nearly fall over 几乎跌倒【句型分析

4、】1What a terrible snowstorm!(P97) 句意:多么可怕的暴风雪呀!这是一个由what引导的省略了主语和谓语的感叹句。其完整结构为:What terrible snowstorm it is! 英语中感叹句的构成一般是:感叹部分+主语+谓语!,其感叹部分主要由what或bow引导,what对名词(短语)进行感叹;how对形容词或副词进行感叹。如: What an interesting story it is! 这是一个多么有趣的故事啊! What good news(it is)! 多好的消息! What delicious food my mother cooks

5、 every day ! 我妈妈每天做的饭菜多么可口啊! what beautiful flowers they are!多漂亮的花啊! How tall the tree is! 这棵树真高啊! How slowly he walks! 他走得真慢啊!2Sandy,I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road(P97) 句意:桑迪,我看见你和你父母站在路边。句中用了see sbdoing sth的结构,意为“看到某人正在做某事”强调看到的动作正在进行。如: On my way to school I saw some

6、boys playing in the park在我上学的路上,我看见几个男孩在公园里玩。 When I passed the classroom,I heard a girl singing in it当我经过教室时,我听到有个女孩在里面唱歌。 注意:see sbdo sth表示“看到某人做某事”强调看到的是动作自始至终的全过程或该动作经常发生。如: I saw an old man fall over on the road just now 刚才我看见一个老人摔倒了。 I often see some old men play chess under that tree我经常看见几个老人

7、在那棵树下下象棋。 用法类似的词还有:hearsmell,feel,watch等。如: I heard him playing the piano 我听到他正在弹钢琴。 I often hear the boy sing this English song 我经常听到这个男孩唱这首英文歌曲。3My dads car broke down because of the cold weather (P97) 句意:因为寒冷的天气,我爸爸的汽车出故障了。短语because of意为“因为”,后接代词或名词(短语),而because是连词,意为“因为”后接原因状语从句。如: We couldnt pl

8、ay football yesterday afternoon because it rained heavily =We couldnt play football yesterday afternoon because of the heavy rain 昨天下午因为下大雨我们不能踢足球。4Try to get out as soon as possible(P99) 句意:努力尽可能快地出去。句中的短语asas possible意为“尽可能”,也可表达成asas one can,根据需要,在两个as之间使用不同的形容词或副词。as soon as possible可解释为very soo

9、n,意为“尽快”也可以说成as soon as one can。如: Please write to me as quickly as possible 请尽快给我回信。 Please give me information as much as possible 请尽可能地告诉我更多的信息。 I will write to you as soon as possible 我将尽可能快地给你写信。 If there is any change to the plan,1 will tell you as soon as possibleI can 如果计划有改变的话,我将尽可能快地告诉你。5I

10、 was doing my homework in the classroom when Mr Wu came in and told us to go home early(P102) 句意:我正在教室里写家庭作业,吴老师走了进来他要求我们早点回家。句中的连词when意为“就在那时”,相当于and at that moment。当when表示此意时,主句中的谓语动词往往表示正在进行中。如: We were playing football happily in the playground when it began to rain我们正在操场上快乐地踢足球,就在那时开始下雨了。 I was

11、 watching TV in the sitting room when I suddenly heard someone shouting“Fire,fire”outside 我正在客厅看电视,那时突然听到外面有人在喊“着火了”。They were about to go out this morning when the telephone rang今天早上他们刚要出去就在那时电话铃响了。【语法点拨】过去进行时1定义过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或过去某一段时问一直在进行的动作。如:I was doing my homework at 8 Pm1ast night. 昨晚8点我

12、正在做家庭作业。 What were you doing last month?上个月你一直在做什么?2构成过去进行时由助动词be的过去式waswere+现在分词”构成。如: The boy was cleaning the house那个男孩正在打扫房子。They were playing football at four yesterday afternoon昨天下午四点他们在踢足球。 3句式变化(1)一般疑问句及回答变成一般疑问句时应将was或were移到句首。如: 一Was it raining at 6 0clock this morning? 今天早上六点钟天正在下雨吗? 一Yes

13、,it wasNo,it washt是的。不是。 Were they building a dam last winter? 去年冬天他们在建大坝吗? Yes,they wereNo,they werent 是的,他们在建。不,他们没有。(2)否定句 肯定句变成否定句时在waswere后加not,was not常缩写为wasnt,were not常缩写为werent。如:My brother was notwasnt playing computer game last night昨天晚上我弟弟不在玩电脑游戏。We were notwerent shopping at this time ye

14、sterday昨天这个时候我们不在购物。4用法(1)表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。动作发生的特定时间常用一个时间短语或时间状语从句来表明。如:I first met Lisa three years agoShe was working at a radio shop at that time我三年前第一次遇见丽莎。那时,她在一家无线电用品商店工作。I was drawing a horse when the teacher came in老师进来时,我正在画马。(2)表示过去某一段时间一直在进行的动作。如:Mv father was watching TV from seven to ei

15、ght last night昨天晚上七点到八点我爸爸在看电视。I was living in my teachers house when I was in middle school上中学时,我一直住在老师家里。(3)有些动词通常不用进行时。主要有:表示心理状态、情感的动词,如love、hate、like、know等。部分连系动词,如seem、appear等。 感官动词,如see、hear、feel、smell、sound、taste等。短暂性动词,如decide、stop等。when,while和as的用法1when,while和as这三个词均有“当时候”的意思,而且都可以引导时间状语从句

16、。when和as既可以指某一点时间,也可以指某一段时间,其从句中的谓语动词表示的动作既可以是瞬间性的,也可以是延续性的;while只指一段时间,从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性的。即:指一段时间时,when、while和as都可用;指某一点时间时,只能用when或as,不能用while。如:WhenAs he woke up,it was eight oclock他醒来的时候,时间是八点钟。WhenAsWhile 1 was waiting for a bus,I met her我在等公共汽车的时候,遇到了她。2when引导的从句的谓语动词动作可以在主句谓语动词动作之前、之后或同时发生;while

17、和as引导的从句的谓语动词动作必须和主句谓语动词动作同时发生。如:When he finished his homework,he played the computer games for a while当他完成作业后,他玩了会儿电脑游戏。(finished先发生)When I got to the museum,the door was closed当我到达博物馆时,大门已经关上了。(got to后发生)WhileAs I was sleeping,the telephone rang当我在睡觉的时候,电话响了。(was sleeping和rang同时发生)3当主句、从句动作同时发生且从句

18、动作为延续性动词时,when、while和as都可使用。如:WhenwhileAs we were reading,a stranger came in当我们在看书时,一位陌生人走了进来。(read为延续性动词)4强调两个动作同时进行,常用“过去进行时+while+过去进行时”结构。如:They were rowing boats while we were climbing the hill我们在爬山时,他们在划船。5强调某个动作发生的时候,另一个动作正在进行,常用“一般过去时+while+过去进行时”结构。如:It began to rain heavily while we were h

19、aving dinner我们在吃晚饭时,开始下起大雨。6强调某个动作正在进行时,另一个动作突然发生,常用“过去进行时+when十一般过去时”结构。如:I was walking in the street when he called me我正在街上走时,他给我打电话了。7当主句、从句动作同时进行时,从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用as。这时,as有“随着”;“一边,一边”之意。如:As years go by,China is getting richer and stronger随着时间一年一年过去,中国变得越来越富强了。The little girls

20、 sang as they played 小姑娘们一边玩,一边唱。单词拼写1. Who ate_(完全地)my ice cream!1 wanted to give it to my sister!2. I enjoy the life in the_(乡下).It makes me feel comfortable there.3. We were_(清理)the classroom the whole afternoon.4. Our school is going to make some_(规则)about what to wear at school.5May I know your

21、_(外孙)names?6. Jenny is_(将近)as tall as her mother now. She is still growing.7. Dont put any cream on your_(烧伤处)before going to see the doctor.8. -Where was your father when the earthquake happened? -Oh, he was_. And even the noise couldnt wake him up.9. -Whats wrong with your teeth? -I had a bad_ aft

22、er eating the candy. I need to see the doctor.10. -Honey, dont play with matches. They_ fire easily. -Sorry, I wont, Mum.动词填空1. My mum wanted me to help her_ (mop) the floor.2. They_ (plan) their trip the whole night so they couldnt get up this morning.3. The number of rare cranes_ (get) smaller if

23、we keep doing nothing, isnt it?4. Mr Xiao_ (read) in the library when I called him last night.5. The children_ (carry) water for the old over there. You should help them.6. Try_ (not think) too much of your points. Just do your best!7. -Your watch looks very beautiful. .-Thank you. My uncle_ (send)

24、it to me as a birthday present.8. Its really nice of you_ (share) your umbrella with this little girl.9. Who_ (make) breakfast for you every morning in your home?10._ they_ (cook) the birthday dinner for you between 18:00 and 20:00 last night?答案: 单词拼写1. up 2. countryside 3. clearing 4. rules 5. gran

25、dsons 6. nearly 7. burn 8. sleeping/asleep 9. toothache 10. catch动词填空. 1. mop 2. were planning 3. is going to get 4. was reading 5. are carrying 6. not to think 7. sent 8. to share 9. makes 10. Were, cooking动词填空1. -Where is Jack?-I dont know. He_ (write) something on his notebook when I passed the c

26、lassroom.2. There is only one student_ (mop) the floor. Where are the others?3. When I met Miss Li in the street yesterday, I stopped_ (talk) to her.4. The flood made a lot of people_ (lose) their lives.5. Who_ (wait) for you in front of your house at seven yesterday morning?6. Every kind of disaste

27、r_ (cause) a lot of problems every year.7. The plane_ (not arrive) here on time because the report says there will be a heavy snow soon.8. Did you hear somebody_ (scream) when you walked past the house?9. Look! The police_ (clear) the snow from the streets.10. Do you know how_ (work) out this maths

28、problem?答案:1. was writing 2. mopping 3. to talk 4. lose 5. was waiting 6. causes 7. wont arrive 8. screaming 9. are clearing 10. to work单选( ) 1. _ last, they arrived_ the morning of June 25,2013. A. In; in B. By; on C. At; on D. At; in( ) 2. A_ washed the village away. A. thunder B. snowstorm C. lig

29、htning D. flood( ) 3. -Oh, you didnt carry an umbrella with you! Didnt you listen to the weather report? -Yes, I did. But it_ when I left my home. A. rains B. rained C. wasnt raining D. was raining( ) 4. The car crashed_ a tree because the driver drove after drinking. A. in B. on C. / D. into( ) 5.

30、Last night, I_ along the street when I suddenly heard a gun shot(枪声). A. walk B walked C. was walking D. am walking( ) 6. Some wild animals can_ alive_ eating anything through the whole winter. A. stay; not B. turn; without C. stay; without D. keep; not ( ) 7. _ you are so tired, youd better have a good rest. A. Since B. Before C. After D. So( ) 8. Last Sunday Jims

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