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1、八年级英语下册Unit6Sunshineforall词汇与语法基础训练牛津版Unit 6 Sunshine for all知识精讲一、必背词汇train vi.&vt. 接受训练;培训;训练elderly adj. 年老的homeless adj. 无家可归的volunteer vi.&vt. 志愿做,义务做expect vt.& vi. 期待,指望;预料adult n. 成年人intellectual adj. 智力的support vt. 支持meaningful adj. 有意义的blind adj. 瞎的deaf adj. 聋的disabled adj. 残疾的disability n

2、. 缺陷,障碍chance n. 机会event n. (运动)比赛项目;大事similar adj. 同样的,类似的necessary adj. 必须的,必要的training n. 培训,训练task n. 任务,工作athlete n. 运动员coach n. 教练gold n.黄金;金牌silver n. 银,银牌confident adj. 自信的background n. 背景closely adv. 密切地achieve vt. 实现,达到prize n. 奖赏,奖品donate vt. 捐献charity;慈善机构organization n.(=organisati

3、on) 机构,组织blood n. 血project n. 项目,工程;课题introduction n. 引言;介绍disease n. 疾病operation n. 手术survivor n. 幸存者south-west n., adj.&adv. 西南方north-west n., adj.&adv. 西北方二、重点词汇1. train verb /tren/1). to prepare someone or yourself for a job, activity, or sport, by learning skills and/or by mental or physical ex

4、ercise训练,培训;锻炼例句: She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 她为参加赛跑比赛而刻苦训练,有时一周能跑60英里。2). to direct the growth of a plant in a particular direction by cutting it and tying it(通过修剪、捆扎)使(植物)朝特定方向生长;修整例句: The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as

5、fruit. 葡萄藤被修整得在拱门上方生长,不仅结出果实还能遮阴。2. volunteer noun.&verb. /vl.ntr/n.a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it自愿参加者,(尤指帮助别人的)志愿者例句: The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the phones. 这家健康门诊依靠志愿者来负

6、责办公室的日常工作和接听电话。v.1).to offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment自愿做;无偿做;作志愿者;主动提出做例句: He volunteered for the army. 他自愿参军。2). to give information without being asked主动提供(信息)例句:If I were you, I wouldnt volunteer any deta

7、ils of what happened. 要是我的话,我不会主动说出所发生事情的任何细节。3. meaningful adjective /mi.n.fl/1). intended to show meaning, often secretly富有意义的,意味深长的例句:He raised one eyebrow in a meaningful way. 他别有一番深意地扬起一道眉毛。2). useful, serious, or important有用的;有意义的例句: Having the opportunity to work would make retirement more me

8、aningful for many senior citizens. 对许多退休者来说,有机会工作会使退休生活更有意义。4. achieve verb /tiv/to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort(尤指经过努力)完成,达到,实现例句: She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America. 她终于实现了去南美洲旅游的梦想。5. task noun /tsk/a piece of wo

9、rk to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty任务;(尤指经常、不情愿或很难做的)工作;(苦)差事例句: We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude. 我们通常让接受面试者在电脑上进行一些简单操作,只想测测他们的能力。三、必背短语the Olympic Games (=the Olympics) 奥林匹克运动会 give up 放

10、弃one-to-one adv.一对一地 =one-on-one lose ones way 迷路give someone a helping hand 帮助,伸出援助之手 feel like 想要achieve ones dream 实现某人的梦想 donateto. 捐赠四、经典句型1. Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.为奥运会做点事情是很有意义的。2. Over 40,000 people gave up their spare time for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games.超

11、过40,000人为2007年特奥会放弃了他们的闲暇时间。3. Its great for us to work closely with these special athletes.在这些特殊的运动员身边工作是很棒的。4. It is kind of these volunteers to work in their spare time.这些利用闲暇时间工作的志愿者非常善良。5. How can we help people in our daily lives?在日常生活中我们应该怎么帮助他人呢?三点剖析一、考点It is adj to-infinitive 和It is adj.+of

12、/ for sb to-infinitive1. It is+ adjective to-infinitive意为“做某事是.的”。在It is+ adjective to-infinitive该句型中,正是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。该句型表达对某一件事的看法。例句: Its useful to learn some life skill.学习一些生活技能是有用的。It is interesting to go on a picnic at this time of year.每年的这个时候去野餐很有趣。2. It is+ adjective +for sb.+to-infini

13、tive意为“对某人来说,做某事是的”。例句: Its necessary for students to do eye exercises twice a day.对学生来说,一天做两次眼保健操是必要的。注意:在此句型中,形容词是对做这件事(即动词不定式所表示的动作)的评价,与sb.没有直接联系,因此常用easy、difficult、hard、important、necessary、(im) possible 等形容词。3. It is+ adjective +of sb.+to-infinitive意为“某人做某事真是/太了”。其中sb.与动词不定式之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。例句:It i

14、s very kind of him to help us. 他真好,帮助了我们。注意:在此句型中,形容词是对做这件事的人(即sb.) 的评价,因此常用brave、careless polite、good、foolish、silly、helpful、clever 等表示赞扬或批评的形容词。例句:It is careless of you to lose so many things. 你丢了这么多东西,真是粗心。二、易错点1. drop & fall 1). drop可用作不及物动词或及物动词,意为“(意外地)落下,掉下,使落下,下降”。drop表示物体由高处往低处落下,或让物体落向低处;它既

15、可指有意识的行为,也可指无意识的行为,当指无意识的行为时,可与fall 交换使用。例句:I dropped the box on my left foot. 我失手让盒子掉下来砸了我的左脚。The temperature is dropping. 温度在下降。2). fall 只用作不及物动词,意为“落下,下降”。fall 表示物体由于本身的重量失去平衡或其他原因向下坠落,多为无意识的行为。fall 也常作连系动词,表示“开始变得,进入(某种状态)”。例句:The man fell/dropped from the top of the building. 那名男子从楼顶掉了下来。The bo

16、y fell off the tree. 那个男孩从树上掉了下来。One after another, all three of them fell asleep. 他们三个人一个接一个地睡着了2. as & like两者都可以用来表示人与人、物与物、动作与动作、状态与状态之间有相似之处。1). as作介词时往往表示职业、职务、作用,表示的是事实,意为“作为”。例句:Let me speak to you as a father.让我作为一位父亲同你说话。2). like只表示“像”,不是事实。例句:Let me speak to you like a father.让我像意为父亲一样同你说话

17、。题模精选题模一:Unit 6 词汇应用例1.1.1 If we dont _ our zoos, it will be difficult for them to take good care of the animals.A suggest B support C teach D suppose例1.1.2 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1). -Does the meeting i_ supper?-No, you have to go home for supper.2). Many people have got a cold because the temperature _

18、 (下降) a lot several days ago.3). Most young people in the village agreed to move to the town, but some of the _ (年老的) people refused.题模二:语法-It is adj. to-infinitive 和It is adj.+of/for sb to-infinitive例1.2.1 Its really _ you to drive through the red light. Its so dangerous!A crazy for B crazy of C wi

19、se for D wise of例1.2.2 将下列句子翻译成英语。1). 找到那家书店很容易。_2). 对于我们来说,用英语写日记是有必有的。_随堂练习随练1.1 If you fight hard, know who you are, and are proud of who you are, youve got a good _ of winning.A choice B chance C decision D direction随练1.2 -Dont _ hope. Everything will be over soon.-Yes. We should learn to be bra

20、ve when we are in trouble.A turn up B give up C clean up D take up随练1.3 -Could you show me the method of cooking the tasty cookie?-Please follow the _ on the cookbook.A direction B attention C introduction D instruction随练1.4 His opinions are similar _ yours but different _ Julias.A to; from B from;

21、to C as; with D with; as随练1.5 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1. It is reported that they have _ (培训) many local nurses.2. The old man is unable to walk. He is a _ (残疾的) person.3. Dont be afraid. We all _ (支持) you.4. He cant see anything with his eyes. He is a b_ (失明) person.5. -Whats wrong with the old man?-Mayb

22、e he is _ (unable to hear).6. It is impossible for us to win first _ (奖赏) if we dont work as a team.7. The Chinese women volleyball team won a _ (金牌) at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.8. Joining Sports & Hope is a good c_ for us to make friends with different kinds of people.9. Haiyan and Haitao share s

23、_ personalities. They are both helpful and friendly.10. My dream is to enter the best college in Nanjing. My parents say they will help me_ (to successfully complete something or get a good result) this dream.随练1.6 If your best friend tells you his secrets, its _ for you to keep them for him. By doi

24、ng this, you can win others trust.A special B necessary C possible D formal自我总结课后作业作业1 -Thanks a lot for _ your pocket money _ us.-Youre welcome. Im glad that I can do something for the needy people.A donating; for B raising; for C donating; to D raising; to 作业2 You should speak English more. _, you

25、 can improve your spoken English.A On the way B By the way C In many ways D In this way作业3 Linda _ some clubs at school. And she often _ after-school activities.A joins; joins B takes part in; takes part inC joins; takes part in D takes part in; joins作业4 Im hungry now, mum. I _ eating something.A wo

26、uld like B feel like C sound like D look like作业5 It is great _ us to get so many favourite books on International Childrens Book Day.A to B with C of D for作业6 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 张老师和希望中学的一些孩子还保持着联系。_2. 我们在日常生活中可以为社会做很多事情。_3. 李华曾经是中国西南地区的一名志愿者教师。_4. 你能信守承诺,这很重要。_5. 学英语对他们来说有必要吗?_答案解析题模精选题模一:Unit 6 词汇应用例1.

27、1.1【答案】B【解析】 考查动词辨析,句意:如果我们不支持我们的动物园,他们将很难照料好动物。support作动词意为“支持”。故选B。例1.1.2【答案】 1). include2). dropped3). elderly【解析】 考查本课词汇的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。题模二:语法-It is adj. to-infinitive 和It is adj.+of/for sb to-infinitive例1.2.1【答案】B【解析】 考查It is adj.+of/ for sb to-infinitive结构,句意:你开车闯红灯真是疯了,这太危险了!crazy是

28、描述人的,不是描述动词不定式所表示的行为的,故选B。例1.2.2【答案】 1). Its easy to find that bookshop.2). It is necessary for us to keep a diary in English.【解析】 考查本课语法的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。随堂练习随练1.1【答案】B【解析】 考查名词辨析,句意:如果你努力奋斗。知道你是谁,而且为自己感到骄傲,那么你就很有可能获胜。choice选择;chance机会;decision 决定;direction 方向。故选B。随练1.2【答案】B【解析】 考查动词词组辨析,turn up调高(音量);give up放弃;clean up 打扫;take up占据。由句意“不要放弃希望。一切会很快结束的。”可知选B。随练1.3【答案】D【解析】 考查名词辨析,句意:-你能教我如何做这种美味的曲奇饼吗?-请按照烹饪书上的说明操作。direction 方向;attention注意;introduction 介绍;instruction 操作

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