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1、高考高频词汇记忆及训练一高考高频词汇记忆及训练一1.access 通道,入口 (接近或进入的)方法,机会,权利vt.取得,获取(尤指计算机数据)考点提示:have access to sth.可以使用/有接触机会have access to a car/a computer.有汽车/计算机可以使用gain/get access (to sth.)进入某地】;见到某人或某物完成句子学生需要得到图书的方便途径。Students need easy _ the books. 每个人都有受教育权。Everyone _ education. 只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。_their hou

2、se is along that narrow road. 2.absence n. 缺席,不在场反presence 不存在,缺乏考点提示:absent (adj.) 缺席的;不在的; be absent from不在;缺席be absent for(不在)去了in/during sbs absense在某人不在期间完成句子我不在时,请照看我的房子。Please take care of my house _.在缺乏其他证据下,我们不得不认为这属实。We were obliged to accept it as true _.老师对他旷课很生气。The teacher was angry at

3、 his _.他今天缺课/缺勤/缺席会议。He _ today. 有些国家终年无雪。Snow _ some countries. 他外出了,现在在欧洲。He _.3.suppose vt.认为,猜想考点提示:supposethat/to be认为,猜想be (not) supposed to (do)(不)被期望,(不)应该suppose/supposing that(与given, provided通用)表示“假定结果会怎么样?”I suppose so./No, I suppose not./No, I dont suppose so.我认为这样。/不,我不认为这样。/不,我不认为这样。(

4、1)Jerry is playing online games.Hes playing games?Hes _ to be doing his homework now.A. believed B. supposed C. considered D. pretended(2)How do you _we will go to Hainan for our holidays?I think wed better fly there. Its much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suggest D. Suppose4.switch vt.转换,转

5、变考点提示:switch (from A) to B(由A)转换成Bswitch on开(电灯、机器等)switch off关(电灯、机器等);失去兴趣;觉得乏味switch over转换频道;转变(1)In order to stop poverty, the World Bank has_its focus to providing technical assistance and long-term loans to developing countries.A. fixed B. exchanged C. transferred D. switched(2)She started st

6、udying medicine at college, but _ to Business Studies in her second year.A. transformed B. skipped C. adjusted D. switched5.matter vi.重要,有重大关系n物质;问题;毛病考点提示:to make matters worse更糟糕的是no matter不要紧,没关系as a matter of fact实际上;不瞒你说;确实It doesnt matter.没关系。“他问我怎么回事”习惯上说:He asked me what was the matter. (此处因

7、what作主语,故后边语序不变),而有些学生惯用He asked me what the matter was.句子虽正确,但意思不同,此处是“他问我那物质是什么。”Dont worry. Its only a(n) _of money. We will try our best to collect enough.A. matterB. affair C. business D. accidentThe thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.Amatters Bcares Cminds

8、Dconsiders6.condemn v. 谴责,指责 宣判,判刑同sentence 完成句子我们谴责他的不良行为。We _ him _ his bad conduct. 犯人被判处死刑。The prisoner _. 7.condition n. 条件 用复数(工作或生活等的)条件,状况 (健康或物品的)状态,状况完成句子/英译汉/单项选择如果你能在星期一还我,我可以借给你这本书。I will lend you the book _ you_ it on Monday.在这么恶劣的情况下,我们只有推迟野营了。_, we have to put off the camp. He is liv

9、ing in terrible conditions.That is a used car in good condition._我决不会改变我的主意。On no condition _ my mind. I agree to his suggestion _ the condition that he drops all charges. A. by B. in C. on D. to8.character n品质;性格;人物;角色;字体考点提示:be different in character有着不同的性格a man of character有个性的人,有骨气的人a leading ch

10、aracter主角in the character of以的资格,扮演的角色out of character不适合,和不相称The Chinese characters汉字characteristic adj. 表现特点的n. 特征,特性,特色characterize v. 表现的特色Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building.Arespect Bfriendship Creputation DcharacterMr. Johnsons is of good _, so

11、 he is respected and loved by everyone in the neighbourhood.Acharacter Bcharacteristic Cfeature Duniqueness9.found vt.建立,创立考点提示:be founded on/upon建立在基础上findfoundfound(发现)foundfoundedfounded(创办,建立)foundation n基础,根据,建立,创办lay foundations 打地基founder n奠基者,创建者,缔造者put up, set up, build与found的区别put up表示“建造,

12、搭建”时,指高于地平面的建筑物,即“搭起,竖起,挂起”之意,同set up。set up还表示“建立,成立”,常与表示组织、机构、团体之意的词连用,这时相当于found,如:set up home安家落户。build意为“建造,建设,建立”,是最普通的用语,常指建造大的东西,可接具体或抽象的名词。found指建立、成立机构或组织等。此意同set up,但found更强调打基础。用found, put up, set up的正确形式填空:_in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A n

13、ew theatre _ where there used to be a temple.The factory has _ a night school to strengthen the workers education. 10.opinion n意见,看法,主张考点提示:in ones opinionin the opinion of sb.按照某人的看法have a good/bad/high/low opinion of对评价很好/很糟be of the opinion that.主张,认为in ones view以的观点来看point of view观点opinion与viewo

14、pinion是一般通用词,指对事物或问题经过思考后提出的意见、主张、看法,含有初步的,不肯定的意味。view指“见解,观点”,侧重对较广泛、重大或有关公众的问题所采用的态度,view比opinion更为肯定、全面和系统。Its a terrible shame,_,that the building was knocked down.AI think Bin my opinion Cpersonally DAll aboveAlthough _ my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.A. against B. on C

15、. for D. in答案:1.access tohas access toThe only access to2.during my absencein the absence of other evidenceabsence from schoolis absent from school/work/the meetingis absent in is absent in Europe3.(1)Bbe supposed to do sth.意为:某人应该做某事。题中用了不定式的进行式,表示:Jerry应该正在做作业。 (2)D4.(1)D (2)D考查动词辨析。句意:她从医学专业转到商务研

16、究系,用switch表示“转换,改变(思路、话题等)”。B项可表示“急速改变”,不符合语境。其他选项的含义:A“改变,转变,改选”,C“调整”。5.A考查名词辨析。短语a matter of表示“(仅仅、就)只是的事而已”,如a matter of days/time“仅仅几天,只是时间的早晚”。句意:别担心,这只是钱的事情而已,我们会尽力募集够的。 A 6.condemned; for was condemned to death7.on condition that; returnUnder such bad weather conditions他的生活条件很差。那是一辆状况良好的旧车。w

17、ill I changeC句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有的指控。on (the) condition that 在条件下,介词用on,属固定搭配。8.D句意:独自徒步旅行可能会很有趣并且有益于健康,或许对意志的磨炼也有好处。respect尊重,爱戴;friendship友谊;reputation名誉,荣誉,声望;character性格,品格,品质,特点,特性。又如:The little boy showed great character returning to school after earthquake.在地震发生后,小男孩重返学校表现出了他顽强的毅力。Acharacter这里说明人的品质9.Founded has been put up set up10.DA、B、C三个选项的意思相同,均可作插入语。故选D项。A

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