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1、人教版八上英语翻译题句型转换专题训练八上英语翻译题及句型转换训练一、翻译1. 假期里我和父母去了南京。I to Nanjing my parents .2. 昨天吉姆大部分时间待在家里上网。1. 你应该尽力展现出最好的一面。You should try to the best in you.2. 事实上,我弟弟打篮球打得比我好。 , my brother plays basketball better .3. 对每个人来说,学会交朋友很重要。 important for everybody to learn to .4. 我最好的朋友与我很相似。My best friend similar m

2、e.5. 吉姆在表演方面很有天赋。Jim is acting.6. 她在英语方面比她弟弟好得多。She is much at English than her brother.7. 我们的教室和他们的一样大。(词数不限)Our classroom is theirs.8. 萨姆和他的弟弟都喜欢踢足球。 Sam his brother like playing soccer.9. 人人都想在比赛中获胜。(词数不限)Everyone in the match.10. 苏珊比她的姐姐更友好。(词数不限)Susan is her sister.Jim at home the time to surf

3、the Internet yesterday.3. 旅游时你买了什么特别的东西吗?Did you on your trip?4. 那是我第一次去香港。 my first time to go to Hong Kong.5. 上周末你去哪里购物了?Where you shopping last weekend?6. Where did you (去度假)?7. We (去海滩) last Saturday.8. My brother has (相当多) friends.9. I spent (大多数时间) collecting stamps.10. I want to go (有趣的地方).36

4、. - 他们多久去看一次电影? - 通常每月看一次电影。 (词数不限)- do they go to the movies? - They usually go to the movies .37. 我认为每晚睡八个小时的觉对孩子们来说很有好处。I believe its for children eight hours a night.38. - 你到学校需要多长时间? (词数不限)- 骑车通常要花15分钟。- How long does it take you to ?- It usually takes 15 minutes .39. - 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?- 对不起,我去不了。

5、- Can you my birthday party?- Sorry, .40. - 他寒假打算做什么?- 他要和朋友一起去宿营。- Whats he for winter vacation?- Hes with friends.1. What does he usually do (在周末)?2. Do you often (帮助) housework at home?3. Whats your (最喜爱的节目)?4. Does Sam sometimes (熬到很晚)?5. (多久一次) does he watch TV?6. The best way to keep healthy i

6、s (通过锻炼).7. (百分之七十) of the students like eating hamburgers.8. We have fruits (比如) apples, bananas and strawberries.9. My uncle lived here for (不到) 30 years. (词数不限)10. I like shopping (一点儿也不).11. 迈克有许多爱好,比如读书和集邮。Mike has many hobbies, and collecting stamps.12. 格林先生常常和家人一起过周末。Mr. Green often the weeke

7、nd his family.13. 约翰通常一周玩两个多小时的电脑游戏。John usually computer games for two hours a week.14. 我爸爸每晚睡眠不足八个小时。My father eight hours every night.15. 学习英语的最好方式之一是运用。One of the best ways English is using it.45. 当Lily长大时,她要当一名科学家。(词数不限)Lily is going to be a scientist, when she .46. 首先你需要查明你为什么如此疲劳。(词数不限)Frist

8、of all, you why you are so tired.47. 为什么不做一些令人激动的事呢?(词数不限) do something exciting?48. 我打算通过每节课至少问2个问题来提高口语。(词数不限)I plan to improve speaking 2 questions every English class.49. 我想请他加入我们的俱乐部。(词数不限)I our club.1. 黄河是中国的第二长的河。The Yellow River is _river in China. 2. 你是你们班最高的学生之一吗? (词数不限)Are you in your cla

9、ss?3. 李梅比她班里的其他任何学生都高。Li Mei is taller student in her class.4. 李明是我们队个子最高的队员,他(球)打得也最棒。Li Ming is player in our team, and plays .5. 天安门广场比北京任何其他广场都大。Tiananmen Square is bigger than square in Beijing.6. 位于中心大街的那家超市拥有最好的服务。The supermarket on the Center Street has service.7. 城里哪家店的衣服最贵?Which has the cl

10、othes ?8. 你们认为这个城市的空气怎么样? do you the air in the city?9. 我的相机比你的价格便宜得多。My camera is yours.10. 成龙是最受欢迎的动作片演员之一。Jackie Chan is one of action movie actors.1. 李华的鞋子和张慧的一样便宜。Li Huas shoes are Zhang Huis.2. 当夏季来临时,白天越来越长。When summer comes, the days get .3. 在考试中,我们越细心,我们犯的错误就越少。In our exam, the careful we a

11、re, the mistakes well make.4. 自行车运动不如跳水运动有趣。Cycling is interesting diving.5. 丹东的街道比以前干净多了。The streets in Dandong are than before.6. 你越仔细,你犯的错误越少。 you are, you will make.7. 北京的冬天和纽约一样冷。(词数不限)The winter in Beijing is that in New York.8. 空气污染越来越严重。The air pollution is getting .9. 为了开会不迟到,我比平常早了20分钟出门。I

12、 left home so that I would not be late for the meeting.1. 我最喜爱的电视节目是访谈节目和达人秀节目。 TV shows talk shows and talent shows.2. 约翰喜欢看新闻节目,因为他想了解世界各地在发生什么。John likes watching news to learn about whats going on around the world.3. 他计划今晚看一场足球赛。He a football match tonight.4. 人们简直无法忍受这儿炎热的天气。People the hot weath

13、er here.5. 请查明这趟火车什么时候到达。Please when the train will arrive.6. 你认为我们的学校怎么样?What do you our school?7. 他想看谈话节目。He wants to watch a .8. 新闻节目比情景喜剧更具有教育意义。News is more sitcoms.9. 吉姆想查明世界各地发生的事情。Jim wants to whats going on around the world.10. 有一天我们会回到学校的。 well go back to school.11. 你最喜欢的卡通片是什么?What is you

14、r ?12. 我仅知道其中一个主要原因。I only knew the main .13. 谁长着一双比米奇的还有名的耳朵?Who has ears than Mickeys?14. 昨天我遇到许多问题,比如丢了钱和衣服。I had many problems losing money and clothes yesterday.15. 大家都愿意尽自己的最大努力。Everyone is ready to .1. 他是篮球队员吗?Is he a ?2. 你长大了想做什么?What do you want to be when you ?3. 米勒先生是一位公交车司机。Mr. Miller is

15、 a .4. 我想成为一名护士,但是对此没有把握。I want to be a nurse, but Im it.5. 凯特要去上表演课。Kate is going to .6. 我们都想取得好成绩。We all want to .7. 实际上决心是一种承诺。In fact a resolution is a .8. 此事与韩丽无关。This matter has Han Li.9. 你应该制订每周的学习计划。You should make a for schoolwork.10. 托尼决定开始培养新爱好。Tony decided to a new hobby.49. 离开教室的时候,确保关上

16、灯。 you turn off the light when you leave the classroom.50. 优秀的成绩和你的好习惯有关系。Good grades your good habits.51. 他打算培养慢跑的习惯。He is going to a hobby like running slowly.52. 请给Tom发一封电子邮件。Please an email Tom.53. 继续努力学习,你会成功的。 working hard and you will succeed.1. 我和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓里。I in with my best friend.2. 今年我

17、将要去香港度假。Ill a in Hong Kong this year.3. 机器人能够反复地做一些简单的工作。Robots can do jobs .4. 对孩子们来说醒来并知道他们在哪里是容易的。Its easy for children and know where they are.5. 蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找压在建筑物下面的人。Snake robots are help people under the buildings.6. 机器人将来会帮我们做家务。 (词数不限)The robots us housework in the future.7. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。No

18、 one knows what in the future.8. 孩子们将不用上学了,他们在家里用电脑学习。Children go to school. They at home on computers.9. 100年之后人们还使用钱吗? people money 100 years?10. 明天的天气如何?What the weather tomorrow?1. 在中国,春节是特殊的一天。The Spring Festival is a in China.2. 他们通过看电影学英语。They learn English movies.3. 他们将要把游泳池里灌满水。They will th

19、e swimming pool water.4. 周末是人们休闲放松的时间。The weekend is the time for people .5. 教师节是在9月10号。Teachers Day is .6. 我需要四片面包。I need .7. 然后,把瓶子里装满水。Then, the bottle water.8. 请用一块布把这张桌子盖起来。Please the desk a piece of cloth.9. 到了做晚饭的时间了。 cook dinner.10. 午饭我们通常吃肉和加了蔬菜的米饭。We usually have meat and rice for lunch.51

20、. 请打开电视,今天有场篮球赛。 the TV, please. There is a basketball match today.52. 篮子里有一些蔬菜,你能把它们切碎吗?There are some vegetables in the basket. Could you them ?53. 请你把坑里灌满水。Please the hole water.54. 昨天父亲买了两箱酸奶。My father bought yogurt yesterday.55. 别忘了加一些糖和盐。Dont forget some sugar and salt.1. 昨天晚上直到十一点我才去睡觉。I go t

21、o bed eleven oclock last night.2. 我哥哥喜欢晚上外出闲逛。My brother likes at night.3. 玛丽不能和我们一起去钓鱼了。Mary fishing with us.4. 你可以找其他时间和老师谈谈这件事。You may talk about it with the teacher .5. 你准备明天的数学考试了吗?Do you tomorrows math exam?56. 愿你回顾过去与展望未来时一样地高兴。May you look back on the past with as much pleasure as you the fu

22、ture.57. 我喜欢吃蘑菇,可惜我吃了以后不舒服。I like mushrooms but unfortunately they dont me if I eat them.58. 我女儿病了,我想下午歇班。My daughter was ill. I think Ill the afternoon .59. 像这种地方最好保持一直关闭。Itd be better for a place like this to .60. 我感谢爷爷到这儿和我们一起生活。Id like to Grandpa coming to live with us.61. 你是怎么设法做成这样的事。How do yo

23、u such a thing.62. 他每天早晨跑步以保持身体健康。He runs a mile every morning to .63. 这里有很大的活动空间。There is space here to move about.64. 他是一位如此善良的老人,我们大家都非常尊敬他。He is such a kind-hearted old man that we all him.65. 这座花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏。另外,它还有无数来自海外的花草树木。This garden has the best collection of native plants. , it contains nu

24、merous trees and flowers from overseas.1.如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?What _ if he _ late?2. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。If you_, you _ good _.3. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。If he _ TV too much, his parents _unhappy.4. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。Everyone _ if we _a birthday party _ him.5. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。If it _tomorrow, I_ go to the par

25、k _you.6. 如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的。She_ the trip if she _ .7. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。If he _, he _ you.8. 如果tom考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。Tom _ to go to the high school if he _the exams.9. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。You _ good at all the subjects if you _ the other students homework.二、按要求转换句型51. Her vacation was great. (对划线部分提问) her va

26、cation?52. I helped my mother do housework yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) you your mother do housework yesterday?53. They went to the beach last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) they last Sunday?54. - Was it sunny and hot yesterday? (作肯定回答)- , it .55. My father visited the museum last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) your father last Sund

27、ay?八、按要求转换句型51. Her vacation was great. (对划线部分提问) her vacation?52. I helped my mother do housework yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) you your mother do housework yesterday?53. They went to the beach last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) they last Sunday?54. - Was it sunny and hot yesterday? (作肯定回答)- , it .55. My father visited the museum last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) your

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