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1、探讨的植入式广告的隐形价值 探讨的植入式广告的隐形价值这些年,作为一种新式起来的广告办法,植入式广告所导致的评论一向热度不断,遭到的重视度也越来越高,其价值和商业远景导致了广告主和媒体的激烈爱好。那么,植入式广告是不是一种广告开展趋势?到底有何价值?广告主和媒体应怎么使用植入式广告为个人获取利益呢?These years, as a new way to the ads, product placement comments always continues, the importance is also more and more high, its value and business p

2、erspective leads to advertisers and media of intense interest. So, is it right? A product placement advertising development trend? What is the value? Advertisers and media should be how to use product placement to obtain benefits for individuals?1植入式广告的界说1 the definition of product placement植入式广告又称植

3、入式推广,是指将产物或品牌及其代表性的视觉符号甚至效劳内容策略性的融入电影、电视剧或电视节目内容中,经过场景的再现,让观众留下对产物及品牌的形象,继而到达推广的意图。这是传统关于植入式广告的界说。跟着社会的不断开展,植入式广告现已从传统的电影、电视剧、电视节目中浸透到社会的各个层面,被“植入”更多的前言中报纸、杂志、网络游戏、手机短信,甚至小说之中。Product placement is also called implantable promotion, refers to the product or brand and its visual representation of the

4、symbols and even service content strategy into the movie, TV or TV program content, through the reproduction of the scene, let the audience left on the product and brand image, and then to the intention of promotion. This is the traditional definition of product placement. Along with the social deve

5、lopment, product placement has television programs from traditional movies, television dramas, penetration into all levels of society, planted more objective - newspapers, magazines, online games, mobile phone text messages, and even novels.在新的社会和经济环境下,跟着群众消耗的符号化趋势,“产物的植入”演变为“品牌的植入”。这么多的大公司越来越频频的选用植

6、入式广告办法进行产物和品牌宣传,足以阐明植入式广告在传达中的优势和杰出作用。In the new social and economic environment, along with the symbol tendency of mass consumption, the product into evolved into brand implantation . So many big companies more and more frequently used product placement approach to product and brand promotion, adva

7、ntage and outstanding function serves to illustrate the product placement in the communication of.2植入式广告的体现办法2 product placement of measures植入式广告不但是数字传达年代广告开展的必然趋势,也是传媒开展的需求。跟着媒体品种的增多,植入式广告的体现空间越来越宽广,体现办法也越来越多样 。Product placement is not only the inevitable trend of development of digital communicati

8、on, advertising, and media development needs. Increased follow media varieties, embody the space is more and more broad product placement, reflect the way also more and more diverse.1 道具植入1 props implant这种办法首要是以产物作为道具办法呈现的。不管是在影视著作中、综艺类节目中仍是在一些小说章节中,都是有根本道具参加其间的,苹果公司的产物向来是遭到很多人追捧的,近一两年产物的痕迹更是无处不在,在江

9、苏卫视正热播的电视剧女性的色彩中,凡是呈现手机的场景,看到的都是苹果品牌,再仔细看其实是苹果新上市的iphone4s。虽然这种植入办法略显僵硬,有时也会让观众显着感觉到是广告,但是有一点也是资助商家期望的一点,就是传达意图到达了,观众现已在盲目与不盲目中感知了产物或品牌。This approach is mainly as a product to show props. Whether in the film and television works, variety show is still in some sections of the novel, is fundamental to

10、 the props, Apple Corps product is always pursued by many people, nearly one or two years of product marks is everywhere, in the Jiangsu satellite TV is the hit TV drama women of color , all present mobile phone scene, see is the apple brand, a closer look is Apple s new iphone4s. Although somewhat

11、stiff implants that way, sometimes also can let the audience feel is significant advertising, but one point is also funded business expectations, is intended to convey to the audience, now in the blind and not blindly in the product or brand perception.2 场景植入The 2 Scene implantation这种植入办法是在叙说故事情节时经过

12、必要的固定场景来展示的。The implant method is described in the story through the fixed scene necessary to display.婆婆遇到妈中,男主角大可因为和家里吵架单独在街边徜徉,在一两分钟内,作为画面布景的烟台鑫荟金行呈现了至少三次,而夜晚的荧光屏则让鑫荟金行愈加夺目。 She met Mom , the actor can because the quarrel and home alone in the street wandering, in one or two minutes, as you play Y

13、antai Xinhui gold line has at least three times, and the fluorescent screen night let Xinhui gold even more dazzling.别的主角们收支的餐厅、酒店、医院等和日子休戚相关的场景,植入式广告就更显着并更天然的呈现了。The other protagonists of restaurant, hotel, hospital, and the day be bound together in a common cause of the scene, product placement is

14、 more significant and more natural presents.3 体裁植入3 types of implants这种办法是为某一品牌专门拍照影视剧,侧重分析品牌的开展前史、文明理念等,用来晋升品牌知名度。电视剧全国第一楼叙说全聚德烤鸭店的生长进程,电影首席执行官叙说的是海尔集团创建品牌,走出中国走向世界的进程。This approach is the photo film and television drama as a brand dedicated, focused on the analysis of brand development, civilizati

15、on history of philosophy, to promote brand awareness. The growth process of TV drama the first floor narrative Quanjude roast duck restaurant, the movie chief executive narrative is to create brand Haier Group, out of China into the world of the process.这些著作都是经过一个个完好的故事叙说,让观众在视觉感触的一起,也全部了解了故事所触及的产物品

16、牌及企业开展进程,这种植入办法更简单被观众所承受。These books are a good story, let the audience in the visual feelings together, also all know the product brand story involved and the enterprise development process, the implant easier way is the audience to bear.4 文明植入4 civilization implantation这是植入推广的最高境地,它植入的不是一般意义上的产物和品

17、牌,而是文明,经过文明的浸透来宣传其布景下的产物。电视剧大长今曾一度在各大卫视热播。该剧中很大篇幅是分析韩国照料的制作和针灸办法的,韩国服饰特别是古代宫殿服饰、修建、伦理道德等,也依据剧情和场景得到展示,这些韩国文明不经意中就植入到观众心中了。This is the highest realm into the promotion, it implantation is not a general sense of the product and the brand, but the civilization, civilization to promote products after so

18、aked in the background. TV drama Dae Jang Geum once in each big TV hit. The play is made much analysis and acupuncture to South Korea to take care of it, the South Korean clothing apparel, especially ancient palace building, ethics, also according to the plot and scene showing, the Korean culture in

19、advertently is implanted into the hearts of the audience.前言的日趋多元化,不断丰富着植入式广告的体现办法。适用范围的不断拓宽,也为植入式广告的壮大拓荒了宽广的远景。Diversified objective, constantly enrich the product placement of measures. Applicable scope expanding, also opens up the broad prospect for the growth of product placement.3植入式广告的价值3 the v

20、alue of product placement3.1 广告的隐秘性The secret 3.1 advertising在广告信息漫山遍野的当今年代,只需把广告做的不像广告,让受众在没有任何警戒心思的情况下悄然承受,广告信息的传达才干获得最佳的作用。In todays era of advertising information all over the mountains and plains, just put the advertisement does not like advertising, let the audience to accept quietly without a

21、ny warning about the case, the ads to convey information to obtain the best effect.植入式广告躲藏于载体中,并在尽力和载体融为一体,使受众在无意识的状态下,在一种天然的接纳环境中,感触商品和品牌信息,感触这些信息的影响,这种广告作用是一般广告所不能到达的。Product placement in hiding in the carrier, and trying and carrier com., so that the audience in the unconscious state, in a natura

22、l environment of admission, feeling the brands and products information, affect feeling these information, the role of advertising is advertising can not arrive.美国闻名商人约翰华纳梅克曾说,在他所投入的广告费中,至少有一半是浪费了。这句话形象地提醒了传统广告的为难。当传统广告的传达作用越来越多地遭到质疑时,这种新式的广告运作办法植入式广告以其隐蔽性、策略性愈加遭到商家推重,为广告商们供给了绝好的时机。The United States

23、 of America famous businessman John Wanner Maik once said, he invested in advertising costs, at least half is wasted. This sentence vividly reminded of traditional advertising. When the traditional advertising communication effect increasingly questioned, the new advertisement operation way - produc

24、t placement in its concealment, strategy more by businesses respect, provides excellent opportunity for advertisers.冯小刚导演的电影大腕表面上挖苦了广告的无孔不入,实际上从旁边面将植入式广告体现的酣畅淋漓。“乐哈哈”矿泉水、“硕士伦”眼镜直接影射了娃哈哈矿泉水和博士伦眼镜。在全国无贼中,诺基亚、宝马、惠普、佳能、中国移动、长城润滑油等12个资助商得到了品牌展示的时机,当刘德华驾驭着宝马平稳地躲避迎面而来的车厢上写着长城润滑油的大卡车时,让很多广告商搓手顿脚、扼腕叹息:为什么资助的

25、不是我!Director Feng Xiaogangs movie Star on the surface of sarcasm advertising get in by every opening, in fact from the side surface will be reflected fully and delightfully product placement. He mineral water, Ma Lun glasses direct mapping the Wahaha mineral water and Bausch & Lomb glasses. In the w

26、orld without Thieves , Nokia, BMW, HP, Canon, China Mobile, the Great Wall lubricating oil of 12 sponsors are brand display time, when Andy Lau ride BMW smoothly avoid oncoming car says the Great Wall lubricating oil truck, let many advertisers get anxious and impatient, sadly sign: why not I grant!

27、3.2 广告的日子化3.2 days of advertising广告只需与大家的学习、日子、作业、休闲娱乐等融为一体,才干被广泛承受。而植入式广告正是经过平常日子的细节来展示的,广告不露痕迹却又不被无视地安插在其间,与情节、人物有机联系,使其传达的天然而有用。小到一杯咖啡、一张信用卡、一副眼镜、一只手表,大到一辆车、一幢楼、一个单位区域,只需适可而止的在剧情中呈现,便会留下一丝回味,而这种作用往往会超出剧情和时刻的范畴,在即时和将来成了产物最有力的广告宣传。Advertising only and you learn, day, work, leisure and entertainment

28、 com., to be widely bear. The product placement is through the daily life details to display, advertising is not a trace but not to be ignored in the meantime, with the plot, characters of organic links, which convey the natural and useful. To a small cup of coffee, a credit card, a pair of glasses,

29、 a watch, a car, a house, a unit area, just not overdo sth. in the plot, will leave the aftertaste, and this effect is often beyond the plot and the time category, in an instant into advertising products the most powerful and future.在韩剧绅士的品质中,主角们座驾、常常收支的餐厅、酒店、作业场地等统统都有广告植入的痕迹,特别座驾前的象征统统给遮挡起来了,看似是为了防

30、止广告的进入,其实这更增强了观众的猎奇心思,虽然被遮挡了,但仍然能够看出是奔驰车的象征,不管是成心的组织仍是不经意使然,产物现已家喻户晓。In the drama gentleman quality , protagonist rides, often payments restaurant, hotel, construction sites, all have advertising signs, symbols of special car before all to block up, seems to be entered in order to prevent the advert

31、ising, in fact, which enhanced the audience curious psychology, although occluded, but still be able to see is a symbol of Mercedes, whether intentionally or inadvertently by organization, the product already make known to every family.3.3 广告的覆盖率3.3 advertising coverage跟着新媒体不断呈现、新技术的不断开展,植入式广告所触及的媒体

32、简直包罗万象,从传统的播送、电影、电视媒体,到因特网、手机媒体甚至直邮和户外媒体,只需是能传递信息的介质,就能够成为植入式广告的载体。With the new media appeared, new technologies continue to develop, the product placement can cover and contain everything from traditional media, radio, film, television, Internet, mobile phone media even direct mail, outdoor media, only it can transfer information medium, can become the carrier of product placement.影视工业与植入式广告的绑缚出售,逐步成为一种为各方所认可的运作办法。这种簇新的运营机制打破传统的群众传达前言的范畴边界,波及至网络游戏、体育赛事、

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