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新疆自治区北大附中新疆分校高二下学期期中英语 含答案.docx

1、新疆自治区北大附中新疆分校高二下学期期中英语 含答案北大附中新疆分校2018-2019学年度第二学期高二英语 期中试卷第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHere are some of the most influential print journalists in history.John Peter ZengerThis man published the New York Weekly Journal

2、in the 1700s. He wrote honestly about the British government, and in 1735 he was arrested (逮捕). He was found not guilty, since what he wrote was based on truth. His case helped influence the American Revolution.Benjamin FranklinWe know that Benjamin Franklin had a lot of interests. But many people d

3、ont realize that the inventor and founding father was also a journalist. His The Pennsylvania Gazette began in the 1730s, and Franklin used it to help get his ideas out and influence the public leading up to the American Revolution.William Randolph HearstHearst was well known as one of the biggest p

4、ublishers and journalists of his time. He started with The San Francisco Examiner, and went from there. Hearst was one of the starters of “yellow journalism”, which started a new field of journalism that used eye-catching headlines to draw the attention of readers.Helen ThomasThis woman is the first

5、 lady of print journalism. Helen Thomas has been a White House reporter since 1961. She is known for her bold (大胆的) questions, and for her ability to get to the heart of the matter. Thomas gained new influence and fame when George W. Bush was President for her sharp questions and comments.1. Why was

6、 John Peter Zenger not guilty?A. He didnt lie at all.B. The police got the wrong guy.C. He took part in the American Revolution.D. His achievements were greater than his faults.2. Which role of Franklin may surprise you most?A. A father. B. A leader. C. An inventor. D. A journalist.3. Whats the bigg

7、est feature of “yellow journalism”?A. It was created by Hearst. B. Its newspapers were in yellow.C. It used little tricks(技巧) to attract readers.D. It came from The San Francisco Examiner.4. Who has the most contact with the White House?A. John Peter Zenger. B. Helen Thomas.C. Benjamin Franklin. D.

8、William Randolph Hearst.BCallaghan, father of a teenage girlEmma, couldnt understand why he had developed a disease which normally affects men twice his age.“I was by myself,” Callaghan recalled. “I thought it was a kidney stone (肾结石). I was in the doctors office for about 45 minutes that day. I don

9、t remember anything more than one minute of it.” He believed anyone who had his condition would live only 12 months. And he would take tablets every day, possibly for the rest of his life.Callaghan began finding hope in a small act of love for Emma: handwriting notes of love on a napkin and placing

10、it in her lunch box; nothing unusual or life-changing, just some words of encouragement to Emma to think of during the day. His numbered days meant numbered napkins. “The reason why I started writing notes to her is that I want to matter in her life,” Callaghan said. “I see so many working parents t

11、oday who give up a lot of their parenting. I want Emma to be able to look at me at whatever age she is and say My dad loves me. I need his advice, I need his love and I trust that my dads going to be there.”But what started out as a fathers way of showing his daughter his love quickly grew. His idea

12、 of sharing his inspirational napkin messages with friends and family on Facebook got a generous response from the media. His new book Napkin Notes shares each message hes ever sent to his daughter as well as more about his brave battle against cancer and life lessons he hopes Emma and maybe even gr

13、own readers can learn. Now Callaghan is still fighting for his life. “The act of taking a napkin, holding my pen and thinking of something to write down inspires me just as much as I hope it inspires my daughter,” Callaghan said.5. What doubt did Callaghan have in Para. 1?A. Why he suffered the dise

14、ase twice.B. Why he had the disease at an early age.C. Why he had to receive treatment twice.D. Why the disease affected more men than women.6. Why did Callaghan write notes to his daughter?A. He felt lucky to be her father. B. He desired to change her life.C. He decided to number his days in this w

15、ay.D. He found it a good way to inspire both of them.7. According to the text, whats Callaghan like?A. Creative. B. Confident. C. Humorous. D. Patient.CI now haveunder my beltfour languages in order from the most fluent to the least fluent: French, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese. I can also communi

16、cate at a basic- level Italian.My love of languages starts from childhood, when I began imitating other peoples accents. Although my ability to learn languages fast might be partially genetic (遗传) as my mother is a speech therapist (治疗师) and has a great ear for sounds and accents, I strongly believe

17、 my abilities today come more from my personal efforts and interests.My eagerness for learning foreign languages started when I was 12 years old in junior high school. We were given the choice of French and Spanish. I picked French. On a class trip to Quebec City, I noticed that I was totally crazy

18、about trying my newly-learned French with the local people while my classmates were less interested. This led me to studying French in my junior years of high school, and later, I also studied Chinese in college.While Ive never lived in a Spanish-speaking country, Ive reached a level of fluency in S

19、panish by watching a ton of Spanish TV series. The Portuguese comes from my own personal efforts while travelling in Brazil.Below Ill list the benefits of learning new languages and my personal tips on how to learn new languages:Childrens development: Its reported that learning foreign languages imp

20、roves childrens critical thinking skills. Kids studying foreign languages do better in other subjects including mathematics and science.Finding a job: If an employer needs to fill a position, he / she will be much more likely to pick the person who knows a second language. Foreign language speakers

21、have more advantages to bridge the link between a company and its customers.Making new friends: I have met so many friends and nice people around the world, with whom I would not be able to communicate if I couldnt speak foreign languages.Travel: When visiting other countries, the ability to speak t

22、he local language not only makes the trip more convenient, but also much more enriching.8. The underlined phrase “under my belt” in the first paragraph means “”.A. hidden something in my pocketB. swallowed something in my stomachC. mastered something wellD. carried something with my belt9. What cont

23、ributes most to the writers ability in learning foreign languages?A. Having personal interest and efforts. B. Traveling a lot abroad.C. Watching a lot of TV. D. Being a speech therapists son.10. The writer most probably lived _.A. in France B. in Spain C. in Brazil D. in Canada11. What will be most

24、probably talked about in the following paragraphs?A. The importance of foreign languages.B. Examples of learning new languages.C. The development of language learning.D. Tips on how to learn new languages.DThe United Nations reports global warming is reducing rainfall and increasing temperatures in

25、most of the worlds deserts.A report suggests the changes are hurting many who farm on desert edges.In West Africa, the effects are serious and making the food produced there not enough.Those living in farming regions along the Sahel desert have found their arable(适于耕种的) land is decreasing as desert

26、sands cover more areas.The town of Podor once was a place where grains grew and cattle ate grass.But now, the people who live there say food is becoming harder and harder to get.The reason is the advancing desert.Oumar Samba Kane is one of the leaders of his village.He carries a bag of grains from a

27、 neighbouring village to add to his villages nearly empty storeroom.“In the past years, we had enough food to last a year and we would sell the surplus(剩余) to make money,” Kane said.“Now we do not even have enough for ourselves.” Rivers once used for fishing and watering cattle are drying up.Pieces

28、of green land are few and far between.Cows are basic food in the area, but now herders(牧人) must drive their cattle for days to look for grass.Crops have also suffered.And for the most part it is only older farmers, like Moussa Aliou Sow, who stay behind to try to do farm work.“Im 67 years old,” Sow

29、said, “All I know is agriculture.There is nothing else I can do.” He says his hands are tired of growing crops on the land, which is producing less and less.There used to be rice in these fields just a few years ago.Scientists blame not only global warming, but also farming practices such as clearin

30、g trees and over planting crops for the deserts advance.But farmers say they cant survive without farming.12From the passage we know that global warming _.Ahas reduced rainfall worldwideBhas increased temperatures everywhereChas made the lives of many farmers on desert edges harderDhas caused many d

31、eaths in West Africa13There isnt enough food in the town of Podor mainly because _.Athere are not enough farmers thereBa lot of farming land has become desertCfarmers are tired of growing crops on the landDa lot of farmland has been used to plant grass14What were things like in Oumar Samba Kanes vil

32、lage in the past?_AThe villagers had more than enough food to eat and could sell the rest for money.BThe villagers had to borrow food from a neighbouring village.CCattle couldnt get enough water because all rivers were dry.DHerders drove their cattle for days to find green land.15The passage mainly talks about _.Avillagers life in West AfricaBcl

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