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1、深圳市初中毕业生学业考试英语深圳市 2020 年初中毕业生学业考试英语第一部分 选择题( 60 分) .词汇测试。( 15 分)i)从下面每小题的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母 编号涂黑。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,计 8 分)( ) 1. Would you like to play basketball with me?I d like to, but I have to complete my homework at first.A.check B. finish C. stop【答案】 B【解析】本题考查 complete ,表示

2、“完成” 。第一句话:你愿意和我打篮球吗?回答:我想去,但是我不 得不先完成我的作业。 A 表示检查, B 表示完成, C 表示停止,故选 B 。( ) 2. Your English teacher is humorous. Exactly. He is popular with us.A. friendly B. outgoing C.funny【答案】 C【解析】本题考查 humorous,表示“幽默的” 。第一句话:你的英语老师非常幽默。回答:的确如此。他 很受我们的欢迎。 A 表示友好的, B 表示外向的, C 表示有趣的,故选 C。( ) 3. Mum, I am in troub

3、le . I don t know what to do. Dear, don t worry. We can find a way to solve the danger difficulty surprise【答案】 B【解析】本题考查 in trouble 。第一句话:妈妈,我遇到麻烦了。我不知道该怎么办。回答:亲爱的,不要 担心。我们会找到方法去解决这个问题。 A 表示处于危险之中, B 表示陷入困难, C表示惊讶地, 故选 B。 ( ) 4.Bi Sheng,an ancient Chinese,invented movable type

4、 printing in the 1040s. It was devised inChina but served the world.A. created B.discovered C.searched【答案】 A【解析】 根据题意“毕昇, 一位中国古人, 在 11世纪 40年代发明了活字印刷术” ,invented 意为“发明”, 等同于 created。故选 A 。( ) 5. I spent nearly two days making a vlog.I can t wait to see it.A. hardly B. possibly C. almost【解析】 C【解析】 nea

5、rly 意为“几乎,差不多” ,等同于 almost。故选 C。( ) 6. Sam, could you tell me something about Earth Hour? Sure. People usually turn off the lights and keep lights off for an hour.A.switch off B.take off C. get off【答案】 A【解析】 turnoff 意为“关闭(电器等) ”,等同于 switch off 。故选 A 。( ) 7. What do you think of the Hi-tech Fair in S

6、henzhen Bay? You can t miss it! The show roomis full of different models.A. is filled with made of C. is covered with【答案】 A【解析】根据题意“展览室里摆满了不同的模型” ,befilled with 意为“(使)充满,装满” ; be made of 意 为“由 制成”; be covered with 意为“被 覆盖”。故选 A。( ) 8. Most Chinese customers prefer to pay by Alipay or WeChat pay

7、 nowadays. That s true. Life becomes more convenient in China because of them.B.buyersC. businessmenA. waiters 答案】 B解析】根据题意“大多数中国顾客喜欢用支付宝和微信支付” 可知,customers 意为“顾客;客户”,即“buyers。” )从下面每小题的 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂 黑。(共 7 小题,每小题 1分,计 7分)( ) 9. Do you mind the opening time of Shenzhen L

8、ibrary? No problem.I ll check on its website right now.A.looking after B. looking up C.looking like【答案】 B【解析】 lookafter 意为“照顾;照管” ; lookup 意为“查阅;向上看” ; looklike 意为“看起来” 。根据答句 “我马上去网站核查” ,可知上文应该是“要查阅深圳图书馆的开馆时间” ,故选 B。( ) 10. Cindy,I have bought a lot of fruits for you. Wonderful, let s bring them int

9、o the fridge to keep t_h_e_m_.A.clean B. fresh 【答案】 B【解析】 A 意为“干净的”,B意为“新鲜的”,C 意为“健康的,合适的” 。根据题意可知,把水果放进冰 箱里去保鲜,故选 B 。( ) 11. Whenever I nod to Jenny,she my greeting with a big smile. Yes, she is very cheerful.A. replies to B.points at C.laughs at【答案】 A【解析】 A 意为“回应” ,B 意为“指着” ,C意为“嘲笑” 。根据题意,无论

10、我什么时候对 Jenny点头打招 呼,她都会用一个灿烂的微笑来回应我。故选 A 。( ) 12. Have you got used to eating with in China? Yes.I can use the pair of thin sticks as well as Chinese.B.chopsticksC.knivesA.forks 答案】 B【解析】 A 意为“叉子”,B 意为“筷子”,C 意为“刀子”。根据题意, 中国人吃饭是使用筷子的, 故选 B 。 ( ) 13. Have you reminded your father about grandmother s bi

11、rthday party? Yes, I have left a(an) .A.magazine B.article C.message 【答案】 C【解析】根据 remind sb.about sth.可知“提醒某人某事” ,所以 leave a message表示“留言” ;故选 C 。 ( ) 14. To lose weight,I have to be on a diet.Youd better no _t. , you should take exercise.A. Instead B. However C.Therefore 【答案】 A【解析】 A 意为“可代替,相反地” ;B

12、 表示转折“然而,可是” ;C意为“因此,所以” ;根据句意可知, 可以用锻炼代替节食,故选 A 。( ) 15. Ifeel bad about all the mess. . I will clean it up later.A.Have fun B.Good luck C. Don t worry【答案】 C【解析】 feelbad about 表示“对 感到糟糕” ,所以根据句意可知, Dontworry“别担心” ,为正确选项。 故选 C 。. 完形填空。(15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑

13、。 (共 10小题,每小题 1.5 分)A group of boys gathered around a tree. “ Whaatat ll tree! ” thesya id to each other. “wIot uld be _16_ to climb to the top! ”The group of boys then decided to play a game to _17_ who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their mothers were siting not far away, looking on at

14、their _18_ as they played.One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. _19_thought he would win the competition.Then the game started. All of the boys tried their best to climb as fast as they could. Although they all made it halfway up the tree befo

15、re David did, he _20_ the top of the tree fastest in the end.His mother was _21_ to see this. She asked him, “ David, how did you manage to reach the top of the treeso _22_?”“ Itw as easy, ” Davsida id. “ Theo ther children _23_ looking down as they climbed. When they realized how high they were,the

16、y got scared and were afraid of _24_.I, however,looked only up. When I saw how close I was, I kept going higher and higher when I reached the to p. ”It istrue in life that _25_ we just keep going forward without looking back, we are more likely to reach ourgoals.( ) 16.A.boringB.excitingC.dangerous(

17、 ) 17.A.believeB. thinkC.see( ) 18.A.studentsB. childrenC. teachers( ) 19.A. NobodyB. SomebodyC.Everybody( ) 20.A. got upB. got to( ) 21.A.proudB. worriedC.frightened( ) 22.A.carefullyB.quicklyC.quietly( ) 23.A.keptB.avoidedC.practiced( ) 24.A.looking downB. putting downC. falling down( ) 25

18、.A.ifB. afterC.until【文章大意】本文为记叙文。讲述一群小孩子爬树的故事。通过获得第一名的孩子的表述,让人领悟到人生是要不断向前看,才更容易实现自己的目标。16.【答案】 B【解析】 A 选项意为 “无聊的”;B 选项意为 “令人激动的 ”;C 选项意为 “危险的 ”。根据上下文,孩子们开 始比赛爬树,故选 B 。17.【答案】 C【解析】 A 选项意为 “相信”;B 选项意为 “认为 ”;C 选项意为 “看见,看出 ”。根据句意,孩子们决定举行 一场比赛,看看谁能最先爬到树的顶端。故选 C。18.【答案】 B【解析】 A 选项意为 “学生们 ”;B 选项意为 “孩子们 ”;

19、C 选项意为 “老师们 ”。根据句意 “他们的妈妈坐在不 远处看着她们孩子比赛。 ”故选 B 。19.【答案】 A【解析】 A 选项意为 “没有人 ”;B 选项意为 “有个人,某人 ”;C 选项意为每个人 ”。根据上下文, David 是 这些孩子当中个子最矮的,所以没有人想到他会赢得比赛。故选 A 。20.【答案】 C【解析】 A 选项意为 “起床”;B 选项意为 “上车 ”;C 选顶意为 “到达 ”。根据上下文,在别的孩子都只爬到 一半的时候, David 最终以最快速度到达了树顶。故选 C。21.【答案】 A【解析】 A 选项意为 “骄傲的 ”;B 选项意为 “担心的 ”;C 选项“害怕

20、的 ”。根据上下文,妈妈问 David 是如 何做到第一个爬到树顶的,说明妈妈是为 David 感到骄傲。故选 A 。22【答案】 B【解析】 A 选项意为 “认真地 ”;B 选项意为 “快速地 ”;C 选项意为 “安静地 ”。根据上下文,妈妈问 David 是如何做到这么快就爬到树顶的。故选 B 。23.【答案】 A【解析】 A 选项意为 “保持”;B 选项意为 “避免 ”;C 选项意为 “练习 ”。根据句意,其他孩子在爬树的时候 都不断地往下看。故选 A 。24.【答案】 C【解析】 A 选项意为 “往下 ”; B 选项意为 “放下来,写下来 ”;C 选项意为 “掉下来,摔下来 ”。根据句

21、意, 当他们意识到自己爬了多高的时候,他们开始害怕,怕自己从树上掉下来。故选 C。25.【答案】 A 【解析】 A 选项意为 “如果”;B 选项意为 “在 之后 ”;C 选项意为 “直到 才”。根据句意,人生也是如此,如果我们能够不断向前,而不回头往回看,我们达到目标的可能性会更大。故选 A 。. 阅读理解。(30 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母 编号涂黑。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)A该篇为表格类阅读。本文分别讲了 FrankArt , CassieChens photo,s Contemporary Art ,

22、 Future Art 四个 艺术展;都写到了它们的 date(日期), venue(会场)和可以到那里的路线。【解析】第 26 题为细节理解题,问的是去 Cassie Chen s photo的s 公交车路线是哪条。第 27 题为细节理解题,问的是 Contemporary Art 是在哪个区。 第 28 题为细节理解题,问的是如果 8 月 15 有空的话,可以去哪里玩。 第 29 题为推理判断题,问的是在哪种类型的书里可以看到以上这些内容。B“O Miss Roberts! What rough hands Mary Jessup has! ”said Daisy Marvin,as sh

23、e walked home from schoolwith her teacher.“ In my opinion, Daisy,Mary s hands are the pretticelasts sin. th”e“ Why,Miss Roberts,they are as red and hard as they can be. How they would look if she were to try to play on a piano! ” exclaimed Daisy.Miss Roberts took Daisy s hands in hers,and said, “ Yo

24、ur hands are very soft anjuds tw thiete h,Danadissyto look beautiful on a piano, yet they lack one beauty that Mary s hands have.Shall I tell you what the diffeis? ”“ Yes,please, Miss Roberts. ”“ Well,Daisy,Mary hands are always busy. They wash dishes, they make fires, they hang out clothes and help

25、 to wash them,too,they sweep, dust,and sew, they are always trying to help her poor, hard-working mother. Besides,they wash and dress the children, they mend their toys and dress their dolls, yet,they find time to bathe the head of the little girl who is so sick in the next house to theirs. They are

26、 full of good deeds to every living thing. I have seen them patting the tired horse and the disabled dog in the street. They are always ready to help those who need help. ”“I shall never think Mary s hands amreo ureg,lMy iasnsy Roberts. ”“I am glad to hear you say that, Daisy; and I must tell you th

27、at they are beautiful because they do their work gladly and cheerfully.said Daisy looking into herw teitahc herOMiss Roberts! Ifeel so ashamed of myself,and so sorry,tearful eyes.“ Then,my dear, show your sorrow by deeds of kindness.The good alone are really beautiful. ”( ) 30.What does Daisy think

28、of Mary isr sht?a nd at fA. warm B.ugly C. dirty D. soft( ) 31.According to Miss Roberts, what kind of hands is the prettiest?A. being patient B. being looking goodC. being helping D. being hard-working( ) 32. What can you infer from the passage?A.Mary s mother is lazy. B.Mary lives comfortable life

29、.C. Miss Roberts disliked Daisy. D. Daisy understood beauty better in the end.( ) 33.The best title of the passage is .A.Hard life B. cheerful tears C. Shining eyes D. Beautiful hands【文章大意】 Mary 的手很粗糙,老师却说她的手是世界上最美的手。 Daisy 不解。老师告诉她因为善良的 Mary 帮助别人做了很多事情才导致手变得粗糙。 Daisy 意识到真正的美是什么。30.【答案】 B 【解析】细节理解题。

30、根据文中第一句 Daisy 惊叹的语气和第三段说的话可知。31.【答案】 C 【解析】细节理解题。第六段描写的都是 Mary 帮助别人的事情。32.【答案】 D 【解析】推理判断题。最后四段的对话是老师帮助 Daisy 认识到 “ really beautiful . ”33.【答案】 D 【解析】主旨大意题。文中一直在强调什么样的手才是真正美丽的手。When Chinese people talk about Chinese tea culture today, they won t miss an important person in Chinese history Lu Yu, res

31、pected as a “Sage of Tea(茶圣 ) ” forh is achievements in the Chinese tea culture. He is best-known for the Classic of Tea, the first work on growing, making and drinking tea.Lu Yu was born in 733 in Tianmen, Hubei. For six years,LuYu stayed in Huomen mountain studying under the guidance of master Zou Fuzi.During this period, Lu Yu often made tea for his teacher.He also took care of theother students health using his enxtc kenllowledge in tea and herbs(草药 ) that he learned by himself.During his studies Lu

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