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小学英语语法专项练习题含答案 1.docx

1、小学英语语法专项练习题含答案 1小学生语法专项练习题名词练习一.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 _8.tc_ 9photo_10class_11.oot_12.use_13.en_1.a_15or_.rdio_ 17.dsh_18cild_答案:1 orangs . Bxes3. women4tomatoes5.buss . oy babiewch 9. hts 10 clase 11. feet 1huses 13 pens14 as 1 hose 16. radios 1 dses 18 childre二.将下列单

2、词的复数形式改成单数形式1.dco_2.cties_3.pas_.ears_5.chc_6.leavs_7teeth_8.zoos_9.brus _0nives_1.me_12.ear _答案 2 tyian 4. er 5. chrh 6. lf 7 oth 8zo 9bru 1 12pa三请从括号里选出正确的答案1. Please ive me_(two /tocupof)coffe.2 Tere ara lot _(seep/sees )n he far.3. Id like so_(bread read) ad_ (poato potatoes).4

3、. Look! There s a _(mouse /ic) in tecnr. He boht_(a pieceof/a pice)ap.6. “Wheres_(Woman / Wmen) R?”ased usan.7. _ (T grs/he girl) hobby is drwng.8. unt Lcy n_ (a hilds a chdrns )booktme.红色为答案冠词练习一.在空格内填上a或an1._ear2._ator3_en4_toy5._univest6_eleant_hat._umrlla 9._rabbt10_ide11._hou12_ host boy 13._it

4、erestin oo14._eas qustio 15._orane dress _X-rymachine17_iceeam答案1.an23 .a 5 a 6 an a. 8an 9.a 10 an 11 an 1 n 14.n .nan17an二选择填空1.Mom tll tt dhtr_od storyvry niht. A. a . / C. an D. e2._coron the tble is usans. A. B n . The D /Threis_ ap f the wold _wl_ma ismne.,a,A B. ,th, The C , the, The e,

5、 the, A5. _Srig cmesafte_intr. A. /,/ .he, / The, te., he6.bought_shes yeseda. _ hoeare very buu. , The B. apairof, The, ThD. pai, Thepair7.Heas_sldie in he Secod World r.a B. an Cthe D. 8Se can play_ ad_Ahe tennis,heguiar B. tens,guia C. he enis,guitrtenni, theguitar9I can e_moon and_cods in t

6、he k. A. the, B., . th,/ D. he, he11._Tiananme Suar sin_Beji. A/, / B A, / C.e, / D , te.Can outell me_east ookshp? Goraigt tu rgh at_thid crossing, a you ill se it. he, a B. he, he . a, the . the, /红色为答案。三根据中文,写出下列固定搭配的英文。1.拉小提琴_ .总而言之_ 3看一看_4.在早上_ .顺便说一下_ 6.在左边_7.吃晚餐_8.下棋_9.在家_ 开始时_答案1. play the i

7、oin2 ina word. ak a ok 4. in the morning 5.bytea.6 on he left 7 hav super . ply chss 9. at hom a thbgining数词练习一.写出与下列词相应地数序数词或基数词.1. oe2. two 3. hre 4. nie 5 twl 6. tty 7. eghtyigh 8. sttwo 9 fy-fur 10. frhudred 1. the sixth 12.hethrent 13. the leventh 4heninety-ixh 答案: 1. hefirst .th scon 3. e hd 4

8、.hninth 5h tweth 6 th wenteth 7.heigt-eith 8 the ixy-secnd. 9 theity-ourh10.e four hudrdth 11 12 trtee 13 levn . nieys二.选择填空1._ of teviits ae reiers. A. Thre fi B. Threeit C. The-fifth D. third five2. ee ae_popleothe quae. A. hundrdsB. hundre of C.hundre of D. ivehunreds3. he teacher asked us owrita

9、 _ompostion in oe our.A thee-hundred-wo. tree hundo wrds C thre-unreds-wrds D. thre-hundredword4. -What _is Chaliein?-He is _A row, rw Four B.row, ow FourC rows, or rw Drows, rows o5. -H much is fiv_six? -leven. lus C.tims D. ived代词练习一.根据括号中的要求给出下列代词的适当形式。1t_(形容词性物主代词) 2.my_(名词性物主代词)3.herse_(复数

10、形式) .we_(宾格形式)5.yo_(形容词性物主代词) 6_(名词性物主代词)7. his_(名词性物主代词).you_(宾格形式)9.he_(宾格形式)0.thei_(形容词性物主代词)答案:1 is . mine3. thmevs . us 5. ur 6.hrs .i8. ou9.im10. their二.选择填空1Aethey _aincosr _?A. teir,ours Btheir,our C. irs, ours D. teir, u2.Hep _t ome chicke ,cilrenA.tself thmC.yuelf D.yoreves3._ o rents can

11、tkecae o my litle siter, o l sa at hometo tak ceofher A. All B. Both. NeDNeiher._d youlike es,footbal., volebll orbasball?A Who B.Which C WtD. Wy6.-Wha im i _? -_s eightoclock amA. this,his B.that, ThisC. it, t D. t, This.-a Ihave somesoks,plase?-a I geyo _socon the shelf?-No, thank yu. I like _sock

12、tere. y look comortabl.A.tht, ths B.this, that C tose, thse D. he, those8-Tee botles fa .tw asand a knif, pleae.-I _al? A t . ths C. tat D. hse9.-Woul ouk _win? -Nothanks.A.s B.any . o D. th0.ello._is usan speaking .Can I speak to ndy, plea?-ld on, pe. . sheB. thi C. thatD. it11.Threare _egs in th b

13、ot.I hae, littleB. a itte, lttle C.fw, sme afew, w形容词练习一.写出下列形容词的比较级1.nice_2.hot_3tal_4.log_5.strog_6.small_7.heay_ 8thin_ .ong_ 0uny_ 11.od_hort_答案:1 icer . hoter 3tallr 4.lnge5.stronge .me 7hever8thinne9.ynr10. funier1 older 12 shrter二请用所给词的适当形式填空。1.M ar s _ (ong) tan hers. 2.Toiss _ (f

14、a) as im3.s your ter_ (ung) han you?4. is_(tall) , Tomo Hee?5.hoe enil-bxis _(big), yor r ers ?1.loer 2.a3. yugr4. talerbr三 根据括号中的形容词.用asas或than写出表示比较的句子。1. weih lograms(公斤)and mybohrweigs 2 rm(ev)例句;My brther is havier thn I._2.Myring css 00yun ndyou rng coss 00 yuan.(epesie) _3 This poo s 2 eters

15、long and that olis 30 mters long.(lon) _4. Ther are twenty-one oysnd siten girs in urcls.(lre) _答案2. Yo rng is moreexpsiethn mne3.Th poo islnger han thi one.4.he nmber f boys islager han the n ofgirls副词练习一.根据中文意思.连词成句.注意副词的位置和顺序1莉莉每天七点起床。(at. everydy. Lil. get up. seven oclc)_2.刚才他飞快地跑上楼去了。(h. ran.

16、us now. ftpstairs) _3.我妹妹每天早上都会在花园里愉快的唱歌。(sing the garn. y sster. eery ornig. appily)_4.这个女孩来自美国华盛顿。(e. Waigtocomesm.USA. l)_5.他们星期天在公园玩的很开心。(o Suay. playe. th. ithe a.happiy)_答案1.Lil gets upat sev ocock very day. 2He ran upsairs astjustno.3My stersins happy i th gardnverymorig. 4Tegrl es fo Wastino

17、n, the SA. 5.Theyplyed happily in te rk on Suny.介词练习一请从括号里选择恰当的介词填空。1. Wheidyurrive _(at /n) theralwy tation?2. The fir astona (宇航员)lded on the o_(in/on )9683.My ule is goingo Paris _(on /)ar4 Lts talk _(wit /in)Cine5. ont rea_the sun. s ad fryour ye.答案: at in3.y4in.in二.选择填空1,leasecme hee _time. Don

18、t be lat gai. A. B n . on D. by. Hgoes sati_winteradgoe wimmig _ummr. . at,atB. ,in C.on,on D. from, o3.We hv las _8 am_3pm y day.A.fro, B t, at C. until,to D. at,4Itsainng outside.akn umbrella _ yo. . fo B. on C i . ith5.v s thnumber _six andei. . in B. betweenC mog D. at连词练习一.选择填空1,We mad piza ths morn._ did ea it .d B. sC. ut D. or2. wastiredver uch. _ Iwent to be early lst night.A euse C. butD r os Roe go to coly bik_b

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