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1、高考英语一轮复习Module4SandstormsinAsia外研版必修3Module 4Sandstorms in AsiaI. 单项填空1May I help you?You seem to be having some problems._,thanks.I think I can manage.AAll right BNo problemCIts all right DTheres no way答案C考查交际用语。句意为:我可以帮助你吗?你好像遇到了一些麻烦。没事儿,谢谢。我想我能处理好。第一个说话人主动提出为第二个说话人提供帮助,根据答语中的“I think I can manage

2、.”可知,第二个说话人婉言拒绝了,故选C,意为“没事儿,没什么”。2The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_ Aatmosphere BstateCsituation Dphenomenon答案A句意:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中举行。atmosphere“气氛”;state“状态”;situation“处境”;phenomenon“现象”。由句意可知A项正确。3It is beyond my_to search the murderers house, for I havent got

3、 permission from my superior.Aability Bforce Cpower Dstrength答案C考查名词辨析以及固定搭配。beyond ones power “超出某人的权力”。句意:我没有权力搜罪犯的家,因为我没有上级的许可。4Im still working on my project.Oh, youll miss the deadline.Time is_Arunning out Bgoing outCgiving out Dlosing out答案Arun out有“用完,耗尽,结束,期满”的意思,常和time连用,表示时间耗尽。此处用现在进行时表示“即

4、将到期”。5Some false advertisements are taking the countryside women as their targets, because they are easy to_Atake in Btake onCtake over Dtake up答案A考查动词短语辨析。句意:有些假广告把乡村妇女作为目标,这是因为她们容易上当。take in“欺骗”;take on“呈现,雇用”;take over“接管”;take up“占据,从事”。6The moment I saw him, he began to_about the bad weather he

5、 had while traveling there.He must have had a very unpleasant journey there.Acomplain BcompensateCcompromise Dexplain答案A考查动词辨析。句意:“我一看到他,他就开始抱怨在那里旅行时的糟糕天气。”“那他在那里的这次旅行肯定不怎么愉快”。complain“抱怨”;compensate“偿还,补偿”;compromise“折中,妥协”;explain“解释”。由句意可知,A项符合。7The professor thought that the idea the young engin

6、eer_was worth considering.Abrought up Bmade upCset up Dpicked up答案A考查动词短语。句意为:教授认为那位年轻的工程师提出的想法值得考虑。分析句子结构可知,“the young engineer_”是定语从句,修饰先行词the idea,且根据句意可知,答案为A。bring up提出;make up弥补,组成;set up建立;pick up捡起,获得。8Since the matter was extremely_, we dealt with it immediately.Atough Btense Curgent Dinsta

7、nt答案C考查形容词辨析。根据语境中的immediately可知,应用urgent(急迫的)。tough“棘手的”;tense“紧张的,焦虑的”;instant“立即的,立刻的”。9_magazines to find pictures that you can stick on your poster.ASee through BLook intoCLook through DPull through答案C句意:翻阅杂志找找能贴在你的海报上的图片。look through“翻阅,浏览”;look into“调查”;pull through“从中恢复健康”;see through“看穿,看透”

8、。10I dont think they have any food left._, lend them some.AIf possible BIf soCIf not DIf ever答案B句意:我认为他们没有什么剩余的食物了。如果这样的话,借给他们一些。if so“如果是这样”,符合句意,故选B项。如把题干中的dont去掉,并把any改为some,则选C项。11The police asked John to_those photographs and try to pick out the man he had seen.Alook around Blook afterClook up

9、Dlook through答案D句意为:警察让约翰浏览(look through)那些照片并尽力找出他看到的那个人。look around四处看看;look after照看;look up查询。12We took our umbrellas with us when we went out in order to_us from a heavy rain.Aban Bpreserve Cprevent Dprotect答案Dprotect sb from sth意为“保护某人免遭”。ban“禁止”;preserve“保护;维护”;prevent“防止;阻止”。13_that he might

10、fail the driving test, he made several more calls to confirm the result.AConcerns BConcerningCConcerned DTo concern答案C考查concern的用法。句意:担心自己可能不能通过这次驾驶测试,所以他多打了好几遍电话核实考试成绩。空白处是作原因状语,表示“担心的”,故用concern的过去分词形式。14What the public is _ about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cu

11、re for the new disease in a short time.Aconcerning BconcernCconcerned Dto concern答案C句意为:公众关心的是医疗工作者和科学家们是否能在短期内找到治疗这种新疾病的方法。be concerned about担心,关心;concerning为介词,意为“关于”,与题意不符。15Having been warned of the likely lung cancer, Mr. White had to_on smoking.Acut down Bcut offCcut in Dcut out答案A考查短语辨析。句意:怀特

12、先生被警告可能得了肺癌,他不得不减少吸烟的量。此句要用cut down表示“减少”。cut off“切断”;cut in“插进”;cut out“剪裁”。II. 完形填空It might have been a really bad stressful day, feeling trapped inside by the cold and snow which surrounded us.My husband got dressed and _1_that he was going outside to build a giant snowman.At first he stood alone

13、,_2_massive amounts of snow.Soon after a neighbor joined in.Then we reluctantly put on our snow gear and_3_outside.It wasnt long _4_we were smiling and enjoying the _5_of snow that Mother Nature had provided.Others came to our yard one by one to give a _6_in the making of our giant snowman.In the en

14、d we all stood back and _7_at what we had created.He was eleven feet high, twentyfive feet around at the base and _8_with many household items supplied by various _9_People drove by and smiled.Some even stopped just to enjoy his _10_With the passing of time, the spring made its _11_back into our yar

15、d and the snowman changed form _12_In a final effort to save what we created for just a little bit _13_,somebody stopped by and changed the snowmans _14_to look like a rabbit.As I prepared for the start of another week, I decided to _15_my email before going to bed.I found a (an) _16_message that co

16、ntained the subject line:_17_the snowman.The email said:your neighbor looks on in disbelief!Now you people are relishing(享受)the sounds and smells, along with _18_of spring.But I am sure people will never forget the _19_energy displayed in Mr.Snowman.You and your family keep it up, as this is what th

17、e world needs now.More power to you and your loved ones, keep _20_with the world around!Perhaps it was more than a snowman we built that day.The message seems clear.Our environments will turn out to be what we make of them.The possibilities are endless and the choice is ours.Notes:reluctantly adv.勉强

18、地,不情愿地disbelief n不相信1A.announced BstatedCinformed Dinsisted2A.pressing BpouringCpiling Dclearing3A.looked BheadedCrushed Dwandered4A.when Bsince Cafter Dbefore5A.softness BabundanceCwhiteness Btip Chand Dtool7A.wondered BstaredCworked Dsuspected8A.decorated BwrappedCprovided De

19、quipped9A.societies BcommunitiesCneighborhoods Dfamilies10A.sculpture BexistenceCoccupation Dsurvival11A.entrance BappearanceCwarmth Dway12A.considerably BinstantlyCroughly Dsteadily13A.further Blonger Cdeeper Dstronger14A.remains Bversion Cform Dfigure15A.answer Bdelete Csort Dcheck16A.serious Bcur

20、ious Celegant Dpunctual17A.recall Bkeep Cenjoy Bscenes Csights Dattraction19A.various Bjoyous Csignificant Dspiritual20A.communicating BadvancingCdeveloping Dsharing【语篇解读】 大雪过后,作者的丈夫准备去堆一个巨大的雪人。在众人的努力下,一个高11英尺、底部周长25英尺的巨大雪人诞生了。从巨大的雪人身上,作者得到启示:我们的环境由我们自己来创造,只要我们努力,一切皆有可能。1Aannounce宣

21、布,宣告。state声明,陈述,常用于正式场合;inform通知,告知,不符合句意;insist坚持说,坚持认为,坚持(做某事),不符合语境。2C要堆雪人,首先要把大量的雪堆在一起,故选C。A、B、D三项意思分别为“挤,压”、“倒”、“清理”,均不符合上下文语境。3Bhead作动词,常意为“(向某方向)出发,动身”;head outside走到外边。rush强调动作迅速,与句中reluctantly(不情愿地)表达的意思不符。A、D两项不符合语义。4DIt wasnt long before.是固定句型,意为“不久”。5Bthe abundance of snow意为“充足的、大量的雪”。A、

22、C、D三项意思分别为“柔软”、“白色”、“灵活性”,均不符合语境。6Cgive a hand意为“帮忙”,指人们帮忙堆雪人,符合语境。7Awonder在文中意思是“对感到惊讶”,指作者没想到他们能堆这么大一个雪人。8A堆成雪人后,人们用家中的东西来装饰它,故选A。B、C、D三项意思分别为“包装”、“提供”、“装备”,均不符合语境。9D因雪人巨大,装饰物品由很多家庭提供。A、B、C三项意思分别为“社会”、“团体”、“街坊”,均不符合语境。10B有些人甚至仅仅为了欣赏雪人(的存在)而停下来观看。A(雕刻)、C(职业,占有)、D(幸存,生存)三项均不符合语境。11Dmake ones way意为“(


24、奇怪的、不寻常的”,指作者收到一封奇怪的邮件。17Cenjoy the snowman意为“欣赏雪人”。A、B、D三项意思分别为“回忆”、“保存”、“赞扬”,均不符合上下文。18Csights这里指春天的“景象”,与句中的“sounds,smells”一致。19Bjoyous 意为“使人快乐的,高兴的”;the joyous energy意为“令人愉快的精神”。A、C、D三项意思分别为“各种各样的”、“有意义的”、“精神上的”,均不符合语境。20Dkeep sharing with the world around意为“与周围的人共享”。A、B、C三项意思分别为“交流”、“前进”、“发展”,均

25、不符合语境。III. 阅读理解AAre you the type of person who always says “yes”?Ive come to learn that it is very important to learn to say “no”Its okay.People are still going to like you.They may even respect you more because they know you are honest.Im not saying to say “no” to someone who really needs your help

26、.Im talking about turning down that meeting that you really do not want to attend or that birthday party that you dont want to be a guest at.Think for a moment how you feel when you say “yes” to something that you really dont want to do.If youre like I once was,you cant sleep at night and you think

27、about it too much.It weighs on your mind.You try to find ways out.Whatever youre saying to yourself,if you really wanted to go,you wouldnt have all of these thoughts.So,why not just say “no” from the beginning?Maybe you feel like if you dont show up at the meeting (by the way,it is not one you must

28、attend),your boss isnt going to like you or your coworkers wont respect you.Maybe you feel as if your mom,dad or sisters wont love you as much if you dont do everything for them what they ask every occasion.If these people are your true friends,family members,or a good boss,they will like or love yo

29、u the same no matter what.People treat you the way you teach them to,and if youre someone who always says “yes”,then thats what theyre expecting.You need to do what is right for you.Of course we do have real obligations in life to fulfill,but we do not have to do everything others want us to do.1Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?AWe should try to do what our friends ask us to do.BWe should help others in need.CAlways saying “yes” means you are dishonest.DAlways saying “no” means you are brave.2Generally speaking,we a

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