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模拟训练 8答案与解析.docx

1、模拟训练 8 答案与解析 模拟训练 8 答案与解析Part I Writing Overseas Study at an Early Age Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas

2、 because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. Consequently, purs

3、uing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rush economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their childrens overseas s

4、tudy.As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor beneficial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study

5、 can contribute to ones self improvement, but its better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. 【答案】Y 2. 【答案】N 3. 【答案】Y 4. 【答案】NG 5. 【答案】N 6. 【答案】Y 7. 【答案】Y 8. 【

6、答案】gain more weight【解析】此处的研究指的是文章的第三段Cornell University所做的研究,该研究表明新婚夫妇比单身的人或鳏寡独居的人总体来说更容易发胖,特别是在结婚的头两年。原文如下:newlyweds gain more weight on average than single people or widowers or divorcees, usually within the first two years of getting married.9. 【答案】exercising together【解析】文章提出的第一个建议就是进行健身约会,一起锻炼不仅

7、动机最强,也是最有效的减肥方式。10. 【答案】limit the amount of calories (you consume each day) and eat the right amount of calories for your body【解析】文章的最后一段提到了减肥的秘诀,也就是本题的答案。Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. D 【解析】女士说亚当得了三个A, 男士表示自己听说的也是如此,所以答案为D。12. A 【解析】女士表示自己在学期论文方面有些问题,想要跟男士约时间探讨,而男士说自己的办公时间为八点到中午,据此

8、判断,男士应该是她的老师,所以答案为A。13 A 【解析】男士问女士有没有写英国文学的论文,女士回答还没有,自己还在做写作作业,并且还要复习英文语法和法语,所以答案为A。14. M: Why are you so sure that Alice didnt commit the crime? W: She couldnt have committed that crime because I was with her. And we were out of town on that day. Q: Where was the crime most probably committed?D 【解

9、析】男士问女士为何确定Alice没有犯罪,女士回答因为Alice一直和她在一起,她们一起去了城外,由此判定罪行发生在城里,所以答案为D。15. M: Isnt it rather cold outside, Lisa? W: It is a bit. But I cant stand the terrible smoke inside. Id rather stay here if you dont mind. Q: Why does the woman want to stay outside?D 【解析】男士问女士外面很冷吧,女士回答是的,但是她不能忍受烟味,于是待在户外,所以答案为D。1

10、6. W: Weve lived here in New York for 5 years now and I think its time to have the house painted. M: You are right. Mr. Mike, our neighbor, just had his house painted. But we cannot afford to do it unless we paint it ourselves. Q: Who is going to paint the house?D 【解析】女士跟男士说他们已经在目前的房子里住了五年,所以想要粉刷房子,

11、男士说除非自己动手,否则无法负担粉刷房子的费用。所以答案为D,他们自己动手粉刷房子。17. M: The radio says itll be cloudy and raining today. What do you think? W: I dont believe it. Look, the sun is out. Theres not a cloud in the sky. They are always wrong. Q: What does the woman mean?B 【解析】男士说预报说今天天气将会多云并有雨,女士表示不相信,说太阳已经出来了,天气预报总是出错,所以答案为B。

12、18. W: Didnt Jane go traveling with you last summer? M: Are you kidding? Even if it didnt cost her anything, shed rather stay at home. Q: What does the man imply about Jane?B 【解析】女士问男士去年夏天是否和Jane去旅行,男士说别开玩笑了,Jane即使不用花钱也不愿旅游,她更愿意呆在家里,所以答案为B。Now youll hear two long conversations.Conversation OneM: Hav

13、e you ever visited a redwood forest? I recently had a chance to go to Muir Woods National Monument north of San Francisco.W: Ive never seen a redwood tree. I really cant imagine how big they are.M: The coastal redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet hi

14、gh. But none of the trees at Muir Woods is that high. 19You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees.W: You said that Muir Woods is near San Francisco? I guess it must be quite a tourist attraction.M: Yes, 20 its less than an hours drive away, so its easy to get to.W: Ive hear

15、d that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the ones in Muir Woods that old?M: 21 The oldest documented age for a coastal redwood is more than a thousand years. The trees at Muir Woods are 400 to 800 years old.W: Why have they survived so long?M: They have remarkable resistance to fore

16、st fires. The tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. 22 The coastal redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate.W: Then since Muir Woods is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the trees survival. I cant wait to go there and see them!Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversati

17、on youve just heard.19. Where can the tallest trees be found?B 【解析】从男士的回答可以看出海岸边的红杉是最高的树种,但莫尔灌木丛的树木并非最高,要想看最高的树,就必须到加州北部,所以答案为B。20. Why do many tourists visit Muir Woods, rather than other redwood forests?B 【解析】女士询问莫尔灌木丛吸引人的原因,男士回答因为其靠近旧金山,开车不到一小时就到了,非常方便,所以答案为B。21. Approximately what is the oldest

18、documented age for a redwood tree?B 【解析】细节题,男士说有记载的最老的红杉年龄在一千多年以上,所以根据这些推断答案为B。22. What has contributed most to the redwoods survival?C 【解析】男士提到海岸红杉喜欢湿润多雾的气候,女士回答莫尔灌木丛靠近多雾的旧金山,所以这应该是红杉能大量存在的原因,所以答案为C。Conversation TwoM: Is this table on the corner okay?W: Sure. We can sit here.M: Gee. Youve hardly go

19、t anything on your tray.W: Yeah. I guess Im just not that hungry.M: Whats the matter? Arent you feeling well?W: Well, Ive been really worried. Its my car. Its in the shop again.M: Really? Whats wrong this time?W: I dont know exactly. Somethings wrong with the brakes, I think.M: 23 Well, at least tha

20、t shouldnt cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today.M: Watch out he doesnt try to take advantage of you.W: What do you mean?M: Well, some car mechanics, if the

21、y think that someone doesnt know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.W: Maybe so. 24 But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbours. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.M: Oh, thats good to know. Maybe Ill try using

22、him in the future. 25 By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?W: Oh, Ill sure appreciate it. Its really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation youve just heard.23. What does the man say about the womans car?D 【解析】男士表

23、示美国汽车的零部件很便宜,所以女士修车应该不会花费太大,所以让她不用担心,所以答案为D。24. What does the woman say about the mechanic?A 【解析】男士让女士小心机械师会瞒骗车主,要高价的修车费,但是女士回答技师是邻居推荐的,他曾经帮她干活而且收费很合理,所以她非常相信他,所以答案为A。25. What does the man offer to do?A 【解析】男士最后询问下课后女士是否需要搭他的车,女士回答住在校外没有车很不方便,所以需要搭车,非常感谢,所以答案为A。Section BPassage One One of the great

24、joys of gardening is to share a garden with wildlife, especially birds. 26 Attracting birds to a garden is made easier by following a few basic guidelines. 27 All birds depend on plants for shelter, nest and roosting sites, and food. To the extent that your yard offers some or all of these features,

25、 it can become a haven for bird life. As a general rule, 27 the more native plants are planted in the yard, the more birds will come. Some birds are so particular that you must have the special plant that they demand while others only demand that you provide for their basic needs. Most birds require

26、 some 27 shelter for roosting, preening and sleeping. 28 By varying the height as well as density of plants, a greater number of species are encouraged to seek out shelter in your yard. Nesting requirements in birds are quite varied. 27 To encourage as many different types of birds as possible, vary

27、 the types of plants, use a number of native plants, and vary the height of plants. Birds eat seeds, fruit, or nectar, as well as insects found on plants. Again, diversity encourages more birds, particularly plants that bloom in different seasons. 27 One of the surest ways to encourage birds in a ya

28、rd, especially a new yard, is to provide water. If you do not have pets or wandering cats, provide water on the ground, in an open spot. Most birds love to bathe and drink at this level, but are wary, and want a perch nearby, but not overhanging the water. If you have pets or wandering cats, move th

29、e water higher, beyond their reach. Leave the water in the open, with no overhanging branches. Change the water often, especially in the warm weather.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage youve just heard.26. What is the purpose of the discussion?B 【解析】本文的开篇提到种植的乐趣在于可以和野生生物,特别是野生鸟类分享你的花园,然后说到吸

30、引鸟类可以通过一些基本方法,可知本文主要探讨吸引野生鸟类的方法,所以答案为B。27. According to the author, what are the three general requirements to attract birds?A 【解析】细节题,文章指出吸引鸟类前来的三个因素为种类繁多的植物,鸟类栖息地和食物(如水源),所以答案为A。28. How tall should plants be in order to attract birds?D 【解析】文中提到不同高度和密度的树木可以吸引不同的鸟类,所以树木的高度主要取决于鸟的种类,所以答案为D。Passage Tw

31、o Here, I want to talk about the history of the White House. 29 At first, most Americans didnt think there was anything particularly special about the White House. Few had ever seen it or had any idea what it looked like, and even the families who lived there found it completely inadequate. When it

32、was built, the White House was the largest house in the country and it remained so until after the Civil war. But it served so many different purposes that little of it was available for the First Family to actually live in. The first floor, or “State Floor”, was made up entirely of public rooms, and the presidents offices, which were staffed

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