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1、深圳中考英语考前重点回顾修订稿 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-WEIHUA1688】深圳中考英语考前重点回顾一、易错单词集锦1. invitation(n.邀请) 2. safety(n.安全)3. vegetarian(n.素食主义者) 4. warmth(n.温暖) 5. mice(n.老鼠mouse的复数) 6. boredom(n.无聊) 7. knowledge(n.知识)8. freedom(n. 自由) 9. argument(n.辩论)10. decision(n.决定)11. length(n.长

2、度) 12. width(n.宽度) 13. height(n.高度)14. weight(n.重量)15. persuasion(n.劝说) 16. natural(adj.自然的)17. dishonest(adj.不诚实的) 18. truly(adv. 真正地)19. luckily(adv.幸运地)20. unluckily(adv.不幸地)21. twelfth(n.序数词,第十二)22. ninth(第九) 23. forty(四十)24. fortieth(第四十)25. forty-ninth(第四十九)26. strictness(n.严格)27. behavior(n.行

3、为)28. choice(n.选择)29. satisfied(adj.满意的)30. advice (不可数n. 建议)31. suggestion(可数n. 建议)32. appreciate(v.珍惜/欣赏/感激)33. marriage(n.婚姻)34. memorize(v.记住)35. imagination(n.想象力)36. competition(n.竞赛,比赛)37. curiosity(n. 好奇心)38. applicant(n.申请人)39. application(n.申请)40. admiration(n.羡慕)41. balanced(adj.均衡的)42. g

4、rateful(adj.感激的)2、易错动词用法1. allow do sth.允许某人做某事 allowed to do sth 某人被允许做某事allow doing sth. 允许做某事2. advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 advise doing sth建议做某事3. suggest (sb或sbs)doing sth. 建议(某人)做某事4. succeed (in) doing sth. 成功地做到某事5. fail to do sth. 没能做到某事6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事相关:make up ones mind to do

5、sth下定决心做某事 choose to do sth. 选择去做某事7. admit doing sth. 承认做过某事8. refuse to do sth. 拒绝去做某事9. would like to do sth. 想要做某事 feel like doing sth. 同上 want to do sth. 同上10. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 wish (sb.) to do 希望(某人)做某事11. plan to do sth. 计划去做某事相关:attempt to do sth 企图/尝试做某事12. mind doing sth介意做某事Would you

6、 mind my doing .你介意我.吗?13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 否定:had better not do sth. 最好不要做某事14. make sure to do sth. 务必去做某事15. cant help doing 情不自禁做某事16. finish doing sth. 做完某事17. consider doing sth 考虑做某事18. 使/让某人做某事make sb. do sthhave sb. do sth.let sb do sth.get sb. to do sthask sb. to do sth.相关: 使.被做hav

7、e /get sth. done make 使某人被.(理解、听到等)19. see/hear/notice sb. do/doing sth. 看到/听到/注意到某人做某事sb. be made to do sth. 某人被让做某事sb be seen/heard/noticed to do sth. 某人被看到/听到/注意到做某事20. practice doing sth. 练习做某事如:practice playing the guitar练习弹吉他practice driving a car练车21. be afraid of doing=be afraid to do sth. 害

8、怕做某事22. keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事23. be supposed to do sth. 理应/应该做某事24. take action to do sth.采取行动做某事相关:take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 =take steps to do sth.25. prefer to do rather than do比起后者更喜欢做前者 =would rather do than do=prefer doing to doing26. have difficulty/ trouble/probl

9、ems (in) doing sth.做某事有困难27. 区分:used to do sth. 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事3、常错考点回顾1.hundred,thousand,million等词与名词连用时,遵循“前有后无,前无后有”的原则。即:当这些数量词前有one,two,three等基数词或several,some等词修饰时,这些词后面无“s”也无“of”。若前无这些词,则后面有“s”和“of”。如:two thousand pens;两千只钢笔several million trees;几百亿棵树 millions of trees 数百亿棵

10、树 thousands of pens 数千只钢笔2. enough与名词,形容词的位置关系:形容词/副词+enough;够. 如:big enough; important enough;fast enoughenough+名词:足够多的某物 如:enough time;enough water3. 常见易错的不定冠词考点:an hour 一小时an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩an e-mail 一封邮件a university 一所大学a useful book 一本有用的书an ugly duck 一只丑小鸭an umbrella 一把雨伞an unusual film 一部不

11、同寻常的电影an “s, f, l, m, n, h” 一个字母s, f, m, n, h如:an “S” road 一条S形的路 an MP3 player 一台MP3播放器4. to ones +名词,意为“令某人. 的是”to ones regret 令某人遗憾/后悔的是to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是to ones joy/delight 令某人开心的是to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是5. “对.有害”的表达方式: be harmful to sb./sth.=do harm to sb./sth.=be bad for sb./sth.6.

12、 “对.有好处”的表达方式: be good for sb./sth. =do good to sb./sth.=benefit sb./sth.=be beneficial to sb./sth.7. at any cost= at all costs 不惜一切代价8. need, require”需要”等词的主语是物时,后面跟v-ing或to do不定式的被动形式。即:need doing=need to be donerequire doing=require to be done如:My car needs repairing.我的车该修了。 =My car needs to be r

13、epaired. Your hair requires washing.你的头该洗了。=Your hair requires to be to music随歌起舞(记住介词用to)10.offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事11.给某人提供某物(offer,give,provide,supply)offer sth. to sb=offer sb. Sthgive sth. to sb= give sb sth.provide sth for sb.=provide sb with sthsupply sth to/for sb.=supply sb w

14、ith sth12. any other+单数名词,意为“其他任何一个” the other +复数名词,意为“剩下的.”如:The Changjiang River is larger than any other river in China.长江比中国任何其他河流都长。China is larger than the other countries in South Asia.中国比南亚的其他国家都大。13. 关于look“看起来”的几点:Anna looks well today. 安娜今天看起来气色不错。(此处well是形容词,“身体健康的”)This room looks good

15、. 这个房间看起来还不错。The dress looks good on her. 她穿那条裙子看起来不错。14. must表示肯定推测,cant表示否定推测15. at the moment=at present= now 现在相关:in the end=at last =finally 最终in place of= instead of= rather than代替,而不是16. 疑问代词或副词后面若加动词,用to do不定式! 如:I dont know what to do.I cant decide which to buy.Please tell me when to leave

16、here.17. 几个常见的时态标志词:出现usually,often,twice a year, every year等词,用一般现在时;出现look,listen,at present,now等词用现在进行时;出现how long, for+一段时间,since,already, yet等词用现在完成时;18. 在Would you like.或Could you.的句型中要用some,或something,不用any或anything19. Would you like something to drink你想来点喝的吗Would you like some coffee你想喝点咖啡吗C

17、ould you give me some advice 你能给我些建议吗19. teach sb.+科目,教某人某个科目(中间的人称代词要用宾格形式)如:teach me/him/her/us English教我/他/她/我们英语20. a number of=a lot of 许多,大量(加可数名词复数) the number of .的数量21. the +序数词,表示“第几个,第几次” a/an+序数词,表示“又一个,又一次”其主要区别在于:前者指已经存在或已经发生的事情;而后者指尚未开始或尚未发生的事情。如:This is the first time he has been to

18、Shenzhen, and he wont come a second time.这是他第一次来深圳,他不会再来第二次。(该句中第一次来深圳这件事已经发生了,故用定冠词the,第二次来深圳只是口头承诺尚未发生,故用不定冠词a)Lucy can speak three foreign languages, and she wants to learn a fourth one.露西会讲三门外语,她还想再学一门。22. Why not do=Why dont you do用于提建议23. 最后一次强调:介词后的动词要用-ing形式!什么是介词?如at, in, for, of, by, with,

19、 against, from, on, before, after, except, about, without, within等如:be good at swimming擅长游泳; be against watching TV反对看电视24. “把A和B连接起来”有三种表达方式: join A to B=connect A to B= link A to B25. make it意为“成功”26. 表示“第几个做某事的人”,序数词后面用to do不定式。如:Linda is always the first to enter the classroom.琳达总是第一个进教室的人。27. 易

20、忘词组:give away捐赠give out 分发=distributepick up捡起;开车接某人;重拾set out=set off 出发set out for =set off for = leave for出发去某地be absent from 缺席put off 推迟,拖延put out 扑灭,熄灭28.关于what和how引导的感叹句:What后要加名词,或形容词+名词!Eg:What a nice day!多么好的天啊! What exciting news it is!多么令人兴奋的消息啊!How后面要加形容词或副词!Eg:How beautiful the weather

21、 is!天气多美啊! How exciting the news is!这消息多么振奋人心啊!如果实难理解,可以记这么几个诀窍:若形容词和名词之间出现the或your,his,her等物主代词时,用how;相反,若形容词后面紧跟名词,用what;(参考对比前面例句)如果句子中一个名词都没有,一定用how;如:How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!句子中出现a/an, 用what29. so.that 与such.that如此。以至于so后面加形容词或副词,用法类似howsuch后面加名词或形容词加名词,用法类似what诀窍:so/such 和that之间,只要有名词,就用such,

22、没有名词就用so如:He runs so fast that no one can catch him.他跑得如此快以至于没有人能追上他。Its such nice weather that we all went out shopping.天气这么好,我们都出去购物了。 long, how far, how often, how soon, how much的提问与回答How long.做某事多久了?回答用:for或since(其中for后加一段时间,since加过去的时间点)How far.距离多远?回答多用 forty minutes drive四十分钟的车程, ten mi

23、nutes walk十分钟的步行等;How often.做某事多经常/频繁?回答用once a year, twice a day, never, seldom等;How soon.多快能做到某事?回答用In+一段时间;How soon多与将来时will连用31. 注意以下两种表达的写法:in her forties 在她四十多岁的时候in the1980s 在二十世纪八十年代32.花某人多长时间做某事的两种表达法:Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth.It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.某人花了多少钱买某物:Sb. sp

24、end some money on sth.Sb. pay some money for sth.Sth./It cost sb. some money.33. sometimes,some times, sometime, some timesometimes有时,偶尔=at timessome times 几次;几倍sometime过去或将来的某个时候some time 一段时间小诀窍:介词for后面填some time后面有时间词,前面多用sometime,如:sometime next year明年的某个时间She needs some time to relax.她需要些时间休息。3

25、4.时间名词做定语有两种形式: 两天的假期 a two-day holiday或two days holiday十分钟的路程a ten-minute ride或ten minutes ride如:The five-day drive made her exhausted.五天的开车之旅让她疲惫不堪。an eighteen-year-old girl一个十八岁的女孩35.句中出现disagree,dislike等词,后面有反义疑问句时,要把主句看做肯定句而不是否定句。只有出现no,not, seldom, hardly, rarely, little, few等词才看作是否定句。如:She di

26、sagrees with you, doesnt she?她不同意你的观点,难道不是吗?She has little time,does she?她几乎没有时间,难道不是吗?36.在Can you tell me./I dont know/ She asked me.等句型中,后面的宾语从句一定要用陈述语序。即引导词/疑问词后,先主语、后谓语的语序!如:-Can you tell me how you did it so well?-With Lilys help.37.常见的不可数名词:news消息,新闻;information信息;weather天气;work工作;bread面包;chic

27、ken鸡肉 这些词前面不能有a/an修饰。38.修饰形容词、副词比较级的词语有:a lot; much; far; a little; a bit; even; still; any做题时碰到这些词,后面一定用比较级。39.英语中用就近原则的四大词组:there be句型not only.but also不但。而且。either.or. 要么。要么。(两者中的任意一个)neither.nor.既不。也不。(两者都不)4、语法填空做题技巧:1. 句子的主语和谓语之间是被动关系时要用被动语态,即be+done形式,切记切记!如:More and more trees are planted thi

28、s year. 今年种了越来越多的树。2. 常考的单词反义词形式参考:honestdishonest 不诚实的interestinguninteresting无趣的fortunateunfortunate不幸的comfortableuncomfortable不舒服的usualunusual不寻常的agreedisagree不同意helpfulunhelpful不愿帮助的(或helpless无助的)3. 副词修饰动词,副词修饰形容词!如:draw beautifully画得漂亮 listen carelessly不认真听 truly happy真的很开心 .was successfully co

29、mpleted成功地完成 be widely used 被广泛地使用4. 这几个名词出现时多用复数形式:greetings问候,regards致意问候,congratulations祝贺 instructions说明,指示5. 做题法宝:当括号中的词是以-ce结尾时,填空时把-ce改成-t即可;当括号中的词以-t结尾时,填空把-t改成-ce即可。(实在不会做时才用此招)常见的此类词:differentdifference不同confidentconfidence自信innocentinnocence无辜absentabsence 缺席;不在场patientpatience耐心important

30、importance重要性violentviolence 暴力例外:emergentemergency紧急情况6. 通常来说,句子开头就是_(某词),后面是一句话。那么这个词一般是副词形式。而且!经常!副词和反义词同时考!所以要仔细耐心看完题目再答。如:Unluckily(Luck),she failed the exam. 不幸的是,她没通过考试。7. 动词go后面若要填空,多数是用动词的-ing形式。如go swimming去游泳 go diving 去潜水 go picnicking去野餐 go hunting去打猎8.常见的加-al变形容词的词如下: traditiontraditional传统的 personpersonal个人的;私人的 nationnational国家的 musicmusical音乐的 educationeducational教育的 historichistorical历史的(historic有历史意义的)9.常见的加-y变成形容词的如下: wealthwealthy富裕的 healthhealthy健康的 guiltg

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