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Unit 1 Cultural relics 试题.docx

1、Unit 1 Cultural relics 试题Unit 1 Cultural relics第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Shall we have our house decorated? _ I think its fine as it is. A. Why not? B. Better not. C. Not exactly. D. How come? 22. They are having _ debate about whether the

2、two countries were at _ war at the time. A. the; the B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. a; 不填23. There might be life on other planets, but so far scientists havent found enough _ to prove it.A. evidence B. relic C. mystery D. reception 24. The little girl said she designed all the dresses she wore, _ I persona

3、lly doubted very much.A. that B. for which C. which D. to which 25. Weve had three whole weeks without a drop of rain. True. No crops will _ if the dry weather continues. A. select B. survive C. explode D. remove 26. The exhibition is well worth _ and you can see fancy vases of different dynasties o

4、n show there. A. to visit B. to be visited C. being visited D. visiting 27. My grandparents moved to the country after they retired and _ there in peace ever since. A. lived B. are living C. have lived D. would live 28. He took up my cellphone and made a long distance call as if the phone _ him. A.

5、belonged to B. was belonging to C. was belonged to D. had been belonged to 29. It is now _ to see children playing traditional games, like hide?鄄and?鄄seek, because they are attracted to online games. A. informal B. cultural C. valuable D. rare 30. I am going to the airport to meet my uncle tomorrow

6、morning, _ he will be back from abroad. A. who B. when C. where D. which 31. Is the man over there our former English teacher?No, it _ be him. He is much taller and stronger. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont 32. We complained to the manager about the poor services and he promised to _ it as soon

7、as possible. A. look for B. look about C. look into D. look through 33. Instead of settling down and living a peaceful life, the farmers move from city to city _ work. A. in search of B. in return for C. in honor of D. in praise of 34. Jack has been working hard and _ is no doubt that he will do a g

8、ood job in the entrance exam. A. it B. what C. there D. as 35. _ we think highly of your plan, I dont think we should carry it out right now. A. Because B. Though C. Unless D. When 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Parents can be a great example for their c

9、hildren. A man always stands out on different corners of our city, 36 . I often dont have much extra to 37 him. 38 , many times my mom is with me and she always hands him some money, which makes me feel 39 . Last night, I was on my way to the store to get 40 when I saw the man. My daughter and her f

10、riend were in the 41 . We all felt 42 that this man was standing out in the cold, wet weather. Many people make comments (评论) that he should be able to 43 . I think he may not have an address to hunt for a job. Either way, I dont feel it is my place to 44 . I decided to help this man, 45 I wanted to

11、 show the girls the 46 of helping others, and not 47 whether they were really struggling or not. Since he is standing out on different corners all day and night, no matter what the 48 , he must really 49 the help. So we left our car and gave him some money. The girls and I were still 50 that he woul

12、d be cold, standing out in this bad weather. So we got him a hot chocolate and a hot hamburger. He was very 51 to us for our help. All of us left with smiles, 52 me! Because, as we were 53 , the girls were planning ways they could 54 money to help him and others like him. It was the 55 trip I have e

13、ver made to get milk!36. A. begging B. smiling C. playing D. singing37. A. teach B. help C. visit D. describe38. A. Therefore B. Anyway C. However D. Besides39. A. embarrassed B. pleased C. disappointed D. angry40. A. chocolate B. hamburger C. bread D. milk41. A. store B. car C. street D. school42.

14、A. strange B. doubtful C. terrible D. poor43. A. speak B. work C. walk D. come44. A. park B. live C. sit D. judge 45. A. because B. though C. if D. unless46. A. guidance B. difficulty C. difference D. importance47. A. understanding B. explaining C. worrying D. believing48. A. weather B. cost C. atti

15、tude D. age49. A. doubt B. need C. refuse D. remember50. A. concerned B. curious C. astonished D. puzzled51. A. patient B. polite C. kind D. grateful52. A. except B. only C. probably D. especially53. A. running away B. driving away C. coming up D. standing up54. A. raise B. spend C. receive D. pay55

16、. A. fastest B. busiest C. best D. shortest第三部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A This is a true story. Tristin Saghin enjoyed the movie Black Hawk Down very much, which is about the conflict in Somalia. The battle scenes and the ex?鄄citing rescues of peopl

17、e who are dying, interested him greatly. There was just one problem: Tristin was only 9 years old, and it was thought that movie was not for children. When his parents caught him watching it on TV, they made him turn it off, though he had finished his homework and it was not late. Then one day, Tris

18、tin and his family were visiting his grandmother in Mesa, Arizona. Tristins 20-year-old sister got out of the house and fell in the backyard pool. Realizing the little girl was missing, the family ran outside, only to find the girl had fallen into the water. Pulled from the pool and placed on the gr

19、ound, the child wasnt breathing. The family called the ambulance (救护车), but no one knew how to do first aid. No one, that is, except for Tristin. A scene in Black Hawk Down describes a doctor giving first aid. Tristin remembered it. Then the 9-year-old gave first aid to his sister at once and saved

20、her life. His parents dont stop him seeing the movies he likes any more. Tristin taught himself how to do first aid but he had never thought he could use it to save his little sisters life. Any skill can be used in time, so you should always learn. 56. According to the text, Tristin Saghin _. A. was

21、 interested in war B. disliked studying very muchC. was always ready to help othersD. was nine years old57. Why did Tristin Saghins parents order him to turn off the TV?A. They wanted him to help look after his sister.B. He often spent too much time watching films. C. They thought the film was not g

22、ood for children.D. He was asked to finish his homework first.58. How was Tristins sister saved? A. Tristin gave first aid to her. B. The ambulance arrived in time.C. A doctor passing by gave a hand.D. Her parents sent her to hospital at once.59. The authors purpose in writing the text is to advise

23、readers to _. A. see more movies B. learn more skillsC. save others bravely D. do what they likeB My mistake happened when I was trying to be helpful in my first-grade art class. All the supplies were out on the table. I thought the art teacher would have to put them away and I felt sorry for her, s

24、o I did it. I left with my class and then you know what I found out? That stuff was for the next class! My poor art teacher had to put everything back out. To this day, I think it was a little funny.Collin, Age 9 I was in a bookstore with my dad. He was in the line to pay. Bored, I started browsing

25、through (浏览) the bookmarks. I picked my two favorites in hopes that my dad would buy them for me. Without looking up, I showed him. “Look! These are my favorites.” Then an unfamiliar voice said, “I think your dad is over there.” I looked up. It wasnt my dad! I ran to my dad, my face burning. He smil

26、ed and said, “Wrong dad, eh?” Divya, Age 11 One day at school, I wore my pants backward! I didnt realize it until the end of the day when one of my classmates told me about it. That was probably the most embarrassing day Ive ever had in my whole life! Josiah, Age 10 Once, my family and I were at a r

27、eally crowded event. I realized Id left my bag inside, so I ran to get it. When I came back out, I saw a car that looked exactly like our car. I opened the door and screamed (尖叫)! Six kids and a mom were staring back at me!Then I saw my moms car parked beside that car. I didnt want to get in the wro

28、ng car again. Laura, Age 12 One time, I was in a rush to school, only to find I was late. To be worse, I saw that my pajama shorts (睡衣裤) were still on under my skirt when I was in the restroom at school. I was so embarrassed! Marry, Age 9 60. According to the text, Collin _. A. hid the supplies of h

29、is art teacher B. tried to make fun of his art teacher C. was mistaken by his art teacherD. gave the wrong kind of help61. Mary and Josiah felt embarrassed because they _.A. made mistakes on clothesB. were laughed at by othersC. were too late for schoolD. wore their pants inside out62. Who made a ne

30、arly similar mistake as Laura? A. Collin. B. Divya.C. Josiah. D. Mary.63. What would be the best title for the text?A. Careless kids B. Silly mistakesC. Unforgettable days D. Embarrassing momentsC In the United States, many low income (低收入) parents cannot afford to buy enough food for their children

31、. A program called Kids Caf is helping some of these children by providing free nutritious (有营养的) snacks and meals during after?鄄school programs. At a community (社区) center in Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., children make a snack as part of their afterschool program. “The snack is very healthy for your body, but the main thing is t

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