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1、再改版Module One British and American English A虽然我们很清楚美式英语和英式英语的差别,单独看每个表达法,我们都能理解。但如果让你具体指出是哪种,恐怕就有难度了。所以无论你偏爱那种,请保持你的爱好的一贯性!字数: 281 难度: 中 建议用时: 8分钟 实际用时: ( )While there are certainly many more varieties of English, American and British English are the two main varieties. Generally, it is agreed that

2、no version is “correct”, however, there are certainly preferences in use. The most important rule is to try to be consistent(一致)in your usage. If you decide to use American English, then be consistent in your spelling (i.e. “The color of the orange is also its flavour” - color is American spelling a

3、nd flavour is British). This is of course not always easy or possible. The following guide is meant to point out the principal differences between these two varieties of English.In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effec

4、t on the present moment. For example:Ive lost my key. Can you help me look for it?In American English the following is also possible:I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?In British English the above would be considered incorrect. However, both forms are generally accepted in standard American

5、English. Other differences involving the use of the present perfect in British English and the simple past in American English include already, just and yet. British English:Ive already seen that film.American English:Ive already seen that film. OR I already saw that film.There are two forms to expr

6、ess possession in English: “Have” or “Have got”.Do you have a car?Have you got a car?While both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American English), “have got” is generally the preferred form in British English while most speakers of American English only use “have”.1. What is the

7、best title of the passage?A. How to use British EnglishB. How to learn EnglishC. The differences between American and British EnglishD. The similarities between American and British English2. What do British think of the sentence “Kate read the novel. But she wants read it again”.A. They think it is

8、 right.B. They think it is incorrect.C. They think it is difficult to judge.D. They think it depends3. When a person who wants to express “someone owns something”, he thinks of the words “have got”, he might come from _.A. London B. New York C. California D. Soul难句解释:In British English the present p

9、erfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. 在英式英语中,现在完成时用来表达一个发生在最近的过去而且对现在有影响的动作。Other differences involving the use of the present perfect in British English and the simple past in American English include already, just and yet

10、. 其他的关于在英式英语中使用现在完成时和在美式英语中使用一般过去时的区别的词还有already, just 和yet。B字数: 235 难度: 易 建议用时:6分钟 实际用时: ( )Attend the Next Forum!For the last fourteen years CPSB has had the pleasure of hosting a learning event we call a Forum. We started offering programs in Sarasota in February in 1991 and our first forum was h

11、eld in 1992 as a small group meeting. Being from the Northern USA, this was a particularly good time to go south for the warmth of our friendships with Dr. Treffinger and Dr. Noller and to keep away from the cold winter.The Forum is the only chance to learn about various topics of the creativity and

12、 innovation(革新)and from those who have rich experience and interest in the field. The theme of the 2009 Forum includes searching for a few new methods, sharing lessons from experience, and learning and exchanging ideas on cutting-edge research. Space is limited, so early registration(登记)is welcome.M

13、eeting the Innovation Challenge!February 6 and 7, 2009 Lido Holiday InnSarasota, Florida750(registration includes some meals and materials)Interested in becoming qualified(有资格的)to use the VIEW assessment(评估)of Problem Solving Style? The two days just before our Forum provides you just that chance. F

14、or more information on VIEW see pages 24-25.VIEW Qualification CourseFebruary 4 and 5, 2009 Lido Holiday InnSarasota, Florida650 (registration includes lunch and course materials)Special Offer: If you would like to attend the VIEW qualification course and the Forum, you can register for both event f

15、or1050.4. According to this advertisement, at the Forum people _.A. come together in order to form an organization B. express different opinions and discuss public matters C. eat together to celebrate their success or victory D. work together for the purpose of business or trade5. If you register bo

16、th the VIEW qualification course and the Forum at the same time, you will save _.A. 100B. 300C. 350D. 4006. The underlined sentence “Space is limited, so early registration is welcome” means _.A. space is limited, so you cant register now B. space is too limited for you to register C. youll lose the

17、 good chance if you dont register soon D. youll be given a special offer if you register now7. The main purpose of this advertisement is to _.A. encourage more people to attend the Forum in time B. promise everyone can pay less money to attend the Forum C. call on the people in the north of the USA

18、to go south for holidays D. introduce some new activities and topics of the Forum.难句解释:The theme of the 2009 Forum includes searching for a few new methods, sharing lessons from experience, and learning and exchanging ideas on cutting-edge research.2009年研讨会的主题是:寻求最新方法,分享经验教训,交流研究成果!C字数:361 难度: 难 建议用

19、时: 10分钟 实际用时:( ) SuperstitionsThere are over one million superstitions (迷信), and most people believe at least one or two of them. Many people are superstitions about numbers. They think that there are lucky numbers and unlucky numbers. The number 13 is often considered unlucky. In some parts of the

20、world, buildings have no 13th floor and streets have no houses with the number 13. In Japan, “4” is considered unlucky because in Japanese the word “four” is pronounced the same as the word “death”. The Japanese never give gifts of four knives, four napkins, or four of anything. What are the lucky n

21、umbers? Seven is lucky number in many places, and “8” is considered a lucky number in Japan and China. In China, businesses often open on August 8, and many couples register to get married at eight past eight on August 8. Superstitions about numbers are so widespread that some people - called numero

22、logists - make a living giving advice about numbers. In 1937, when the Toyoda family of Japan wanted to form a car company, they asked a numerologist if “Toyota” would be a good name for a company. The numerologist said it would not be. He explained that “Toyota” would be a better name for the compa

23、ny. The family took his advice. As a result, millions of people drive “Toyota” and not “Toyotas”.There are many other kinds of superstitions. There are superstitions about eating, sleeping, sneezing and itching. There are superstitions about animals and holidays and horseshoes. There are even supers

24、titions about superstitions. Those superstitions tell people how to reverse bad luck. When the Japanese bump heads, they immediately bump heads again. According to a Japanese superstition, the first bump means their parents will die, but the second bump “erases the first bump. To reverse bad luck in

25、 general, people turn around there times, turn their pockets inside out, or put their hats on backwards.8. It can be inferred that superstitions about number are _.A. popular all over the wordB. accepted by many people in the wordC. valuable to businessmenD. danger to common people9. From this passa

26、ge we can find that -.A. a numerologist is an expert in maths B. Japans development depends on numerologistsC. a numerologist is a supermanD. the Japanese have a strong belief in numerologists10. The underlined word “reverse” in this passage means _.A. cause to go in the opposite directionB. read ca

27、refullyC. turn over in the mindD. makeworse11. If we see a Japanese bump his head once again, we can know that he is _.A. mad B. angry C. superstitions D. foolishD在巨额奖金的极大诱惑下,任何人都免不了要进行一场理智和情感的激烈斗争!要怪只能怪- 都是那彩票惹的惑!字数: 263 难度: 中 建议用时:8分钟 实际用时:( ) A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket (彩票) at t

28、he scene of his crime has been given a lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up the ticket, then claimed the 25000 prize, managed to trace him, and handed over the cash. The robbery happened when maths professor Vinicio Sabbatucci, 58, was changing a tyre on an Italian motorway. Another motorist

29、, who stopped to to help, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy.Next day, he saw the lottery results on TV and, taking out the ticket, realized it was a winner. He claimed the 60 mil

30、lion lire (里拉) prize. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers and on radio, saying: Im trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million for him- a lottery win. Please meet me. Anonymity

31、 (匿名) guaranteed.Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized - and he arranged to meet the man in a park. The robber, a 35-year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and burst into te

32、ars. He could not believe what was happening. “Why didnt you keep the money?” he asked. The professor replied, “I couldnt because its not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning the thiefs offer of a reward.12. The sentence “Then he began a battle with his conscience.” in paragraph 2 implies all of the following EXCEPT that _.A. he knew what he

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