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1、第二十届广州市小学英语竞赛试题第二十届广州市小学英语竞赛注意: (1) 考试时间60分钟: (2) 试卷共9页; (3) 录音听一遍; (4) 第1至10题答案写在答卷上;第11至70题在答题卡上作答;第71题至第14大题答案写在答题卷上。 听力部分 1你将听到对怀特一家的介绍根据所听到的内容,将表格中标有1)5)的部分补充完整,并将答案抄写到答题卷相应的空白处。Names Ages Jobs Hobbies Summer Plans Mr White 43 1) _ playing football teach English in Beijing Mrs White 2)_ painter

2、 3) _ meet super stars in Hollywood Sarah 14 student 4) _ working in a 5) _and make money 2你将听到对博物馆的介绍。根据听到的内容,将记录中标有6)10)的部分补充完整,并将答案抄写到答题卷相应的空白处每空只填一个单词或数字(5) Manor House Museum You can see Downstairs: Entrance (入口) Hall: old photos Ford Room: pictures of Italian (6) _ Upstairs: Left: more than 15

3、0 7) _ Right: 8) _ from films and TV plays Cost of guide book: 9) _ Museum closes at: 10) _ pm 3. 听生词和含有这个生词的对话选择生词的中文意思,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(5) 11) A绷带 B护膝 C墨镜 D头盔 12) A电梯 B. 俯卧撑 C. 健身器材 D楼梯 13) A. 望远镜 B道路 C心情 D风景 14) A. 激动。 B. 饿极了 C脏兮兮 D筋疲力尽 15) A. 受雇临时替人看小孩 B. 耍猴 C婴儿椅 D学步车 4. 听对话和每段对话后的两个问题,选择问题的答案, 在答

4、题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(10) Dialogue 1 Question 16) A. A chair. B. A bookshelf. C. A bed. D. A roomQuestion 17) A. They are having a birthday party. B. They are doing shopping. C. They are doing housework. D. They are talking to their daughter. Dialogue 2 Question 18) A. They had a drink. B. They had a lesson.

5、 C. They played a game. D. They had a meal. Question 19) A. He will fly home. B. He can make dumplings. C. He cannot cook Chinese food. D. He wants to make Chinese noodles. Dialogue 3 Question 20) A. Wash some clothes. B. Buy some clothes. C. Buy a washing machine. D. Make some clothes. Question 21)

6、 A. Put in the clothes. B. Put in the soap powder (洗衣粉). C. Insert the money. D. Stop the machine. Dialogue 4 Question 22) A. The woman bought it for the man. B. The man bought it for the woman. C. The man got it from his friend. D. The woman wants to give it to her friend. Question 23) A. The man d

7、oes not like his new watch. B. The woman knows all the mans friends. C. The woman wants to get the mans watch. D. The man does not want to tell the woman everything. Dialogue 5 Question 24): A. The mans mother is visiting them soon. B. They are going to have a baby. C. The woman does not like the ol

8、d apartment. D. The old apartment is too expensive. Question 25): A. It is not far from their old apartment. B. The womans mother is often ill. C. They will often take the baby to the hospital. D. They work in the hospital. 5听短文,根据短文内容选择问题的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(20%) Passage 1 26) What do we know about t

9、he schools in the womans area? A. The teachers there are very good. B. The children there have to study too much. C. Some teachers there smoke and drink in class. D. Some children there cannot read. 27) Which of these is NOT true? A. The woman does not like the schools in her area. B. The womans chi

10、ldren will learn at home. C. The woman will go home with her children after school. D. The woman and her husband are teachers. Passage 2 28) Why couldnt the woman put on her summer trousers? A. The weather was too hot. B. The trousers were too small. C. The trousers were too big, D. The trousers wer

11、e too light. 29) What is NOT true about the woman? A. She is going to buy some new trousers. B. She is going to go on a diet. C. She is fatter than before. D. She is going to take more exercise30) On what date did Neva Morris die? A. April, 8th. B. May, 2nd. C. April, 10th. D. May, 14th. 31) When di

12、d Neva stop driving a car? A. At the age of 90. B. At the age of 95. C. At the age of 110. D. At the age of 114. Passage 3 32) What did the man do first after he came into the restaurant? A. He talked to a waiter. B. He lined up with the other people. C. He sat down at a table. D. He got some food.

13、33) Why did not anyone come to serve the man? A. The people in London did not understand him. B. The waiters were busy. C. The man did not look hungry. D. It was a self-service restaurant. Passage 5 34) This passage is mainly (主要) about _. A. sleeping at night B. how cats sleep C. sleeping in the mo

14、rning D. sleeping for a short time 35) A short sleep is called a _. A. nap B. cat C. night D. dream Passage 6 36) What happened to Cathy last week? A. She had a fall and broke her bike. B. She fell off her bike and broke her arm. C. She went to Japan with a friend at work. D. She wrote a letter abou

15、t her holiday in Japan. 37) Why does Cathy hope the weather will be fine? A. So she can ride her bike. B. So she can go out and buy a postcard. C. So she can enjoy her holiday. D. So her friend can enjoy her holiday. Passage 7 38) What do we know about Fred? A. He emailed a photo of himself to Jenny

16、. B. He works for a magazine. C. He is good-looking. D. He did not tell Jenny his real age. 39) Why did Jenny agree to meet Fred? A. She thought it would be interesting. B. She wanted to know what Fred was really like. C. She liked to meet strange people. D. She liked people older than herself. Pass

17、age 8 40) What do we know about Tom? , A. He didnt go to school on Wednesdays. B. He often went to bed late. C. He didnt like school. D. He lived far from his school. 41) How do you think the teacher was feeling at the end? A. He was happy that he could have a rest. B. He was afraid that he would lo

18、se his job. C. He was worried that there would be no schools. B. He was very angry with Tom. Passage 9 42) How much meat does a tiger eat each day? A. 5kg B. 10kg C. 15kg D.20 kg 43) Why do some people kill the tiger? A. It is very dangerous. B. To eat its meat. C. To use it for medicine. D. To take

19、 its land. Passage 1044) What is NOT true about Thanksgiving? A. It is on the same date each year. B. People usually spend (度过) the holiday with their family. C. People eat turkey on that day. D. Many people watch football on TV on that day. 45) Why is Thanksgiving the busiest travel day of the year

20、? A. Many people go out to buy turkeys. B. Many people go back home for Thanksgiving. C. Many people go sightseeing on that day. D. Many people go out to play football on the street. 6听故事,根据故事内容选择问题的正确答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(10%) Story 1 46) Why did Mr Smith need a new doctor? A. He did not like his old d

21、octor. B. His old doctor was too old. C. He moved to a new city. D. He had a new illness. 47) Why was Mr Smith a little sad? A. He did not know the new doctor. B. His classmate was no longer young and handsome. C. He was not feeling well. D. His classmate did not know him. 48) When was the doctor at

22、 King High School? A. From 1942 to 1946. B. From 1924 to 1926. C. From 1962 to 1964. D. From 1944 to 1946. 49) The doctor thought Mr Smith was once (曾经) his _. A. classmate B. neighbour C. doctor D. teacher 50) What did the doctor think of Mr Smith? A. He thought Mr Smith looked like himself. B. He

23、thought Mr Smith looked young and handsome. C. He thought Mr Smith looked younger than himself. D. He thought Mr Smith looked older than himself. Story 2 51) What do the village people do when they saw the bus? A. They took Juan away. B. They jumped on the bus. C. They shouted and waved. D. They ran

24、 away. 52) Why did the bus come to the village? A. To drive the children to school. B. To teach the village people. C. To bring new teachers to the village. D. To help build a new school. 53) How long would the bus stay in the village? A. Half a month. B. Three weeks. C. Three months. D. Half a year

25、. 54) Which of these is NOT true? A. The small children had lessons in the morning. B. The big children worked in the fields after school. C. The parents came to the school at night. D. The teacher taught day and night. 55) What do we know from the passage? A. The village people seldom see buses. B.

26、 In Mexico, bus drivers are good teachers. C. The village people dont want to build a real school. D. The village people want to learn. Story 3 56) What is Hill Street Blues? A. A TV programme. B. A colour. C. A place. D. A book. 57) Hill Street Blues is popular _. A. in America but not in Britain B

27、. in Britain but not in America C. in Britain and America D. D. all over the world 58) Where does the story happen? A. In a police station. B. In a train station. C. On a hill. D. On a street. 59) Which of these is true about Mick Belker? A. Hes sixteen years old. B. Hes a sweet cleaner. C. Hes smal

28、l and friendly. D. Hes a story teller. 60) What does the speaker think of the programme? A. Interesting B. Boring C. Not real. D. Too long. 读写部分 根据短文选择问题的正确答案,用铅笔把答题卡相应的字母涂黑。() When someone dies, we are very sad. We miss that person and think about him / her. In some countries there are special fest

29、ivals for all the dead (死的) people. Some of these festivals are to remember peoples ancestors. Ancestors were relatives who lived a long time ago and are now dead. For example, your grandfathers grandfather is your ancestor. Festival for the dead can be a lot of fun. Different countries do different

30、 things to remember the dead. Some people give their ancestors food and drink. Some people have parties. Every spring there is an important festival for Chinese people. We call it Qingming. The Day of the Dead is a very special festival in Mexico. It is actually three days, from 31st, October to 2nd

31、, November. On the Day of the Dead, Mexicans think that the ghosts (鬼) of dead people come back to the world. There are parties to welcome the ghosts in all towns and cities of Mexico. The Day of the Dead is not a sad day. People eat and drink and have fun. Halloween in western countries is another important festival for ghosts. It is on the night of 31st, October. Today people wear

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