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本文(内蒙古乌兰察布市届高三英语上学期第一次调研考试试题10310126.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、内蒙古乌兰察布市届高三英语上学期第一次调研考试试题10310126内蒙古乌兰察布市2018届高三英语上学期第一次调研考试试题第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ALess than 60 percent of students now entering fouryear American colleges are likely to graduate. The completion rate is lower than almost any other wealthy cou

2、ntry,and worst for poor and minority students.On Tuesday President Obama gave a nationally broadcast speech to students about the importance of staying in school. He spoke on the first day of classes at a high school in Virginia. He talked about personal responsibility,and took himself as an example

3、 of someone who overcame difficulties.“My father left my family when I was two years old,and I was raised by a single mother who had to work and struggled at times to pay the bills and wasnt always able to give us things the other kids had. There were times when I missed having a father in my life.

4、There were times when I was lonely and felt like I didnt fit in,” said President Obama.But he told students that problems in their own lives should not stop them from learning.“Theres no excuse for talking back to your teacher,or cutting class or dropping out of school. Theres no excuse for not tryi

5、ng.”This was not the first presidential speech to students. Ronald Reagan spoke from the White House in 1988. And George H.W.Bush spoke from a school in Washington in 1991.But many conservatives(保守派) criticized plans for the speech. Some called it “socialized education” or federal interference(干预)in

6、 local schools. Others feared it would be too political. Some schools decided not to show the speech. But the White House released(公布) the text on Monday,and that calmed a lot of critics.On Sunday,on the CBS program “Face the Nation”,Education Secretary Arne Duncan said 30 percent of students do not

7、 graduate from high school. He called the dropout rate “staggering(令人难以置信的)”.It represents more than a million students every year who entered the ninth grade but did not complete the 12th grade.1. President Obama gave a nationally broadcast speech on Tuesday to .A. criticize the students who talked

8、 back to their parentsB. tell the students how he struggled to go to school in his childhood C. encourage students to drop outD. persuade the students to go on with their studies even if they have problems2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Some people considered

9、 Obamas speech to be too political.B. George H.W.Bush spoke to students from the White House in 1990.C. Obamas mother left him when he was two years old.D. The White House decided not to release the text on Monday.3. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. there is 40 percent of dropout in high

10、 schoolB. the dropout rate of American schools is amazingC. only one million students can finish the 12th grade each yearD. not all the people support the presidents speech4. The best title of the passage can be .A. Obamas Hard ChildhoodB. Obama Encourages Students to Carry on StudiesC. Obamas Speec

11、h Met CriticismD. Amazing Dropout Rate of the USBDo you want a bit of an adventure?Would you like to discover all the corners of the UK,or travel abroad?Maybe you have never tried the motorhome lifestyle before. Well,read this article and you will know why a motorhome is a good choice.Nothing is bet

12、ter than a motorhome. It has so many uses that it is considered the most versatile vehicle and it is also very comfortable. If you are thinking about hiring a motorhome this summer,then the best choice is to book it early,especially if you are considering the school holidays. The motorhome hire serv

13、ice is very seasonal and motorhome hire companies will never have extra vehicles available in the summer months.There are a lot of companies throughout the UK,and some of the big ones have motorhomes spread all over the country. At present,the largest network for motorhome hire is provided by Motorh

14、ome which is based in Cambridge. If you are in the UK,you may phone 08006128719 for details of its motorhome hire information. Motorhome has a network of over 500 vehicles all over England,Scotland and Wales.Most people wishing to hire a motorhome are families that are looking for an alternative to

15、a European package holiday,especially as flying now has become more expensive,and is considered to be environmentally unfriendly. There is no doubt that the idea of nofly holidays is going to become more popular as fewer people think it is safe to fly. This explains why more and more people are choo

16、sing to hire a motorhome for their holidays.5.The main purpose of this text is to explain why it is a good idea to .A. take an adventureB. travel to EnglandC. try a new lifestyleD. hire a motorhome6.What does the underlined word “versatile” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Fast. B. Safe. C. Useful. D

17、. Exciting.7. Why should you book a motorhome early if you want to book one for this summer?A. Booking early is much cheaper.B. Summer is usually a very busy season.C. You can arrange your time better this way.D. Students usually book them to earn money.8. The last paragraph tells us the advantages

18、of hiring a motorhome by .A. telling us a storyB. giving detailed dataC. comparing it with flyingD. showing the results of a studyCAre you having too much salt?You might not think so,but people in China eat on average about 12 grams of salt each day,that is much higher than the 6 grams suggested by

19、the World Health Organization. You could be eating too much without realizing it,because about 75% of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy,such as bread,sauces,soups and sausages.What problems can eating too much salt cause?To answer that question,first lets take a look at what salt is.Salt

20、 is a chemical pound. It is made of sodium(钠) and chloride(氯化物).Salt is used to keep and flavor foods. A small amount of salt is important for good health because our bodies need sodium and chloride to work.But past studies have found that people who eat more salt than they need tend to have high bl

21、ood pressure. Eating too much salt has also been connected with other conditions,such as heart and kidney(肾) problems.If you want to cut down on salt,the good news is,there are plenty of simple things to do. Here are some tips:Cut back on high salt foods.Most foods contain some salt. But some foods

22、such as cheese,bacon,pickles(泡菜),smoked fish and chips are almost always high in salt because of the way they are made. You can still enjoy them,but try to have these in smaller amounts,or eat them less often.Choose reduced salt bread and breakfast cereals(谷物).Bread and breakfast cereals are major s

23、ource of salt in the diet,not that theyre necessarily high in salt but because we eat a lot of them. For these foods,there can be a really big difference between different types and brands. So next time youre shopping,take the time to pare the salt levels on a few similar products. And always try to

24、 choose the ones lower in salt.Avoid adding salt to cooking and at table.Instead,you could use herbs and spices(香料) such as garlic(大蒜) and lemon juice to add flavor to meals.9. Many people in China dont realize they are eating too much salt because .A. salty foods taste better than reduced salt food

25、B. they do not calculate the amount of salt they eatC. about 3/4 of the salt we eat is already in the food we buyD. few people experience problems from eating too much salt10. For a healthier life,the authors suggestion is to .A. cut back on food with less saltB. eat less heavily salted foodC. eat a

26、s much reduced salt bread as is wantedD. stop eating bread and breakfast cereals11. What is the purpose of the article?A. To warn people of food containing too much salt.B. To inform people of the right amount of salt taken each day.C. To advise people to be careful about the amount of salt they eat

27、.D. To promote the right way to make reduced salt food.DSome kinds of mental skills naturally decrease as people get older. Yet research seems to show that some training can improve such skills. A recently published study also appears to attest that the good effects of training can last for many yea

28、rs after that training has ended.Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland wanted to learn how long memory and thinking skills would last in older people who were trained to keep them. The people were part of the tenyear research project. They were taught methods meant to improve their mem

29、ory,thinking and ability to perform everyday tasks.More than 2,800 volunteered for the study called ACTIVEshort for Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly. Most were studied when they were more than 70 years old.The volunteers took one of several short training classes meant t

30、o help them keep their mental abilities. One class trained participants in skills including how to remember word lists. Another group trained in reasoning. A third group received help with speedofprocessingspeed of receiving and understanding information. A fourth groupthe control group did not get

31、any training.Earlier results had established that the training helped the participants for up to five years. Now,leading study writer George Rebok says,the research showed most of the training remained effective a full ten years later.Professor Rebok and his team found that the people trained in rea

32、soning and speedofprocessing did better on tests than the control group.“We are wondering whether those effects which endured over time would still be there ten years following the training,and in fact,thats exactly what we found.The effect on memory,however,seemed not to last as long. Still,the old people in any of the three classes generally reported less difficulty in performing daily activities than the control group. The total training time for the ol

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