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1、八年级英语上册Unit10测试题含答案2016年八年级英语上册Unit10测试题(含答案) Unit 10 姓名_ 学号_ 班级_ 得分_一、听力理解 (略)二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共1分) ( )31 _ first step in aing a travel plan is t find ut the plaes u ant t visitA TheB A /D An( )32 The alas eep their prbles _ theselvesA frB t n D ith( )33 Dnt rr abut ar She an l after _ ellA hersB her

2、sheD herself( )34 r Sith teahes ath the best in ur shl es, he has re than ten ears f teahing _A teperatureB experiene differeneD disussin( )3 ill u g t Bbs birthda part? N, _ he invites eA ifB hen unlessD beause( )36 Peter ls _ tda h? Beause he didnt pass the exaA happB glad upsetD exited( )37 D u t

3、hin ur tea ill in the gae? e _ ill e are the best! A finall B ertainl prbabl D hardl( )38 _ ill happen if u lst ur allet? Nthing I dnt even have neA hereB hat HD h( )39 Lu, there are s an _ in ur her Srr, Ill be re areful next tieA istaes B shapes rds D hles( )40 I ant t _ a lass part an u help e? S

4、ure I an help u send the invitatinsA rganizeB drp believeD delete( )41 hats his advie? He advises e _ se ediineA taeB taes t taeD t taing( )42 The b ept _ sill questins This ade his father angrA t as B t asing as D asing ( )43 Dnt run aa fr the prbles u _ tr t fae theA shuldB shuldnt illD nt( )44 If

5、 it is sunn trr, e _ t fl a iteA gB ent ill g D uld g( )4 D u thin e shuld prepare dinner fr ur parents? _ Lets d it nA It sunds bring B I ish u a gd vaatin It desnt atter D I thin thats a great idea三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) -ear-ld siah and his ere eating at a restaurant There siah sa a heless (无家可归的) 46

6、 sitting utside f the restaurantHe 47 h the an led s dirt and pr He started 48 his questins lie, “here is his 49 ? here is his fail?” tld hi that the an didnt have a he t g and didnt have an fd siah as ver upset hen he heard that s he ased his , “an e 0 hi t e in and have se fd? 1 e d s, I thin he i

7、ll be ver happ” 2 The an ae in and sat dn He ased fr a haburger beause it as ne f the heapest things n the 3 But siah tld hi that he uld rder anthing he anted hat siah did 4 his ther and ther pepleu never n h the angel (天使) n Earth is And hen the pprtunit (机会) es, u shuld al aa fr it ( )46 A enB an

8、girlD b( )47 A neB ndered understdD laughed( )48 A anseringB repling thiningD asing( )49 A shlB he ffieD shp( )0 A inviteB frget reeberD expet( )1 A Unless B Thugh UntilD If( )2 A refusedB arrived agreedD ased( )3 A sreenB enu alendarD nespaper( )4 A interestedB iprved tuhedD questined( ) A alasB ev

9、er setiesD never四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分) A hen a hild elebrates his birthda, his parents usuall rganize a part H an parents let their hild and his friends have a nderful part? Let e tell u!( )6 H an tips(小建议) an e learn?A TB Three Fur D Five ( )7 h shuld e plan se gaes?A T ae everne reeber the part B

10、T save tie T save ne D T let ids nt feel bred( )8 e shuld rite dn all the things n the invitatin EXEPT (除了)_A the start tieB the fd the plae D the end tie( )9 hih f the flling is NT true?A Having a thee is helpfulB The gaes shuld be shrt and interesting hildren an leave the part b theselvesD It is n

11、eessar t rite dn h lng the part ill last (持续) ( )60 hat is the infratin abve ainl abut? A H t plan a part fr ids B H t hse a thee fr a part H t plan gaes fr ids D H t sa gdbe at the end f the part B ustin ent t the librar after shl It as tie t rite his histr reprt The librar as quiet as it alas as T

12、he librarian (图书管理员) as bus putting bs n the shelves (架子) ustin fund a b that as helpful fr his reprt He als fund anther b t read fr fun Later, ustin ntied (注意到) t unger bs ere taling in a l vie (嗓音)“I dnt n here t l,” ne b said “Lets as the librarian,” the ther b said “Nbd is at the frnt des,” the

13、first b said ustin ent ver t the bs He helped the find se bs fr their subets He als shed the h t l things up in the enlpedia (百科全书) Then it as tie fr hi t leave He t his bs t the frnt des “Thans fr helping thse bs,” the librarian said, “uld u lie t r here? I need an assistant (助手) in the afternn”( )

14、61 hat as ustins paper abut? A English B ath usi D Histr ( )62 H an bs did ustin find fr hiself?A ne B T Three D Fur ( )63 hat is the right rder (顺序) f the str? The t bs ere taling ustin ent t the librar The librarian ased ustin t be her assistant ustin taught the bs h t l things up in the enlpediaA

15、 B D ( )64 hat an NT e learn fr the passage?A It as usuall ver quiet in the librarB ustin as read t help thers It ight be the first tie fr the t bs t g t the librarD ustin ntied the t bs beause the taled ludl( )6 h did the librarian as ustin t r in the librar?A She needed an assistant t r there in t

16、he rningB T than hi fr helping the t bs She anted hi t tae her plaeD T let hi ae re ne t finish his stud friend Dr Dng uld leave n tber 4th t g t Seattle f Aeria t tae part in a edial (医学的 ) eeting and e ba n tber 9th Befre leaving, he ae t urse abut ulture sh (化冲击) hen he gt ba, he tld e his experi

17、eneHe tld e that the urse infratin helped hi He said that he ened his first fe das in Seattle ver uh At the eeting, he as able t perfr ell in his edial area But after a fe das, he began t feel unfrtable His edial English as fine, but the sial interatin sills (社交技巧) ere differenthen sene said, “Hi, h

18、s it ging?” He thught the ased hi “here are u ging?” and ansered ith the nae f the eeting r, nl t get a surprising l fr the Thugh suh experienes ere fe fr Dr Dng, the ere the beginning f a sense f “ultural sh” B the end f the eeting, he reall felt ultural differenes( )66 H lng did Dr Dng sta in Aeri

19、a?A Abut three das B Abut five das Abut eight das D Abut ten das ( )67 hat des the underlined rd “urse” ean in hinese in this passage? A 事业 B 实验 路线 D 程( )68 Dr Dng learned sething abut _ fr the riters urse A Aerian ulture B h t perfr ell in the eeting the eeting rules in AeriaD Aerian fd ( )69 hih f

20、 the flling is TRUE?A Dr Dng ened his first fe das in SeattleB The riters urse didnt help Dr Dng at all Dr Dng asnt gd at edial English D Dr Dng uldnt understand hat Aerian peple said at all ( )70 hat is the best title fr the passage? A A nderful Trip in Aeria B The ulture Sh Dr Dng Experiened in Ae

21、ria An Iprtant eeting in Aeria D urses Abut ulture Sh五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)71 He is a _ b, he alas aes istaes72 Bb is ld enugh t travel b h_73 e al abut _ ever da t eep health 74 hat e_ did he sa at the eeting?7 He desnt n h t s_ the prble76 _ (巧克力) is ppular ith alst all the hildren77 ed better g there

22、 b bus, beause its heaper than b _ (出租车)78 Its _ (正常的) t feel tired after suh a lng trip79 fail ade a he _ (录像)80 As a(n) _ (青少年), e shuld stud hard六、选词填空,每词只限用一次(每小题1分,共分) at, frtable, reative, hse, theaterFriends seties tell lies (撒谎) A friend lies beause he ants t 81 _ ur feelings He ight lie abu

23、t h u l, r h u behave (表现) He ns that telling the 82 _ a ae u sad r angr, s he 83 _ nt t tell u the truth u ust be 84 _ abut this Hever, it is never a gd idea t lie ur friend a never 8 _ u again beause f ur lies Alas reeber that u shuld be hnest (诚实的) ith ur friends七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) hen Dean as

24、 ten ears ld, he lst his ars in an aident (事故) His father als died in that aident Fr then n, he had t depend n (依靠) the ars f his unger brther ne da, his unger brther deided t leave hi He anted t live his n life Dean as ver sad abut that and didnt n hat t d A siilar thing happened t a 7-ear-ld girl,

25、 t ne night, she tried t prepare eals fr her parents, but a big fire happened and it t her hands aa Thugh her elder sister said she uld lie t tae are f her, the girl thught that she uld l after herself Then she learned t be strng ne she rte the flling rds, “I a lu Thugh ings (翅膀) are bren, heart an

26、still fl” Thugh nbd ns hat ill happen in ur life, if e deide t be strng, everthing ill be And ne hpes ill appear 86 H ld as the b hen he lst his ars?_87 Did the bs father die in the aident?_88 h did the bs brther deide t leave hi?_89 hat did the girl lse in the big fire?_90 hat did the girl learn af

27、ter the big fire?_八、书面表达 (共10分)假如你是David, 你的好朋友Tb 非常喜欢体育运动,但是他的父母不允许他花费太多时间在运动上,为此他很苦恼。请你根据下面的提示给他写一封信,针对他的问题,提出你的建议,并给他一些安慰和鼓励。提示:1 hat shuld David d in his stud?2 hat shuld David tal t his parents?3 hat shuld David d t his parents?要求:1 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2 70词左右。开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tb, I srr t hear

28、that _ _urs,DavidUnit 10参考答案二、31-3 ABDB 36-40 BBAA 41-4 DAD三、46-0 BBDBA 1- DBD四、6-60 DDBA 61-6 DBDDB 66-70 BDAAB五、71 areless 72 hiself 73 iles 74 else 7 slve 76 hlate 77 taxi 78 nral 79 vide 80 teenager六、81 prtet 82 truth 83 hses 84 understanding 8 trust七、86 Ten ears ld87 es, he did88 Beause he ante

29、d t live his n life89 Her hands90 She learned t be strng八、Dear Tb, I srr t hear that u have prbles ith ur parents As fr ur prbles, I have t piees f advie First, finish ur her n tie ever da, and listen t the teahers arefull in lass ae sure that u nt fall behind Send, have a tal ith ur parents u shuld let the n that ding sprts des

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