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本文(备战高考英语全国名校最新模拟试题完形填空分类汇编老高考专用.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、备战高考英语全国名校最新模拟试题完形填空分类汇编老高考专用备战2022高考英语全国名校最新模拟试题完形填空分类汇编(老高考专用)第二期专题02 完形填空(2022山西晋中一模)“I am leaving home.” When Timmy, my 10-year-old son eagerly announced that he couldnt wait to _1_, the feeling of guilt peaked as I tried to figure out the _2_.“So, I can get a dog, he stressed.But I stayed _3_we

2、 didnt need a dog to complete our life and he gave up. Until the day I _4_ Timmy, with his brother, discussing his moving plan. Suddenly, the situation _5_: gain a dog or _6_ a child, I felt my determination _7_. “We can look into it,” I replied doubtfully, but the kind of dog we wanted cost a _8_ $

3、 1,000! Yes, love had a price. I _9_ for thought, again.I shared my present _10_ with my friend whose love for dogs was quite sensible. He _11_ me to his pet keeper friend who got a pregnant (怀孕的) dog and the baby dogs were due soon. A few days later, we took a surprise trip to the countryside when

4、the little dogs were _12_. I would admit that all my previous _13_ reappeared after watching a group of blind things, but it was too late. Among screams of 5_14_, we chose one of the little dogs as ours.We attempt to _15_ our kids in a healthy wayI didnt realize the added dimension (方面) of love and

5、_16_ that a dog would teach my kids. On a hot day, Timmy cut short his outing to _17_ if Odie, the dog, had enough water. When Odie was sick, my elder son made fresh soup and _18_ fed it to him.My children no longer talk about leaving home _19_ there is the troublesome issue of who will take the dog

6、. They quietly learn how to give and receive love. If having a dog means linking my children even closer together, it will be a mothers prayer _20_.1Aget off Bgive up Cmove out Dstep forward2Areason Bproblem Csituation Dfact3Aconfused Bscared Cstressed Ddetermined4Aanticipated Boverheard Cpredicted

7、Dsuspected5Ashifted Bmattered Cended Dsettled6Ablame Blose Cteach Dpunish7AstrengtheningBoccurring Cweakening Ddisappearing8Afair Baffordable Cunreasonable Dideal9Apromised Bagreed Crefused Dpaused10Astate Bopinion Cwish Dmisfortune11Aassigned Bappointed Cconnected Dremembered12Ahurt Babandoned Cill

8、 Dborn13Aexcitement Bembarrassment Csurprise Ddoubt14Adelight Brelief Cworry Dshock15Atreat Bparent Cpraise Dstop16Aability- Bresponsibility Cwisdom Dtruth17Aprove Btest Cconsider Dcheck18Aquickly Bregularly Cpatiently Ddirectly19Aunless Bbecause Cbut Dthough20Aanswered Bsaid Cdenied Doffered(2022四川

9、宜宾市叙州区第一中学校二模)Soon after Savannah Phillips got fastened into her window seat on a flight from Oklahoma to Illinois, she glanced over at her seatmate. He was in his 60s, wore bright yellow sunglasses, and was busy _21_. The font (字体) was _22_large and the screen was_23_, making it easy for Phillips t

10、o read what he was _24_ out: “Hey Babe, Im sitting next to a smelly fatty.”“It was like_25_of the negative things I think about myself,” the 33-year-old mother wrote in a Facebook post after the flight. Soon tears_26_down her cheeks as she_27_the cabin wall, trying to make herself as _28_ as possibl

11、e.Sitting a row behind them and across the_29_was Chase Irwin. He could see the mans texts, tooand he could see Phillips. He noticed her looking at his_30_. He was _31_to his stomach. He could not _32_ this guy sit next to her this whole flight.In an instant, Irwin had unfastened his seat belt and w

12、as hovering over the texter. “Hey, I need to talk to you,” Irwin told him. “We are _33_ seats now!” When the texter asked_34_, Irwin said, “Youre texting about her, and Im not_35_ that. The texter agreed _36_. Irwin took his place next to Phillips and was soon cheering up his new_37_.“He_38_me not t

13、o let that guy_39_to me and that everything was going to be fine,” Phillips wrote on Facebook. “He was my _40_.”21Awriting Btexting Creading Dworking22Aabnormally Bunnecessarily Cunusually Dendlessly23Abright Bbent Cdusty Dgray24Ataking Btapping Cstretching Dcalling25Atranslation Bformation Cregulat

14、ion Dconfirmation26Asettled Bbroke Cstreamed Dwatered27Ahugged Bclimbed Cshook Dstruck28Ahappy Bsmall Cobvious Dcomfortable29Aroom Broad Cpassage Dline30Aphone Bseat Cexpression Ddescription31Aill Bunhealthy Csick Dunsatisfied32Anotice Bhelp Cfeel Dhave33Afinding Bswitching Cgetting Dfixing34Ahow Bw

15、hen Cwhere Dwhy35Aputting up withBtaking over Copposed to Dfed up with36Aelegantly Bquickly Ccautiously Dsurprisingly37Astewardess Bpartner Cseatmate Dcompany38Aconfused Bchanged Cpraised Dencouraged39Aget Btalk Ccome Dappeal40Aassistant Bclient Cteacher Dhero(2022陕西西安中学二模)When I was a child my fath

16、er taught me five words that Ive used all my lifein my acting career, as a mother, in my business activities. If I _41_ that I was afraid of the dark, or if I seemed worried about meeting new people, Dad would say, “Stand porter to your _42_.”A porter is a gatekeeper, who stands at a door _43_ peopl

17、e in or out. Dad would get me to _44_ myself stopping destructive thingssuch as fearat the door, _45_ saying “Come in” to faith, love and self-assurance.As a(n) _46_, before I went on camera, Id make sure anxiety stayed out and confidence in my ability came in. As a mother, when I was _47_ about my

18、children, I would try not to let worry in but would _48_ my mind with trust in them.Of course, there were always times Id _49_ those words.In 1972 my husband, Fillmore Crank, and I opened the doors to our own _50_ in North Hollywood. This was a new business venture for us, and it was a lot more _51_

19、 and complicated than we had _52_.We were on call 24 hours a day. Something was always going _53_. Electricity went on the blink, food wasnt delivered, employees called in sick. Once, a flu epidemic _54_ left us with no maids. Fillmore gave me a _55_: scrub floors or do the laundry. For 10 days I fo

20、lded enough king-size sheets to _56_ the whole state of California.Then there was the _57_ crisis. The price of gasoline doubled, and tourism in California _58_. How could we fill our beds? What if we kept losing money? What if we failed? Fear and worry were sneaking in. But I caught them just _59_.

21、 I stood porter.I stood in the door of my mind and sent fear packing.These days at the hotel, whenever fear tries to _60_, I just smile and point to the sign that reads No Vacancy.41Acomplained Bannounced Crecalled Ddecided42Afuture Bfind Cfamily Dstudio43Aletting Burging Cinviting Dobserving44Abusy

22、 Binvolve Csend Dpicture45Aso Band Cbut Dor46Aofficial Bactress Cmaid Dmanager47Aserious Bcurious Canxious Dcautious48Afill Bchange Cread Dease49Aeat Btwist Cexchange Dforget50Aclinic Bhotel Claundry Drestaurant51Apromising Bdemanding Cconvincing Dboring52Afigured Bconfirmed Cdeduced Dsuggested53Aso

23、ur Bmissing Cwrong Dpale54Ahardly Bregularly Cspecially Dsuddenly55Awarning Bcommand Cchoice Dsolution56Aserve Btouch Cdecorate Dblanket57Acredit Benergy Cidentity Dfamily58Aceased Brecovered Cdropped Dboomed59Ain time Bon purpose Cat random Dby chance60Asplit Bshelter Cwithdraw Dregister(2022河南鹤壁高中

24、模拟预测)Jaguar (美洲虎)is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 jaguars in the world currently, one of which is living in the national zoo of Peru. To protect this jaguar, Peruvians _61_ a zone in the zoo for it, where there are groups of cattle, sheep and deer for the jaguar to eat

25、. Anyone who has visited the zoo _62_ it to be the “Heaven of Tiger”. _63_, strange enough, no one has ever seen the jaguar _64_the animals. What we could see is its lying in its house sleeping and eating the meat _65_by the zoo staff.Some people thought that the jaguar felt too _66_, so they collec

26、ted money and rented a female tiger to accompany it. Nonetheless, it did not make too much sense. “It is _67_ for the jaguar to be lazy in this environment. Tiger is the king of forest but you _68_ put some small animals around him. That is why the jaguar shows no _69_ in going out. Why dont you put

27、 some _70_ around him?”a visitor suggested. The zoo _71_his advice and put five wolves into the jaguars territory(领地). Since then, it either stands on top of the hill roaring _72_goes down from the hill running without sleeping all day,totally getting back to its _73_.In our world, one creature _74_

28、 any rival(对手) is lifeless. Actually, this principle also _75_to human beings. If a man lives without competitors, he is sure to be satisfied with the present and will _76_before all difficulties. Difficult environment tends to _77_successful people. Therefore, we need some rivals to push us with st

29、rict requirements and standards, leaving us going ahead in all _78_and challenges. Due to our rivals, we can _79_the best in us. Due to our rivals, we will continuously _80_our capabilities when competing with them!61Acondemn Bgrab Coverlook Dcircle62Apraised Bclassified Cclaimed Drelated63ATherefore BConsequently CHowever DMoreover64Afeed Bhunt Cshoot Dobey65Awrapped Bprovided Cequipped Dabandoned66Alonely Bmerciful Cdisturbing Dawesome67AunderstandableBchangeable Creliable Dunbelievable68Apossibly Btruly Csimply Dactually

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