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1、备战高考英语三轮复习与策略仿真冲刺练2仿真冲刺练(二).单项填空1Ken,_, but your TV is going too loud.Oh,Im sorry.Ill turn it down right now.AId like talk with youBIm really tired of thisCI hate to say this DI need your help C句意:肯,很抱歉但我不得不说,你的电视声音太大了。噢,对不起,我马上关小点儿。A项意为“我想和你谈谈”;B项意为“我受够这样了”;C项意为“很抱歉这样说”;D项意为“我需要你的帮助”。选A的话,后半句应该说“你能

2、把电视关小一点吗?”,B项太不礼貌,D项与语境不符,故选C。 【导学号:57732088】2She _ a new suggestion to solve the problem.Acame across Bcame outCcame over Dcame up withD考查动词短语辨析。句意:她提出了一个解决问题的新建议。come across偶然遇见;come out出版,显露,出现;come over过来,顺便来访;come up with想出。故选D。3To my surprise, when I opened the door, outside the classroom _, w

3、ith flowers in his hands.Athe naughty boy did standBthe naughty boy stoodCdid the naughty boy standDstood the naughty boyD考查倒装。句意:令我惊讶的是,当我开门的时候,那个淘气的男孩手拿鲜花站在教室外面。介词短语作地点状语置于句首,且主语为名词,所以应使用全部倒装,故选D。4How come a simple meal like this costs so much?We have _ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke j

4、ust now.Aadded BchargedCcontained DincludedD考查动词辨析。句意:为什么一顿简单的饭费用如此高昂?我们在账单里包括了你刚才打破的杯子。add增加,常与介词to搭配;charge要价,指控;contain包含;include包括。contain常指一个整体中包含所有的部分,意为“含有”;include指包括一部分,也指包含不同质的事物,故选D。5At first I disagreed with what he said,but on _ I realized he was partly right.Aconnection BreflectionCcol

5、lection DreceptionB考查名词。句意:起初我不同意他的说法,但经过仔细思考后认识到他有的地方是对的。on reflection意为“经过仔细思考”,符合句意;connection意为“连接”;collection意为“收集”;reception意为“接待”。6The couple are at the same age, but _the husband looks much older than his wife.Ain addition Bin realityCin contrast Din detailC考查介词短语。句意:这对夫妻虽然年龄一样大,但相比之下,丈夫比妻子看

6、上去年龄大很多。in contrast意为“相比之下”,符合上下文语境;in addition意为“另外,再者”;in reality意为“事实上”;in detail意为“详细地”。7Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions _?Amaking BmakeCmade Dto makeC考查非谓语动词。句意:既然我们已经讨论过存在的问题了,那么,大家对做出的决定满意吗?decisions与make是动宾关系,应该使用过去分词作后置定语,相当于定语从句which are made,故选C。8H

7、is last novel sold amazingly more than ten thousand copies and we hope this one will be just _Amuch popular Bthe most popularCthe more popular Das popularD考查省略句。句意:他的上一本小说令人惊奇地卖了一万多本,我们希望这本能和上一本一样受欢迎。and后的分句为省略句,补全应为:and we hope this one will be just as popular as his last novel,故此处用as popular。9Pape

8、r produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles.Athe three times weight ofBthree times the weight ofCas three times heavy asDthree times as heavier asB考查倍数表达法。句意:每年生产的纸的重量是全球生产的汽车重量的三倍。倍数放在比较级/ length/width of等的前面,排除C;as.as中间用形容词、副词的原级,排除D;A项定冠词the应放在倍数后名词前,排除A。故选B。10Bring it n

9、earer _ I may see it better.Aalthough Beven thoughCso that DsinceC考查状语从句。句意:把它拿近些,以便我能看得更清晰一点。although尽管;even though即使;so that以便,表目的,常与情态动词连用;since因为。句子表示的是目的,故选C。11Are Senior High teachers _ to Junior High teachers?Afamiliar BdifferentCsimilar DsameC考查形容词辨析。句意:高中老师与初中老师类似吗?familiar熟悉的;different不同的;

10、similar相似的;same一样的。familiar与with搭配;different与from连用;same与as搭配;similar与to连用,故选C。12In January American manufacturers saw their revenues grow faster than_of any other sector.Athose BthatCit DwhatA考查代词。句意:一月,美国制造业的收益比其他任何行业增长得都快。英语中常用those指代可数名词的复数形式,选项中those指代前文的revenues。13A learning process _ a specif

11、ic behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model occurs early in the life of a social animal.Awhere BwhichCwhen DasA考查定语从句。句意:群居动物的生命早期会出现一个学习过程,在这个过程中一个特殊的行为方式通过学习父母或者其他行为榜样而建立了起来。where引导定语从句用来修饰前面的先行词process,相当于in which。14I _ any familiar faces at the party,

12、otherwise I would have stayed longer.Ahadnt seen Bhavent seenCdidnt see Dwouldnt seeC考查时态。句意:我在聚会上没见到一个熟人,要不然我就会在那多待一会了。后半句用了虚拟语气would have done形式,表示与过去事实相反,前面强调的是过去的事实情况,应用一般过去时。15We enjoy much convenience of shopping online,but there is a danger _ we could become victims of fraud.Awhat BthatCit Dw

13、hetherB考查同位语从句。句意:我们享受网购的诸多便利的同时也可能面临上当受骗的危险。that引导从句用来指出danger的内容,在同位语从句中不充当任何成分。.完形填空Jenny was hearing damaged when she was four and a half years old.Several surgeries and speech classes later, we found out that Jenny had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.She couldnt put _16_ on the heels of her feet,

14、 _17_ she walked on tiptoe.Jenny was _18_, though, because she did not suffer the deformities(畸形)All through grade school and high school, Jenny suffered, yet never _19_. I dont remember her ever _20_ selfpity.She won a place in the Governors School for the Arts.Then came her senior year.She would b

15、e considered for _21_; however, school activities, especially _22_, could often mean the difference between receiving an award or _23_So Jenny came to a decision: she began to bombard(连珠炮似地问) the high school football coach.She begged.She pleaded.She promised.Finally the coach gave in, with the _24_,

16、“If you miss ONE game, youre out!”So, Jenny became Manager of the Garrett High School Football Team.She carried big buckets of water to her teammates.She _25_ knees and ankles before every game.She was continually at their _26_It turned out to be one of the best years for the team in its twentyfivey

17、ear history.When asked why the team was winning all their games, one linebacker explained,“Well, _27_ youve been knocked down, and you cant seem to move, you _28_ and see Jenny, limping across the field, _29_ her buckets and carrying her pillow.It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty

18、 _30_. ”At the Senior Awards _31_, Jenny received a number of scholarships to College of Charleston.Her favorite scholarship, _32_, was a small one from the Charleston Womens Club.The President of the Womens Club listed Jennys _33_, starting with her grades, and _34_ with an excited:“.and the first

19、girl to be _35_ in Garrett High Schools football history!”本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了小时候落下了残疾的Jenny坚强地生活、学习,在上大四的时候申请为学校足球队服务,感动了校足球队,感动了校方,获得了奖学金并名垂校史的故事。16A.pressure BtensionCburden DsqueezeA根据这句话的意思可知,她的脚后跟不好用力(pressure),所以(so)她踮着脚走。17A.yet BwhileCso DstillC参见上题解析。18A.thrilled BfortunateCtouched DcarefreeB但是Jen

20、ny是很幸运的(fortune),她没有忍受畸形之苦,因此选B。19A.complimented BcomplainedCcompared DcompensatedB根据前半句的suffered和后半句中的yet可排除A、C两项,分别意为“称赞”和“比较”;而D项若用在此处应采用被动语态更合理,意为“补偿”。故B项正确,意为“抱怨”。20A.voicing BsignalingCgesturing DsalutingA “我”不记得她曾经说出(voice)自怜的话,因此选A。21A.deposits BpensionsCallowances DscholarshipsD她被考虑授予奖学金。下一

21、句中的receiving an award给出了提示。因此选D。 BbasketballCsports DgymnasticsC学校的活动,尤其是体育活动(sports),可能经常意味着获奖或者出局(lose out)。23A.getting punished Blosing outCgetting suspected Dlosing confidenceB参见上题解析。24A.reminder BsymbolCwarning DmourningC最后教练让步了,但是提出了警告(warning),因此选C。25A.bandaged BstretchedCattached

22、 DhuggedA她在每场比赛前都用绷带包扎(bandage)膝盖和踝关节,故选A。26A.crossroads BconvenienceCservice DsacrificeC根据该段前两句可知,Jenny在为校足球队效力(service),at sb.s service意为“为某人效劳”。27A.unless BuntilCwhile DwhenD“当你被撞倒在地的时候”,因此选D。28A.look up Blook aheadCshow up Dshow aroundA因为被撞倒在地几乎动不了,所以是抬头看(look up),因此选A。29A.kicking BdraggingCgrab

23、bing DconveyingBJenny拖着(drag)水桶,故选B。30A.hopeless BinsignificantChelpless DinvaluableBJenny的热忱服务使得我们其余任何人所遭受的痛苦都算不了什么(insignificant),故选B。31A.convention BconferenceCcampaign DceremonyD在颁奖典礼上(ceremony),故选D。32A.thus BaccidentallyCcoincidentally DhoweverD本句和前一句话之间存在转折关系,故选D。33A.consequences BcommitmentsC

24、accomplishments DappointmentsC女子俱乐部的主席列举了Jenny的成就(accomplishment),故选C。34A.modifying BpolishingCclarifying DendingD女子俱乐部的主席以Jenny的成绩开启讲话,以一句激动的话来结束讲话。end with意为“用来结束”,与句中starting with相对应,故选D。35A.printed BenvelopedCemailed DoccupiedAprint在这里意为“写入”史册。D项错在误用了被动语态,否则可表述为“the first girl to occupy a positi

25、on in.”。.阅读理解AWhere can you find a nice place to relax on holiday for both you and your children? Well, I suggest you try the beautiful and green Isle of Wight (IOW)The Isle of Wight is one of the main tourist attractions.Here is some information on a few of the attractions on the IOW.Dinosaur Isle

26、It is located in Sandown, a seaside town on the southeast coast.Its a large, lovely museum, both fun and educational.Here you can see a large fossil collection of all kinds of dinosaurs, as well as a gift shop.You can walk into the past and then the future, learning about the history and the develop

27、ment of the civilization of dinosaurs that lived 120 million years ago.Robin Hill Country ParkThe park is in the beautiful countryside, and is suitable for childrens parties and games.It has five new gardens, and offers great opportunities to see and take pictures of the rare red squirrels.The West

28、of the WightHere we have the Marine Aquarium,the Archaeology Exhibition and the Model Railway.They offer another opportunity to combine entertainment with learning.This is a great place to see ancient boats crossing the narrow strait between the island and the mainland.The Wight Bus MuseumThis museu

29、m is run completely by unpaid volunteers.It has a bus collection stored in what was once a warehouse(仓库)Most of the buses in the museum date back to around the 1910s.With all of these choices, what are you waiting for? IOW Tourism welcomes you!本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了IOW上的一些景点。36. Where can you visit the dino

30、saur museum?AIn a seaside town.BIn the west of the Isle.CIn the beautiful countryside.DOn the northeast coast.A细节理解题。因为题目询问的是有关去参观the dinosaur museum(恐龙博物馆)的地点信息,所以在Dinosaur Isle中寻找具体信息,根据该部分中的“It is located in Sandown,a seaside town on the southeast coast.”(它位于Sandown,一个东南沿海的海滨小镇)可知该题正确答案为A。37The purpose of this passage is to _Aadvise readers how to relax on holidaysBshow the development of tourism on the IOWCattract readers to come to the IOWDtell readers what is worth vis

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