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1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市学年八年级英语月考试题无答案黑龙江省哈尔滨市2015-2016学年八年级英语3月月考试题第卷一、听力:(本题共10分,每题2分)听听力,选择所听到的单词,完成对话。Mike: Oh, look at that dog, Zhang Wei. Its playing catch with its 1 .Zhang Wei: Wow! It can 2 a whole tennis ball in its mouth! Mike: Have you ever 3 about the dog that can hold five tennis balls in its mouth?Z

2、hang Wei: Five tennis balls? That sounds 4 , Mike.Mike: And there is 5 dog that can jump 167centimeters 6 . Zhang Wei: I 7 believe it. Mike: I agree. Some animals can do 8 things. My sister told me about a dog in Canada that can do 9 500 tricks.Zhang Wei: 500 tricks? There is no 10 dog!Mike: Sure th

3、ere is! She saw it on television.( )1.A. own B.owns C.owner( )2.A.hold B.holding C.held( )3.A.hear B. heard C. hears( )5.A.other B.others C.another( )6. A. high B. hi C.height( )7.A.cant B. couldnt C.can( )8.A.amazed B.amazing C. amazement( )9.A.our B.over C.oven( )10.A. such much二、 单项选择(本

4、题共20分,每小题1分) 选择最佳答案。( ) 11. Boys and girls, there will be nothing if you can put your heart into it. So take it easy and you will show the best yourself in this paper! I will . A. help you to do it B. keep my fingers crossed C. try to do it.( ) 12. You did a good job on your last mission. Thats very

5、 nice _ you to say so . A. for B. of C. to( ) 13. -It was time for the birds to fly south. But one of them got hurt on the way. - if it can fly south successfully. A. I am not sure B. I know C. Have you ever heard ( ) 14. What made you _ happily? Tony brought me the best regards from his parents. I

6、miss them so much because they cared for me a lot during my stay in America. A. feeling feel C. feel( ) 15. -The famous pianist Lang Lang is going to Harbin and give a concert. -Really? Im dying _ him play. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing( ) 16.The lady _ the beautiful dress is my aunt. A. who is

7、 wearing B. is wearing C. wears( ) 17. What do you think of the hamburgers by you?考 场 They are so delicious. A. eat B. eaten C. eating( )18. his blindness, he has been climbing that way his whole life?A. Due to the fact that B. Because C. Due to ( ) 19. Could you tell me _? Im not sure. Maybe he liv

8、es near the shopping center. A. when he bought the new house B. where he lives C. why did he move here( ) 20. The brave man jumped _ the fence to get the house to save the boy. A. across, into B. through, in C. over, into( )21. _ the fact, the best table tennis athletes today are not from England? A

9、. Depend on B. Despite C. According to( ) 22. Tourists bad behavior(行为) _ by the government in our country from now on. A. will be recorded B. was recorded C. records ( ) 23. -D o you know the_ woman over there? -No, I dont A. sleeping B. slept C. sleep( ) 24.Every year, we plant a lot of trees _ we

10、 can stop the wind from blowing the soil. A. so that B. in order to C. to( ) 25. In western countries, people always give someone advice to their friends very gently and their friends can usually be happy to accept it. Therefore, which situation fits the western custom?A: a: You shouldnt open the wi

11、ndow. b: All right. B: a: If I were you, Id take one more coat today. b: Its a pity that you are not me!C. a: May I advise you to see a doctor and have a good rest? b: Thank you for your advice.( ) 26. It is a virtue (美德) of the Chinese to be kind to the old. So what should young people do to show h

12、onor to the old in the daily life? Shout at the old when they walk slowly. Help the old to cross the street when the traffic is heavy. Give all of the money to the old. Give delicious food to the old at home. Always allow the old to go first when they are getting off a bus or a train. A. B. C.( ) 27

13、. Mrs. Green went shopping and spent 300 dollars on these following things yesterday. Books cost her _ dollars. foodclothesgasCosmetics(化妆品)booksothers20%40%10%15%?10% A. 45 B. 30 C. 15( ) 28. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A. improve other B. clock top C. Jun

14、e jump( ) 29. Which of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word launch? A. chosen B. school C. cheer( ) 30. Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. cancel B. believe C. blindness三、完形填空(本题共 分,每小题 分) Nothing is difficult if you

15、put your heart into it. Nothing is easy if you dont try your best. We often hear people say, “Never give up.” This is_31_words. A person who believes in _32_ will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. Therefore, we should never give up.One reason is that if we give up too

16、easily, we will _33_ achieve anything. It is not unusual _34_ us to fail in our first attempt(尝试)at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and keep up with _35_ . Another _36_ we sho

17、uld never give up is that we can also learn from our mistakes only as long as we make a new effort(努力) . If we do not try again, the _37_we have learned is wasted. The spirit of never giving up is just the power that can make us brave.Finally, as the saying goes,_38_ because as we work to reach our

18、goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. In short, it is important that we dont give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something. Also, what we learn will help us to become _39_, more confident

19、 people. What do you wait for?Lets make up our minds, stick to it, and we _40_enjoy our life.( )31.A.encouraging B.encouraged C.excited( )32.A. himself B.them C.itself( )33.A.nearly B. hardly C. always( )34.A.of B.for C. to( )35.A.the other B.others C.another( )36.A.reason B. question C.answer( )37.

20、A. class B.lesson C. course( )38. A.Where there is a will,there is a way B.An apple one day keeps the doctor away. C.Treat others how you want to be treated.( )39.A. good B.well C.better( )40.A. need B.must C.cant 四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) (A)Bruce was born in London. And he went to school two years ago

21、and now hes in Grade Two. His father works in a factory and drives a truck there. Hes very busy and has no time to look after his son. Something is wrong with the boys leg. But he goes to school earlier than any other student and is never late for class. He studies hard and is good at his lessons. B

22、ut he can not play with his friends and has to stay at home. The man thought he was lonely and bought a nice dog for him. Bruce was very happy. After school, when he finished his homework, he always played with it. He often gave the favorite food to it. And he took it to many places except his schoo

23、l. Last morning Bruce went to the zoo. And he liked the elephants and monkeys, too. But his dog was afraid of the tigers. It ran away quickly. He didnt catch it and it disappeared soon. The boy was very sorry about it. “It doesnt matter, my boy,” said his mother. “I will write an announcement and st

24、ick it near the gate of the park. We can find it soon. I think.” “Dont be foolish, Mummy,” said the boy, “ _” 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 41The underlined “announcement” most probably means _. Anotice Bletter Cdiary( )42Bruce can not play with his friends and _. Ahas to stay at school Bhas to stay in the hospi

25、tal Chas to stay at home( ) 43Bruce took his dog to many places except _. Ahis home Bhis school Cthe park( ) 44Which of the following is NOT true according to the story.ABruce studies hard and he is good at his lessons. BBruce is always late for class.CBruce goes to school earliest in his class.( )

26、45 “ _”can be the missing sentence in the passage. AI will buy another dog. BI dont like it. CThe dog doesnt read at all. ( B )根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案Name Bikes Automobile Trains(Steam power ) Planes Inventor GermanBaronKarl von Drais,German engineer Karl Benz,James Watt, a Scottish inventorThe Wright Brot

27、hers(America)Time 1817176917841903Advantages Be good for health. Be good for the environment.Be cheap.Fast and convenient.People can stop and enjoy the views. To experience the fun of driving.Carrying capacity(能力) is powerful.Very fast.Service is good.Disadvantages People cant travel too fast.It can

28、t carry too many things.Too much pollution.Be limited(限制) by the rails.Price of tickets is too high.The seats are too narrow.( ) 46. How many inventions were invented by Germans?_.A. 1 B. 2 C. 3( ) 47. Among the four kinds of vehicles, which was invented later than bikes?_A. Planes B. Automobile C.

29、Trains (Steam Power) ( ) 48. Which of the following statements is True?_A. By traveling by bikes, you can experience the fun of driving.B. If you want to go from Harbin to Beijing, youd better ride a plane because it is good for the environment.C. The carrying capacity of trains is powerful.( ) 49.

30、Which invention wasnt invented in the eighteenth century?_A. Automobile B. Bikes C. Trains and automobile( ) 50. If you want to travel with your parents and they like to stop and enjoy the views, whats the best choice for your family?_A. Traveling by bike. B. Traveling by automobile. C. Traveling by train. (C)Here is a true story about a famous man who worked in the White House and a criminal(罪犯). they once faced the same thing: their mother gave them apples when they were young. The criminal said, “One day, my mother brought some apples and asked my brother

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