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高中英语译林牛津版必修二教案江苏Unit 2 Wish you were here.docx

1、高中英语译林牛津版必修二教案江苏 Unit 2 Wish you were here Unit 2Wish you were here晨读在线假设你和几位同学成立了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期两个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在课堂上进行经验交流,请写一篇英语发言稿,主要内容如下:1简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的主要活动;2谈谈你们开展该活动的收获。注意:1.词数不少于120个;2不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。【范文欣赏】 请进行完形填空(每空一词)Dear friends,I am very glad to have this chance to tell you something ab

2、out our English club.These days,our main activity is collect the classic English movies from the Internet and watch them together.2.How interesting it is! And all of us do feel we benefit a lot 3.from the activity.By watching English movies,we gain a lot of knowledge about 4.the customs and lif

3、estyles of the western countries,5.which we havent known.Also,we can learn many latest English idioms and expressions.More importantly,we often compare notes in English after watching them,which makes us more interested learning English.I find is really a good way to improve our English.I

4、hope more and more classmates can join our club 8.and share our experience.Thats all! Thank you for listening.(137 words)【名师点评】 文章条理清楚,层次分明,逻辑严密,能紧扣要点框架适当地增加细节,时态运用非常妥当。在表达句式上,注意了句式结构的多变,有感叹句How interesting it is!,宾语从句we benefit a lot from the activity,定语从句which we havent known等,不定式作表语to collect the

5、 classic English movies from the Internet and watch them together,同时还注重了连接过渡词的使用,如Also/More importantly等,从而显示出较强的语言运用能力。【疯狂背诵】 请用10分钟背诵范文【还原范文】请将下列句子翻译成英语1亲爱的朋友们:Dear_friends,2我非常高兴拥有这个机会告诉你关于我们的英语俱乐部的有关情况。I_am_very_glad_to_have_this_chance_to_tell_you_something_about_our_English_club.3这些日子,我们的主要活动是




9、1extraordinary adj.不同寻常的2brilliant adj.明亮的;鲜艳的3advance n前进;预先 vi.前进;进步4supply n. & vt.提供,供给;补给5atmosphere n空气;大气层6view vt.观看;看待 n景色;观点7highway n(尤指城镇间的)干道;交通要道8officially adv.官方地,正式地9tower vi.高耸,屹立;超过 n塔;塔楼10reflect vt.反射(声、光、热等);反映11uncomfortable adj.providing or experiencing physical discomfort12s

10、chedule v. & n. plan for an activity or event13destination nthe place designated as the end (as of race journey)14forever adv.for a very long or seemingly endless time15wander vmove about aimlessly or without any destination.词汇拓展1adventure n冒险;冒险经历adventurous adj.好冒险的 2beauty n美;美景;美人beautify v美化bea

11、utiful adj.美丽的3scare vt.使恐惧;惊吓scared adj.感到恐惧的scary adj.恐怖的4endless adj.无穷无尽的,没完没了的end v& n结束ending n结局endlessly adv.不断地,无休止地5surround vt.包围;环绕surrounding adj.附近的surroundings n环境语境助记词不离句,句不离段Its offcially claimed that they used up the total supplies including clothing after the extraordinary,beautif

12、ul but uncomfortable adventure.They now become the envy of us common people.短语落实1take a flight 乘坐飞机2go on a trip 在旅途中3look forward to 期盼,期望4set off 动身,出发;使爆炸5pay attention 注意;重视6in_order_to 为了,以为目的7be_tired_of 对感到厌倦8be_home_to 是的家园/发祥地9make_use_of 利用10than_usual 与往常相比.句子翻译1You have to wear a helmet

13、and a life jacket for protection,just in case you fall into the water.(Page 22)作为保护措施,你得带上头盔,穿上救生衣,以防万一掉进水里。2Sheep,cattle and horses wander on the grass,and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.(Page 38)成群的牛羊和马儿在绿色的草原上徜徉,周边的森林则是众多鸟类和动物的家园。3In this peaceful land,people live in p

14、erfect harmony with nature,far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.(Page 38)在这片宁静的土地上,人们和大自然和谐相处,远离外部世界的喧闹和纷扰。4如果你在这里就好了。(Page 21)Wish_you_were_here.5住在这个完美世界里的人们知道如何永葆青春。(Page 38)In_this_perfect_world_lived_people_who_had_discovered_how_to_stay_young_forever.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)1Its t

15、he biggest desert in the worldabout the size of the US.(教材P22)Its the biggest desert in the worldnearly as big_as_America2There were arguments over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangrila.(教材P38)People_argued_over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangrila.3Three mountains,Meili,B

16、aimang and Haba,which are covered with snow,tower over the land.(教材P38)Three mountains,Meili,Baimang and Haba,covered_with_snow,tower over the land.4Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words.(教材P38)Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that

17、 will leave you speechless5Sheep,cattle and horses wander on the green grass,and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.(教材P38)Sheep,cattle and horses wander on the green grass,and many birds and animals live_in the surrounding forests. amaze v使吃惊【课本原句】 There are a lot of amazing

18、 adventures to have and places to see in the world.(P21)世界上有很多不可思议的奇遇和神奇的地方。be amazed at对感到惊奇be amazed to see/hear/find看到/听到/发现很惊奇【联想拓展】amazing了不起的;好得惊人的in amazement惊奇地to ones amazement使某人感到惊奇的是辨析 amaze/astonish/surprise(1)amaze 强调“使惊讶;困惑”,间或还有“惊叹;佩服”的意思。如:We were amazed at the ingenuity with which

19、they solved their difficulties.他们在解决困难时表现的智慧使我们佩服。(2)astonish 表示“使人大吃一惊”;“几乎无法使人相信”。如:I was astonished at his rudeness.他的粗鲁使我大吃一惊。(3)surprise 只表示“出乎意料地惊异”。如:We are surprised at finding the house empty.我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。看看高考怎么考根据句意,用合适的词填空Jessica looked in amazement(惊奇地看着)as her parents began to laugh mad

20、ly.(2011江西卷阅读理解A)Its astonishing(令人吃惊)how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.(2011安徽卷阅读理解E)Were amazed at the amazing news that he was sentenced to death.(amaze)Toby is astonished at the news.To his great astonishment,he has got the first prize.(astonish) busy adj.忙碌的,繁忙的【课本原句】 Ive be

21、en quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother,Colin.(P22)我最近一直很忙,忙着和我哥哥科林做假期计划。a busy day忙碌的一天a busy street热闹的街道a busy signal占线的信号声as busy as a bee忙得不亦乐乎be busy with忙于某事be busy (in) doing忙于做busy oneself with doing让自己忙于做【联想拓展】be busy in doing sth/with sthbe engaged in doing sth/with sthbe

22、occupied in doing sth/with sth忙于做某事 看看高考怎么考Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.I would have attended it,but I was_busy_preparing_for_a_job_interview.(当时正忙于准备面试)(2011福建卷单项填空34)I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps.(2012长沙同升湖实验学

23、校高三期中考试)Awhile Bwhen Csince Dafter答案BGraduates are _ themselves in packing up for their working posts.(2012江西临川一中月考)Abusying BpreparingCenjoying Dproving 答案A including prep.包含;包括【课本原句】 Well live with the local people in their villages,and eat and drink whatever they do,including cows blood.(P23)我们要跟

24、当地的村民一起生活在他们村里,他们吃喝什么我们就吃喝什么,包括喝牛血!include vt.包含,包括;使成为的一部分(1)include (doing) sth包括(做)某事include sb包括某人(2)include.(as/in/on.)使成为的一部分(3)including名(代)词名(代)词included。看看高考怎么考Of course,this didnt include_her(包括她)when she told me that if I didnt eat all my vegetables Father Christmas would find out and wou

25、ldnt give me any presents.(2011湖北卷阅读理解A)This includes(包含)a computer,a printer,books and technical services.(2011辽宁卷阅读理解B)Its reported that one thousand people are affected by the H1N1 flu virus in that area,two hundred and fiftyfive children _.(2012江苏省海门市高三第二次诊断性考试)Awere included BincludingCinclude

26、Dincluded答案D supply vt.补给;供给;提供;补充;代理 n补给;供给;供应量;供应品【课本原句】 Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water.(P23)我需要提前买一个大背包来带我的食物和水。have a good/large supply of备有许多in short supply供不应求supply and demand供求supply sb with sthsupply sth to sb辨析 supply/provide (1)supply sb

27、 with sthsupply sth to sb;provide sb with sthprovide sth for sb。(2)supply还可作名词,意为“供给;供应品”,而provide只能作动词。看看高考怎么考That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products.In other words,we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply_of_natural_resources(提供的自然资源)(2011广东卷阅读理解D)Go

28、vernments in many developing countries work hard to _ education for children,besides,they must also take it into consideration whether they are willing to take the opportunity.(2012长沙市一中月考)Aprovide Bsupply Coffer Dgive答案AThe boss made a phone call to me yesterday _ me a good job.(2012常德一中月考)Agiving

29、BsupplyingCproviding Doffering答案D schedule n. & v时间表;计划表;安排;计划【课本原句】 As you can see,my schedule for June is full.(P23)正如你所看到的,我六月的安排表是满的。tight schedule时间很紧的日程表ahead of schedule提前on schedule准时behind schedule迟于预定时间be scheduled to do计划做schedule flight定期航班看看高考怎么考My_schedule(我的日程安排)is very tight right no

30、w,but Ill try to fit you in.(2011浙江卷单项选择16)Shay was_scheduled_to(过去计划着) be next at bat.(2011江苏卷阅读理解D)The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any _when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April ,2009.(2012长沙地质中学月考)Adelay BeffortCschedule Dconsideration答案ANo matter _ a full of schedule you have ,only when you try really hard _always fit some more things in it.(2012长沙周南中学月考)Ahow;can you Bwhat;can youCwhich;you can Dwhen;can you答案B common adj.共同的,共有的,共享的;常见的,普遍的;普通的,寻常的;粗俗的,庸俗的【课本原句】 Today,Shangrila has become a

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