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教育资料仁爱英语九年级上册Unit3 Topic1Topic3复习学案学习精品.docx

1、教育资料仁爱英语九年级上册Unit3 Topic1Topic3复习学案学习精品Unit 3 Topic 1English is widely spoken throughout the world.单词吧1. 普遍地,广泛地(adv.)_(adj.).宽的_(n.) 宽度2. 外国人(n.)_(adj.)外国的3. 西班牙语(n.);西班牙人的(adj.)_(n.)西班牙4. 沟通,交流(v.)_(n.)沟通,交流5. 口译译员(n)_(v.)口译6. 解释,说明(v.)_(n.)解释,说明,阐述7. 不可能的(adj)_(adj.)可能的_(adv.)可能,或许8. 掘(地),凿(洞),挖(

2、土)(v.)_ _(过去式)_(过去分词)9. 放置,安放(v.)_ _(过去式)_(过去分词)10. 讲,说,谈话(v.)_ _(过去式)_(过去分词) _(n.)讲某种语言的人,发言者11. 欧洲的(adj.)_(n.)欧洲12. 观光,旅游(n.)_旅游业,观光(n.)_ _(n.)旅游者,游客13. 英国,不列颠(n)_(n./adj.)英国的;英国人14. 强大的,有权势的,有影响力的(n.)_(n.)力量,权力15. 率领,领导(v.)_ (n.)领导者最重要的,最成功的(adj.)_16. 粘贴;粘住(v.)_ _(过去式)_(过去分词)短语园及句型坊1. Disneyland

3、_ by _ people _. 迪士尼被来自全世界的人所喜欢。2. I hope I can go there _. 我希望有一天我可以去哪里。3. Are you _ your trip? 你准备好你的旅行了吗?4. I _ there. 我迫不及待要飞到那里去了。5. Youll _English there.你将有一个练习英语的好机会。6. English _ the _ in America.在美国,英语被当做主要语言来说。7. It is widely used throughout the world now. _8. I _ English. Im _.我不擅长英语,我有一点点

4、害怕。9. _ and work harder _.从现在起,尽你最大的努力并且更努力地工作。1o. Im going to Cuba _. 我今晚要去古巴出差。11. Spanish is spoken as the official language in Cuba. _12. _ Spanish _ English? 西班牙语和英语相似吗?13.It is _ for you to have trouble _? 对你来说,可能交流有困难。14.Many kids _ their parents. (get along with)许多孩子与他们的父母相处有困难。15. If necess

5、ary, Ill ask an interpreter for help._16. The interpreter will _ you the _ of the country. 口译员将向你解释这个国家的文化。17._ the _ and the _ can help me work well.懂得那里的语言和文化有助于我的工作。18. _! 我祝你你成功!19. In the past, the language _ around the world _ English _ and English _.在过去,这种语言被英国商人和英国政府在全世界传播。20. Whatever langu

6、age people speak, they need to know some English if they work in these fields. _21._ the English language_.显而易见,英语变得更加重要了。 22. English is used in many different fields of life, such as business, tourism and technology. _ 23. The English language _in our lives. 英语在我们的生活中发挥重要的作用。24. _the 1950s, the US

7、A _ more and more powerful. 自从20世纪50年代起,美国变得越来越强大。25. The American computer and Internet industry have taken the leading position in the world. _26. China, with _ in the world, _ more people_ English_.有着世界最多人口的中国,自从20世纪70年代以来就鼓励更多的人学习英语。27. Since the 1990s, English learning has been very popular wit

8、h Chinese people. _28. Many of them have done well in English and have made great progress in speaking it._29. Now students are required to learn English, and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as the rest of the world._语法苑一般现在时的被动语态:结构_The cake was divide

9、d into pieces by her.(肯定句)_(变否定句) _(变一般疑问句) _(肯定/否定回答)把下列句子改为被动句。1. Some people destroy the environment._2. He doesnt water the flowers every day._3. Does a large population cause many problems?_4. They cleaned the classroom this morning._Unit 3 Topic 2Some things usually have different meanings in

10、different cultures.单词吧17. _(n.)陌生人_(adj.) 奇怪的,奇特的;陌生的18. 航班飞机,空中航行(n.)_(v.)飞行,飞19. 沉默;无声(n.)_(adj.)沉默的;无声的;安静的20. 困惑的(adj.)_(v./n)使困惑;谜,难题21. 误解,误会(n.)_(v.)误解,误会_(过去式)_(过去分词)_(v.)理解22. 不同地,有差异地(adv.)_ _(adj.)不同的,有差异的_(n.)不同性23. 诚实的;老实的;坦率的(adj.)_ _(adj.) 不诚实的24. 奇妙的;有魔力的(adj.)_(n.)魔法25. 皇帝(n.)_皇帝的;帝

11、国的(adj.)_ _(n.)帝国26. 勇气;胆略(n)_(v.)鼓励_(n.)鼓励,鼓舞27. 错误,失误;误解(n./v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)28. 骄傲,自豪(n.)_ _(adj.)骄傲的,自豪的29. 智慧,精明(n.)_ _(adj.)聪慧的30. 词语;表达,表情(n.)_ _(v.)表达31. 拼写;拼法(n.)_ _(v.)拼写32. 发音(n.)_ _(v.)发音33. 完全,全部地,整个地(adv.)_ _(adj./n.)全部的,完全的;总数短语园及句型坊1.Michael and Kangkang are going to _.迈克和康康要去给他们送行。2.

12、Now they are _.现在他们在去机场的路上。3. They stranger is asking for a ride._4. Michael sees a stranger _. 迈克尔看到一名陌生人拇指向上伸出手。5. Could you give me a ride to the airport?_6. 上公交车_ 下公交车_7 They _/_/_ the airport _. 他们20分钟后到达了机场。8. They _ the airport _. 他们将在20分钟后到达机场。9. Im still _ my English. 我仍然担心我的英语。10. I hope I

13、 wont _. 我希望我交流没问题。11._ you need help, _ or _. 无论何时你需要帮助,给我发邮件或打电话给我。12. We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence. _13. Then I know whether she will praise or punish us. _14.People could _ if they _their _. 如果了解他们的肢体语言,人们就能更好地交流。15. To avoid misunderstanding, you sho

14、uld study both spoken and body language. _16. Some things usually have _ in _. 有一些事物在不同的文化中有不同的意思。17. In western countries, dogs are considered (as) honest and good friends of humans. _18._, dragons _ in Chinese culture. 众所周知,龙在中国文化中非常重要。19._, dragons _ strong and magical creatures.在古代,龙被视为强壮而神奇的物种。

15、20. The ancient emperors _ themselves _ dragons. 古代的皇帝们把自己比作龙。21. The rose _ a symbol of love. 玫瑰被视为爱的象征。22. When we _ the _ of words, we will _ them better.当我们注意字词的文化含义时, 我们将能更好地理解它们。23. The English language is changing all the time, but people from English-speaking countries are still able to unde

16、rstand each other._语法苑现在进行时表示将来:结构_ 表示短暂性动作,常用进行时表将来的动词有come, travel, arrive, start, move, leave, return, fly,die, stay, meet Exercise:1. Lucy明天会来我们家吃中餐。 Lucy _ _ (come) to our house for lunch tomorrow.2. 我这周星期六打算前往伦敦。 I _ (leave) for London this Saturday.3. 我们全家明年暑假将去上海旅行。 My family _ (travel) to S

17、hanghai next summer holiday. Unit 3 Topic 3Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?单词吧34. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的(adj.)_(n.)睡眠_(adj.)熟睡的;睡着的 35. 最终的,最后的(adj.)_(adv.)最终地,最后地36. 真实的;真正的(adj.)_(adv.) 真正地37. 间接的(adj.)_ _(adj.) 直接的38. 能力;才能(n.)_(adj.)有能力的39. 预习,预告(v.)_(v./n.)复习;回顾40. 翻译(v.)_(n.)翻译

18、,译文_(n.)翻译者,译员41. 讨论(v.)_(n)讨论,谈论,商讨 42. 达到,获得,成功(v.)_ _(n.)成就,功绩43. 容易地,轻易地(adv.)_ _(adj.)容易的44. 有效的,产生预期效果的(adj.)_ _(n)效果,结果,影响 短语园及句型坊1. I _ many _ and I _ in Disneyland. 我去过许多名胜古迹,并且在迪士尼玩得很开心。2.Could you _ in the USA.在美国别人能听懂你的话吗?3. I think I should _ at English.我想我应该更加努力地学习英语。4. I know _ is ver

19、y important, but I _. 我知道口语非常重要,但是我不敢在公众场合说英语。5. I always _ in English classes. 我在英语课上总是感觉昏昏欲睡。6. At times I feel like giving up. _7. Could you give us _ how to learn English well? 你能给我们一些关于怎样学好英语的建议吗?8. Two years ago, I _ English. 两年前,我的英语很薄弱。9. So I _ Mr. Brown and I learned a lot _ him. 因此我向布朗先生求

20、助并且从他那学会了许多。10.Could you tell me _ my _? 你能告诉我怎样提高我的阅读能力吗?11.Try to guess _,and _我们应该尽量猜测生词的意思,理解文章的大意。12. I _ answer questions in class _ Im afraid of _. 我不敢在课堂上回答问题,因为我害怕犯错误。13. _ your answer, _ and smile and then _. 考虑你的答案,深呼吸微笑然后回答问题。14. Im _ our groups _ with you. 我很高兴与你们分享我们组的观点。15. Its an _ to _ all of you. 很荣幸与你们交谈。16._ an English club is _English. 参加英语俱乐部是提高英语的最好方式。17. Chengle _ us _

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