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外研版选修十Module 1《Pride and Prejudice》word教案.docx

1、外研版选修十Module 1Pride and Prejudiceword教案外研英语高三上(第十册) Module 1 Pride and Prejudice全模块教案I. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Learn about Jane Austen and her writing style Learn to appreciate the language of 19th century novelLearn to use “ most, very, in, had, my, in” in the contextTell a story by using the correc

2、t presentation skills Appreciate the beauty of a poem Write a review of a book you have enjoyedII. 语言目标功能句式a. Formal language Elizabeth was amazed that Darcy had chosen her as his partner. Elizabeth decided that it would punish Darcy more if she forced him to speak. She made a remark about the dance

3、. He smiled and assured her that he would say whatever she wanted him to say. That answer is acceptable. Its not right for me to comment on my character.b. Expressions of 19th century Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley.We are not in a way to know what Mr Bingley lik

4、es.I have no opinion of her.She times them ill.I honour you circumspection.If you decline the office I will take it on myself.c. Development of a story by using connectives The doorbell rang, and a few minutes later, to her complete astonishment, Elizabeth saw He sat down for a few minutes, and then

5、 getting up After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her and Her silence encouraged him to speak and He spoke well, but unfortunately, he did not In spite of her powerful dislike for him, Elizabeth Then, as he continued to insult her family, she began to When he at last finished speaking,

6、 she Unfortunately, I have no desire to However, I never meant to do so, and I d. Examples to start a story 1. Come to the theme: Mr. Wang owned his business and worked very hard. He seldom stopped work until late in the night every day and his fame as a workaholic was known to all. 2. Start with a

7、common sense: It was a cold winter Christmas night. Everyone was enjoying the delight of family gathering except Mr. Norton, who stayed alone in his shabby small room, signing and drinking. 3. Raise a question: Who doesnt love sitting beside a cozy fire on a cold winters night? Who doesnt love to wa

8、tch flames curling up a chimney?4. Cites: People used to say: “Behind every successful man there is a woman.”5. Comparison: Today Newtown is a very clean place. Many years ago, however, there were millions of rats in Newtown.词汇1. 认读词汇acknowledge, adventure, apologize, assure, attitude, blush, comfor

9、ts, convince, desperate, dish, essential, existence, fatigue, fiction, focus, fortune, gain, gentle, gentleman, good-looking, humour, income, insult, intensely, jewel, luck, motive, pause, personality, possession, relived, request, respectable, romance, search, sensible, son-in-law, starlight, style

10、, suitable, superficial, survive, universal, unsociable, unwilling, upset, venture, whisper2. 词 组be in want of, go mad, head over heels, in possession of, make a remark, to ones astonishment3. 重点(积极)词汇apologize, comforts, convince, desperate, essential, existence, focus, gain, gentle, gentleman, goo

11、d-looking, humour, income, personality, romance, search, sensible, survive, universal, whisper4. 识记词汇wait on, intend to, have no knowledge of, employ in, trim, address, not in a way, resentfully, assembly, have no opinion of, contain, scold, compassion, discretion, acquaintance, decline, emphatic, s

12、urpass, tumult, discretion语法Summarize the use of “very, most, will, in” 重点句式1. What is essential to know in order to fully understand the novel is that2. At the time of 17th/18th/19th century, people3. The hero/heroine of the story is 4. The plot develops like this5. My favorite character of the sto

13、ry is 6. Her writing style isII教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块的话题是“Pride and Prejudice”,含背景介绍、节选精读、听力拓展、泛读、书评品读、讲故事和写作展示等部分。整个模块内部课题的设计都是围绕作品展开,以活动教学方式为承载,模块课题之间步步为营,具有很强的序列性,为Task最后阶段的书评写作(作品展示)铺设了坚实的基础。整个模块的设计贯穿了以下思想:培养学生的文学作品欣赏能力;阅读文学作品的基本方法和思路;书评的阅读和写作能力。教学设计中因此要体现:语言欣赏、作品赏析、四能(听说读写)结合、批判对比等教学活动。1.1 INTRODU

14、CTION 部分主要是对作品和作者的简要介绍,此部分的背景信息输入为理解模块话题提供了必要的语言准备,同时也为升华模块话题提供了预备性材料。1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY(1)共设置了7个活动。Introduction主要讲述了Bennet一家的两个最受欢迎的女儿Jane和Mr. Bingley、Elizabeth和Bingley的好朋友Darcy恋爱故事开始的基本背景。两个Extracts分别以舞会相识和达西求婚为场景,以精彩的对白和语言描述简要介绍了小说主题Pride and Prejudice. 7个活动设计以语言学习和语段理解为目的,帮助学生理解小说的主题和语言特

15、色。1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE(1)着重学习very, most和in的用法。活动设计寓词法学习于语境中,体现了学为所用的教学思想。1.4 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING部分以听力输入为主要方式,补充了模块信息。听力训练部分可以提炼为三部分:Pre-listening,while-listening和post listening。Pre-listening(activity 1)是听前准备,主要是对听力材料中词汇的处理;While-listening(activities 2 & 3)设置了回答问题和选词理解两种学习活动;Post-listening(activi

16、ty 4)是对主题的升华和对听力材料的再加工。1.5 LANGUAGE IN USE()学习had, my 和 will的用法。难点是will这个词,由于其语用范围广, 用法灵活并多涉及到其语气和语境功能,因此需要补充相应的练习来强化will在语境中的理解和运用。1.6 READING AND VOCABULARY (2)的是对作品主题内容的一个书评。书评的结构分明:分为背景介绍、情节概述、人物性格分析和写作特点分析;书评的语言规范,文字表述干净明了。针对书评所设计的活动,有利于促进学生对书评从结构到语言的整体理解和把握,为学生独立写好书评提供了很好的范本。1.7 PRESENTATION S

17、KILLS以学习讲故事为语言训练载体,Activity 1和Activity 2 给出了故事发展和结尾两个支架,分解了训练难度。Activity 3强调了故事情节中的时态运用。活动设计序列性强,相辅相成。1.8 READING PRACTICE以Bennet一家的一次家庭讨论会为场景,通过精彩对白展示人物的性格特性。本部分的语言表述细腻,对Mr. Bennet 和Mrs. Bennet的性格表现力极强。另外,Reading后的活动设计有脚手架作用,能为分解和完成阅读任务提供必要的帮助。1.9 CULTURAL CORNER是文学作品中的诗歌欣赏。诗歌的文字优美,语言浅显易懂,意境同琵琶行有相似

18、之处。本课题设计有利于培养学生的文化交际意识,通过文化对比赏析,可促进学生的跨文化理解能力。1.10 WRITING是本模块的最后阶段:作品形成阶段。由于模块任务的前期工作非常到位,作品鉴赏和范本赏读等课题的设计为最后学生形成作品奠定了坚实的基础。2. 教材重组2.1 INTRODUCTION是对作者作品特点以及背景信息的介绍,此部分同READING AND VOCABULARY(1)部分具有很大的相关性。INTRODUCTION可以作为Pre-reading的活动设计,结合Reading部分的教学活动可以设计一节文学作品阅读课。 2.2 LANGUAGE IN USE (1)和(2)部分主要

19、强调一些重点词汇的语境运用功能。可以整合这两部分的内容上一节语法课。2.3 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING是对模块话题的知识补充。PRESENTATION SKILLS是内化Reading知识和技能的支架,同时本部分内容又是学生表达性技能形成的转化阶段,讲故事的表述载体就成为了Task Cycle的半成品。可以整合这两部分内容上一节听说课。2.4 READING AND VOCABULARY (2)既有利于衔接阅读部分,同时又为后面的书评写作奠定了基础,因此Reading的读前和读后设计很重要,起到了输入技能转向输出技能的中介作用。因此,可以根据这部分内容设计为一节精读课。2

20、. 5 READING PRACTICE是阅读拓展部分,语言优美,对白精彩。对白既有幽默风趣的一面,又入木三分地刻画了作品中的人物性格特征。阅读材料内容即是对单元知识的扩充,又是训练学生阅读能力的好材料。因此可以将这部分内容设计一节泛读课。2.6 CULTURAL CORNER旨在培养学生的跨文化意识和文化理解欣赏能力。因此可以根据本课内容上一节文化欣赏课。2.7 Workbook的两部分内容是输入性技能向输出型技能的转化,可以整合这两部分内容上一节表达课来合理搭配单元课型结构,并为WRITING的设计做好铺垫。2.8 WRITING是模块任务链的终结性成果,是学生终结性作品的形成阶段,同时也

21、检验和评价单元任务的完成效果。因此可将本部分内容设计为一节写作课。III. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用6课时教完)1st period Reading (I)2nd period Language study3rd period Listening and speaking 4th period Reading (II) 5th period Extensive reading 6th period Culture appreciation7th period Speaking 8th period WritingThe First Period Reading (

22、I) Teaching goals 教学目标Target language目标语言1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语acknowledge, comfort, fortune, good-looking, income, personality, possession, universal, upset, assure, comment on, insult, make a remark, respectable, unsociable, unwilling, whisper2. Important sentences (formal language in

23、 the passage) Elizabeth was amazed that Darcy had chosen her as his partner.Elizabeth decided that it would punish Darcy more if she forced him to speak.She made a remark about the dance.He smiled and assured her that he would say whatever she wanted him to say.That answer is acceptable.Its not righ

24、t for me to comment on my character.Ability goal能力目标Enable students to talk about and analyze the characters in the novel. Learning ability goal学能目标Help students learn how to talk about and analyze the characters in the novel.Teaching important points教学重点How to analyze the characters in the novel.Te

25、aching weak points教学难点 How to talk about Jane Austen and her novel. Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning. Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Warming upActivity one: Know the major characters of the novel Picture one Picture two P

26、icture threeShow the above pictures. T: Some people are born with the character of pride, and this kind of character will isolate him/her from other people. As a result, people with the personality will find himself/herself unsociable and lack of communication skills. Prejudice exists in everyones h

27、eart. If the kind of prejudice is a one-to-one business, it may be melted by communication and understanding. However, if handled improperly, it may cause hatred and gap. Friendship and love comes after the elimination of understanding and change of negative attitude. Based on such an assumption, th

28、e author Jane Austen presented to worldwide readers her famous worksPride and Prejudice. Look at the first picture and tell me who they are.Ss: They are Mr. Bennet and his five daughters. His five daughters are Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia.T: Look at the second and the third picture and te

29、ll me who they are.Ss: They are hero Darcy and heroine Elizabeth. Picture four Picture fiveActivity two: Predict the plotT: Look at the cover of the book (Picture four) and predict who are the hero and heroine of the novel.Ss: I think Darcy and Elizabeth are hero and heroine of the novel.T: Look at

30、picture five and predict what the story is about.Ss: Probably the story is about romance.Step II Lead-inActivity one: Know about Jane Austen and her works T: Look at activity one in INTRODUCTION and try to match the words of box B with the words in box A.Show the following. Box A1. acknowledge 2. co

31、mfort 3. fortune 4. good-looking5. income 6. personality 7. possession 8. universal 9. upset Box Ba. a large amount of money b. sad c. suitable in every situation d. character e. something you own f. smart/handsomeg. money you earn from your work h. admit/accept i. something makes you pleasedKeys: a

32、-3, b-9, c-8, d-6, e-7, f-4, g-2, h-1, i-2Activity two: Questions and answersT: Look at the INTRODUCTION part again. They are the beginnings of four different novels by the 19th century English author, Jane Austen. Read carefully and then answer the two questions.Sample answers: Sa: Jane Austens novels are mainly

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