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南艺艺术英语第一册 课后翻译和答案.docx

1、南艺艺术英语第一册 课后翻译和答案2.Few buildings on earth can compete with the beauty of the Taj Mahal.3.The green trees in the garden make the white wall look even whiter.4.By the pool, you can see your own reflection in the water.5.The house is perfect for our family.Unit 21.Ieoh Ming Pei has made great contribut

2、ions to the architecture of the world.2.He is someone who has truly influenced the modern architecture world.3.We have attempted to stop his action, but failed completely.4.Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most prolific architects of our times.5.He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his

3、 designs.Unit 31.Whether you like it or not, you must read over the book.2.In terms of art collections, the Louvre is the largest and most famous museumin the world.3.An artist must make contact with the nature so as to be creative.4.This landscape is similar in color to one of Claude Monets.5.He lo

4、oks more like a laborer than an artist.Unit 41.Different from western paintings, a Chinese painting is not restricted by thefocal point in his perspective, proportion or light.2.According to the means of expression, we can divide Chinese painting into twocategories: the xieyi school and the gongbi s

5、chool.3.It can be said that the adoption of shifting perspective is one of thecharacteristics of Chinese painting.4.He has put forward a unique aesthetic theory.5.A painting is to convey not only the appearance of an object, but also anartists feelings.Unit 51.The ancient Chinese artists used bronze

6、 to make sculptures, and horses weretheir favorite subjects.2.Chinese have turned acrobatics into an art.3.Colors stand for different characters in Beijing Opera. For example, red is forloyalty and courage and black for uprightness.4.Painting is one of “The Three Perfections” of Chinese arts.5.Beiji

7、ng Opera, as a traditional artistic form, is extremely popular in China.Unit 61.It is imaginable that computer can be used to compose and play music.2.With appropriate software, computers can be used as teaching aid.3.Computers are not likely to replace the pianos or pallets.4.Although computers hav

8、e been widely used, its application in art area stillneeds to be discovered further.5.They have tired all the available means to solve the problem.Unit 71.Mozart was one of the greatest composers in the Classical period, and hisworks (compositions) were typical classical music.2.In China, the folk m

9、usic in the east is greatly different from that in the west.3.As time goes by, he is more and more popular with the young.4.Listening to music makes them happy.5.She played the violin, accompanied by her mother on the piano.Unit 81.If you combine your talent with your diligence, youll succeed.2.Form

10、ed under the influence of the Blues, Rhythm-and-Blues is a type ofmodern American music with a strong beat.3.Parents play an important role in their childrens education.4.With the development of computer technology, computer-generated musichas been widely used.5.You should apply your knowledge to yo

11、ur work.歌剧的性质三百多年以来,歌剧已经成为一种最吸引人的音乐娱乐形式。各具独特的魅力与和他有关的一些分不开咏叹调,歌唱家和角色,更不用说它的首映夜了。卡门,咪咪,维奥莱塔,特里斯坦无论是在现实中还是故事中,是什么样的人物能拥有一代又一代那么重视的观众呢?歌剧就是演唱出来的戏剧。它把声乐、器乐资源-独唱家、合奏,合唱团、乐队、芭蕾与诗歌、戏剧、表演、哑剧、舞台场景、还有戏服等办法融合起来。把多种元素融为一体并不简单,这一点一直让音乐史上一些最有聪明才智的人大伤脑筋。乍一看,歌剧似乎不太可能让观众那么容易相信它。因为它呈现给我们的是一些人沉浸在剧情中不用对话用歌声来表达感情。有理由问这样


13、观众形成强大的冲击。现实的逻辑在歌剧的舞台上被艺术超越现实的逻辑所替代,被音乐对心灵产生的力量所替代。Structure V.1. Paul couldnt dance, neither could he sing.2. My bother Joe never learned to swim, neither does he want to start now.3. I was not surprised at the news and neither were my family.4. Cathy had hardly said anything today, neither had her

14、 mother.VI.1. those2. those5. thatTranslation VIII.1.An opera is a drama that is sung. But they are not different in kind.2.He will give up the dreamonce he accepts the fact that he cant be a goodactor.3.Movie, opera, painting and poetry are all alluring forms of art.4.A special glamour of opera is

15、that it combines the resources of vocal andinstrumental music with other diverse elements into a unity.5.Mary does not like Ballet, nor does she like drama, not to mention opera.第十单元威廉?xx威廉?莎士比亚是世界上最伟大的剧作家和最好的用英语写作的诗人。他也是最受欢迎的作家。没有一个作家的作品像他那样被如此多的国家的人广为阅读。威廉莎士比亚比别的作家更理解人。他创作出人物所具有的意义超越了剧本反映的时间和空间。这些


17、的二十多年,他写了一系列的广受称赞的剧本,这些剧本大体上分三类,历史剧、喜剧、悲剧或悲喜剧。他的历史剧和戏剧都很成功。但是毫无疑问,莎士比亚的盛誉在于它在罗密欧与朱莉叶、澳赛罗和哈姆雷特等悲剧中对人物所作的深刻的探索。在统治了伦敦剧场20多年后,他回到了家乡,过着比较安逸的舒适的生活,直到1616年去世。Structure V.1. He was ill for about one month, which set him back a lot in his studies.2. It was raining hard, which kept us indoors.3. He said he

18、had lost the book, which was untrue.4. Jims first novel was published, which may hardly believe it.Translation 1. He found a good job shortly after he arrived America.2. Shakespeare is not only the greatest playwright but also one of the mostpopular poet in the world.3. The earth runs around the sun

19、 just as the moon runs around the earth.4. He lived in relative ease and comfort in the countryside.第十一单元假如你是个演员,在台上忘了自己的台词,那你会怎么办呢?机智的反应有些剧目十分成功,以致连续上演好几年。这样一来,可怜的演员们可就倒霉了。因为他们需要一夜连着一夜地重复同样的台词。人们以为,这些演员们一定会把台词背得烂熟,决不会临场结巴的,但情况却并不总是这样。有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。在最后一幕中,狱卒手持一封信上场,然后将


21、我得去把眼镜拿来。”他一边说着,一边匆匆下台。贵族感到非常好笑的是:一会儿工夫,狱卒重新登台,拿来一副眼镜以及平时使用的那封信,然后为那囚犯念了起来。Structure V.1. Mother insisted that we should be back before 9 in the evening.2. The teacher insisted that he should read the book once again before hewriting the report.3. The monitor insisted that we should put on a short p

22、lay at the Englishevening.4. The director insisted that the novel should be made into a film.VI.1. His reactions are so quick that no one can match him.2. He was so tired that he couldnt wake up .3. They are such wonderful players that no one can beat them.4. He is such a marvelous joker that you ca

23、nt help laughing.VII.1. went on working2. go on living3. went on to tell4. went on to showTranslation IX.1. Some movies are so successful that they run for months on end.你知道吗,第一批舞蹈大师是在意大利出现的,就连芭蕾这个词也起源于意大利语,源生于动词“舞蹈”。你还想多了解一些舞蹈的知识吗?舞蹈简史舞蹈的历史和人类在地球上生存的历史一样久,运动艺术是最古老的艺术之一,实际上这并不足为奇,因为我们周围的许多事物处于永恒的运动状



26、示而产生的,这种艺术在希腊宗教、教育和戏剧中起着举足轻重的作用。Structure V.1. Finding the door unlocked, I went into the kitchen.2. Hoping to find buried treasure, he entered the cave.3. Wanting to do something useful, she taught some school children French free.4. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made effo

27、rt not todamage it.Translation VIII.1. Customs vary greatly from country to country.2. The world population can be divided into 3 broad categories according to itsskin color.3. The origins of Fine Arts are rooted in the prehistoric past.4. In the childrens minds, summer is associated with picnics.5.

28、 Dance played an important part in Greek religion, education, and theatre.第十三单元着名勤奋的表演者,38岁的乌韦?素兹是芭蕾界赫赫有名的舞蹈指导兼芭蕾舞总监。为了心中的芭蕾在德国如果一家歌剧院被迫精简,通常是舞蹈演员首先感到压力。这便是莱比锡歌剧院的遭遇。有一个人对确保芭蕾舞团的存活功不可没。三十八岁的舞蹈指导兼芭蕾舞总监乌韦?素兹因全力挽救莱比锡芭蕾舞团及其对德国舞蹈事业的贡献刚刚获得着名的德国舞蹈大奖。身为古典舞及现代舞大师的乌韦?素兹被不少评论家誉为德国最佳舞蹈指导。他十八岁时发觉了自己对舞蹈的狂热,对此至今仍津

29、津乐道。乌韦:我接触舞蹈艺术就像处女成为母亲,完全是机遇使然。我想对这问题你可能会再问我一次。每当我编写舞蹈设计时,每当我想到莫扎特及其音乐时,每当我试着写出开始的几个舞步时,我便知道那是我的工作,是单纯的跳舞远不能及的。三十来岁的乌韦?素兹已有二十二年的国际事业。自91年开始他已是莱比锡芭蕾舞团的芭蕾舞总监兼主要舞蹈指导。他以自己对巴赫的创意是像睡美人这样的老掉牙的戏。Structure V.1. Henry couldnt take part in the sports meet because of his broken leg.2. We were sorry to hear that

30、 Mr. Davidson had to retire at the age of fiftybecause of his poor health.3. They didnt go to the concert because of the storm.4. Itwas because of the noise that I didnt fall asleep.VI.1. as far as I am concerned2. as far as the acting and music are concerned3. As far as ability is concerned4. As fa

31、r as we students are concernedTranslation VIII .1. I have made sure that her conclusion was based on the facts.2. Uwe Scholtz, master of classical and modern dance hailed by many reviewersas Germanys best choreographer.3. Im forced to do more or less everyballet evening myself.4. I bumped into Sally

32、 purely by chance.5. We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.第十四单元你看过电影卧虎藏龙吗?你知道谁是这部电影的导演吗?导演xx 卧虎藏龙在星期日(美国当地时间)赢得了四项学院奖,其中包括最佳外语片奖,最佳摄影奖,最佳艺术指导奖和最佳原创音乐奖。星期一,美国洛山矶的华裔们涌出家门为导演李安喝彩,激赏他通过电影使中国文化引人注目。1954年李安出生于台湾。他于1983年毕业于纽约大学电影制作专业。在第二个儿子出生时,他在银行里只有26美元的存款。李安在家里劳碌了六年,他一边打理家务,一边梦想着自己的电影制作事业。李安的父亲是个中学校长,他总是为儿子设定很高的标准。因此,李安知道他命里注定得做大事。第二个儿子出生的那天,他意识到自己再不能整天在家洗盘

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