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本文(新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing单词短语句型写作汇总.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing单词短语句型写作汇总.docx

1、新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit4 Sharing单词短语句型写作汇总Unit 4SharingReading and Thinking要点精研1. uniform n. 校服; 制服 adj. 一致的; 统一的*Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms. 不像我们国家的学生那样, 这里的孩子们不穿棉质校服。*(2019浙江高考)School uniforms are traditional in Britain, but some schools are starting to g

2、et rid of them. 在英国穿校服是个传统, 但是有些学校正开始摆脱它们。*For twenty minutes or so, our train seems to travel at a uniform speed. 大约二十分钟的时间里, 我们的火车似乎在匀速行驶。【语块积累】in uniform 穿制服school uniform 校服uniform speed 匀速; 等速uniform customs 统一惯例2. not to mention 更不用说; 且不说*There is no electricity, running water or even textbook

3、s, not to mention laptops, tablets, or other modern devices. 那儿没有电, 没有自来水, 甚至没有课本, 更别提笔记本电脑、平板电脑或者别的现代化设备。*The environment is clean and elegant, not to mention its high-quality dishes as well as its top service. 这里环境很干净很优雅, 更不用说它高质量的饭菜和顶级的服务了。*Jacks so lazy that he hates going for walks, let alone/m

4、uch less jogging. 杰克很懒惰, 所以他讨厌散步, 更别说是慢跑了。【语块积累】(1)not to mention. . . =not to speak of. . . =to say nothing of. . . 更不用说(2)let alone. . . =much less. . . 更不用说3. shade vt. 给遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把涂暗n. 阴凉处; 灯罩; 阴影部分* (2020 天津高考) Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his

5、voice. 在维尼说“是的”之前, 总 统匆忙接着说下去, 语气里有些许的歉意。*She raised her hand to shade her eyes from the sun. 她抬起手遮在眼睛上方以挡住阳光。*There stand some students in uniform in the shades. 阴凉处站着一些穿着校服的学生。【语块积累】(1)a shade of 少许, 微微shade sb. /sth. from sth. 为遮挡; 遮住in the shade 在阴凉处(2)shaded adj.林荫遮蔽的4. ripe adj. 成熟的; 时机成熟的*He

6、then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet potato), ripe corn, and greens. 随后, 他把热的石头放在一个装着kau kau(甜马铃薯), 熟玉米和绿菜叶的空油桶里。*(2020江苏高考) You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun topics that are ripe for others to add humor. 你可以把谈话引向有趣的话题, 而这些话题已经成熟, 可以为其他人增添幽默感。*To he

7、lp these fruits ripen faster, keep them on the counter for 2 to 5 days. 为了使这些水果成熟得更快, 要把他们放在柜台上2至5天。【语块积累】(1)(be) ripe for 时机成熟, 准备就绪ripe time 成熟的时机(2)ripen v. (使)成熟5. drag vt. 拖; 拽vt. &vi. 缓慢而费力地前行*My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. 当

8、我们拖拽着疲惫的身躯下山回家的时候, 我浑身肌肉疼痛, 膝盖在颤抖。*The climbers dragged along the dried river bed to find a shade. 攀爬者沿着干旱的河床慢慢前行寻找阴凉处。*Dont drag behind others, youll make us all late. 不要掉队, 你会让大家都迟到的。【语块积累】drag along 拖着脚走, 慢慢地行走drag away 将拉走; 将硬拖走drag behind 落在后面【熟词生义】Some old thoughts may act as a drag on the dev

9、elopment of the society. 一些旧思想可能会阻碍了社会的发展。 (阻碍)6. privilege n. 优惠待遇; 特权*Jo felt it was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family. Jo感觉与Tombe一家人度过一天的时间很荣幸。*(2019北京高考)Its such a privilege to be a part of these kids lives. 能够成为这些孩子生活中的一部分那也是一种特权。*Our members have the privilege of using th

10、e lending service of the library. 我们的会员享受这家图书馆借书服务的特权。*Here I feel greatly privileged to introduce to you my favorite onethe Dragon Boat Festival. 在这里, 我很荣幸地向你介绍我最喜欢的节日端午节。【语块积累】(1)have the privilege of doing/to do sth. 有的特权或荣幸its a/ones privilege to do sth. 做是特权或荣幸(2)privilege vt. 给予特权, 有特权feel pri

11、vileged to do sth. 荣幸地做某事7. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere. 前几天我正给孩子们展示一个化学实验, 我还不知道什么情况, 这种混合物从试管里冒出泡泡, 溅得到处都是。【句式解构】本句是be doing. . . when. . . 句型。when在句中作并列连词, 意为“这时(突然)”, 相当于and

12、then, and at that time。*He was doing his homework when the fire alarm began ringing. 他正在写作业, 这时火警响了。*I was lying awake on my bed when suddenly Sarah came inside and started screaming. 我正躺在床上还没睡着, 这时萨拉突然跑进来, 开始大喊大叫。【名师点津】突然发生的“when”when作并列连词, 意为“这时(突然)”的句型还有: (1)be about to do/be on the point of doin

13、g. . . when. . . 正要做什么的时候(突然)I was about to leave the room when he came in. 我正要离开房间时(突然)他进来了。(2)had done when 刚做完什么的时候(突然)I had just walked out of the kitchen when someone knocked at the door. 我刚从厨房出来, (突然)有人敲门。8. Later, I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire. 后来, 我注意到一个罐子倒置

14、在火上方的烤架上。【句式解构】本句是一个简单句。句中含有一个感官动词的复合结构, standing upside down on the grill over the fire为现在分词短语作宾语补足语; 常用于本结构的感官动词有notice, see, hear, feel, find等。*We were so happy that we didnt notice the water rising. 我们如此高兴以至于没注意到水位在上升。*I looked over my shoulder and saw the lady holding the quilt tightly. 我越过肩头看到

15、那个女士正紧紧地抱着棉被。*Suddenly, I found myself facing a difficult situation. 突然, 我发现我自己正面临着一个困难的处境。Learning About Language一、名词短语(NP)名词短语的构成: (限定词)+(形容词、形容词短语、描述性名词)+名词+(介词短语) 。在句中当作名词用, 一般用作主语、宾语、表语或宾语补足语。*More than 50 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally. (作主语)

16、报告称全球已有逾5 000万人感染了新 冠 病 毒。*(2020全国卷) A guide led us to the strawberry field. (作宾语补足语)一名向导领着我们到了草莓地。*Many people including doctors, nurses and scientists are real heroes. (作表语)很多人, 包括医生、护士和科学家是真正的英雄。【名师点津】名词短语中的限定词在名词短语的“构成”中, 限定词包括冠词(a/an/the)、指示代词(this、that、these、those等)、物主代词(my、your、his、her、our、th

17、eir等)和不定代词(some、no、neither、both等)。二、动词短语(VP)动词短语的构成: 1. 动词+副词; 2. 动词+介词; 3. 动词+副词+介词; 4. 动词+名词+介词; 5. 动词+名词等。在句中作谓语。*Putin said the vaccine has undergone proper testing and is safe. 普京说疫苗已经经过充分测试, 是安全的。*(2020新高考全国卷) Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills. 她的丈夫做两份工作来还账单。三、形容词短语(AdjP)形容词短语的构成:

18、 (副词)+形容词+(介词短语)。 在句中当作形容词用, 可以修饰名词或代词, 还可以用作表语或者宾语补足语。*(2020 天津高考) I have found you charming and intelligent. (作宾语补足语)我发现你很有魅力, 很聪明。*A Chinese painting show is always attractive. (作表语)国画展总是很有吸引力。四、副词短语(AdvP)副词短语的构成: (副词)+副词。在句中当作副词用可以修饰动词、形容词或副词。*(2020全国卷) He is so humorous, responsible and selfles

19、s that I respect and love him very much. 他如此幽默、负责任、无私以至于我非常尊重并喜欢他。*Equally importantly, we should develop a good habit of living. 同样重要的是, 我们应该养成一种良好的生活习惯。五、介词短语(PreP)介词短语的构成: 介词+宾语, 能充当介词后宾语的主要有名词、宾格代词、动词的-ing形式等。在句中作表语、定语或状语。*The worlds population is likely to peak at 9. 7 billion in 2064. (作状语)世界人

20、口可能会在2064年达到97亿的峰值。*(2020全国卷) Thanks to his efforts in epidemic prevention and control, our neighborhood has been in a good state. (作表语)幸亏他在疫 情 防 控方面做的努力, 才使得我们社区状况良好。Using Language要点精研1. disabled adj. 有残疾的; 丧失能力的*One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign

21、 from my job. 我的梦想之一就是在非洲工作, 在我退休后继续帮助残疾人。*(2020 天津高考) It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person. 它能产生一种致聋的声音让人感觉太痛苦以至于使人暂时性的残疾。*(2019全国卷)Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability. 一些职务需要15到24岁的学生, 或达到29岁的残疾人。【导图理词】【

22、名师点津】“the + 形容词”表一类人“the + 形容词”表示性质或特征相同的一类人, 如: the disabled残疾人, the deaf 聋人, the dead 死者, 和the blind 盲人此时, 谓语动词通常用复数形式。如: The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人不一定总比穷人幸福。2. resign vt. &vi. 辞职; 辞去*(2020 天津高考)Dr. Rowan, whose secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typ

23、ing. Dr. Rowan的秘书两周前辞职了, 所以他不得不自己打字。*He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job. 他从这家公司辞职以便能够从事更有挑战性的工作。*He has, by submitting his resignation, expressed his unhappiness with the governments decision. 他通过递交辞呈已表明对政府决定的不满。【语块积累】resign from 辞职; 辞去; 退出; 从辞职resignation n. 辞职; 放弃

24、; 辞职书; 顺从submit ones resignation 提出辞职3. deserve vt. 值得; 应得; 应受*(2020全国卷) There are many selfless people like Uncle Li around us, and they well deserve our respect. 我们身边有很多像李叔叔这样无私的人, 他们非常值得我们尊重。*(2019全国卷)Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the

25、 atmosphere of peace? 乞力马扎罗山是一座拥挤的山, 挤满了成群的游客, 破坏了它宁静的气氛, 它应得这样的声誉吗? *You deserve to pay attention to this kind of syndromes. 你应该关注这类症状。*What deserves to be mentioned most is the theme of the Reading dayReading Chinese Classics and Inheriting Chinese Culture. 最值得提到的就是阅读日的主题阅读中国经典, 继承中国文化。【语块积累】deser

26、ve consideration/attention/praise 值得考虑/注意/赞扬deserve to do sth. 应该做某事deserve doing=deserve to be done 应该/值得被【名师点津】deserve用法点拨(1)表示“很值得”, 用well修饰deserve。(2)后接动名词时, 动名词用主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于接不定式的被动形式。有此类用法的词还有: need, want, require等。4. tune n. 曲调; 曲子 vt. 调音; 调节; 调频道*It is a hit program on CCTV 3, where a lot

27、of classic Chinese poems are chanted in beautiful tunes. 它是CCTV 3的一档成功节目, 在节目中, 很多古典汉语诗歌用优美的曲调来吟诵。*After a short time, a violin goes out of tune, and sounds awful. 过了一会儿, 小提琴就会走调儿, 而且声音难听。*It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune. 他只是嗓音一般, 但唱得很合调。*Today, his change of direction seems more

28、in tune with the times. 今天, 他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。【语块积累】out of tune 走调; 不协调; (对某事)没有兴趣in tune 一致; 合调子in tune with (与)一致; (与)协调out of tune with (与)不一致; (与)不协调5. contract vt. 感染(疾病); 与订立合同(或契约)n. 合同; 契约*Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. 很多在中国很少见的危险疾病在坦

29、桑尼亚很容易感染。*Under the contract, he will have to resign if the sales go down. 词汇复现依据本合同, 如果销售下滑他将不得不辞职。*The director wanted the girl, however, she was under contract to Warner Brothers. 导演想要这个女孩, 但是那时她已经签约华纳兄弟公司。【语块积累】contract with 承包; 与订有合约under the contract 依据本合同(be) under contract to 已经与签订合同6. grant

30、 vt. 同意; 准许n. 拨款*It will be my pleasure to be their guide and grant them an unforgettable and worthwhile trip. 我很高兴担任他们的向导, 并给予他们一次难忘而又值得的旅行。*Another contributing factor is that Chinese students take parents financial support for granted. 另一个起作用的因素是中国学生把父母的金融支持视为理所当然。*(2019江苏高考)Human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions. 人类认为自己的大脑可以想出所有的解决办法。【语块积累】(1) grant sb. sth. 准予/给予某人某物(2)take sth. for granted 视某事为理所当然take it for granted that 理所当然地认为7. pray vi&vt. 企盼; 祈祷*All I could do was to pray every night for spring and for happier times to come as soon as possible. 我

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