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1、看电影学英语爱情故事看电影学英语-爱情故事爱情故事What can you say about a 25 year old girl who died?你能怎么描述一个25岁就去世了的女孩呢?That she was beautiful and brilliant?她曾经漂亮而且富有才气?That she loved Mozart and Bach?她喜爱莫扎特和巴赫?The Beatles?披头士?And me?还有我?Do you have this book? you have your own library.你们有这本书吗? -你以为是你自己的图书馆?Answer my questi

2、on. Answer mine first.回答我的问题。 先回答我的。Were allowed to use the Radcliffe library.我们是可以用这个瑞德克里夫图书馆的。Im not talking legality, Im talking ethics.我现在不说合法, 我要说的是合理。Harvards got five million books, Radcliffe a few thousand.哈佛有5百万册书, 瑞德克里夫只有几千册。I only want one. Ive got an hour exam tomorrow, damn it!我只要一本。我明天

3、要考试,该死的!Please watch your profanity, preppy.请注意你的脏话,预科生。Why do you think I went to prep school?你怎么会认为我是预科学校的?You look stupid and rich. Actually, Im smart and poor.你看起来愚蠢而又有钱。 确实,我是又聪明又穷。No, Im smart and poor.不,我才又聪明又穷。Why are you so smart? I wont have coffee with you.为什么你就聪明? 因为我不会和你一起喝咖啡。I wouldnt

4、ask you. Thats what makes you stupid.我也不会请你。 这就是你为什么愚蠢的地方了。Comp. Lit. 1 05. Not bad.不错。Music 1 50. Not bad. Music 201, thats a graduate course.音乐150。不错。 音乐201,那是研究生课程。Renaissance polyphony. Whats polyphony?文艺复兴时期的多调音乐。 多调音乐是什么?Nothing sexual, preppy.跟性无关,预科生。I told you, my name is Oliver.我已经跟你说了,我叫奥

5、利佛。First or last? first.姓还是名? 名。Oliver what? Barrett.奥利佛什么? 巴拉特。Barrett like the poet? Yeah, no relation.是和那个诗人巴拉特一样? 啊,但是不相关。Barrett like the hall? Yes.和那个巴拉特礼堂? 是的。Im having coffee with a Harvard building.我在和哈佛的房子喝咖啡。Im not Barrett Hall. My great grandfather just gave it to Harvard.我不叫巴拉特礼堂。那只是我曾祖

6、父送给哈佛的。So his notsogreat grandson could get in?所以他的不肖的曾孙子就可以进去?If you think Im a loser, why did you bulldoze me into buying you coffee?如果你认为我是个失败者 那你为什么还非要我给你买咖啡?I like your body.我喜欢你的人。I major in Social Studies. It doesnt show.我主修社会学。 看不出来。Its an honours programme. I know youve got a few brains.这是个

7、令人尊敬的科目。 我知道你不算太笨。Really? Youre hung up on me, arent you?真的? 你会打电话给我,是吗?Jenny? Yeah?珍妮? 怎么?Listen, you Radcliffe bitch. Theres a hockey game on Friday.听着,你这个瑞德克里夫的坏女孩, 星期五有一场冰球赛。So? I want you to come.那有怎样? 我想你来看看。Why would I go to a lousy hockey game?我为什么要去看令人恶心的冰球赛?Because Im playing. For which si

8、de?因为我要上场。 哪一边?Two minutes for number seven. Holding.七号,两分钟。 阻挡犯规。Penalty, Barrett, Harvard, Two minutes, Holding,犯规,巴拉特,哈佛, 两分钟,阻挡。Why are you here when your friends are playing?为什么你队友在比赛,你却坐在这儿?Im in the penalty box.我在被罚停。What did you do? I tried too hard.你作了什么? 我太使力了。Is that a big disgrace? Im tr

9、ying to concentrate.是不是很丢脸? 我要集中精力了。On what? On how Ill total that bastard.想干什么? 想怎么收拾那个杂种。Come on, Harvard, lets go!上呀,哈佛,快!Are you a dirty player? Would you ever total me?你是个糟糕的球员吗? 你是不是想要收拾我呀?I will right now if you dont shut up. Im leaving. Goodbye.如果你不住嘴我马上就会。 我要走了。再见。Barrett back in the game,

10、Harvard have full strength,巴拉特回到了场上, 哈佛充满了能量,And a goal, Ackerman, Assist, Barrett,进球,阿克曼, 助攻,巴拉特,Now Ive seen a hockey game. What did you like best?现在我已经看过比赛了。 你看我什么最棒?When you were On your ass. Thanks for coming.当你助攻的时候。 谢谢你能来。I didnt say you could kiss me.我没说过你能吻我。I was carried away. I wasnt.我已经忘

11、乎所以了。 我可没有。I may not call you for a few months,我可能几个月都不会打电话给你,or I might call you when I get back to my room.或许我回屋就找你。Bastard. you can dish It out, but not take it.烂人。 你可以滔滔不绝,但是不能不接。Hello, animals. Hey, Ollie.哈罗,禽兽们。 嗨,奥列。What did you get? An assist.怎么样? 一次助攻。Off Cavilleri? None of your business.对卡

12、芙里瑞? 不管你们的事。Im your roommate! Has Barrett got a new goodie?我可是你的室友! 巴拉特又有新猎物了?Jenny Cavilleri. Its a music type from Rhode lsland.珍妮 卡芙里瑞。 从罗德岛来的音乐家。I know her. Real tightass. Plays piano for the Bach Society.我认识她。真的很难搞定。 在巴赫社团弹钢琴的。What does she play with Barrett? Probably hard to get.那她和巴拉特搞什么? 或许很

13、难搞。Simpson. Up yours.辛普森,闭上你的嘴。That proves it.这就是了。Hello, Jen?是你吗,珍?What would you say if I told you. I think Im in love with you?如果我告诉你你会怎么说. 我想我爱上你了。Never say love if you dont mean it. Youre a known quantity.你不了解爱就不要说爱。 你的份量都知道。Meaning?什么意思?Youre known for quantity. At Radcliffe, every hall is Bar

14、rett Hall.你太出名了。 在瑞德克里夫,每一个礼堂都叫巴拉特礼堂。Youve been checking up on me. I wont dine outdoors with anybody.你已经调查过我了。 我从不和陌生人外出吃饭。Am I just anybody? What Do you think, preppy?我也是个陌生人? 你说呢,预科生?Youll have to fend for yourself this weekend.这个周末你得自己照顾自己了。Ill be mixing it up with Francis LaPierre.我会和弗朗西斯 拉皮埃尔一起

15、过的。Very funny. are you jealous?开玩笑。 吃醋了?Hes the captain of the Cornell hockey team.他是康奈尔冰球队的队长。Youve been reading the sports page.你也在看体育版。I wouldnt mind watching you play against Cornell.我并不介意看你对付康奈尔。No. Ill be involved.不。我会参加的。Oh, yeah. The Alllvy title.哦,是的。总冠军。More than the Alllvy title? a lot mo

16、re.比总冠军还多? 多得多。Cornell goal, Score tied, 33,康奈尔进球, 打平,3-3,Come on, man! Quit!让开!出局!Ill kick your ass back to Montreal!我一脚踢你屁眼到蒙特利尔去!Get up!起来!Youre out of the game, Barrett. Come on!你出局了,巴拉特。 来吧!Je vais te casser la gueule! Ill break yours before mine!-我要揍扁你!Come on, Barrett, get off the ice!别这样,巴拉特

17、,冷静!You Montreal faggots!你这个蒙特利尔的杂种!What?! Francis LaPierre started the fight!什么?!是弗朗西斯 拉皮埃尔先打的!Get in! Come on!进去!Five minutes for number seven. Fight.七号五分钟。打斗。Penalty, Barrett, Harvard, Five minutes for fighting,犯规,巴拉特,哈佛,打斗, 五分钟,You probably want a steak, son.你可能需要份牛排,孩子。No, thanks. The doctor to

18、ok care of it.不,谢了。队医会看的。I meant for your stomach, Oliver.我的意思是对你的胃,奥利佛。Im supposed to eat with the team. Oh, thats fine.我想和队友一起吃。 噢,好的。does your face hurt? no, sir.脸没事吧? 没事,先生。Jack Wells should take a look at it. Thats not necessary.应该让杰克 威尔斯看看。 没必要。Jacks a specialist. Its nothing special.杰克是专家。 没什

19、么要紧的。My cars there. Can I give you a lift? Ill walk you to your car.我的车在那边。要我载你一程吗? 我陪你走到车那儿吧。Have you heard from the Law School?你收到法学院的信了吗?I havent exactly decided on the Law School.我还没确定要去法学院。I was merely asking if the Law School had decided on you.我只是想问问法学院要你了吗?No. There really isnt any doubt.没有。

20、 真的没什么值得怀疑的。About what? the school needs good men like you.关于什么? 学校需要你这样优秀的人。They havent got a hockey team. You have other qualities, Oliver.他们没有冰球队。 你还有其他能力,奥利佛。Im sorry you had to see Harvard lose.我很抱歉让你看到哈佛输了。I came to see you play.我是来看你打球的。The Dean of the school is an old classmate.法学院的院长是个老同学.T

21、hats very nice, sir.很高兴见到你,先生。Goodbye. Goodbye, sir.再见。 再见,先生。Give my best to Mother. Yes, I will.代我向妈妈问好。 好的,我会的。Briggs Hall. Sandy Davidson.布瑞根斯 霍尔。姗蒂 戴维逊。Jennifer Cavilleri.珍妮弗 卡芙里瑞You have a call. Shes in the downstairs phone booth.你有个电话。 她在楼下的电话亭里。Where Is that? Around the corner.在哪儿? 转角。Would

22、you please. For Gods sake, Phil!好了好了. 看在上帝的份上,菲尔!Yes. Yeah, yeah, for the millionandoneth time, yeah!是的。好的,好的, 第一千零一次,好的!Absolutely! Oh, I love you, too, Phil.百分百的!噢,我也爱你,菲尔。Yeah, I love you, too.好啦,我也爱你。Goodbye.再见。What happened? You look terrible. Im injured.怎么啦?你看起来真糟糕。 我受伤了。Did you make the other

23、 guy look worse?那你是不是把别的家伙搞得更糟糕?I always make the other guy look worse.我总是把别的家伙搞的更糟糕。Jenny? Yeah?珍妮? 怎么?Whos Phil? My father.谁是菲尔? 我爸。You call your father Phil?你叫你爸菲尔?Its his name, what do you call yours? Sonofabitch.那是他的名字,你怎么叫你爸? 狗娘养的。to his face? I never see his face.当面? 我从不看他的脸。Why? does he wear

24、 a mask? in a way.为什么?他戴着面具? 从某种意义上来说是的。He must be proud. Youre a Harvard jock.他肯定很骄傲。 你是哈佛的卫兵。so was he. Bigger than Alllvy?他曾经是。 Bigger than All-lvy?He rowed single sculls in the 1 928 Olympics.他在1928年奥运会上划单人桨。did he win? No.赢了吗? 没有。Then Why Is he a sonofabitch? he leans On me.所以他就是个狗娘养的? 因为他要依赖我。

25、he makes me Do the right things. So?因为他让我做他认为对的事。 那又怎样?I dont like to have to put out X amount of achievement every term.我不喜欢每学期不得不达到多少多少成绩。You hate making the Deans list and being Alllvy!你会恨上院长的清单和成为总冠军!? You hate making the Deans list and being All-lvy!He expects no less, and when I come through,

26、he is so indifferent.他的期望没个完,就算我有一点成绩, 他也是不会看在眼里。Ridiculous! And what did he say after the game?荒谬! 比赛后他说什么了?He went all that way to watch you play?他总是那样来看你打球?After we blew the title and after I was nearly massacred,在我们的冠军泡汤后,在我几乎被宰掉后,do you know what he said to his son?你知道他怎么对他儿子说的吗?Whores in lthac

27、a? l know the Dean of the Law School.我认识法学院的院长。What did you expect him to say? How is your sex life?那你期望他说什么? ”你的性生活怎么样?Whose side are you on? I didnt know it was a war.你站在哪一边? 我可不知道这是场战争。You dont understand. More than you wish I did.你不明白。 总比你希望的多。Did the sonofabitch at least get lousy grades?这狗娘养的至

28、少该有个糟糕的学业吧?He was a Rhodes scholar. Theres a problem of overachievement.他是罗德斯学者。 那就是成绩好的过了头的问题了。Forget about it. Theres no problem. Right.算了吧。没有问题。 好吧。Do I call my father on the phone? Do I say, l love you, Phil?是不是要我在电话上叫我爸? 要我说,”我爱你,菲尔?No. There you are.不。 就是啦。And do you know why? Because his name

29、 is Oliver.你知道为什么吗? -为什么? -因为他的名字是奥利佛。The great Barrett Hall. Dont you salute when you pass it?巴拉特大礼堂。 你经过时不向它致意吗?Its ugly. Ive never been inside. Thats a mature attitude.它那么丑陋。我从来没进去。 那可不是个成熟的态度。Its not easy living with history.和历史活在一起可不轻松。how many have to cope with that? I could name two.有多少人应付得了哪

30、个? 我可以找到两个。Thanks.谢谢。Must you play music while we study?在我们学习的时候你一定要放音乐吗?Im studying the music, Its called Analysis of Form,我在学习这首乐曲, 它叫”形式的分析“,Yeah,好吧.Youll flunk if you just stare at me,如果你就这样光盯着我看, 你是及不了格的。Im not, Im studying, Bullshit, Youre looking at my legs,-我没有,我在学习。 -胡说,你在看我的腿,Youre not that great looking, I cant help if you think so,-你又没什么好看的, -如果你这么想我也没办法。Lets change the subject, I wasnt aware there was one,-让我们换个科目, -我没看出来刚才那算一项科目。You think that I wanted to make love to you,你以为我想和你做爱But Im not i

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