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1、学年度第一学期期末测试含答案初三英语2013-2014学年度第一学期阶段性测试九年级英语 本试题分为第1卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第1卷1-8页,第II卷9-12页,共120分。考试用时120分钟。第1卷(选择题共85分)注意事项:第1卷为选择题,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案写在试卷上无效。I听力测试A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分)1. A. I love playing with animals. B. Betty has many friends at

2、 school. C. Alice used to wear glasses.2. A. We are looking for our pet dog. B.Please help clean up the city park. C. You can look it up in a dictionary.3. A. This soccer ball must be Johns. B. He didnt invite me to his party. C. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams.4. A. Would you Iike to be a volunt

3、eer? B.Did you see a movie last Sunday? C. Could you tell me tlie way to the bank?5. A. Where would you like to go on vacation? B.What rules do you have at home? C. How was the umbrella invented?B)在录音中你将听到五段对话。请选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。(5分)C)在录音中,你将昕到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及 问题听两遍。(5分)11. A. Li Pi

4、ng. B.Wei Ming. C. Wang Lin.12. A.3 years. B.5 years. C.9 years.13. A. Canada. B.America. C. Australia.14. A. In 2008. B.In 2009. C.In 2010.15. A. Because he wants to travel around the world. B. Because he wants to read more English books. C. Because he wants to find a job in a foreign countryD)在录音中

5、,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及 问题听两遍。(5分)16. A. Black. B.Yellow. C. White.17. A. Playing with a cat. B.Playing with a ball. C. Playing computer games.18. A. It was cold. B.It was windy. C. It was hot.19. A. To watch the jacket. B.To wash the jacket. C. To take the jacket home.20. A.In the house

6、. B.Under the tree. C. Under the bed.II读音选词根据所给句意和音标,从每题A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)21. Could you plcase _ me your pencil?A. land B. lead C. lend D. black22. What time did the sun _ this morning?A. race B. rise C. rush D. rice23. Last month, I cut my finger by accident, and it _ for a few days.A. ho

7、t B. heat C. height D. hurt24 I _ if you can help me with my English.A. wonder B. winner C. window D. weather25. You can find many different kinds of fish in the _ A. autumn . B. ancient C. attention D. oceanIII选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)26. Id like to travel to exciting place on vacation. A.

8、a Ban C. the D.27. I want to have a hamster, but my parents wont let _ have one. A. me B. he C* my D. mine28. I think somebody took away your umbrella _ mistake. A. at B. fll C. to D. by29. -1 need to buy some envelops and stamps. -Theres a _ on Center Street. A. library B. hospital C. postoffice D.

9、 policestation30. - _ were you supposed to arrive at the park? -At eight thirty. But I was late. A. How B. When C. Who D. What31. My.grandpa is a little _ . We have to speak in a loud voice if we want him to hear us. A. hungry B. deep C. deaf D. blind32. -Is this Carols backpack? -It _ be hers. Her

10、backpack is blue, but this is a black one. A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant33. Please dont eat too much junk food, _ it may taste good. A. because B. although C. so D. but34. -1 think teenagers should be allowed to hang out with friends. . Parents shouldnt be too strict with their children. A. I agr

11、ee B. I dont think so C. Not at -all D. I disagree35. -Would you like some candy? -Yes, please. I like the _ taste. A. scary B. sour C. sweet D. Sfttty 36. I _ half an hour reading English newspapers after dinner. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend 37. -Do you often pLay football, David? -Not very ofte

12、n. In fact, basketball is _ than football in the USA A. very popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular . 38. My parents and I are _ interested in music. We often go to the concert on weekends. A. all B. both C. either D. neither 39. I hope you wont give up _ English. lts a very use

13、ful language. A. learn B. learning C. tolearn D. Iearnt 40. -I _ London on vacation. -Really? Have a good time! A. visit B. visited C. amvisiting D. havevisited 41. The woman loves animals and she does her best _ those homeless animals. A. tohelp B. toeat . C. tohurt D. tokill 42. -Is that a scoop,

14、Tony? -Yes. It _ scooping really cold ice cream. A. use to B. used to C. is used to D. is used for43. My brother and I overslept this morning. The atarm clook didnt _ A. take off B. go off C. put off D. get off44. Which of the following. products has the slogan For the shiniest hair ever?45. We foun

15、d _ in the house. It was empty. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing46. -Do you like these songs? -Yes, they are really beautiful. I like music _ has great lyrics. A. what B. that C. who D. where47. Tina fell into the water when she was walking along the river with her friends. It made

16、her _ very embarrassed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel 48. My mother bought a T-shirt for me and a skirt for _ A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself 49. - _ cold day! -Yes. The radio says that it will be colder tomorrow. A. What B. How C. Whstta D. How 50. We _ the signs on the wall so th

17、at all the students could see it. A. Put up B. Get up C. Show up D. Iook up 51. Jam is a Taiwan pop singer. He has _ fans. . A. thousand of B. a thousand of C. two thousands D. thousands of 52. -We went to the amusement park yesterday. _ _ A. So do l B. So l do C. So did l D. So l did 53. -Are you _

18、 the dark? -Oh, yes. I always go to sleep with the iight on. A. able to B. afraid of C. interested in D. good with 54. Please _ your spelling. Youve dropped a d in the word Wednesday. A. look after B. look up C. take care of D. pay attention to 55. -Could you please tell me _ ? -Last Saturday. A. wh

19、en you had the party B. when did you have the party C. when will you have the party D. when you will have the party IV.完形填空阅读短文, 从每题 A. B. C. D四个选项中.选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案(10分) Sandy took part in a charity walk last week. The 56 was organized by the local government. They wanted to raise money for the

20、 chilciren in 57 areas. Sandy was very excited because this was 58_ first time to join this kind of activity. One month before the walk, Sandy began to practice hard. She ran for 30 minutes before she went to bed at 9:00 pm every day, and she 59the mountain every Saturday and Sunday. She hoped that

21、she could be strong enough 60 the walk. Finally the day came. When Sandy arrived at the square where the walk was to start, she was surprised to _61_ that over l. 000 people had got there. The walk started at 8:00 am. During the walk, the volunteers from Iocal charities provided some _62_, drinks an

22、d first aid for the walkers. The walkers helped each other when they were in trouble. It was a good chance for them to learn 63 to work together. They finished the walk at 6:00 pm. They were tired; 64 they were very happy. Sandy hoped to have more opportunities to take part in this kind of activity

23、in the future. And she 65 hoped that more and more people would take part in events like this.56. A. meeting B. walk C. party D. game57. A. cold B. sunny C. rich D. poor58. A. my B. your C. his D. her59. A. watched B. cleaned c. climbed D. walked60. A. for B. on C. from D. to61. A. give B. see C. re

24、ad D. win62. A. food B. time C. money D. miIk63. A. what B. who C. how D. where64. A. because B. but C. unless D. so65. A. still B. never C. only D. alsov.补全对话,阅读对话,从每题A. B. C. D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成对话(5分)A: I am hungry,Amy.B: Me foo. 。 66.A: Yeah. Ldts go to tl-te Rockins Restaurant. 67B: Oh, Tina. I ha

25、te the Rockins restaurant.A: Why? . 68B: Yes, the food is fine. But those awful pictures on the walls make me sad, and the loud music makes the tense.A: OK 69B: Lets go to the Blue Lagoon. The soft music there makes me relaxed.A: Not for me. 70 66. A. Where are you from? B. Hows it going? C. why not

26、 gat something to eat? D. Why not get her a scarf? 67. A. I love their hamburgers. B. I want to be an actor. C. I drink milk every day. D. Id like to work outside. 68. A. Its an interesting movie. isnt it? B.You have a brother, dont you? C. The books are cheap. arent they? D.The food there is great,

27、 isnt it? 69. A. So where do you want to go? B.So whats your favorite animal? C. So how do you get to school? D. So how often do you exercise? 70. A.I love soft music. B.It makes me sleepy. C.It was delicious. D. It sounds阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题 或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(15分) A Tina L

28、in was not like many of her classmates. She didnt listen to popular music. She didnt enjoy popular movies. And even she wasnt interested in nice clothes. When she got together with her friends, they wanted to listen to rock and pop music. When Tina asked if they would like to try some classical musi

29、c, they all looked at her in surprise. Classical music is for old people, one of them said. Tina was worried that something was wrong with her. She decided to talk with her father. Am I strange, Dad? Tina asked him. Of course not, her father answered, Why do you think so? Because I dont like the sam

30、e things as my classmates. What they like cant interest me atall. “l think I understand what you mean. Tina, it is all right to be your own person. You dont have to copy what other people do. People have different tastes. After the talk with her father, Tina felt better about herself She realized no

31、w that being different made her special. It was an important lesson for her to learn.71. What did Tina like to do? A. Listen to rock music. B. Buy nice clothes. C. Copy her classmates. D. Listen to classical music.72. Why did Tina talk to her father? A. To tell him about the pop music. B. To discuss her problem. C. To complain about her classmates. D. To give him some advice.73. How did Tina feel after the talk? A. Lonely. B. Confused. C. Excited. D. Bet

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