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1、年高三第一轮复习资料完全版英语高三第一轮复习资料 英语参考答案Module 1 Unit 27. 1)leave him in charge of the matter 2)leave them outside 3)leave him waiting outside 4)left her tochoose 5)Leave this to me 6)Is there any water left in the bottle 7)leave the windows firmly fastened8. 1)对付 2)处理 3)治理 4)do with 5)deal with9. 1)come 2)g

2、et 3)turned 4)became 5)growing10. 1)调高声音 2)出现 3)turn to 4)turned out 5)turned;on 6)turn into 7)turned down11. 1)in the charge of 2)in charge of 3)in;charge 4)in the charge of12. 1)Now that you are ready 2)Now that the rain has stopped 3)on condition that 4)so that 5)Nowthat 6)in that13. 1)应当,应该 2)一般

3、认为 3)is supposed to wear a seat belt 4)are not supposed to smoke句型篇1. 1)Seeing 2)Seen_漢 3)F 4)原因状语 5)时间状语2. 1)with his hands behind his head 2)with;growing 3)supporting 4)to solve 5)solved30 分钟实战演练1. argument 2. relationship 3. spare 4. suggest 5. charge 6. vacation 7. valuable 8. boring9. forbidden

4、 10. excuse 11. boring 12. explanation 13. differs 14. close;closely 15. arguing 16. makes2高三第一轮复习资料 英语参考答案17. valuable 18. forbade 19. unpunished 20. suggestions 21. No matter what 22. as if they were crazy23. allowed me to meet 24. How;deal with 25. Now that 26. is in charge of 27. sounds reasonab

5、le28. were supposed to 29. stayed up 30. insist on 3135 DBADC 3640 CADACModule 1 Unit 3词汇篇一重点词汇回顾课标内重点单词:1. weight;weigh 2. gym;gymnast;gymnastic;gymnastics 3. failure;fail 4. contain;container5. exact 6. exercise 7. attractive;attract 8. touching;touch 9. pressure;press 10. effect;effective11. achi

6、evement;achieve 12. recognize 13. regular;regularly 14. system 15. relaxed;relax 16. sugges tion;suggest 17. harmful;harm 18. operation;operate 19. actress;actor 20. ability;able课标内重点短语:1. work out 2. be on a diet/ go on diets 3. in secret 4. be embarrassed about 5. fall out 6. put on weight7. along

7、 with 8. in the long term 9. as a matter of fact 10. in no time 11. hear from 12. stay healthy13. lose weight 14. follow one s advice 15. meet with/ come across 16. take in 17. give up 18. a goodamount of 19. concentrate on 20. be dying to do / for二词汇的用法讲解与操练1. 1)I am considering going to see a film

8、. 2)We consider him (as/ to be)a kind man. 3)He was consid ered to have let out the secret. 4)We consider it foolish to accept his invitation.2. 1)T 2)F;v ing 3)冒险做某事 4)冒着的风险 5)advise,admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,delay,enjoy,escape,finish,imagine,mind,practise,suggest,miss3. 1)v. 停留,留在 2)v. 保持(状态

9、) 3)v. 逗留,暂住 4)n. 逗留,逗留时间 5)stays/ remains6)remains 7)stay 8)remained_4. 1)The place is worth visiting. / The place is worthy to be visited. 2)The place is worth visiting. / Theplace is worthy of being visited. 3)adj. + ndo. ing 4)adj. + toof bbeeindgondeone 5)considering / consideration6)of being c

10、onsidered / to be considered / of consideration 7)reading 8)being read 9)be read5. 1)数数 2)很重要 3)有价值 4)依靠,指望6. 1)contains 2)contains 3)includes 4)contain 5)contains;including7. 1)that I had 2)shame 3)shameful8. 1)affect your eyesight 2)affect low income families 3)take effect 4)have an effect 5)put i

11、ntoeffect 6)In effect9. 1)concentrate more on education and common people s lives 2)同学们全力以赴为即将到来的考试作准备10. 1)锻炼身体 2)计算出 3)弄明白,弄清楚 4)计划好 5)(事情)进展顺利,成功11. 1)did they find 2)At one time 3)should we give up 4)at times 5)at a time12. to have her own room;for her own room13. 1)脱落 2)争吵 3)fall down 4)fall ov

12、er 5)fall behind 6)fall back句型篇1. 1)as they are 2)as you are2. 1)have 2)did 3)will3. 1)F;Since 2)since she started her new job conj. 3)Since when prep. 4)ever since adv.30 分钟实战演练1. Following 2. recovering 3. damage 4. failures 5. properly 6. stranger 7. exact 8. operation3高三第一轮复习资料 英语9. attractive 1

13、0. weight 11. is dying to 12. works out 13. be embarrassed about 14. in secret 15. followedhis teacher s advice 16. is popular among / with 17. but watching TV also has many side effects 18. If you donot go to school regularly 19. along with a letter 20. A large amount of damage 21. they haven t los

14、t their hopefor the marriage 22. follow his suggestion(s),aren t you 23. recognize him in no time 2428 DABCB2933 BAAADModule 1 综合能力测试篇15 DABCA 610 BDCDA 1115 BCBDC 1620 ABDAC 2125 ACADA 26. telephone27. necessary 28. emergency 29. waste 30. harmful 31. except/ but 32. opinions/ views 33. Problems34.

15、 nobody 35. hurriesOne possible version牶Nowadays,as a form of advertisement,the _product placement appears more frequently in movies. Some people find itdisturbing and propose that it should be banned. Lately,our class have held a heated discussion. Opinions differ greatly.Some students oppose the p

16、roposal. They state that the product placement is embedded in the context of the film.Therefore,viewers are likely to accept naturally the product the ad promotes. Besides,due to the product placement,film producers are able to get more fund,which may contribute to the films with higher standard.How

17、ever,others stand on the opposite ground. They argue that too much product placement irritates viewers.What s worse,some placement has nothing to do with the development of the plot,which has consequently ruined agood film.As far as I am concerned,the product placement is a good way of promotion. It

18、 can even contribute to a goodfilm only if the ads are chosen carefully,well suited to the context and help develop the plot.Module 2 Unit 1词汇篇一重点词汇回顾课标内重点单词:1. tale 2. unexplained 3. explanation;explain 4. puzzled;puzzling 5. witness 6. research 7. frighten;frightening 8. case 9. possibility;possib

19、le;possibly;impossible 10. murder;murderer 11. progress12. convincing;convinced;convince 13. evidence 14. treasure 15. disappoint;disappointed;disappointing;disappointment 16. lately 17. similar;similarity 18. national 19. strength 20. support 21. exist;existence22. disappear;disappearance;appear课标内

20、重点短语:1. due to 2. step up 3. according to 4. show up 5. rule out 6. look into 7. make up 8. take chargeof 9. run after 10. on average 11. put on CD 12. do research on 13. play a joke 14. search for 15. besimilar to 16. make great progress二词汇的用法讲解与操练1. 1)puzzling 2)puzzled 3)puzzle 4)puzzling2. 1)事情

21、2)案件 3)情况 4)病例 5)箱包 6)in case 7)in case of 8)In no case can 9)Inthat case 10)In any case3. 1)没击中 2)理解错了 3)思念 4)小姐 5)gone 6)lost 7)missing 8)lost / missing4. 1)A 2)_A 3)B 4)convincing;convinced 5)convinced 6)to convince5. 1)strength 2)strengthened 3)strong 4)force 5)power 6)strength6. 1)赞同,支持 2)支撑 3)

22、供养,资助 4)证明某事物7. 1)searched the thief 2)searched the house for 3)are searching for/ are in search of/ are in their search for4)to search for/ in search of4高三第一轮复习资料 英语参考答案8. 1)exists on other planets 2)existed on a bottle of water for 5 days 3)existed 4)existence9. 1)Any witnesses to the traffic acci

23、dent 2)witnessed the air crash 3)witnessed great changes10. 1)was very disappointed with what he had done 2)was really disappointed at/ about not being able to3)were disappointed to find the park closed 4)disappointment 5)disappointed 6)disappointing11. 1)应该给你 2)由于 3)预计,预期应该12. 1)由组成 2)构成 3)编造 4)化妆

24、5)和好 6)弥补 7)铺床13. 1)穿上 2)带着(的表情) 3)表演 4)播放 5)put up 6)put on 7)put off 8)put upwith 9)put into practice 10)put forward14. 1)调查 2)向里面看 3)is looked up to 4)Look out 5)look back on 6)look up 7)lookforward to 8)look through 9)look down upon句型篇1. 1)He does like sports. 2)Yesterday he did accomplish the t

25、ask on time. 3)Never speak to your parentsin that way.2. 1)Sitting on the sofa was a fashionable lady who was reading a magazine. 2)Gone are the days when weoften played together in the fields. 3)They arrived at a big tree,under which sat a little girl. 4)Between;hung3. 1)It was reported that 2)was

26、likely to be30 分钟实战演练1. due 2. puzzled 3. outer 4. mysterious 5. support 6. average 7. similar 8. evidence 9. research10. progress 11. frightened;frightening 12. disappointment 13. possibility 14. disappearance 15. studying16. has been raining 17. has been reading 18. made 19. in search of 20. show

27、up 21. step up 22. wentmissing 23. rule out;made up 24. went missing 25. are due to;result from;result in/ lead to/ contribute to26. is;since;has been 27. ran into 28. supplied/ offered;to 2933 ABCAD 3438 CAABDModule 2 Unit 2词汇篇一重点词汇回顾课标内重点单词:1. adventure;adventurous;adventurer 2. including;include;

28、included/ inclusive 3. total;totally 4. reach5. supply;provide/ offer 6. common;rare 7. bite;bit;bitten 8. envy;envied;envied;envious;jealous9. interview;interviewer;interviewee 10. official 11. silence;silent 12. perfect;perfectly 13. publish;pub lisher;a publishing house / company 14. government;g

29、overn;governor 15. claim 16. surround;surrounding;surroundings 17. vast;big;huge;large;enormous 18. mild 19. form 20. harmony;harmonious 21. aston ishing 22. actually课标内重点短语:1. in the dark 2. in case 3. upside down 4. get close to 5. look forward to (doing)sth. 6. tower over7. scare sb. away 8. on c

30、lear nights 9. feel sick 10. at dawn 11. be tired of sth. 12. be in harmony with13. endless natural treasures 14. fall down to the ground 15. watch the sunrise 16. set off 17. run out18. hold a tourism festival 19. be disappointed at 20. in total silence二词汇的用法讲解与操练1. 1)envy you your journey 2)the en

31、vy of his friends 3)out of envy 4)with envy 5)envious of2. 1)interviewed 2)interviews 3)interviewer 4)interviewees3. 1)to take actions 2)声称 3)索赔 4)认领 5)夺去4. 1)surrounded 2)surrounding 3)surroundings5. 1)scares 2)scary 3)scared 4)scare5高三第一轮复习资料 英语6. 1)the water supply has been cut off 2)in rather short supply 3)food,medicine and other supplies4)supplies 5)provides 6)offers 7)to provide / supply7. 1)Common sense 2)the common people 3)have something in common with him 4)common5)general 6)usual 7)normal 8)ordinary8. 1)for fear that 2)in case (that) 3)In case of 4)for fear of9. 1)O

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