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本文(山西省临汾第一中学学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、山西省临汾第一中学学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题临汾一中2018-2019学年度高二年级第二学期期中考试英语试题 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间100分钟。第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)AReusable straw with cleaner & caseThis stainless steel straw is a good product to replace single-use straws. The straw folds into four, meaning you can carry

2、 it in your pocket. Its also easy to clean, thanks to the supplied brush. You can get it now for just $24.99,thats 50% off. Aduro Homedome Smart Outlet(插座)This new product fits in any outlet and allows you to control the power supply through your phone. This means you can cut your energy use, from l

3、ights to heaters. The Aduro is now 60% off at just $19.99.Omega AXL Inkless PenMillions of ballpoints are made and thrown away each year. The Omega AXL is a green replacement-this amazing pen puts down perfect lines using a special kind of aluminium. It never runs out and your drawings will always s

4、tay clear and tidy. Worth $39.99, the Omega pen is now discounted to $29.99. Altgalley chopsticksDisposable chopsticks are another example of unnecessary waste. The Altgalley chopsticks are better for the planet, and they wont affect the taste of your dish. In addition, they are specially designed s

5、o they will stand upright. This makes sure that the chopsticks stay clear of restaurant-table dirt. You can get a pair now for $11.99, saving 33 percent on the usual price.1. Which product offers the highest discount ?A. Reusable straw. B. Altgalley chopsticks.C. Omega AXL Inkless Pen. D. Aduro Home

6、Dome Smart Outlet. 2. What do we know about the Omega AXL Inkless Pen?A. It can be used for a very long time. B. It is a kind of ballpoint pen.C. It can be easily erased. D. It can stand upright.3. What do the four products have in common?A. They can be connected to smart phones.B. They are widely p

7、opular with families.C. They are environmentally friendly.D. They are easy to carry and clean.B Simpson is 53, “not sporty” and has suffered from asthma all her life. Two years ago her son Jay, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛). “I enjoyed watching him and thought Id like to try it,” Simpson recalls. “But

8、 I didnt want to embarrass myself. I hadnt ridden for over 40 years.” Then she noticed a session for women and girls at Burgess Park BMX Track in Peckham, south-east London, where Jay trained. This season Simpson raced at the London BMX series and finished third in her category. “It was the most wor

9、rying experience of my life. But it was also exhilarating,” she says cheerfully. “My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.” Since becoming part of the Olympic Games in 2008, the popularity of BMX has risen. A program introduced in London in 20

10、11 by the sports development charity Access Sport has seen tracks built in several London regions, backed up with investment in coaching, and the program is being rolled out to Bristol.Wrights children Skye, 11 and Xander, 10 are sponsored riders who have represented Great Britain in every world cha

11、mpionship since 2014. Wright says she was motivated to start BMX herself out of an interest aroused by watching so much of it. “Its an eye-opener to share your childrens interests,” she explains. “You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your relati

12、onship.”It is also a high-impact sport and the risks are fairly obvious. “I totally get the fear,” says Emma, 51, a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “Its the fear of doing something new, of getting hurt. But I say Come and give it a try. The chance of having an accident is slim, and you ca

13、n spend time on the flat to improve your confidence.”4. What can we learn about Simpson from the first two paragraphs?A. She tended to be inactive.B. She performed poorly in the race.C. She used to feel awkward in public.D. She trained at Burgess Park BMX Track.5. What does the underlined word “exhi

14、larating” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Annoying. B. Convincing. C. Thrilling. D. Challenging. 6. What benefit did Simpson and Wright get from BMX?A. More life skills. B. Stronger will. C. More confidence in themselves. D. Better parent-child relationship.7. What does Emma think of BMX?A. Risky but actuall

15、y secure. B. Demanding but open to all.C. Competitive but instructive. D. Pleasant but time-consuming.CFashions have a lot of rules. Most of them, however, are just wrong. But theres one rule that goes beyond tradition and into the field of scientific study of the brain: Black clothes are slimming.

16、It all comes down to how your visual system processes the light. The below holes in each square are the same in size, yet the white hole looks bigger than the black hole. In the 1500s, Galileo Galilei noticed that some of the planets looked larger when viewed with the naked eye than they did when vi

17、ewed through a telescope, making the white light of Venus appear eight to ten times larger than Jupiter in the night sky. He knew something strange must be going on with his vision to cause this illusion, but he wasnt sure what it was. Luckily, scientists never stopped wondering, and in 2014, they f

18、igured it out.Our visual system operates via two main channels: “on” neurons (神经元) that are sensitive to light things and “off ” neurons that are sensitive to dark things. When it came to the dark “off ” neurons, the researchers found that they responded predictably to dark shapes on a light backgro

19、und the greater the contrast between the two, the more active these neurons were. But the light on”neurons behaved unpredictably. Even with the same amount of contrast, light objects on a dark background caused a greater response in these neurons.This phenomenon makes some sense, evolutionarily spea

20、king. In the dark of night, youd want to be able to take in every bit of light you can get, so a visual system that enlarges light objects on a dark background could be very useful. However, its not that hard to see dark objects in the light of day. It has some effects in the colors of your clothes

21、and in the appearance of the planets - the brighter appearance of Venus in the night sky makes it look bigger than the darker Jupiter.8. Which of the following might Galileo Galilei agree with? A. The neurons led to the difference.B. There was something wrong with his telescope.C. The difference was

22、 caused by his visual illusion.D. Things were bigger when seen through telescopes.9. What do we know about the “off ” neurons?A. They are sensitive to light objects.B. Their behavior cant be predicted.C. They behave differently from person to person.D. Their activeness improves with the contrast of

23、colors.10. What can be concluded from the last paragraph? A. The phenomenon makes people feel puzzled. B. People manage to take in every bit of light in the dark.C. The phenomenon is beneficial to peoples evolution.D. Dark objects become smaller in the light of day. 11. What can be a suitable title

24、for the text?A. What visual illusions bring to peopleB. Why we look thinner when in blackC. How we are affected by the fashion rulesD. Whether peoples visual system is differentDIf youve been in public in the past year or so, chances are youve noticed someone breaking dining etiquette(礼仪) that would

25、 seem second-nature to any adult. Why does our dining etiquette seem to be at an all-time low right now.“Overall, there is much less feeling about the common good, which means caring about your neighbor-whether at home or in a restaurant,” said Steven, who writes articles for USA Today.Take the use

26、of cellphone at the table for example. While a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 38 percent of those surveyed thought it was acceptable to use their phones while dining out, the increasing number of cellphone bans in restaurant shows that restaurants arent putting up with it.However,

27、 some look on the growing use of cellphones as a sign that manners change alongside our society.“Manners change,” said the writer behind a food site The Takeout. “What we consider improper isnt set in stone.” She points out the other “rules” that have since become outdated nowadays, like saying “Sir

28、” and “Maam,” as proof of this change.Yes, traditional manners are yet another thing being redefined by youth. “Younger people are growing up in a world with more flexible rules, and this spreads to the dining table,” said Daniel Levine, director of global trends consultancy The Avant-Guide Institut

29、e.Whether you prefer high-end restaurants or a fast-casual meal, the biggest reason behind the decline of manners may just be a numbers game.“I believe it is more likely for people to break dining rules because they go out and eat more often,” said Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Tex

30、as. “Years ago, people stayed home and sat around the family table. Today, there are more people in the workforce, which makes it more affordable for socializing and eating out. With new chance comes the possibility for more dining problems.”12. What did the 2015 survey find?A. Many people accepted

31、using phones at the table.B. Cellphones were banned in more and more restaurants.C. Most of the surveyed people used phones while eating out.D. Few restaurants took positions on using phones while eating.13. Why was the example of “Sir” and “Maam” mentioned?A. To show modern people are becoming impo

32、lite.B. To explain dining rules in high-end restaurants.C. To prove dining etiquette changes through time.D. To argue young people are making dining rules today.14. According to Diane Gottsman, people forget their dining manners more often because_.A. they think they are unimportant.B. they grew up with flexible rules.C. they have more chances to eat out.D. they must hurry meals to get back to work.15. Whats the authors

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